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joined 2022 September 06 02:37:25 UTC
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User ID: 795



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 06 02:37:25 UTC


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User ID: 795

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How do you know that a Korea ruled by the North would be a non-basketcase country, as opposed to just being actual-North-Korea-but-bigger?

What are these foundations? Why are there three versus six? I'm not familiar with this terminology.

Perhaps this relates to the "axial revolution," where people began to conceive of history as something that progresses instead of repeating in cycles? Maybe also ideas of reincarnation and the afterlife, from Ancient Greece to Ancient India.

The conflict can be brought to a close with the snap of the fingers of Gazan leadership,

Even this is charitable, because this assumes that the Gazans will actually listen and not just keep on jihadin' on their own. Maybe most will, of course, but "most" is probably not enough for Israel at the moment.

You have it right on the last sentence; I could have just said "siloing," but that's already been used on different scales (like between platforms or categories, not necessarily between regions).

I think "character/person hypnotized into sex" is more prevalent in illustrated form rather than in live-action. More live-action stuff is probably the preserve of seriously niche and weird fetishes like sissy hypno (one of the genres where, as Aqouta and Prima mention, the viewer is the one that's supposed to be getting mind-controlled).

I think there are some games on the store that are straight-up uncensored, no patch needed.