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joined 2022 October 30 03:04:38 UTC


User ID: 1765



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User ID: 1765

I loved it when I did it. I lived about four minutes from a grocery store and it was very convenient.

Why should doctors need to be able to prove they can speak English to be allowed to work in the US? The point of medical licensing is to make sure that doctors know what they're doing, something that is not easily verified by patients. But patients can tell immediately if a doctor speaks English. If he can't, no one is actually going to be harmed by it and he may still be able to help patients who speak some other language.

If insurers in the US negotiated a lower price for drugs, that would kill the incentive to develop new drugs.

Has anyone else noticed Twitter being really buggy since Elon Musk took over? It's worse than Facebook Messenger. For example, it has had trouble loading images for the last day. I don't get why people have concluded that you can fire all these people and have everything be fine. The content moderation is better, but Twitter as a piece of software is obviously much worse now.

I'm not saying that means firing those people was a bad idea. Maybe having software work perfectly is not worth the cost, and the stock market's reaction to the mass layoffs at FAANG suggests they weren't pulling their weight. But that brings me to a related question. Why was it so common up until recently for people to say that, despite the very high salaries of software engineers in California, they were actually very underpaid given the amount they made for their employers? This now appears not to be even close to true. Why did people think this? Was it just some dumb profit divided by headcount calculation?

Food can be transported, so you don't need arable land. And there's a lot of arable land anyway. If the land isn't cleared, it can be cleared.

Canadian winter gets prohibitively expensive,

Clearly not, since people live in very cold parts of the country. If Winnipeg exists, then people can build in the ample open spaces of southern Ontario, let alone in the rest of Manitoba.

if you want to bring in millions of immogrants, you need to have an idea of where to put them.

As I said, they could easily fit in the GTA, let alone the many other cities we have and similar environments that haven't been built up.

As an elder Millennial that has worked for a large tech firm and handled some customer support for a much smaller company, might I posit that the hyper-preference for everything to be done via text and e-mail is often correct?

You may posit it, but it's wrong. It takes much less time to say something than to write it and if you're speaking to someone, they can interrupt and much more easily ask you questions to get the information they need and therefore you don't have to anticipate those questions as much, resulting in less redundancy. It's usually a much more efficient means of communication. To replace meetings where most people don't need most of the information and people are less inclined to interrupt? Yes, emails are sometimes better. But 90% of the time, they're not.


Why are the lower classes and dysfunctional people so obsessed with pedophila? I think two things are going on. First, they have low IQs, so can’t understand statistical reasoning and how rare it is. Second, they feel like losers and pedophiles are the one group society ranks lower, so they need to imagine they’re fighting them everywhere.

What territorial expansion? Are you talking about Israeli settlements in the West Bank?

Doesn't quantum immortality mean that we're likely to spend eternity in pain on our death beds, seemingly close to death but miraculously surviving? If AGI tries to wipe us out, aren't we likely to suffer in pain forever from a miraculously survived murder attempt, maybe lying as a blind and deaf quadriplegic with third degree burns buried in a garbage dump?

I don't understand why an American company has to obey EU laws.

Don't all countries with legal systems based on the English common law have freedom of speech?

I'm not disputing that you can control notifications from within Android's settings. I'm disputing that you can't control from within apps.

If you owe any capital gains tax, you're almost certainly already I'm the top tax bracket and you pay less tax the longer you go without selling.

The median Canadian does have siblings. My point was actually that the average (not median) Canadian doesn't have enough siblings and does own enough property such that he comes out ahead.

How would allowing re-importation help? Edit: who is downvoting me just for asking a question? Can we not turn this into Reddit?

I guess it's a selected sample, but they seem very popular among the recent Iranian immigrants that I know, and they report widespread support back home.

As someone of gentile European descent, I'm descended from assimilated Celts and Germans, who were in turn descended from assimilated Bell Beaker people, who were descended from assimilated early European farmers and so on. Why do you need to keep your identity to survive? The Palestinians themselves were not always Arabs or Muslims.

I cannot figure out what your point is. Yes, I agree that people driving without insurance is bad. But I don't see how my proposal would have any effect on the number of people driving without insurance.

Then get rid of upvotes too.

The deontologist and virtue ethicist positions don't make sense to me. It just seems like they don't accept the existence of trade-offs. Do their virtues and ethical rules not say that the things $10 million can buy matter? You can do a lot of good and be extremely virtuous with $10 million. This just makes me suspect those ethical frameworks are fundamentally illogical.

I agree that driving is more dangerous than having sex, but it's better to learn young, while sex is better to put off.

How are homeless drug addicts evidence that the government is lying about inflation? How is a lack of family formation evidence of that?

Can you summarize what your receipts say for those who don't want to read a 20 comment long discussion?

I've never heard of a job that doesn't ask for a resumé. Even minimum wage jobs ask for resumés.

You can stop subsidizing cars and low density and it would result in denser cities where most people still drive everywhere. Then, after it became much denser, people would gradually start walking, things would move around to accomodate this, and it would become more walkable.

If you can't tell the difference, why does it matter?