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English Supremacist

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joined 2023 March 31 13:26:28 UTC


User ID: 2301


English Supremacist

0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2023 March 31 13:26:28 UTC


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User ID: 2301

As will happen to all of us, as will happen to every cause we hold dear.

This is why you should dedicate your life to causes that have survived for thousands of years, such as Catholicism or shipbuilding, since the longer a thing has existed, the more likely it is to continue to exist.

It's the duty of a scientist to think deeply about the things he writes about. People will assume that, because he is a scientist, he has in fact thought deeply about the subjects of the papers he publishes. Scientists who don't think deeply about their areas of study need to be discouraged from being scientists, lest they use their institution's prestige to convince people of things that aren't true.

How do you find living people off of dead people?

It may be easier to find living people off of living people. If you take an Ancestry DNA test, you will be able to view the accounts of all other people who took the test and are related to you, even if they are distant cousins. Many of these people will have their own publicly-viewable family trees which you can often use to figure out exactly how they're related to you.

If your grandfather (or parent) is willing to take (or already has taken) a test, he can give you access to his results, which will make it easier to find relevant relatives. Your goal will be to find any DNA matches who either already have Raymond Edward Stocker in their trees or who can be connected to him through other relatives. You can then message these people and find out what they know.

You could use linked lists. The front desk of the archive would have a ledger that maps all names in the archive to the numerical ID of the first and most recent documents with that name, and all documents would be added to the shelves sequentially. When looking for all documents by John Doe, you would look up John Doe in the ledger and go to the first document. That document would have a cover page affixed to it that lists the ID of the second document associated with John Doe. The second document would tell you where the third one is, and so on until you get to the final one. Adding a new document would likewise be straightforward: put it in the first open space on the shelves, look up in the ledger where the last John Doe document is, affix a cover page to it that points to the new document, and then update the ledger. If a document has multiple names, simply repeat this process for each name.

Many of those things are linked together.

Modernity causes urbanization, which leads to higher house prices/cost of living and higher quality of available entertainment. The higher cost of living means that it's more expensive to support each child, so parental investment has to go up. Feminism, female education, and female workplace participation are all intertwined and mutually reinforcing. The idea of a workplace and accompanying workforce is a product of modernity and urbanization (premodern women spent all their time working, but not for a boss who pays cash wages). That workforce then requires a certain level of education.

"The slippery slope is a fallacy!" they say, as they strap on their skis.

Though apparently less unusual in Hamtramck.

And then there are words such as Candible and Fervifying that aren't in the Scrabble dictionary, but the meanings of which can be derived if you know the base words and suffixes.

When the modal I.Q. of a society is below this range to begin with though, raising it may increase violence.

Why would this be the case?

I think the mechanism would be that it makes you smart enough to realize that you can solve your immediate problem with violence, but not smart enough to realize that it will make you worse-off in the long term (assuming your environment is such that violence really is bad for you in the long run).

Do you speak Georgian? If not, how was the language barrier?

it’s worth noting we’re a small, selected minority group everywhere in the country except for two towns, the larger of which is less than 10,000 people

Ave Maria is one, but what's the second?

Do you think that launching an invasion with tens of thousands of troops (along with cutting off all electricity, food, and water) won't lead to accusations of war crimes?

All the better to get the precedents sorted out now, so you have them ready when you really need them.

Was the IRA an enemy of the US like ISIS is?

All evidence I see both today and historically Russia will expand until they militarily can not. If we didn’t fight over Ukraine they would take the Baltics. If they are strong enough then they would take Poland.

Nukes change the equation. Poland being in NATO is a signal that the US is willing to use nuclear weapons to defend it. That's not a war they can win - at best, it would be a draw, and even that scenario would be the end of Russia as a civilization.

Nominative determinism. What foreign policy goals couldn't she accomplish with a name like Victory New Land?

Why would AI researchers want to work on something harmless when they could work on something cool, exciting, and world-changing? Sure, money can be a motivator, but I think you'd hit diminishing returns there fairly quickly, and any offer you could make would be weighed against the possibility of becoming the Mark Zuckerburg or Jeff Bezos of AI, which would give you a net worth of much higher than $30 billion.

It's not enough to just be educated, though. Trump has a B.S. from Wharton, and yet many of the progressive attacks on him focus on his perceived lack of intelligence.

I'd like to hear it! Negative criticism is fun to read.

For that price, I'd want to be able to see Armstrong's footprints on the moon!

If a being is all-knowing, said being must know the most moral thing to do in all possible situations. If a being is all-benevolent, everything said being tells you must be the thing that is best for you to know, and all advice the best advice for you to follow.

The only problem I have is she doesn’t cook meat dinners. She’s down to make me a Turkey sandwich

Is this because she doesn't consider turkey to be meat, or she doesn't consider making a sandwich to be cooking?

That brings to mind the Transcontinental Railroad, which crossed the North American continent but didn't leave the US.

For not so controversial examples, anyone under 60 pronouncing the wh is almost assuredly a very partisan Republican.

What do you mean by this?

The Storm on the Sea of Galilee is one of my favorites. Unfortunately I'll probably never be able to see it in person.