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User ID: 1156



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User ID: 1156

How is it antagonistic to describe the activity I've seen with my own two eyes?

If you have better terms to describe it, I'm all ears.

My experience having to do daily deliveries in a small American town that had setup a bike trail that intersected with downtown roads is that cyclists are suicidal, law-breaking, moving hazards and that most of them are far too stupid and/or arrogant to be allowed on the road. Ever.

I'm saw multiple instances where they'd blow through four-way stops, weave in and out of the road and sidewalk, and one marvelous instance where he blew threw a four-way stop by going on the pedestrian cross-walk only to immediately weave back into traffic. Occasions where if I - in control of a rather large transportation van - had not been driving extremely defensively, people would be dead.

The only time - the only time - I ever saw one of them obey the laws as required was when I dealt with a cyclist actually signaling she was going to turn. I signaled as well to allow her to pull in first, and I went behind her gently to park. She actually came up afterwards to thank me for that, which I thought weird, given that she was the one actually doing her due dillagance and doing what needed to be done.

I don't have much sympathy for cyclists.

Most people here just hate Trump. 'The adults are back in charge' was the common phrase uttered when Biden was elected, which aged like sour milk. 'It's just a stutter', which also aged like sour milk, was the common reply when others pointed out Biden's declining mental capabilities.

For all the claims that this place is very much right-wing/alt-right coded, it's still very much a liberal-leaning bubble that tries to hide alot of it's biases behind a layer of claimed neutral observations.

In Japanese media, the closest to that you'll likely get is Japanese right-wing themed focus on re-militarization.

One sci fi novel that i have no ideahow it became popular

To give the devil it's due, this is a phrase that could apply to western media, as well.

I picked up the Expanse well before it became popular, and it came across as a bland paint-by-numbers sci-fi series. And now... makes vague gestures toward the media landscape.


The reason long guns are rarely used in crime is because the majority of documented crime is basically blacks shooting and killing one another with their handguns of choice. Funny, despite the prevalence of glock switches displayed on public forums like, say, youtube, you never hear about the ATF raiding and confiscating them.

This is one of those tells that people whom actually know anything about guns can sniff out - politicians always, always bang on about banning ar-style platforms and their ilk in the wake of their pet tragedy, despite, numbers and capita wise, they're never used in violent crime.

But that's not my point. I'm looking at the law of unintended consequences. Mauser-style and lever-action long guns tend to be hunting rifles, and despite the snide asertions from various political pundits about how 'deer don't wear body-armor' when it comes to critiquing ar-style rifles, the typical hunting round, such as, oh, say, 30-06, is a much, much more powerful round than 5.56.

5.56 puts holes in people's heads, 30-06 makes heads disappear.

People respond to incentives. You ban ar-style rifles(for some reason) and only allow hunting rifles, and suddenly people are defending themselves with said bolt rifles with much larger cartridges, likely ending up with alot more dead criminals.

And before you say 'Well, actually, bolt rifles are much more difficult to wield than ARs', no, I've handled both. They may weigh more, but that doesn't make them more difficult to handle, especially when you're defending yourself.

Your policy would likely result in a much larger number of dead criminals and/or people, and basically boils down to 'black plastic bad, wood good'.

Most bolt/lever action long guns use much heavier caliber cartridges than your typical AR platform.

He might be referencing the old adage of wearing a tie around machinery that it could get entangled in and potentially do bad things to fragile human flesh is a big no-no. Rings are similar.

Other than that, I have no clue.

Bold of you to think those of us stuck with such thing actually view it as a positive or good.

At least, that's my take on it. I view them as less than worthless and more an annoying road-tax that I have to pay so often(on top of getting my windshield replaced, again) and a punishment for being a good little citizen that criminals just skirt on by without a care.

It didn't stop them in the Caribbean, though.

Also, minor correction on my part. The British manumitted their slaves in 1838 - it was the French that kept them until 1848 before it was abolished. My apologies - it's been a while since I've cracked open those books.

That said, I'm perhaps being very cynical. But if I'm sure the British had required the manpower, they would have worked some legal and/or financial shenanigan out.

This is all pure supposition on my part, however, so feel free to ignore it.

Slaves are not 'free'. Intial purchase, maintenance, oversight - all costs. Then there's the social aspects - slaves in the South were, ironically enough, treated very well compared to thier brethern that went elsewhere. It's why you get twisted situations such as the Irish Canal in New Orleans, Louisiana, that was so named due to all the Irish immigrants that died during it's construction in 1830s.

Why didn't they use slave labor? Because immigrant labor was much, much cheaper.

While I think some people are limited in some fashion, I also think basic math is just taught in a horrible fashion.

The contrast between my econ and finance courses and the math courses I was required to take were like night and day.

Slavery never caught on in the British isles because they had population in excess; the same time that the US was still using slave labor had the British loosing children in mining accidents.

And despite eliminating the slave trade in the early 1800s, they didn't manumit slaves in the Caribbean holdings till around the 1840s.

If you want to be very, very cynical, the British anti-slave movement was a mix of virtue signaling and economic tactics to try and neuter an up and coming economic super-power.

Please excuse the lack of sources. It's early morning for me and I'm being lazy.

The majority of people don't understand economics and finance and wouldn't be able to if you tried.

I really, really wish I was wrong about that. But when you have a practicing medical doctor having to wrestle with money management, you start to realize really quickly that there's a broad spread of intelligence types and not everyone is good at everything.

Not that I've seen.

If there's any reaction, I'd likely chalk it up to being stunned and confused at the blatant astroturfing or utter hypocrisy, as the political side that's been using the term 'Weird' as a badge of pride for decades has now turned around and used it as an insult.


In Trace's own words when forging thier 'evidence';

The worksheets were meticulously laid out: mostly innocent on the surface with hints of something people would find sinister: “musky” and “husky” planted next to each other in the word search, a “non-binary” check box next to “male” and “female” on the fursona design worksheet, games every child plays next to memes only people far too familiar with the furry fandom would pick up on. That taken care of, we seeded the word search with a few references to rdrama, the trolling forum I had gathered the participants from.

Emphasis mine.

Also, more from Tracing;

In all honesty, with the replies we were getting, we thought the game was up pretty quickly. She replied quickly wanting, oddly enough, more details than the vague stew we provided. So we got to inventing. Charles, we decided, desperately wanted the world to know, but his wife’s friend insisted that specifics be kept out of it. We could give the school district, but nothing more.

...With the next reply, apparent disaster struck, as Libs of TikTok elected to do the one thing that could foil our scheme: look for actual evidence that any of this had ever happened.

Again, emphasis mine.

People who argue that LoTT didn't do due diligence clearly didn't read the article; Uncharitably, they're just trying to carry water for TW and obscure the fact that TW and his cohorts made up alot of fake shit to try and sell a story that LoTT is somehow just blindly repeating whatever it is people tell her.

Yes, it's very easy to sell a story someone doesn't fact-check when you go all-in on trying to scam them.

There's been a recent push to change a whole plethora of state flags to look more akin to Microsoft Office clipart just because some rando with delusions of competency put out a pamphlet of what he thinks state flags should look like.

There are some people who really should have been bullied more in high school.

To paraphrase a video essay I'm becoming more and more fond of, 'These people don't realize they're one bad week way from being dragged out into the street and burned at the stake.'

German Shepards have potential health problems, though. And they're still a high-energy herding breed that'll require proper training and handling, so the poor thing doesn't go all squirrelly.

If you do go that route, anyone, please do your research and purchase from a good breeder.

There are better breeds I'd suggest if he was going the herding protection route, but none I'd advise for someone who knows nothing about dogs(and most people who do).

The MSNBC article has a photoshop of a German youth rally throwing Nazi salutes with the subtitle 'Physical fitness and violent hypermasculinity have always been central to the far right' as a header to said article.

That's less a 'dog whistle' and more an airhorn going off behind you.

You won't hear me argue against the benefits of exercise, though.

MSNBC, for one.

The Guardian, for another. Does that count? I understand they're very well left-leaning, but it's atleast a glimpse into what left-leaning individuals are telling each other.

Here's an older opinion article that shows it's not a new trend. A single data point, sure, but a data point is a data point.

Funny enough, this seems to be a theme for her. Here's a much more recent article from the same individual. Money quote: 'The more self-actualised you become, the higher you are on self-righteousness, blaming other people’s problems on their failure to be as healthy as you.' Interesting take, I'll admit.

Was the MSNBC article mocked? Yes. But it's telling it was voiced at all; liberals tend to be more insular with little understanding of how conservatives think. The concerning part isn't wether it's true or not(color me skeptical), the concerning part is that liberals are telling one another that this is a thing.

And the political divide widens.

Has there been any forum to succeed RPGnet that doesn't require a blood-sealed pledge to leftism? A part of me misses being able to browse threads about TTRPG development, strategy, and playing.

I'm not really hoping for much, admittedly. It feels like any vaguely popular thread gets flooded with leftist activism with tacit and/or explicit moderator support.

I've had Windows 10 updates fuck up some of the older software I have running for my job.

And people wonder why I turn Windows 10 updates off.

Now I'm going to have to fight off a Windows 11 upgrade, so as to not fuck up said software. You'd think local IT would be more paranoid about just gleefully installing whatever it is Microsoft tells them too, but...

Why you shouldn't buy a Rolex

An interesting video. He makes an off-hand mention to the high-pressure sales tactic of 'receiving the call' and talks about the various negatives of having one.

One thing I'm surprised about is that they're apparently... finiky? As in, need regular maintenance. Rather disappointing. Give some of the videos of watch restoration of Rolexs that were worn as a daily beater for decades, I wonder if that's a more recent development.

Still, having one isn't on my to-do list, ever. If I wanted a high-end watch, I'd just buy an Omega Speedmaster and be done with it.

I grew up obese, by the medical definition of the term. Lost over seventy pounds via CICO, and kept it off. So spare me the 'Oh, you've never been fat, you just don't know.'

I have been fat. Double-chin, no jaw-line, pear-shape. By all rights, I still am obese by strict BMI measurements, and believe you me, I'm constantly going over what would be needed to loose weight even further.

Please understand the PoV I'm coming from, because I've been there. When I say 'organize your life better', it's because I did exactly that, and I have difficulty putting myself in some sort of special, super-human category that can somehow overcome your phantom hunger, akrasic mindsets, and neural miswirings.