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English Supremacist

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joined 2023 March 31 13:26:28 UTC


User ID: 2301


English Supremacist

0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2023 March 31 13:26:28 UTC


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User ID: 2301

It's not enough to just be educated, though. Trump has a B.S. from Wharton, and yet many of the progressive attacks on him focus on his perceived lack of intelligence.

If you get the uBlock Origin extension, you'll never see ads of any kind on YouTube.

I can imagine a future in which science shall have passed from the combative to the dogmatic stage, and shall have gained such catholic acceptance that it shall take control of life, and condemn at once with instant execution what now is left for nature to destroy. But we are far from such a future...

I found this bit to be particularly prescient. Much control over our lives has indeed been taken by those who proclaim a sort of scientific dogma, all while the combativeness that kept science honest and producing useful theories is fading. The future he dreamed about is here, right now.

Then again, you also have to show that you are willing to part with some plata.

They have shown that already, which is why the company is as big as it is/was and why the boycott is hurting as much as it is (if they hadn't been spending money, the boycott would have no effect).

These shows are free to watch, but new episodes are crowdsourced (so if you want to see what happens next, pay up!)

Do you mean crowdfunded, or are they soliciting scripts from random people?

As will happen to all of us, as will happen to every cause we hold dear.

This is why you should dedicate your life to causes that have survived for thousands of years, such as Catholicism or shipbuilding, since the longer a thing has existed, the more likely it is to continue to exist.

Removing the streetcar is a substantial loss.

Google Maps shows a bus stop at the location you linked, with several routes passing through it. What advantage does the streetcar have over a bus?

It doesn't seem obvious to me that the boost towards a bad actor's capacity for destruction will outstrip the government's surveillance boon.

If the threat model that governments are concerned about is terrorists using AI to help them build a superweapon that can cause megadeaths (or worse), then the government agencies have to win every time, while the terrorists only have to win once. Anything less than omniscience and omnipotence isn't good enough.

The Storm on the Sea of Galilee is one of my favorites. Unfortunately I'll probably never be able to see it in person.

I think their narrative is meant to be something like the following:

Ever since the very beginning of history up until the Founding of America, women have always been brewing beer. Girl power!

But then, men took this from women! At some unspecified time and in some unspecified fashion, they took all the respectable jobs of growing and brewing, and stripped the women down to use them as mere advertisements.

But now, Miller Lite is undoing all that! They're putting women back in charge (where they belong) and erasing and defacing the artifacts of the previous perverted period. Girl power!

So the reason why general-you is being asked to care about this is because bad things have been done, and now Miller Lite is undoing the badness and restoring the industry to its natural state, and they want you to help. They're not just making the point that "women have long been involved in the beer industries", they're advocating for rolling back the clock on the misdeeds of the recent past and retvrning to the alleged tradition of having women in charge. In that regard, it's quite a reactionary ad.

I was going to say the same thing. The same people who thought Corporate Memphis was a good idea will be the ones who determine the types of prompts that will go into an AI generator. If beauty wasn't their priority before, there's no reason why it will be now, and Corporate Midjourney will not be an improvement.

As a counterpoint, whoever destroyed the Georgia Guidestones seems to have gotten away with it.

All evidence I see both today and historically Russia will expand until they militarily can not. If we didn’t fight over Ukraine they would take the Baltics. If they are strong enough then they would take Poland.

Nukes change the equation. Poland being in NATO is a signal that the US is willing to use nuclear weapons to defend it. That's not a war they can win - at best, it would be a draw, and even that scenario would be the end of Russia as a civilization.

Jeffersonians are the dovish nationalists, whose central ideal is perfecting democracy at home and avoiding foreign entanglements that might distract or corrupt American national purpose. These are your classic anti-war isolationists.

An ironic name, considering that Jefferson got America into its first war in the Islamic world in order to protect American trade.

In a podcast on the Lunar Society, Ilya Sutskever of Open AI wrote that he imagines a situation where every human will have access to the wisdom of our greatest sages and wise men.

This was the promise of the original internet, before all this *gesticulates vaguely* happened. And it came true! You really can use the internet to access the wisdom of all of Earth's greatest sages and wise men at the drop of a hat. But it's not what most people use it for, and I suspect that will be true (and indeed already is) of AI as well.

I am weary about accepting their solutions blindly.

You mean "wary". "Weary" means tired, and comes from "wear" in the sense of "worn out" or "weariness". "Wary" means cautious or concerned, and is related to "beware" and "aware".

Nominative determinism. What foreign policy goals couldn't she accomplish with a name like Victory New Land?

Even Minecraft somehow has 30,000 M/M stories and 7,000 F/M stories. I shudder to think of what's going on in there.

I think a lot of those are also real person fiction, focusing on popular Minecraft streamers (such as Dream and the people he played with).

Many of those things are linked together.

Modernity causes urbanization, which leads to higher house prices/cost of living and higher quality of available entertainment. The higher cost of living means that it's more expensive to support each child, so parental investment has to go up. Feminism, female education, and female workplace participation are all intertwined and mutually reinforcing. The idea of a workplace and accompanying workforce is a product of modernity and urbanization (premodern women spent all their time working, but not for a boss who pays cash wages). That workforce then requires a certain level of education.

There's also the TSA from a year before.

Why would AI researchers want to work on something harmless when they could work on something cool, exciting, and world-changing? Sure, money can be a motivator, but I think you'd hit diminishing returns there fairly quickly, and any offer you could make would be weighed against the possibility of becoming the Mark Zuckerburg or Jeff Bezos of AI, which would give you a net worth of much higher than $30 billion.

Perhaps this is a potential market for Boston Dynamics. An airgapped robot with janitorial tools instead of hands seems fairly hack-proof, or at least less likely to access secret information than a human.

"The slippery slope is a fallacy!" they say, as they strap on their skis.

Because all of those things inspire question about policy, and any question about what policies should be enacted by politicians is political by nature. This is also why things like Covid "got politicized"; the virus itself isn't political, but the question of what we should (and should not) do about it is.

In fact, the opposite is often claimed, that proliferation of such media provides a substitute for the negative behavior, actually reducing it.

It may or may not reduce it, but it certainly doesn't eliminate entirely. There are so few real mass shooters that it would be hard to tell if anyone was actually dissuaded from committing a shooting due to the game, though the game would certainly be banned if even one shooter referenced it in his or her manifesto.