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User ID: 1378



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User ID: 1378

This is the only image you need to understand the 2 hr documentary and the 2000 word blog.

India is not western civilization. The west permanently conquered every civilization except India.

In the eyes of the west, there are only 3 major civilizations - Abrahamic, Chinese and Indian. African and Native American cultures get a lot of praise, but only because they are considered to be ideologically harmless. The west sees Chinese and Indian civilizations as threats.

China is wierd. First, China nuked its own civilization and replaced it wholesale with communism (an explicitly western construct). Second, China was isolated (hard to access information on internal suffering) and became successful (harder to critisize). Lastly, China became an enemy. There was no reason to use dirty methods for critisizing China, because you could now be aggressive over the table. "Every Chinese person is a spy. Ban their brands. Sanction them to death, etc. etc.". It helps that China's population is in steep decline, where they might self-own themselves into extinction anyway.

India on the other hand remains an intact competiting (well, not so successfully) civilization that isn't an enemy. It has preserved its civilizational values. And if you're American, the Indian diaspora appears to be ascendant. Indians here are rich and peaceful citizens. They are now becoming powerful. And worst of all, for the first time, they are getting portrayed as cool (Monkeyman, RRR, list goes on).

If you are a 4channer, it gets your blood boiling. The short, meek and unsexy Chinese and India kids from school are now doing better. You (the socially madadjusted western dude) are better than them and you know it. You gotta hate. China is easy. Your President has given you a free pass to hate on China. But, hate for Indians has to be packaged into something more 'underground'.

Now, you're in luck. Because as great as the Indian diaspora is doing, India SUCKS. It is poor, and has 1.6 billion people. It sucks as much as any country in its socioeconomic class. It is 1.6 billion people, in poverty, with an uncensored internet and decent handle on English. There is so much content. Every time you show India as worse, it makes you feel a little better about falling behind your local Indian diaspora.

The hatred has become even more prominent now that India is ascendent (from an admittedly low base). You don't beat someone while they're down. But if they're starting to do better and a little too unusually proud of if, they're ripe pickings.

India is the best country to be portrayed as the worst in the world. India is civilizationally distant (so ciriticisms aren't self-owns). India is ascendent (so it is a threat). Indians near you are rich (so it is okay to make fun of them). It has no consequences (unlike China or Muslims, where such a documentary would have implications) and there is an ounce of truth to it (India is still very poor).

My dream in life is to under-go a public cancellation. It means you are threating enough and your competition has ran out of ideas. They're pulling out every dirty weapon to bring you down, and if you make it out this. You're part of the ruling class for good. An inevitable 'rite of passage'. India seems to be facing (very very) early signs of something like this. If the Indian economy keeps growing, I predict this kind of hatred is about to get a LOT LOT worse before it gets better.

To every Indian, I have the same advice. Everything is a dick measuring contest. Grow a bigger (economic) penis. Your economic penis is the only thing that matters. Until then....sucks to be us.


The leading image would be confusing to an Indian. India's economic tumble began during the early mughal rule, and was decimated through colonial times. Post independence, India was left in the hand of west-sympathizers and socialists (Nehru's Congress). They systematically eliminated any sign of Hinduism from Indian governance and politics. To any Indian, India's 'hindu era' begins post 2014.

I exclusively blame the Nehru for India's urban decay. Nehru was a 20th century white cambridge professor in Indian skin. The worst part is, like most leftist educated white men in power, he was well meaning, of sound thought and well spoken. Makes it hard to hate on him. I wish he was more like a Trudeau or Rahul Gandhi. Lot easier to carricature.



Because America bombed the ever living shit out of Japan and "Islam" in its recent history. These people have been squarely defeated.

The Japanese went from suicidal bombers capable of the worst massacres on planet earth (rape of Nanjiang) to the most docile in 1 generation.

Islam.... well, some times you don't have to critisize something if you feel like there is an existing concensus opinion that already agrees with you. Google's gemini refuses to shit on Islam and only Islam. This means that someone had to come in and say, "Hey, people love to shit on Islam more so that other religions, and we have to preemitivaly make that harder".


Neither of them are really about litigating pros/cons of British/Mughal rule - they focus solely on the present state of the country, and make the claim that it's very bad.

The image is meant to reflect Abrahamic perspectives on India, not the reality. India sucks, that's no surprise. Many other countries suck too. Why pick India as the target for a 2 hour 4chan doc (rant) ? Indians being 'hindu' is fundamental to how the world views it. The same squalor would be treated quite differently if this was a christian/muslim country.

notably - there wasn't a part where the proud Hindu forces teamed up to cast of the chains of their old masters and launch a counterattack on the UK

The army had mutinied by the time the British left. Gandhi was a good excuse, but the British leaving was because they couldn't hold India by force anymore. Ofc, That was an era when holding colonies was already become politically untenable across the board.

Furthermore the original government, whilst Indian in blood, was clearly Western in thought and education (Nehru literally went to Cambridge!) and English continues to be the co-national language of India.

Therefore my statement that India was not run by the 'Hindus' until at least 1991 (Narasimha Rao) with the date sometimes being pushed as late as 2014. (Modi)

This doesn't really line up with what I hear from my Western friends, living in the West.

It is not about 'if' they think about India, but 'how' they think about India.

but if the worst of the racial stock behaves this way, it suggests the average is still very bad.

eh, I'm not sure I buy this.

civilizational values

It's the little things that add up. The Indian Govt. and the Indian Citizen only interact for democratic and welfare purposes. The actual unit of governance is the extended family. India was ruled by outsiders for so long, that the top-level governance structure tells you almost nothing about the core civilizational values of your everyday Indian.

Your point about movies feels unconvincing. I've never heard of Monkeyman, and I only heard of RRR because it was referenced on The Motte some time ago. As someone who probably watches too many US TV shows, without any numbers at hand, I would not say that there is any significant representation of Indians.

Monkeyman released this week. To be fair, my point was about change over a low base. The absolute number is still low.

(presumably unjust) cancellation

There is nothing clean/diry or just/unjust about a cancellation. It is only dirty in-so-far that it is inelegant. And a side will always choose an elegant or simple solution when it knows its win is secure. If someone is bad at their job and an asshole, you don't cancel, you merely fire them. If they are competent and meek, you convince/coerce them. If they are incompetent and meek, you ignore them. If they are competent and an asshole, that's when you cancel them.

As for the "ounce of truth" - what precisely is the lie? Do you dispute that the events that occurred in the film actually happened?

Take a decade of all the shitty things done by white americans, scale that by 8x.....and you'd be able to make a similarly disgusting movie about the US. I dispute how representative it is.

genetics (especially IQ) is much more important

Agreed. So let's start with reducing malnutrition first. 35.5% of Indian children are malnourished. In the 90s (those who are now adults), it was above 50%. I'd bet that <5% of Indians have a sufficiently high protien intake for optimal brain development.

IQ scores in the Intellectual Disability range (< 70) were 9 times more prevalent in the previously malnourished group (OR=9.18; 95% CI=3.50-24.13). Group differences in IQ of approximately one standard deviation were stable from adolescence through mid-life

No progress has been made towards achieving the target of reducing anaemia among women of reproductive age, with 53.0% of women aged 15 to 49 years now affected.

In the coming decades, the bottom 80% is going to be completely irrelevant to the GDP of a country. There will be a huge internal services sector, and a small skilled sector which generates all the actual productivity. India needs a high enough average IQ to run an effective service sector and enough geniuses to run the 'high productivity' sector.

The 2 are not tightly coupled. A country with 5x the people doesn't need 5x the number of geniuses. You need about 100k competent new-grads to run everything in the country. Everyone else can be manned by an average base population. You just need high compliance.

I think being an Indian in the UK (and more so in the US) is quite nice

I am an Indian in the US too. My selfish needs take priority over any allegiance, national or religious.

The image is meant to reflect Abrahamic perspectives on India, not the reality.


Americans as a whole are different from the typical 4channer.

I admit, Americans have little need to think about India. Don't see people talk about Brazil or Indonesia either. The average American is pretty self centered. I'd be surprised if they thought of any nation that is not of immediate concern to them.

spiritual pollution

You make my point for me. It is 2 civilizations looking past each other. We can find peace, but we won't find understanding.



Black Sabbath - This was the height of the original style, and I don’t think Metal got any better after this.

After a decade of being a full-time metalhead, I agree. Though metal got heavier, faster, more ruthless and violent. The atmospheric opening to War Pigs has never been topped.

IMO, if Chuck Schuldiner had lived longer, then we would seen an inevitable transformation of Metal into something different. With Sound of Perseverence, his band (Death) nearly touched the raw intensity of Black Sabbath. The least I can do is recommend this accessible instrumental from his last album.


You cannot understand how much India sucks.

I do. I spent my whole life there. Not just the big cities, but smaller places too.

I have friends from towns like Wasserpur, Prayagraj, Ranchi, Patna.....people who have seen the real underbelly of the country. I know someone who killed by dacoits by being tied to a tree. I've seen a dalit college friend start crying because he he stained the only good shirt his parents could afford. I knew when to start holding my breath as the public transportation traversed through the worst slums in the country. I have been stuffed in a train like sardines, and forced to smell the collective odor of a 1000 men at once. I had to learn to ignore female beggars with toddlers, and naked kids with distended bellies playing besides burning rubber tires. Victims of human trafficking can be seen in broad daylight. I grew up being threated by my mom that she'd sell me off to the 'lady under the bridge' if I didn't finish my homework.

I know.


This is the only place I used all caps. It was not an accident.

Wrong too, but expected.

Can you elaborate ?



the Sikhs

The vast majority of Sikhs live in India, and want to continue living in India. They have some of the highest rates of participation in the military, and the most visibile parts of Indian culture are directly inherited from them. If a small diaspora of Canadian Sikhs have a bone to pick, then they must be singled out as such. I have a large group of Sikh friends, and they're all tired of having to demonstrate their allegience to the country because of Khalistan fantasizers in Kaneda.

Say what you want about Hindus, there isn't a better majority religion to sharing your borders with. There is a reason that India has been a place of refuge for persecuted minorities for millenia.


"Kaneda" is how rural Punjabis (sikhs) pronounce Canada. Khalistan fantasizers often live in ghettotized conditions, building their own parallel society within Canada. This parallel Punjab-inside-Canada is jokingly referred to as 'Kaneda' in India.


