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joined 2022 September 14 20:49:52 UTC


User ID: 1201



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User ID: 1201

Lol, the motte is weird af

  • -10

This is true comedy

Yeah, haha you’ll have to excuse me.

I took a break from this place for a bit and it was comedic for me to gawk at the take that young women are liberal because they want big strong immigrants to come mate with them.

It might not be wrong btw. I’m pro immigration and I tend to find foreign women really hot. Who knows if deep down that’s my real motivation?

Carry on, as you were!

How many regular people do you think are walking around with an internal plot to “displace white America”?

Everyone rapidly generating nonsense with AI is not my ideal world

Wow, that article is just like, paragraph upon paragraph of distain for black people. Went to read it to see if there’d be anything interesting brought up, but… oof.

Sweeping generalizations of the outgroup, consensus building.

Yeah, I’m always a bit confused by the claim that all of cultural production is blue tribe stuff.

Podcasts and comedy are typically not super progressive blue tribe areas, and actually that’s where much of the thinking and cultural production goes on in our society.

The irony of your comment being downvoted, lol

Fundamentally, the motte is for two things:

  • Gawking at/criticizing the latest thing the wokes did. Wondering whatever will the non-wokes do in their guerrilla war.

  • Peacocking elaborate or strangely alluring normie-repellent beliefs.

Hey, there’s nothing wrong with that. But that’s just what the forum is for.

It’s cool, we’re all here because we’re female peacocks. No hate <3

when a lot of opposition to Israel (especially on the left) is in fact motivated by antisemitism.

Wait, really?

I could see that opposition to Israel is motivated by anti semitism among Arabs or something like this. But since when is the left anti-Semitic, I’ve never seen that?

It’s in the style of waging the culture war, to me.

[People we don’t like] don’t value anything anymore! They’re rushing in to replace the values they destroyed!

We are in the fight against them and their values!

This was also my experience.

Edit: in Colorado. I think we were pretty chill about the whole ordeal. I just went about my life normally and I don’t think anything that I did was even ever against any certain new rule. There was a mask mandate I guess and restrictions on the number of people in an establishment, but other than that really not much changed.

We were encouraged to get out and get fresh air, for example. To go to parks, go hiking, things like this. There were never any outdoor mask requirements either.

You happened to get lucky and experience something weird that people don’t normally experience.

Congratulations / sorry.

I would have gotten the fuck out if I was Ukrainian, tbh

That's because it's not so much as a political movement as it's an online or pundit movement. People like Tucker or Yarvin do not aspire to public office.

Trump? Greene? Boebert? De Santis (who’s at least very influenced by it)? All the people running for office under a Trumpist Republican type banner?

I don’t know about this.

I see far more families out on the street hanging out and just generally enjoying life in Latin America (where crime is much higher) than I do in the United States. It’s always the top thing I notice traveling between these two.

Latin American streets are full of life. Full of families, tons of children running around, events, gatherings, all manner of activity. US streets are quiet, dead, there’s nobody around, and even just walking around is shunned.

I also noticed that this affects my mental well-being a lot, and it’s the main reason my political persuasion is basically an urbanist in the way Noah describes.

Can anyone tell me, what did he say about the Nazis/Hitler? I’m reading secondhand sources that he praised them somehow but I’m curious what he actually said.

Adeus floresta amazônica

I think the day is approaching where you won’t be able to tell if anyone you’re interacting with online is even real or not, and I hope when that happens I’ll just be fed up enough to put it all aside and just stop even coming online to see what people have to say anymore.

Sure, but I think those traditional values are actually the remnants of an older monoculture that was steamrolling everything, and the left was so successful in usurping it that they stumbled into the position of becoming the new monoculture.

It’s always been an awkward position for the left, they’re temperamentally suited to fighting the power structure and so things got weird when they suddenly became it.

I mean, it’s cultural diversity.

It’s previously been a conservative impulse to destroy indigenous cultures by integrating them into the ‘correct’ belief system (here: the church). This occurred across Europe and N and S America.

Isn’t it conservatives who want people in nations to have one culture and not several?

Why was providing actual data on the thing everyone else in this thread was simply assuming downvoted?


In other news, “communalist libertarian market socialist” on Reddit is convinced that the “communalist libertarian market syndicalists” are actually the real fascists.