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User ID: 1156



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User ID: 1156

I can just wordlessly point at the utilization that medical euthanasia has gotten in Canada, as I feel that encapsulates the best example of 'this is what could happen.'

And, yes, my reply would be along the lines of 'Tell you what, Doc, you first, then I'll consider it.'

Flippant commentary aside, I don't want the above scenario to come to the fore because I believe, in order for us to get to this point, several things have gone horribly wrong. I don't want the option to be on the table to begin with. I don't want a scenario where I'm incommunicado for whatever reason, and the doctor kindly suggests to my family and/or next of kin 'Well, we could do this...'

I'm sure I could paint what-ifs till the day was over, and still not realize the worst of what could occur. Personally, I'd just rather nip the matter in the bud and make sure it could never happen to start.

Diverse but isolated.

People try to claim America as a melting pot without looking at the mechanics(Nevermind that the phrase itself referred to New York City). That's the part that always sticks at me when I look at my very local history and see the various ethnic settlements that developed.

Certainly, you have diverse ethnic settlements that look from a modern standpoint to be very close to one another... but when you stop and take a step back, consider the time period they developed and the lack of coherent infrastructure, and you realize that these self-same settlements were in the middle of fucking nowhere and would take a good number of days to reach the nearest town or transportation hub, nevermind the nearest city.

Diverse, but isolated. Now, there is no isolation; we are all in the pot together, and it's slowly starting to boil.

I didn't know such arguments were infamous.

All I know is, after having to deal with both, I'll take the ducks.

The easiest way I've found to loose faith in the justice system is by talking with your so-called 'experts'(Lawyers, Law Enforcement) in their actual field experience.

I imagine it's similar in other fields, as well.

Ah, I see you do not live in a location that has a Wendy's fast food restraunt.

It's probably for the best. Better to suffer in ignorance and not know the glories you have deprived yourself of.

But, yes. Back when I was exhaustively cataloguing my weight loss on a week by week basis, eating bread at a holiday meal would mean the difference between not gaining any weight if I didn't, and gaining several pounds if I did.

Which is an absolute shame, given all the recipes I have for various types of bread. So it goes.

He's basically a hunting dog, then.

Well, take him hunting.

Get him started with scent/tracking, work on fetch/retrieval, off-lead commands, all that good stuff. You may have a 'backyard', but depending where you're living, said backyard may be too small to accommodate the work you'll need to do.


It's almost effortless to grab things from youtube nowadays. I've even made a habit of ripping entire youtube channels, ripping the audio, and keeping them on my phone to listen to a la a podcast(mostly because alot of youtube channels would do better as podcasts, but...)

So, yes, it's much, much easier today than it was even ten years ago.

popular actress

Doubt. While my experience with most modern movies is fairly limited, everything I've seen of her is the metaphorical equivalent of a cudgel - an ambiguously brown women/girl they can shoe-horn and pretend everyone finds attractive, and if you point out the obvious race-switching, they make the typical noises about racism.

She's not even that good an actress, from everything I've seen.

I'm someone who's both fairly frugal and has no issue purchasing clothing/items second hand with the plan to wear them until they fall apart. This, combined with being patient, means I've acquired some choice deals over time.

It's also lead to moments where I realize that I'm out and about for outdoor chores while wearing clothing(shirt, pants, shoes, watch) that, had I bought new, would be edging toward a thousand dollars. So... shrugs helplessly

The two crucified next to Jesus were thieves according to the Bible; do you have some other source of information on that?

Metatron did a video about the arrest of Christ, looking at the 'original' Greek text of the bible. Very interesting look on the matter, and going by the various gospels, it's heavily implied if not out-right stated that Jesus was crucified as an insurrectionist/rebel, alongside the other two.

The Romans can obviously want him dead for many reasons, one of which being that their handpicked puppets were whining about him.

This I would disagree on. My interpretation of the trial of Jesus by Pontius Pilate is very much a case where Pilate is having to deal with politically charged Pharisees hell-bent on seeing Jesus killed due to his teachings. Going by the Gospel, Jesus literally argued his case with Pilate so well that Pilate was begging the Pharisees to allow Pilate to declare Jesus guilty, so much so that he offered them up the choice between Jesus and a man accused of murder.

And we know who they picked.

Well, it was less 'settling' and more 'being forced to move there due to the British crown of the time trying to get rid of two problems at once'. The history of the Scots-Irish is certainly... colorful.

but the US Civil War did not fundamentally slow the trajectory of US economic or geopolitical rise.

The US Civil War occurred at the right point in history, around the time of the Industrial Revolution, to allow for this. While the South was economically devastated(and was so for at least a century afterwards), the Northern regions now had an entire breadbasket of cheap agricultural workhorses to harvest from without caring about the consequences.

A male fan who loves lasers won't be asked to recite "There is no death, there is the Force" before he's allowed in the tree house.

Honestly, yeah, that's pretty much how it works. I remember a time before the wider internet when things were far more niche, and getting two star wars(or your niche topic of choice) together and watch the sparks go. There was very much a sense of 'Okay, exactly how much can I let my freak flag fly around this person' with alot of this stuff, alongside the simple passionate releif of 'Holy shit, this is someone who UNDERSTANDS'.

it's a real thing that happened.

Statistical outliers. Growing up, I never once encountered a fan of Star Wars who was a woman.

I'm... reasonably sure that the majority of people posting on the Motte are married. Or did the poll we had way back when not cover that?

Ah, yes. I've seen that advice, as well.

I don't think I've ever seen anyone remarking on it actually working, though. Most of the time people comment how nothing ever comes of it, and I've never actually seen it occur in real life.

If I had to venture a guess, this idea stems as an artifact of european style dating, where I've heard a more slow, organic, 'start as friends and become more' is seen as a standard thing, whereas in American it's often considered openly verboten.

That's mostly a wild supposition on my part, though.

Well, TIL. This is both startling and rather depressing, as 1) I'm somewhat certain that this is the first I've heard of this, and 2) I'm definately in the unpartnered category with little chance of that changing any time soon.

Atleast they try and give a reason as to why this all may be later in the article;

Researchers have considered why this relationship between partnership status and economic outcomes exists, particularly for men. Is it driven by the fact that men with higher levels of education, higher wages and better prospects for the future are more desirable potential spouses? Or is there something about marriage or partnership that gives a boost to a man’s economic outcomes? The research suggests that both factors are at play. Married men earn more because high earners are more likely to marry in the first place. Cohabiting men also receive a wage premium. In addition, marriage or partnership may make men more productive at work, thus adding to the wage premium that already exists.

None of which speak well of possible solutions, though. Christ.

Given the examples you provided - presumably, these were supposed to be clear-cut demonstrations thereof - you'll excuse me if I'm a little skeptical.

never to become fat in the first place.

In a perfect world, yes. Ah, if I only knew growing up what I know now.

Can't say I ever hit the lethargy you're describing when I lost weight, however. Not sure if it was my overall slow path toward weightloss or not. If anything, I ended up with more energy, not less.

As for the hunger, eh. I just sucked up and dealt with it. I doubt that's good advice for other people, though.

You get to enjoy it after a while, then eventually you find you can't imagine yourself living without it.

Preaching to the choir, speaking for myself. Mind, it can be easy to fall off the bicycle for some people. There's a wide gulf between people who do this in their early twenties/thirties and the guys who are still doing this well into their twilight years.

Maybe I'm just biased, as I hang out with alot of older guys who are still fit and active.


I'm hesitant to give chemistry all the credit, but that's due to my personal experience. I've gone from 'I hate PE' in high school to 'I need to do this for my own well-being' as I've gotten older. I feel there's a critical mindset there that's more prevalent(or becomes more prevalent) in men(which isn't common to begin with, imo) that's less prevalent in woman.

Electronically controlled sex toys are a thing.

I've seen the argument touted about for far longer than Hulu's version of the Handmaid's Tale, so. (And I won't go into a minor aside regarding Margaret Atwood, or the fact that said book was taking pages from what happened in Iran, or...)

I think it's a fairly silly take, myself.

Nick Fury

Nick Fury was cast by Samuel L Jackson due to a version of the Comic having the character be a blatant Samuel L Jackson expy.

Jackson then basically went 'I get to play him in any movies that happen and won't sue'.

And here you are.

The original character of Nick Fury was white, but when he was effectively 'recast' was before alot of the culture war blew up in a big way, so it was seen more of a 'huh, neat' among comic circles than an active purging of whites.

Darwin is not a new poster on the Motte, and people have repeatedly pointed out his consistently bad behavior and bad-faith posting in the past.

Actions have consequences.

In the same way people rate disaster recovery based on whether the local waffle house is open or no, you could probably do similar based on how the local supermarket is structured.

I always do get a twisted sort of amusement seeing how the same store chain can have a radically different structure and layout based on the local socio-economics.

Ah. Good to know. Thank you for this.

It explains a lot, really.