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User ID: 1512



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User ID: 1512

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Most people here seem to want the show to fail, and I haven't even bothered watching it myself, but is there any strong evidence that it's underperforming expectations to a significant degree?

Really getting tired of your constant baiting and insinuation on this topic.

If centralisation and dependence was the goal they would ban at-home solar instead of (sometimes) subsidising it.

Maybe send a brief message on the day-of saying "looking forward to meeting you tonight" or something?

Are you sure you're not sitting or sleeping in a sub-optimal position?

What are some examples?

Unlike the other respondents here I liked the books but didn't care for the show (watched a few eps).

As you surmise it's offensive but not maximally so (except to the growing number of people who are maximally offended by everything).

I wouldn't normally expect a teacher yelling at a student, even inappropriately, to be a national story.

I agree with Musk when it comes to the ADL specifically, but it seems unfair to blame "Jewish communities" more broadly.

Very good comment and I think you're right about the underlying beliefs of the hardcore "equity" crowd. However I do believe that there's a limiting factor here in that most of the biggest proponents are in the PMC, which is why, out of hypocritical self-interest, they try to keep the politics of envy focussed on "billionaires" (previously the "1%" until some of them realised they were technically in that group).

Unfortunately while this makes Full Communism less likely it doesn't help so much with the racial angle especially since the PMC is generally able to insulate themselves from the worst aspects via informal segregation (eg expensive neighbourhoods with "good schools").

Remote work is good if you're experienced and don't need a lot of hand-holding.

Always freeze your dependencies to ensure your system is reproducible and won't randomly break when deployed.

Consider reading Effective Python 2nd edition for an overview of Python's features, though as other commenters have pointed out, you probably don't want to use every feature of Python at once.

Use @dataclass for simple data.


I've gotten into the habit of temporarily leaving the room or shifting to another conversation if people start talking about the kind of stuff that gets me heated.

I typically sit cross legged.

Try sitting with your feet flat on the floor. This provides better support.

Test test 123

I used to use Firefox with the tree-style tabs plugin, but ended up switching around for Mac performance reasons. Have currently settled on Brave also - it's nice to have ad blocking and vertical tabs (even if they aren't as powerful as tree-style) without needing plugins.

Good summary. There's scheduled to be a public congressional hearing on July 26th which will hopefully help clarify if there's any substance here or just more of the same old rumours and blurry videos.

One thing is that most people have at least some preference to be around people demographically similar to themselves, which can partly compensate for other factors.

IIRC some of the CO2 dissolves into acid giving it a slight sour taste.

I've seen them in Chinese junk shops. The one I bought exploded the glass off the connector (in one piece at least...) pretty quickly though.

If the class is mandatory, asking him that risks him retaliating against you if he gets offended.

Did they become more ethnically homogeneous and develop higher inborn disposition for intelligence over the course of that time?

Basically yes! Many things happened since 1AD to impact northern European genetics, including the church ban on cousin marriage (leading to less clannishness), harsher punishments for violent behaviour, and the accidental pressure for high IQ in Jews due to usury laws.

I tend to get winter depression but also don't deal well with super-humid tropical weather. So if it was more practical I would like to live in one hemisphere in the summer and the other hemisphere (or a semi-tropical location) the other half of the year, avoiding winter entirely.