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User ID: 1512



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User ID: 1512

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I've seen a lot of hype over this being the Doom of America over the years but the present reaction has indeed been subdued. Is this not the thing the doomers were dooming about, or is it not doomy after all? Or is the doom yet to come?

Sysadmin seems to be a bit of a dying role - most of the competent people are probably looking for DevOps or SRE roles.

I'm reading the Aeneid, Roman poet Virgil's epic poem/Homer fanfiction. It feels a tad rushed at times, and divine intervention is used in a way that can feel a bit cheap. However it's still well written and reasonably entertaining. Chapter 6 where our hero ventures into the underworld is particularly reminiscent of the Hades games - I've enjoyed playing Hades 2 lately.

Always freeze your dependencies to ensure your system is reproducible and won't randomly break when deployed.

Consider reading Effective Python 2nd edition for an overview of Python's features, though as other commenters have pointed out, you probably don't want to use every feature of Python at once.

Use @dataclass for simple data.

If it turns out that that she rates you as highly as you rate her, why not go with her?

I tend to get winter depression but also don't deal well with super-humid tropical weather. So if it was more practical I would like to live in one hemisphere in the summer and the other hemisphere (or a semi-tropical location) the other half of the year, avoiding winter entirely.


Maybe send a brief message on the day-of saying "looking forward to meeting you tonight" or something?

Why aren't there more often shareholder revolts against the banks then?

This would select for low-skilled ideologues instead talented and pragmatic people. Also, the increased scrutiny might be more than counterbalanced by the increased need/incentive for corruption.

Very good comment and I think you're right about the underlying beliefs of the hardcore "equity" crowd. However I do believe that there's a limiting factor here in that most of the biggest proponents are in the PMC, which is why, out of hypocritical self-interest, they try to keep the politics of envy focussed on "billionaires" (previously the "1%" until some of them realised they were technically in that group).

Unfortunately while this makes Full Communism less likely it doesn't help so much with the racial angle especially since the PMC is generally able to insulate themselves from the worst aspects via informal segregation (eg expensive neighbourhoods with "good schools").

Really getting tired of your constant baiting and insinuation on this topic.

Aggressively patriotic.

The caffeine would contribute to the insomnia, especially if consumed after noon. Can you try the same routine with less/none, or earlier in the day?

I wouldn't normally expect a teacher yelling at a student, even inappropriately, to be a national story.

Looks like a lot of libertarian-ish stuff in the National and ACT agreement which sounds good to me.

I agree with Musk when it comes to the ADL specifically, but it seems unfair to blame "Jewish communities" more broadly.

Read the Odyssey. Enjoyed it but not as much as the Iliad. It gets a bit slow once Odysseus makes it back to Ithaca. There are some colorful adventures along the way, and the greater presence and activity of women is notable. Some parts have a sort of "world's first fanfiction" vibe like when it wanks off some of the characters a bit too much.

On the other hand I find myself opening up the Iliad again to read random passages.

I've gotten into the habit of temporarily leaving the room or shifting to another conversation if people start talking about the kind of stuff that gets me heated.

I was in a similar place and eventually met my now-wife online in my mid 30s.

The lack of clarity around this is part of the reason it lost so badly. At least on the center and right there's also been some perception of the Voice as a possible Trojan Horse where in a few years a left wing government could give Aborigines a veto (or something less dramatic but still disruptive) and the High Court would shrug and say "Well, the constitution says Aborigines have a 'Voice', that could mean anything, so this is constitutional".

I'm glad this lost despite the overwhelming support from most institutions but like all one-sided election results I get the impression (anecdotally) that people are reading too much into the result - on the left that Australians are all racist or heartless or at least misinformed, on the right that we've heroically stood up to say no to wokism or some such.

As much as I'd like to believe that Australians are categorically opposed to this kind of thing, the voice was polling 60-40 or better earlier in the year, so its failure probably comes down to swing voters being unhappy with the details - or lack thereof. I believe the median voter wants to help Aborigines - but they don't want to spend too much money on it or give a political blank check to the government.

It's a left-wing/socialist paper I think.

jpost.com seems reasonably good for the Israeli POV.

Yes, during some of the action scenes I was reminded of gangsta rap (specifically Wu-tang clan ain't nothing to f' with) - youthful bravado and violence accompanied by a long list of shoutouts.

Though I dunno if I'd want my ancestor to be known as "guy who didn't do much then got killed instantly by Hector". No doubt there was some valor in just having been there.