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User ID: 135



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User ID: 135

The ones I've watched always seemed dubious, it might just be the one channel I landed on. A guy makes a beautiful swimming pool in the jungle using only a knife and a bucket... hmm. At the least it seems like they always pick a spot with the softest, loosest, most diggable dirt in the whole world. There's never half of two brick walls buried four inches down.

You've found the copycats, the original Primitive Technology dude is extremely impressive and realistic. The swimming pool videos are obviously fake and done with modern machinery, the dude I linked is making bricks, vases, kilns, hatchets, etc. which are much more realistic for a single guy alone in the jungle.

Those for whom forgiving Hitler would be a real act of forgiveness, should of course aim to forgive him while still acknowledging that his actions were evil. I just very much doubt that many people have the required emotional hatred of Hitler to make the forgiveness meaningful. Any "forgiveness" that I could give Hitler wouldn't mean very much because I don't feel his atrocities with much emotional force, I'd have to watch a few holocaust survivor interviews, read Man's Search For Meaning and watch Schindler's List again in order to really feel his atrocities, and then maybe forgiving him would mean anything.

True Forgiveness is really hard. I recently discovered the youtube channel "Soft White Underbelly" and I watched this interview of a prostitute on Skid Row. The black mark she has on the side of her face is a cover-up tattoo of the name of her former pimp, who forced her to tattoo his name on her face when she was 13 years old. By any metric what Hitler did was much worse than what this one pimp did to this one girl, but I spent 30 full minutes yesterday during meditation trying to forgive the pimp this one act, and I couldn't do it.

I have a very large google sheets document where I compute macros per weight for a bunch of my most common homemade foods (like protein bars, chili, hamburgers, fried chicken, etc.), like the picture shows. Some variety does need to be sacrificed, but I arrived at a combination of 5 or 6 recipes that I like and that fit my macros pretty well.


edit: also, I get cheap whey here and cheap casein protein here, direct import from india from indiamart would be even cheaper, but that's a bit too much hassle for me right now

I'd guess a combination of high standards on his part, social ackwardness, lack of time to go out due to working on stuff, and a strong desire not to be in a relationship with the kind of woman who'd want to date him for his fame and money. Lex seems to hold a very Romantic and idealistic view of relationships and love, and he wants to find someone with the same point of view who isn't a gold digger, and there are probably incredibly few social opportunities for him to meet someone like that.

yet being inexplicably popular

Now that clip is incredibly unfair and completely misreads the relationship between Rogan and Lex. Lex does ask extraordinarily predictable questions, and is just incredibly naive at times, but I don't believe for a second that he isn't genuine. He's a very un-cynical and charitable guy. To my eyes Rogan gave him his favorite watch as a gesture of love to a friend he likes, it seems like Glennwald and Beattie are too old and cynical to even recognize a mental state of friendly-love. They're completely stumped by the gesture and have to interpret it through their bizzare worldview where everything is a political machination.

edit: okay after looking a bit more into his "MIT credentials", it does seem like Lex was some wannabe social climber dude. My opinion of him is dropped significantly

edit2: out of curiosity I went to read his phd thesis from Drexel University, since it's kind of related to my field. To be frank, his thesis is shit. He basically applied standard ML methods to the problem of identifying internet users from their click patterns and other info. His approach is basically what you'd immediately come up with once the problem of "use ML to identify users from browser data" presented itself, there isn't a non-trivial idea in there that I can see. I'm honestly somewhat baffled that you can get a PhD with a thesis like that...

Well, social opportunities that aren't full of social climbers. If he goes to the sort of parties thrown by Musk, Rogan, etc., then any single young woman there is immediately under suspicion of being a gold digger or worse.

I should really make a giant "Nerd's Guide to Getting Ripped & Shredded" as a post that we could always link for these questions, rehashing everything every wednesday seems like a bit of a waste of time.

that firing white people to bring in a minority is still racism, but still believes in critical race theory and think that Jonathan Haidt and John McWhorter are idiots that are worth mocking immediately.

I think that this is a mostly empty category at this point.

What are some diplomatic skills I can develop to argue in such a way that a) I do not put myself in a position where I get easily accused (with onlookers being persuaded of those accusations), b) attention of onlookers remains on the bailey (not motte, the accusations), c) I politely reveal the idiocy of the positions of my woke interlocutors?

You have to hide your arguments with the language style and concerns of the woke, absolutely never show any type of anger, show complete apparent sincerity and good-will, and never actually admit to holding some positions like being pro-gun or anti-abortion, but merely say that you have some close family members (or friends) who hold those positions, and that after talking with them you didn't think their arguments were as stupid as you expected (you were not convinced by them, of course, but merely impressed by the arguments). Couch everything in a desire to simply make the woke's arguments better by seeing how they stand up to scrutiny. At the end of every exchange where you "try to make the woke arguments better", you have to end up saying that the woke are right, and just hope that the spectators see that the arguments against are really much better than those for the woke, even if you appeared to concede to wokeness in the end.

Another argumentative weapon is to have the "how do we convince conservatives?" frame, where you show people the anti-woke arguments in an attempt to see how the woke POV would address them, for the purpose of convincing conservatives. Couch everything in compassion, conservatives are people too, despite their "horrible viewpoints", and we should aim to rebuke their arguments. The goal is not to be explicitly anti-woke, but just to expose people to anti-woke arguments which they've never seen.

All that said... arguing about politics in public under your real name is almost never worth it.

I've had some success with this on university discord servers, there are people on there who appear less woke than I appear, but I seem to get more people interacting with me, and therefore I get more woke people hanging themselves with the rope I give them. I think that any forum with real names requires this sort of caution if we're gonna talk politics, anything less than this might carry an unacceptable chance of a bad outcome.

A very substantial flat decrease in tax rate for all couples with at least one child (maybe with some soft cutoff for the age of the parents so we don't lose revenu from people in their 40s and 50s). The average child per mother in western countries has actually increased since the 80s, it's just that women aren't having that first child anymore at the same rates, so encouraging the first child should be sufficient.

Have you tried those springy strips that stick to your nose to open it during the night? I don't think I have sleep apnea, but I do notice higher quality sleep if my breathing is better.

So, party until the lights go out? How do I deal with my AI-driven existential crisis?

Pretty much, yeah. That and develop an absurdist sense of humor. I also started hardcore meditation in 2016 partly to deal with this eventuality, and I'm glad I did. To quiet my "do something!" Inner sense I'm also devoting about an hour everyday during evening walks trying to think of possible alignment ideas, just in case my brain decides to come up with something particularly novel that I think might have a shot.

So far most of my hope is that Boxing and interpretability techniques for LLMs end up enabling us to control a weakly superhuman AI that is nevertheless strong enough to produce AI safety work that can be independently verified.

But if we are ever going to develop anything remotely approaching general AI, such a program has to exist, because general AI, by definition, doesn't exist without it.

General AI only requires the existence of an agent capable of creating the music-transcription program, not that the program itself actually exists. The fact that this very specific program doesn't exist yet is not very good evidence that we aren't approaching AGI. If you imagine an AI's intelligence as growing from the equivalent of a one-year-old infant to a 25-year-old programmer's over the course of a year, you don't get a smooth increase in the number of different useful programs the AI is capable of writing over the course of this year, you instead get basically zero useful programs until some critical point, and then an explosion as it becomes capable of coding all human programs.

The current throw-money-at-transformers paradigm seems to favor big players. Maybe do a spread trade where you short robotics stuff and go long Google/Microsoft/Nvidia ? General AI hype would seem to drive both types of stock up, but by shorting robotics you'd bet on LLMs getting better much faster than robotics is improving.

recently I've quite enjoyed a punk rock band called The viagra boys

A few reasons:

  • I'm curious how AI will turn out.

  • I think I can use my talents to help the world (again related to AI).

  • I want to experience my first child being born at some point.

  • I want to get married and experience that.

  • I want to see how deeply meditation will take me towards seeing past the veil of experience.

  • I want to experience the final Unified Theory Of Physics being created and know enough math to understand it.

  • I want to make more friends and have more fun with them

  • have more sex

  • I want to see just how good my body can look if I really dedicate myself to working out and eating well

  • eat more and different good food around the world

  • and finally I want to be around in case we do get an amazing transhuman future to see all the crazy shit that will undoubtedly be there

But I'll say what I usually do when a friend comes to me with thoughts of suicide. Once killing yourself is on the table, crazy shit becomes warranted. Like trying steroids to drive off depression (you can buy testosterone gel/patches on indiamart.com). If you really, really feel like dying on a particular day, I would urge you to do a hit of 5-meo-dmt (again from an indian source), it's basically death in a drug (and very very different from the n,n-dmt you might have heard about), you feel your consciousness dissolving into an indescribable state for around 15 minutes before coming back. If you do try it with a large enough dose, I suspect that you'll find that a single Death per day is enough.

When so diminished, it looks like mere letters on a screen, dead words; but it would be presumptuous of a diminished subhuman to make a decision to sabotage the plan of the master who is temporarily absent. Think of your better moments: they are not gone completely. Although not everything, much can be salvaged.

Genuinely great post, man, thanks for writing it.

tirzepatide; basically you only need to wait a little for it to become commodified as tens of millions of fatasses conjure a market.

OP doesn't even need to wait, I got semaglutide from this chinese source for roughly 7USD per 2mg, and it's worked wonders for the past 2 months.

Wow, unless you have a weird definition of "drink", then those are truly massive amounts of alcohol. Like Huberman would say, this is called "alcohol use disorder".

Unfortunately, yes, small amounts of alcohol have a detectable effect on brain white and gray matter volume:

Specifically, alcohol intake is negatively associated with global brain volume measures, regional gray matter volumes, and white matter microstructure. Here, we show that the negative associations between alcohol intake and brain macrostructure and microstructure are already apparent in individuals consuming an average of only one to two daily alcohol units, and become stronger as alcohol intake increases.

Here "one unit" means 10ml of ethanol, slivovitz has 50% abv, so you're drinking 350ml ethanol per 14 days = 2.5 alcohol units per day. The paper I linked has a bunch of interesting figures (fig 3 in particular is nice), and they provide this useful comparison:

For illustration, the effect associated with a change from one to two daily alcohol units is equivalent to the effect of aging 2 years (or 1.7 years in the model that excludes individuals who consume a high level of alcohol), where the increase from two to three daily units is equivalent to aging 3.5 years (or 2.9 years in the model that excludes individuals who consume a high level of alcohol).

Going from 0 to 1 daily units doesn't have any measurable effect in that study, but going from 1 to 2 and 2 to 3 does. So with your 2.5 units/day, it's equivalent to an aging-related decrease in brain volume of around 3.75 years. Not world-ending in any sense, but still not nothing.

(I'm slightly confused by the study, since presumably the effects should depend on how long you've been drinking alcohol, and not just provide a flat decrease in brain matter, but I'm not seeing any such effect reported in the paper)

Yeah that's what I thought too, but they super-duper promise they accounted for confounders:

We perform a preregistered analysis of multimodal imaging data from the UK Biobank (UKB)42,43,44, which controls for numerous potential confounds.

I assume that the website you're getting it from is a compounding pharmacy.

Oh it's nothing so official. I don't have a prescription for semaglutide, so I've had to find sources that don't ask for it, the chinese website I linked is one such source. If you press "contact" on that website and send a message to the guy, he'll send you a whatsapp phone number, though which you chat with him about what you want, I bought 10 vials of 2mg semaglutide. Payment is through a payment processor like moneygram or wise, but in the end these are just middlemen which also accept credit cards (though there are some annoying verifications you have to go through, I had to send a picture of my drivers license).

I took a picture of what actually arrived, inside sealed packaging depicting some sort of chinese female-targeted face mask (so it better evades customs), you can see in the background the other 9 flasks.

To reconstitute it, you need to buy bacteriostatic water (I bought it from here, no need for prescription or anything). You need 2 different syringe types, the first one I use is a 1ml syringe to draw up water from the bac-water bottle and reconstitute the solution, and a second 0.3ml insulin syringe I use to actually inject. Most of the complexity of doing this water manipulation is being aware that drawing up water creates a vacuum in the bottle, so when you draw up 0.25ml in your insulin syringe, you first need to inject 0.25ml of air inside the bottle to maintain the same end-pressure. You need to also buy alcohol prep pads to clean every surface that the needle will touch (the top of all bottles, and the skin) about a minute before the needle goes in.

Semaglutide is a lot more stable than other peptides at room temperature, in lyophilized form at room temperature there was basically no degradation after a month, which means that you can keep it for a while in that form without risk. Reconstituted it's also stable at room temp for a few weeks.

Now onto the effects and protocol:

First, the main effects: this stuff has a massive, just massive dose-dependent effect on appetite. In my default state, I need to eat around 3500 calories (at my current 230lbs, around 27% body fat level) not to feel hungry going to bed. Semaglutide at the 1mg/week level made that drop to needing 2200 calories to feel completely satiated at the end of the day. It both seems to cause food to stay in my stomach longer, and cause hormone signalling to make my brain not crave food. I've lost 2 to 3 lbs per week over the past month following my current 2000cal/day diet. I did not notice any other effects apart from appetite suppression and very, very slight and infrequent nausea. I'd suggest to have a formal diet plan if you want to lose weight, and semaglutide will make it effortless for you to stick with it.

I started not with the injectable version, but with the oral version of semaglutide called Rybelsus (which I got without prescription from indiamart). The oral version has much lower bioavailability, so you need to take it everyday in the morning on an empty stomach with max 100ml of water and wait at least 30min before eating anything else, otherwise the absorption is shit. The recommendation is to start with the 3mg/day version for a month, then upgrade to 7mg/day for a month, then again to 14mg/day, at which point you can switch to an equivalent injectable dose of 0.5mg/week (this shows just how badly semaglutide is absorbed in the gut). The important thing to know is that semaglutide has a half-life of a whole week, so the equilibrium point of a 1mg/week dose is really 2mg flowing in your blood, which you get to after about a month at the same dose.

I didn't follow the recommended dosing, I did 10 days at 3mg oral, then 10 days at 7mg oral, then 2 weeks at 0.5ml/week injectable, then 2 more weeks at 1.0ml/week injectable. The whole point of going up slowly is to prevent gastrointestinal side-effects, which are by far the most reported side-effects in trials. I didn't get much stomach disruption, but I did notice that I got it more with the injectable than the oral, so I think it's the sudden spikes of semaglutide that are to blame, this made me switch to a 3x/week injection with smaller amounts, and it seems to have solved it. Insulin needle injections are nothing like the intramuscular vaccines or anything, the needle is absolutely tiny and doesn't hurt at all, like, me pinching my leg fat to create a suitable injection site hurts more than the needle going in.







Pinging @JhanicManifold.

Lol, I guess I have been writing a lot about how to get various psychedelics, peptides, and semaglutide.

If you're in canada, you can just order shrooms online, though you'll have to pay by interac transfer bank-to-bank. They will arrive, and they will be real and effective. If you want to precisely dose shrooms, blend them into very small bits, then use a milligram scale to measure and make a shroom tea. That's how I do it anyway. For other psychedelics, another good source is https://my.indiamart.com/, though if you search directly on the website you won't find them, you need to go on google, and do a specific site search like "site: indiamart.com ketamine", and you'll find this close to the top links, which is just straight up a vial of ketamine. I've bought lots of stuff from indiamark, including blood pressure medications, a long-term supply of antibiotics for my disaster prep bag, semaglutide, modafinil, etc. and they've all made it past the canadian border safe and sound, and were completely effective as far as I can see, though I didn't test them in a lab.

To minimize legal risk you can also get stuff like 1P-LSD, which is different enough from LSD as to be in a legal gray area, but still a pretty potent psychedelic.

I have to say, it's incredible how well semaglutide is working for me. Literally the only effect I notice is a massive decrease in general hunger and a massive increase in how full I feel after every meal, with no side-effects that I can notice. No more desire to go buy chocolate bars each time I pass by a convenience store. No more finishing a 12 incher from subway and still looking for stuff to eat. No more going to sleep hungry. The other day at subway I finished half of my sandwich and was absolutely amazed to find out that I didn't especially want to eat the second half. To be clear, I still get hungry, it's just that my hunger levels now automatically lead to me eating 2000 calories per day, instead of my old 3500.

I'm simultaneously amazed that I finally found the solution that I've been looking for, and angry at the prevalent "willpower hypothesis of weight loss" that I've been exposed to my whole life. I spent a decade trying to diet with difficulty set on nightmare mode, and now that my hunger signalling seems to have been reset to normal levels, I realise just how trivial it is to be skinny for people with normal hunger levels. All the people who teased me in high school didn't somehow have more willpower than me, they were fucking playing on easy mode!

The stuff that actually works is minoxidil, finasteride, and scalp needling (don't use a derma roller, use a needling pen like this ). All of these only stave off the shedding, you have to continue treatment indefinitely if you want to keep your hair. I'd suggest starting with some combination of minoxidil+needling until the point where you feel confident enough to just go bald.