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User ID: 1765



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User ID: 1765

Newton's interest in numerology doesn't make it seem any more plausible to me. It seems far likelier that he has some strong feeling about being the wrong sex and that that is enough on its own to cause him to behave this way than that his knowledge of math and computers has given him special insight (which it sounds like he hasn't shared with you) into the proper definitions of man and woman.

What protects anyone else from frivolous charges?

How does prosecuting illegal acts done by the president interfere with his ability to do his job?

He would only face that choice if he were protected from prosecution while in office, which he should not be.

I don't understand what this means. Presumably, illegal acts are not part of the president's authority. So what do they have immunity from?

This will be less obvious as time goes on so it's important to make explicitly clear: the betting markets didn't have Biden's probability of winning the election drop until after the debate.

I don't know what it is, but I'm finding the subjects people choose to talk about here increasingly boring, to the point where often a whole week goes by with nothing interesting being discussed.

Who uses that definition of HBD? HBD refers to socially relevant differences. Population genetics is based on possibly inconsequential differences that are nearly universally accepted. HBD doesn't even refer to differences in skin colour which are totally uncontroversial. Even if you want to define HBD this way, how is that relevant? No one is calling him racist because he's interested in population genetics.

I get your point. I'm just criticizing other things you've said.

What reason is there to think he is unsure that the Holocaust happened?

Population genetics is not HBD. That is not what is getting him called racist.

What is the alternative we are comparing this to? I already have most of these things, so not much. Less than 10%.

How many people are actually on board with the Great Awokening though? I don't think it's that popular.

It's perfectly consistent to think that people should have fewer children but that they should be looked after once they're born.

What I don't think is borderline dissident is the idea that smart beautiful women should have at least two kids starting in their mid to late 20s after getting their careers established and finding the right husband or that stupid ugly people should have at most two kids and also wait until they're financially and romantically stable. That is also a positive eugenics position albeit one less extreme and rarely stated explicitly. But I would guess most people agree with it.

And they probably think it's even more responsible for stupid ugly people to have fewer kids.

It's not very charitable to Hanson though.

I don't understand what your point is and want to clarify that the video part of your quote is made up and not the kinds of questions he is referring to.

Are you accusing Hsu of having an interest in HBD? If so, based on what?

I have none. We don't usually celebrate it at all. I'm curious how common this is.

I have been truly shocked by how sensitive some women are. I made one cry once by suggesting (I thought very politely) an alternative to a plan she was forcing on everyone without consulting them.

What reasonable casus belli did Germany have against Poland?

Almost everyone thinks this though. It's just one of those things that people generally agree on but people get uncomfortable if you're too explicit about it.

In person, I've heard a lot of opinions from regular people with normal politics that you would typically only hear from the far-right online. What is considered allowable opinion online, much less the opinions that are typical of young journalists, are not at all typical of most people in the real world.

Here is a Twitter thread listing some of the factual inaccuracies. https://x.com/ohabryka/status/1802563541633024280

Pro-HBD guys like Razib Khan and Stephen Hsu are racist.

Hsu claims no knowledge of cognitive differences between races caused by genetics. Has he said something different elsewhere? https://infoproc.blogspot.com/2012/10/my-controversial-views.html

I don't see how that's reasonable. He didn't say anything to diminish the perceived severity of rape. He only made an argument about the severity of cuckoldry.

It's not a good inference because he explicitly states that he isn't trying to argue that rape is less bad.

Where did he argue for the bailey, and what is it?