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I dunno, maybe it is something with the background scripts on ACX, but I could swear the reason is "the page for any ACX post is like 43 times longer than any non-TV-Tropes webpage needs to be, because the comments section is not truncated like on any other Substack post."

"law makers trying to make it legal for you to sell your grandpa's private collection when he dies probably weren't trying to make it legal to buy and sell 150 guns, with no extenuating circumstances, in two years".

And yet, we are going to have more cases like this in time, I imagine, if they're not already happening, purely because the former will be indistinguishable from the latter, given the habits of gun owners (to speak more plainly: older people probably buy a lot of guns, thus, it is quite conceivable that a family that needs to ditch paw-paw's little arsenal might run afoul of the ATF through no genuine fault of their own).

Really? This was the first article I found on DDG about Utah cuisine, and a lot of it not only looks decent, it looks not unlike Southern food. Granted, this is some listicle from some website I've never heard of before, so all the caveats about blogsites in the age of ChatGPT apply.

I think Van Damme is also remembered for his leg splits, incidentally. His ability in that regard is almost a meme unto itself.

And as I understand it, there's almost nothing in common between a car factory and a modern weapons manufacturer.

Well, perhaps aside from armored vehicles and firearms. WWII suggests that industrial capacity is fungible in some specific contexts.

I think there are some games on the store that are straight-up uncensored, no patch needed.

Perhaps they're referring to one of the oldest immigrations, i.e., the slave trade?

The US brought the state-of-the-art stingers that negated Russian aviation

And even then, don't people say that the Mujahideen simply traded the Stingers for simpler, cheaper weaponry?

I guess Pixiv couldn't just carve out Texas? Granted, I guess that's a lot harder if you're a company based in Japan, whereas Mindgeek is in the West.

As I understand it, the Fremen were once pilgrims of the Zensunni religion fleeing persecution (there is a vision/flashback in the book mentioning how the Empire denied them the Hajj), so there's definitely a lot of Islamic coding there.

Pretty much isn't a good look either way; either they're just grifting, or they're having a direct, concrete impact (and by the words and deeds of their founder and employees, they sure seem like they are).

I don't even think it's "too many online games" that's the problem, it's more "too many online games that rely on matchmaking queues or any other server infrastructure the devs have to maintain themselves." If an online game that can run off of end-user-maintained dedicated servers comes out and bombs, it's sad, but it won't also be lost to the sands of time.

According to the articles about the enshittification of the net by Doctorow et al (on Wired and Substack), TikTok's algorithm no longer really gives users what they want anymore.

From one perspective, what Hamas would get from a ceasefire is time to rearm, reorganize, and thus, once the ceasefire ends, make it harder for Israel to continue pushing their shit in. We'll never know that counterfactual for sure, though, it seems like.

We're calling them "YouTube edits" now? My aging Millennial heart hangs heavy on this day.

That's probably down to culture in the Japanese business world.

Just not doing it at all, but showing you a variety of sex scenes if you die

If you're talking about hentai games, some of those do have difficulty adjustments or at least aren't ball-bustingly hard--indeed, for some, you'd probably have to go out of your way to lose on purpose to see said scenes.

I suppose the point remains that Peterson has lost quite a bit of cachet, because he lost his edge. Before the benzos, he was a smart, articulate dude trying to defend himself from the political zeitgeist. Now, he's a brain-burned weirdo memed for saying "up yours, woke moralists!" I kind of don't want to blame the benzos and the weird asphyxiation(?) treatment he underwent in Russia, but I imagine it all could not have helped.

I was tempted to make reference to Half-Life, which was a revolution in storytelling in games (or FPS games, at least), and that game's main writer was indeed a sci-fi writer who had published some works in the 90's before coming to Valve.

I remember controversy and hilarity about Google's search predictions (not the results, the predictions when you typed in the search bar) from some years before 2016 (e.g. if you started typing "why are Asians..."). I feel like the Grey Tribe response to this problem should have been to just patch the specific issue instead of reengineering the search upstream as an overcorrection.

If it helps contextualize things, here's a video of a phone call between Macron and Putin, listened in on by Macron's advisors, apparently from before the war started.

I admit, I am somewhat seduced by the idea of "Macron-as-European-overlord," but that may be the tiny neoreactionary part of me noticing the conspicuously-Napoleon-shaped-hole in the West.

Yeah, reading that, my mind went to the Gundam franchise, but I don't think any series from that IP comes close to that description.

Hell, I just saw a Twitter shitpost where Russia repeatedly claims Ukraine or someone else did it, and not ISIS. If Russia is accepting that it was ISIS, that's apparently not being signal-boosted.

I think they meant "how much time, in work hours, did it take for you to get that $5 now vs. the past?" That said, I hear that wages in the US have never really kept up with inflation, so...