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Perhaps this relates to the "axial revolution," where people began to conceive of history as something that progresses instead of repeating in cycles? Maybe also ideas of reincarnation and the afterlife, from Ancient Greece to Ancient India.

I think there are some games on the store that are straight-up uncensored, no patch needed.

The US brought the state-of-the-art stingers that negated Russian aviation

And even then, don't people say that the Mujahideen simply traded the Stingers for simpler, cheaper weaponry?

I guess Pixiv couldn't just carve out Texas? Granted, I guess that's a lot harder if you're a company based in Japan, whereas Mindgeek is in the West.

Honestly, I imagine what might happen then is that the tribes just rent out the land until they feel like they have enough money to justify clearing out the land, and maybe even going a step further and building something new on it like that one tribe in Vancouver(?).

Team Fortress 2? It did have some particular glitches and exploits, but they were patched in a reasonable time, IIRC.

What do you make of this, then? That this is happening at all in Iran probably says something. I'm with Lizzardspawn in that I'm under the impression that the theocracy, while enjoying considerable support, only barely has a hold on the nation, and that the populace is a little too liberal and well-educated to remain under its thumb for eternity.

Somewhat off-topic, but: thoughts on RoboMaster?

But what about pen pals, then? Was that not essentially a pre-Social Media form of "encouraging people to be friends with complete randos"?

Another thing with video games and writing is that a number of games approach writing and storytelling in different ways vis-a-vis the gameplay. You have games where you just wander around to learn about the setting (Myst, Gone Home), games that attempt to immerse you in the world so that you can directly participate in the story (Half-Life, System Shock), games that attempt to be movie hybrids (Metal Gear, Wing Commander), or games where the story feels more ancillary to your progression gameplay-wise and you aren't always the sole driver of the plot (Command & Conquer, MechWarrior).

I would contend Steam, there are actually a number of games that are outright uncensored (with no need for a patch) and/or contain explicit content in their store page materials.

and if they wanted easy money for little investment, they'd resell the previous one with updated assets, and call it a sequel.

The fuck of it is, they kinda were doing this before Payday 3 to begin with. I might have to dig up this one video talking about the history of Payday 2, but in short, from my memory: Overkill/Starbreeze put out the game, made a shitload of DLC for it, tried to put it behind them as they focused on a new Walking Dead licensed game and their own snazzy VR headset project, those two things failed hard, so they went back to Payday 2 and cranking out DLC for it just to raise money to keep the lights on (complete with new "complete editions" to save you the hassle of purchasing the million DLC packs separately). I don't know why they even bothered with Payday 3 if they were going to go back to supporting 2, which did kind of make them a lot of money anyways.

Have not yet seen the new film, but would you say that the Lynch film and the Westwood games did a better job showing how fucked-up the Harkonnens were?

Wait, why does a political party just have gold bars in a vault? Collateral for finances?

Also, was the insufficient housing an issue before the arsons, or is it currently a direct result of such?

Didn't it start earlier, with the questionable search result predictions?

What 07 failed to mention is that the conspiracy theory goes that the radical entryists were given an opportunity to do so by Big Business, who were scared of how loud OWS's megaphone proved to be.

I understand that Italy's motivation in WWI was more against the Austrians than the Prussians (irredentism over Trieste, IIRC?), though I did forget about the second war.

Jeez, never thought about it like that.

I've never heard of that (and DDG brings up nothing except stuff that looks more relevant to biology), what are some examples of tech-gone-bad like that?

Did you mean to post this reply to the above comment? I think you meant it for Stefferi's post instead.

I imagine nothing beyond making the weapons at all, as your comment implies.

Is there any need by the DPRK to spin things for its own citizens? I imagine everyone will have to go along with the new direction whether they want to or not.

Though, realistically, I imagine the domestic shift might be more gradual.


I mean, "product that makes you crazy for it" is a genre of ad that goes back to at least Honey Comb cereal.

But do they have the willpower to do so? This is the country that has first-hand experience with what nuclear weapons can do in the middle of a war, after all.