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English Supremacist

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joined 2023 March 31 13:26:28 UTC


User ID: 2301


English Supremacist

0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2023 March 31 13:26:28 UTC


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User ID: 2301

Even Minecraft somehow has 30,000 M/M stories and 7,000 F/M stories. I shudder to think of what's going on in there.

I think a lot of those are also real person fiction, focusing on popular Minecraft streamers (such as Dream and the people he played with).

There's also the TSA from a year before.

I can imagine a future in which science shall have passed from the combative to the dogmatic stage, and shall have gained such catholic acceptance that it shall take control of life, and condemn at once with instant execution what now is left for nature to destroy. But we are far from such a future...

I found this bit to be particularly prescient. Much control over our lives has indeed been taken by those who proclaim a sort of scientific dogma, all while the combativeness that kept science honest and producing useful theories is fading. The future he dreamed about is here, right now.

Are we going to see the far right attempt to form an alliance with the left in the hopes that their shared antisemitism will be sufficient to gain political power?

No, the two groups have diametrically opposed positions on domestic policy questions and their convergence on a single foreign policy issue isn't going to be enough to bridge that gap. You may see their congresscritters vote the same way on Israel-related bills, but there won't be greater cooperation beyond that. This is a case where the enemy of your enemy is your enemy's enemy, no more, no less.

At some level of lethality, explicit lockdowns won't be necessary because everyone will be voluntarily staying home for fear of infection. At levels below that, lockdowns won't work because people won't follow them due to the risk of death being low. It's only when the lethality is unknown but plausibly high that lockdowns can be justified, but once the lethality is known you'll end up in one of the first two situations.

And I suppose that this is further exacerbated by the decline in birth rates: if military families aren't having as many sons (or, in this brave new world, daughters) as they used to, even among the ones that do encourage their kids to join there aren't as many potential recruits.

Maybe he was including future Arabs too?

I'd say that debt was paid off after the US bailed them out of back-to-back world wars.

Indeed, it just occurred to me that that would be the logical thing to do for a military that has just acquired a state.

Orthodox Jew or Orthodox Christian?

All of which is still owned by Lucasfilm, and some of it is still getting published.

Perhaps this is a potential market for Boston Dynamics. An airgapped robot with janitorial tools instead of hands seems fairly hack-proof, or at least less likely to access secret information than a human.

something which has no effect on the modal user

Blind people can't use the official app and rely on third-party apps, which are getting killed by the API changes. So there's an ableism angle to this, which makes lots of people upset about the changes even if they aren't blind.

AND no effect on the stereotypical powermod who's there to defend Cathedral talking points.

Many mods, including those on /r/AskHistorians, rely on third-party apps to do moderation. AskHistorians in particular has a reputation for high-quality modding, which makes the prospect of losing concerning to average users too.

It doesn't seem obvious to me that the boost towards a bad actor's capacity for destruction will outstrip the government's surveillance boon.

If the threat model that governments are concerned about is terrorists using AI to help them build a superweapon that can cause megadeaths (or worse), then the government agencies have to win every time, while the terrorists only have to win once. Anything less than omniscience and omnipotence isn't good enough.

I am weary about accepting their solutions blindly.

You mean "wary". "Weary" means tired, and comes from "wear" in the sense of "worn out" or "weariness". "Wary" means cautious or concerned, and is related to "beware" and "aware".

Surely there would be far more obvious birds to start with in that case!

I mostly watch YouTube on mobile, where it's already more trouble than it's worth to try to get around the ads.

If you have an Android, you should check out NewPipe.

Yes, Iran certainly does have the ability to shoot guns at boats full of Palestinian refugees while the cameras broadcast videos of innocent women and children dying to the world.

And then what does the world do? Send a strongly-worded letter? Sanction them? Maybe try to stop their nuclear program?

The entire point of RLHF is to prevent text generation AIs from working like they did when they first came out.

I can kind of see how a bro-gf might have appealed to 14 year old me

Have you considered that the people making these memes might be teenagers themselves?

My understanding is that any element which is stable enough to do anything with has already been discovered

There's a hypothesized island of stability wherein certain isotopes of heavier elements would be stable enough to exist for long times. Synthesis of these materials is currently beyond our capabilities, but is probably easier than superluminal travel.

How far south did you go? Are you talking about Mexico or did you go further south?

If you get the uBlock Origin extension, you'll never see ads of any kind on YouTube.

These shows are free to watch, but new episodes are crowdsourced (so if you want to see what happens next, pay up!)

Do you mean crowdfunded, or are they soliciting scripts from random people?

Because all of those things inspire question about policy, and any question about what policies should be enacted by politicians is political by nature. This is also why things like Covid "got politicized"; the virus itself isn't political, but the question of what we should (and should not) do about it is.