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joined 2022 September 05 05:03:30 UTC


User ID: 448



0 followers   follows 4 users   joined 2022 September 05 05:03:30 UTC


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User ID: 448

The average American is more affluent than the average west European but how much depends on how you define both affluence and western Europe.

The more striking difference is the level of UMC pay, where Americans really and unequivocally are much better off than their European counterparts.

Scandinavia was horrifically riven by civil war and strife? Are we talking about pre-history here or are you referring to the vikings?

I'm not saying things were completely peaceful or that the people were peaceful but Scandinavia most certainly wasn't horrifically riven by civil war and strife. It was a bit below the norm regionally and mostly engaged in military adventurism and mercenary work elsewhere.

One of my best friends had a rough childhood and really struggled with depression and anxiety for while, so now that things are actually pretty good for him with a good partner, house and job; he doesn't want to have kids because he doesn't want them to have the same shit as him.

Very sad to me since I think he would be a great dad.

What specifically are you wondering about? I've bought and sold properties in Sweden and often the only agent involved is "the sellers agent" (in theory both parties agent but paid for and recruited by the seller)

You might recruit people like an assessor or a surveyor if your buying land or a house but you don't have to.

I've never paid more than 2% of the sale price to the realtor but supposedly it can be up to 5%, but I imagine that is for unusual and very high value properties.

Just looked up the drama and that is some of the most pathetic and deranged incel shit I've ever heard in my life. LMAO

Do some activity that requires interacting with other random people if you want to meet new people.

Attend a class, join book club/amateur sports team/an orchestra/a choir/etc or volunteer.

People go in to these activities primed to interact with strangers (as opposed to the opposite in something like a club) which makes it a million times easier to establish new friendships.

If you hate the music, crowd and dancing then this seems like a doomed project. It's one thing if you actually like dancing but are too shy to engage but if you dislike the core activity then this seems like a bad idea.

Surely there are other things for you to do?

Secondly, you don't mentioning going with with friends... Did you go alone? That seems like a really bad idea, for a ton of reasons, and I understand if you were miserable if you did. Step one for enjoying to go to the club should be going there and enjoying dancing with your friends.

It depends on what your goal is I suppose, the first years are very casual. People obviously have different opinions on these kinds of things.

I started soccer at 6 but I know that it was available for 5yos at my local club. My local basketball club offers activities from age 3.

My impression was that Neo-liberals have been very against the settlements this entire time and that they've been pro a two states solution.

Them being against this is no change of political beliefs but israel doing this is of course changing their opinion of Israel for the worse.

Team sports usually isn't a big commitment until they're like 12+. For the very young (like 5-7yo) it's usually 1 to maybe two times a week on weekdays and no games.

A plus is also that its often possible to let other parents do most/some of the work, at least if you can befriend them. You don't need all parents to drive to every game for instance. I don't know your living situation and how car dependant your area is but when the kids get a bit older its often possible for them to largely manage themselves.

Any physically demanding team sport.

Soccer, basketball and volleyball are usually the most popular among girls and I'd mildly favour basketball or volleyball since thay seem to cause less female specific injuries if they go onto elite level competition/exercise.

Maybe you don't consider this enrichment though?

Another option is joining a church choir, it's often free, not very preachy (if that is something that bothers you) and it's a decent music education.

Supporting Palestine and hating Palestinians aren't mutually exclusive positions. If I was Egypt and I hated Palestinians I would very much be pro Palestine because that means the Palestinians stay the fuck away and you have somewhere to expel palestinians in your land to.

Its also a bit funny that there seems to be some sort of inverse relationship with how much some studio spends on their soundtrack and how good it is, at least in the west, with "indies" and small studios consistently having (much) better soundtracks and sound design than AAA productions.

Intentional? Result of friendship corruption? Something else?

The one successful attack in Sweden (so far) had the terrorist run away and ultimately surrender for example.

In general I'd say as much as possible so long as you're not doing steroids. It's hard to borderline impossible to put on too much muscle without some kind of growth hormones, which has skewed people's perception of the consequences of lifting.

An exception to this could be if you're really short (and have short limbs) in which case you might start looking a bit like a dwarf, but even that is mostly a consequence of people doing steroids. If you're of average height and above you really shouldn't worry. Even thimble sized guy like PewDiePie does 2 plate bench and do you think he looks too muscular?

Tldr: Go as hard as you can and don't do steroids.

It is less than half the adjusted rate of the rich white parts of America...

I agree, it seems likely to me that most of not all of the health disparities between the US and Europe is due to that rather than meaningfully different levels of care.

That said... I've heard obstetricians specifically complain about the level of US care.

I don't know man, Sweden does that too and includes things like getting shot and cancer. If you exclude those you get an adjusted rate of <2 deaths per 100k births.

Now we live in a meritocracy and things are much more brutal. Nowadays, the rich are actually much smarter and better looking and more talented than the poor. They studied hard, got into an Ivy, and then got the big job at the bulge bracket bank. Do you suck? It's not because you were born poor, it's because you actually suck. That's a bitter pill to swallow.

Than the poor, sure. I don't see much if any distinction between the UMC and the rich in talent, work ethic or looks. If anything, the UMC are slightly "better" because there is constant selection going on while for the rich there are much higher guard rails.

I don't think the rich necessarily lack merit, it's just that they aren't more meritorious. I still think allowing winners to exist even if they aren't wholly meritous is a good idea in order to stimulate competition, entrepreneurship and risk taking; it's large transfers of intergenerational wealth and the almost complete lack of risk involved in maintaining wealth nowadays that's a bit iffy to me.

How do you see both happening? When you're in striking range with the knife you're inside the striking range of the bat.

I think you guys are thinking about this the wrong way. You're not going to incapacitate a guy with a bat in one hit if he protects himself while charging you, and after that it's going to be a grappling match over the knife. You're not going to hit him in the head with the bat.

I don't know about that, I liked showing off that I was engaged. You still don't need to get a second ring.

I'd say 4 or 3. 1 engagement ring each and the man could possibly reuse the engagement ring as the wedding ring/band. Alternatively, only the woman gets an engagement ring and both get a wedding ring. Its culture bound.

The woman's engagement ring usually have stones, often diamonds.

The wedding rings are frequently just bands but again, the woman's ring can have stones.

It's an issue for moderately attractive (composite) men as well.

Believe it or not but men get tired of meeting new women as well. Not in the sense that they're uninterested in the sex but all the other shit. Then it turns into a grind of going through tons of people and the sinking realisation that your market value might not be as high as you would like, despite managing to score regularly.

People say that men are more ready to date down than women but that is a truth with modifications. For example, I strongly doubt that any of my friends would seriously date a woman without at least a bachelor in a decent field, or they'd have to be spectacularly attractive and even then I'm not so sure.

I don't hear this complaint from other people; typically they complain about getting no matches or not hearing back after the first date.

Another one I've heard is the matches are of a poor quality in the sense that people don't like the people they're meeting up with even if they look good/decent which leads to cycling through a massive amount of people, which is exhausting and dispiriting.

I've not heard of your complaint as a recurring issue. I wonder if is a Chicago thing or a you thing.