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joined 2022 September 06 02:37:25 UTC
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User ID: 795

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How do you know that a Korea ruled by the North would be a non-basketcase country, as opposed to just being actual-North-Korea-but-bigger?

I suppose this is the same logic as smart-gun legislation in places like New Jersey?

Basically "what is not mandatory is forbidden," I take it?

Semi-unrelated, I remember reading several years ago that one of the causes of Japan's low birthrate, or just more of a general problem, was everyone moving into the big cities, emptying out the rural countrysides. Maybe something similar is happening in Korea, and the non-urban areas are depopulating?

What are these foundations? Why are there three versus six? I'm not familiar with this terminology.

Botond mentioned in the thread about the Korean gender war that he is not American.

Perhaps this relates to the "axial revolution," where people began to conceive of history as something that progresses instead of repeating in cycles? Maybe also ideas of reincarnation and the afterlife, from Ancient Greece to Ancient India.