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Once again, some apparent white nationalist has noticed that lots of elite are left-wing and assumed that's because they're Jewish rather than because the elite are like that.

Murderers wouldn't vote to make murder legal, because they know very well that they could be the victim of murder by someone else. (They might vote to make murder legal only if done by themselves and not by anyone else, but laws like that aren't on the table.) And if a crime is victimless, I'd be fine with letting criminals vote to legalize it. There may be edge cases (a vagrant who doesn't own property may want to make sleeping on someone's property legal) but I doubt that such things would be seriously proposed as laws anyway.

"Assume" in common parlance includes Bayseian reasoning.

This seems to be a troll. It's a new poster, whose first post is a top-level post, about a topic that Sneerclub loves to hate us for, using the terminology "HBD" which indicates familiarity with us, "asking questions" in a way designed to get charitable responses that can be quoted out of context.

The response which says "I am as racist and White supremacist as any can be", also from a new poster, seems to be the troll's ally. Come on, guys. Do you think anyone who actually had such opinions would come out and say it like that, knowing how people would react?

(Edit: Misread the posting history, they are not new posters.)

Explain the "apartheid" in Palestine. This is a classic example of a controversial claim made without evidence.

Even I know that it can be phrased using the word "whom", or have the word order changed.

The primary reason that people who are vegan/vegetarian (for non-religious reasons, and even plenty of those) condemn the consumption of meat is because their heart aches at the idea of eating cute little animals, with souls,

The primary reason why people don't like pictures of Mohammed is because their heart aches at the idea, except for religious reasons.

I am agnostic on lab-grown meat. If it tastes good, is cheap, and is of comparable healthiness to legacy meat, I will eat it.

I'm sure that if non-picture pictures of Mohammed were good enough, non-Muslims would be agnostic about using them. It's not as if non-Muslims think that pictures have to be real pictures, as long as they look fine and serve their function. Same as for the meat.

The typical holocaust denier has far less interest at stake than, say, the typical online Israeli or Zionist.

Yet the typical online Zionist posts about other things than just Zionism.

When they say they were driven like a slave that's metaphorical. It isn't actually the same thing as being driven like a real slave.

People here have pegged me as a HBD supporter, but actually I think a lot of HBD is exaggerated or worse. A prime example is HBD supporters claiming that African countries have such low IQ that by Western standards most of them would be mentally retarded. That's a violation of common sense and shows that something's obviously wrong with the HBD idea. The only explanation I've seen is "well, retarded people do poorly for reasons other than IQ" which is also a violation of common sense.

As for immigration, I'd say "regardless of any arguments about regression to the mean, nobody in the West is giving race-based preferential immigration to Asians. If they're not going to do that, then they don't have the excuse 'we don't want smart black people to immigrate because regression to the mean'."

Exactly which group do you claim is the most privileged people on the planet?

That already describes my priors and sampling method.

Is it classified as 'substantial' when the amount of people clicking the holocaust denial link drive it to the top of Google search results?

Just because they click it doesn't mean they want it. It's like clicking on a scam, except that unlike a scam, which is false and trying to take your money, this one's just false. People don't want false pages.

He used a similar tactic at Reddit

Not according to that link. That link is a user speculation (labelled with a sarcastic JUST KIDDING, which doesn't mean that he's kidding, but does mean that it's something he thinks happened, not something he has evidence for.)

I couldn't watch Gunslinger Girl. The whole setup with older men mentoring young girls to do weird things, even if in this context it was assassination, seemed too close to grooming for me.

The Arabs hate the US because the slogan "they hate our freedom", while laughed at by a lot of the left, is pretty much true. The Arabs don't like to have multi-ethnic, religiously tolerant states where the inhabitants get the freedoms that the West approves of. Even freedom of the press and separation of church and state would be alien to Arab countries, never mind something like gay rights.

The left may not be consistently anti-Israel, but even when not actually anti-Israel, it's anti-a lot of things Israel does, including border walls. So the answer is "pretty much nobody who opposes limits on immigration in the US supports it for Israel".

If "ecosystem" refers to people in charge, there is no contradiction between them cheering for Hamas and everyday leftists not doing so.

Everyone dies sometimes. And many different types of deaths cause trauma. So this seems fundamentally unfair, since the drunk drivers don't get to negative-visit traumatic deaths that don't happen because someone died from a drunk driver instead of dying from cancer or something else traumatic later on.

Right after you win the World Cup, a famous and powerful gay guy whom you're kind of acquainted with...

It's impossible to have a gay guy who would be attractive to the vast majority of males the way that a guy could be attractive to the vast majority of females.

The sentiment is hostile. You don't need to believe Hell exists in order to understand that someone louldy proclaiming that you're going to go there probably doesn't like you very much.

What about employers who tell people to sell their vote to their employer or they are fired? Middle class employees won't stand for this, but people with few skills who are qualified for few jobs, .ay have a problem.

And for those people who will likely never be interested in politics for one reason or another, they still have the ability to directly benefit from their voting privileges as a citizen.

What do you about the fact that you being able to buy unused votes dilutes third parties' votes? Aside from forcing the third party to bid against you for the votes just so that he's no worse off than he is today.

Jews are intelligent. As such, HBD provides no reason to be against them.

Also giving executives who fail miserably huge severance packages instead of doing what they should, telling them to get on the dole like a normal person.

They get severance that you don't for the same reason that they get paid more than you. So I'd say that yes, they should get huge severance packages.

I don't think your conflation of death with life imprisonment as things the state should never do on the off chance it does it to an innocent makes much sense.

It does if you don't fall in the lizardman constant. I guarantee you that outside weird rationalist forums, you'll find essentially nobody at all, and certainly no death penalty opponents, who say that there is an acceptable level of innocents killed by the state. Yes, if you do say that, my argument isn't relevant.