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joined 2022 September 14 20:49:52 UTC


User ID: 1201



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User ID: 1201

Lol, the motte is weird af

  • -10

The most sane take that the motte has produced

If NIMBYs NIMBY at scale then it’s a problem.

What do we do then?

(My solution: NIMBY labor and re-education camps)

Everyone rapidly generating nonsense with AI is not my ideal world

That’s just life in cities. Always has been like that. Come hang out in the city and you’ll find yourself shoulder to shoulder with 13 different ethnicities, and Socrates and his gang of kids will come bother you about why you follow the weird old traditions. At least if you’re in a city where people are pulled to want to come to, that’s how it goes.

I don’t really think there’s anything new here.

How many regular people do you think are walking around with an internal plot to “displace white America”?

The irony of your comment being downvoted, lol

This was also my experience.

Edit: in Colorado. I think we were pretty chill about the whole ordeal. I just went about my life normally and I don’t think anything that I did was even ever against any certain new rule. There was a mask mandate I guess and restrictions on the number of people in an establishment, but other than that really not much changed.

We were encouraged to get out and get fresh air, for example. To go to parks, go hiking, things like this. There were never any outdoor mask requirements either.

Sweeping generalizations of the outgroup, consensus building.

I think the day is approaching where you won’t be able to tell if anyone you’re interacting with online is even real or not, and I hope when that happens I’ll just be fed up enough to put it all aside and just stop even coming online to see what people have to say anymore.

Lmao, you’ve gotta love it

Ah, thanks.

Yeah, I didn’t know it was from a video and not a tweet.

The responses here helped me figure it out ;)

I think that panspermia is relatively common, complex life is rare among worlds with life (reference: Nick Lane), intelligent technological civilizations rare among worlds with complex life, and civilizations capable of interstellar travel on any reasonable timeframe are either rare among intelligent technological civilizations or do not exist.

I think he was intentionally going for the intellectual leaders of the movement to make his case and deeper point.

Which is why he says at one point:

The best New Right thinkers will avoid those mistakes, but still every political philosophy has to be willing to live with “the stupider version” of its core tenets.

It’d be hard to argue that the figures I list are not part of the same wave of political thinking which Cowen is describing, IMO. I don’t see any tenet in which they fundamentally differ.

Seems people agree more with you then with me so maybe I’m wrong

I don’t think these are great counterpoints as, LatAm is one of the most ethnically diverse places of the world, and it’s definitely true that people structure the cities there based on fleeing from crime.

But there may be something in what you mention about the idea of fleeing cities, in the US, city cores became the crime ridden parts, whereas in LatAm, the outskirts are typically more dangerous and the city center is more clean and well kept.

That’s probably part of it. But in my opinion, car culture is the biggest factor here. Here in the US we went all in on designing everything around the car, and it upended basic communal life in my opinion.

And yet that freedom has eroded the very foundations of the community and turned society into an atomized and compartmentalized expanse of boring sameness.

I actually meant things like: agriculture business is dependent upon their labor

They will not come if a fifty-foot-tall barrier physically obstructs their route

And then our agricultural system falls apart, wohoo

Since when can Florida not deal with the cultural baggage of a few Latinos?

It’s impossible to walk around Miami without receiving a “buenos días”, been that way for decades.

Can anyone tell me, what did he say about the Nazis/Hitler? I’m reading secondhand sources that he praised them somehow but I’m curious what he actually said.

Yeah, I’m always a bit confused by the claim that all of cultural production is blue tribe stuff.

Podcasts and comedy are typically not super progressive blue tribe areas, and actually that’s where much of the thinking and cultural production goes on in our society.

Yeah, haha you’ll have to excuse me.

I took a break from this place for a bit and it was comedic for me to gawk at the take that young women are liberal because they want big strong immigrants to come mate with them.

It might not be wrong btw. I’m pro immigration and I tend to find foreign women really hot. Who knows if deep down that’s my real motivation?

Carry on, as you were!

I was making a funny analogy for the differences you draw between yourself and other people here.