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User ID: 1156



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User ID: 1156


One element I feel gets ignored and/or glossed over is the cost. IVF procedures in America cost anywhere from 10k to 30k - there seems to be a wide gap involved, and IIRC, the cost a friend of mine paid was much, much more.

There's also no guarantee the procedure will take, and the longer a woman puts it off, the longer possible existing complications can remain undiscovered(again, this is what happened to the same friend.)

Thankfully, they were able to go oversees to have the procedure done again, but staying a month in Turkey is abit beyond the means of most people.

I wish people were taught better about this, but I worry we've moved to the point where the majority just assumes medical science is basically a magic wand that automatically fixes everything.

I know atleast one person in his seventies that's having to grapple with the idea that someone he grew up with is in a nursing home, while he's still up, spry, active and working.

'Use it or loose it' seems to be a good rule of thumb from what I've seen in old people and who retains their capabilities as they age.

(I have 13B happily running on mine; it's... interesting)

You can't just casually drop that and expect someone not to beg for more information.

It's me. I'm begging for more information. Interesting howso?

Not the OP, but as someone with a number of antiques, I wanted to chime in;

Managing antique guns is a very contentious topic among the gun community, and a few number of people claim that trying to 'restore' any antique will just ruin the value and/or historic provenance of the gun. If you've a number of older guns/rifles, you're probably looking to less 'restore' and more preserve and/or protect.

Thankfully, this is something you can likely do yourself! For wood, you can simply use raw linseed oil - this is period correct for many wooden rifle stocks, it's non-toxic(meaning you can apply this indoors with your hands if you so desire), and it's pretty much fool-proof in my experience.

Just make sure to use raw linseed oil. I'd suggest grabbing a bottle from Amazon, as it's cheaper than big-box stores and you're more likely to get what you want.

If you need to remove any rust-spots to keep the metal from corroding, buy a gallon of mineral oil and copper wool, and gently scrub the metal. Copper is soft, and will remove the active rust from metal before removing the present finish, and works surprisingly well. Don't use any power tools - hand power should be all you need.

If you want to move to the next step, you can use renaissance wax to protect both the metal and wood. I've not used it personally, but it's an option to consider.

As long as you're not trying to get said weapons back into fighting shape, getting them cleaned up and preserved isn't really that hard.

Oh, and for a Ares Predator, I'd honestly just use an H&K P30 with a compensator(the infamous 'Wick Stick', thanks to that movie) and call it a day. Trying to make an Auto 9 replica is admittedly a little complicated, from what I hear.

Darwin is not a new poster on the Motte, and people have repeatedly pointed out his consistently bad behavior and bad-faith posting in the past.

Actions have consequences.

If there is one thing about online rhetoric regarding the Civil War and the South has taught me, is that the South should have simply emulated the Arabic slave trade, or the Central American slave trade, as that would have solved alot of problems.

Sadly, here we are.

In the same way people rate disaster recovery based on whether the local waffle house is open or no, you could probably do similar based on how the local supermarket is structured.

I always do get a twisted sort of amusement seeing how the same store chain can have a radically different structure and layout based on the local socio-economics.

The two crucified next to Jesus were thieves according to the Bible; do you have some other source of information on that?

Metatron did a video about the arrest of Christ, looking at the 'original' Greek text of the bible. Very interesting look on the matter, and going by the various gospels, it's heavily implied if not out-right stated that Jesus was crucified as an insurrectionist/rebel, alongside the other two.

The Romans can obviously want him dead for many reasons, one of which being that their handpicked puppets were whining about him.

This I would disagree on. My interpretation of the trial of Jesus by Pontius Pilate is very much a case where Pilate is having to deal with politically charged Pharisees hell-bent on seeing Jesus killed due to his teachings. Going by the Gospel, Jesus literally argued his case with Pilate so well that Pilate was begging the Pharisees to allow Pilate to declare Jesus guilty, so much so that he offered them up the choice between Jesus and a man accused of murder.

And we know who they picked.

The easiest way I've found to loose faith in the justice system is by talking with your so-called 'experts'(Lawyers, Law Enforcement) in their actual field experience.

I imagine it's similar in other fields, as well.

Characters like Miles Morales generally have pretty high approval ratings because he is an interesting character in his own right and they didn't just make Peter Parker black.

People can repeat this as many times as they like, but I refuse to believe it. At best, it just feels like historical revisionism.

Miles was very much made as a black Spiderman, and only worked when they actually, y'know, killed Peter off. It's telling that the only way they made Miles work as a character when matching him up with the original was by changing the original completely - making him older, wiser, and a little more cynical.

No, Miles is just a bad collection of racial tropes pasted onto the original, and very much a racial takeover of the worst type - oh, and he has a hot blonde girlfriend, because that's what always happens with black characters in American comics, for some reason.

'Comic book popularity' is a worthless measure when the entirety of comic book sales in America are outshone by a single manga series. 'But the movies' are a worthless measure given all the sheer effort they had to do to make it work, and when people talk about 'Into the Spider-verse', all I hear is stuff about Miguel O'Hara.

So, no, I disagree. I place Miles alongside all the other race-swaps - worse, because people keep trotting him out as 'one of the good ones', when he really, really isn't.

Good god, it's been a while since I've cracked open my econ degree.

TLDR, M1 and M2 are basically how much free-flow, readily available cash is in the hands of the public(as opposed to Banks, the federal deposit, and other entities.)

Or, put another way, how much money do civilians and John Q Public have available at quick notice.

If it's been falling, well... that means they have less cash on-hand. Why that is could be due to... well, a long list of reasons.

Also, that redefinition of m1 annoys me to a horrendous degree for some odd reason.

It makes perfect sense. I'm already paying thousands for said car - why does it not include the necessary software already?

new car

If I wanted to get a new car to replace the one I have(I don't), I couldn't even go with the latest make and model as they literally don't release them in America any more.

Nor am I skeptical that I could purchase one with similar performance and at a similar price. The MRSP for the model I own has gone up, not down. That's not normal.

Hopefully I won't have to find out any time soon.

The purpose of sports is to win. It is, at it's core, a competition. And the goal of competition is to be the victor.

There is no high-minded 'pushing the physical limitations' involved here. I assure you, the last thing you want is to have transhuman philosophy applied by people that, while not insane, are atleast slightly off kilter from the rest of humanity.

You have to be. Consider; These are the people that literally and metaphorically torture themselves just for... what, five minutes of glory? If that? You have the apex, the celebrities, yes, but that's some long odds to bet with chancy return on that investment.

And you don't find reasonable men at the top of mountains.

Sports and competition are the last places I'd be applying transhumanism.

Coolness only carries so far; You need an active initiative and local culture to really support it. (Which is why cajun-french lasted as long as it did, really.)

A friend of mine can understand both Cajun-french and German(due to his older relatives), but that doesn't mean he can speak it.

Well, beyond the swear words.

Contrasting that, while my grandfather could understand the language of the home country, he couldn't speak it - because his father and mother made a point not to have him speak it, and there was little benefit to knowing a second language when you were supposed to be American.

Still, recent changes in outlook has resulted in a rush to preserve the language, and Louisiana is one of the few places that has local governments having in-place bilingual laws and whatnot. But given how the older generation is slowly dying out... well. We'll see what happens.

(Though is is fun to see French tourists touring around the Acadian parishes.)

Yeah. And if this had been in the main thread(or even it's own thread), I'd probably just minimize and go about my way.

Here, though? I don't mind pointing out how tone-deaf posting this comes across for where it's at.

Electronically controlled sex toys are a thing.

You and everyone else answered this wonderfully, thank you.

I confess, a part of me can't help but be excited at the notion of this getting 'out to the masses', so to speak, and what weaponized autism will do with such a tool.

Fun times ahead, I think.

Speaking in the late thirties, here, and yes, single. Among my close friends group, only one of them is married - and he still had to swim against a heavy current to find someone. The other two that could be married aren't for other reasons - one just doesn't want to get married after watching bad experiences with divorce, another isn't for... reasons? Despite looking. (If I had to guess, it's due to his work schedule.) My brother, younger than me, isn't married and hasn't been looking for years. (When the topic got brought up, he implied heavily that the juice isn't worth the squeeze and they'd bring little to the table, so why bother?)

This is pretty universal from where I'm sitting. The only guy I work with(older than me) isn't married and never has been - my boss is divorced. I can't do a full poll of all of my co-workers, but I know of at least one other guy around my age that's looking and can't find anyone. And one woman who's painfully good looking IMO, who's also single and has no plans to get married.

People seemingly keep trying to fall into a just-world fallacy as to why this is happening, mostly centered around male responsibility and fault. Not just here, but elsewhere. 'Just take a shower, just be well-dressed, just be well-mannered'. I doubt that'll change any time soon.

I can just wordlessly point at the utilization that medical euthanasia has gotten in Canada, as I feel that encapsulates the best example of 'this is what could happen.'

And, yes, my reply would be along the lines of 'Tell you what, Doc, you first, then I'll consider it.'

Flippant commentary aside, I don't want the above scenario to come to the fore because I believe, in order for us to get to this point, several things have gone horribly wrong. I don't want the option to be on the table to begin with. I don't want a scenario where I'm incommunicado for whatever reason, and the doctor kindly suggests to my family and/or next of kin 'Well, we could do this...'

I'm sure I could paint what-ifs till the day was over, and still not realize the worst of what could occur. Personally, I'd just rather nip the matter in the bud and make sure it could never happen to start.

I feel the need to point out something in regards to RPG.net for those not in the know; RPG.net is a big deal. (Atleast, it used to be when I still browsed it). It's the forum where active professionals(writers, publishers, artists, ect, ect) go to post and discuss matters. It's some place where you could feasibly post and gain the notice of professionals in the publishing industry, a way to get your foot in the door.

So when you see a place like this being overwhelmingly blue tribe-aligned, it creates a severe gate-keeping effect as a byproduct.

I've seen some editors remark on the political alignment of their internal studio staff, with a surprisingly broad selection... from over twenty years ago. I doubt it's that way now.

If you've never had the 'well, he's a sex offender, but...' conversation when out with women, consider yourself lucky.

I have, and it's about as depressing as it sounds.

Well, TIL. This is both startling and rather depressing, as 1) I'm somewhat certain that this is the first I've heard of this, and 2) I'm definately in the unpartnered category with little chance of that changing any time soon.

Atleast they try and give a reason as to why this all may be later in the article;

Researchers have considered why this relationship between partnership status and economic outcomes exists, particularly for men. Is it driven by the fact that men with higher levels of education, higher wages and better prospects for the future are more desirable potential spouses? Or is there something about marriage or partnership that gives a boost to a man’s economic outcomes? The research suggests that both factors are at play. Married men earn more because high earners are more likely to marry in the first place. Cohabiting men also receive a wage premium. In addition, marriage or partnership may make men more productive at work, thus adding to the wage premium that already exists.

None of which speak well of possible solutions, though. Christ.

There is value to be had in chilling the room and creating a false consensus in an overall community.

There's a documentary I watched recently regarding Japanese longevity, and one of the people they interview remarks on how the introduction of western diet is having an effect on young Japanese people, making them more obese.

Genetics can play a part, but there's a point where we need to at least consider that there's something whonky going on, here.

For one, if Sweet Baby had no issue with what they're doing, the curator page would be free advertising, and they'd have no reason to try and censor it.

As their first response was to go on the attack, it implies that Sweet Baby wants to keep exposure of thier involvement to a minimum.

Upper Echelon did a well-researched video on the entire matter. It's fairly indepth, and goes over a few highlights, such as;

Despite claims to the contrary, the most recent example of a woke flop, the whole Suicide Squad mess, several writers(and lead script writer) work for Sweet Baby.

He also shows videos of Kim Balair, the CEO of Sweet Baby, subtly threatening triple AAA studios in a sense of 'Nice game you've got, would be a shame if a twitter lynch mob came for it'.

There's probably more, but you're free to watch the video.

There's a term called 'Mediocrity Principle', roughly paraphrased to mean 'if an item is drawn at random from one of several sets or categories, it's more likely to come from the most numerous category than from any one of the less numerous categories.' I find Sweet Baby to be the tip of the iceberg, the random sample that blew up in everyone's face, and I find it difficult to beleive the idea that they're the only organization with this prevalent attitude.

For added fun, you also have a government-backed NGO running defense and organization for Sweet Baby in the news media, calling to 'denounce gamergate'.

I know what I take away from all this. You can make your own decision.