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joined 2022 September 06 20:53:06 UTC


User ID: 886



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User ID: 886

Read the book "Clean Code" by Robert Martin.

This comment made me think some about how I specifically see the civilizations/countries of the world.

I probably would say 1st world (anglosphere, rich europe), 2nd world (poor europe), developing, won't develop.

For many contexts thinking of the islamic countries as a group also occurs. I'd say to me China counts as the most important developing country (although with their current problems that economic position could easily backslide for the rest of my life) and india somewhere in the middle of the developing countries. Not a "can't develop" like most of SSA but not of special note. Something like indonesia.

Everything else aside, it boggles the mind that it is considered appropriate for a non-verbal student to be mainstreamed.

Is there a reason you choose to use the pronoun she for a male pedophile?

The risk of high protein is that you are eating enough protein to convert it to sugar, screwing over your ketosis. I'd suggest using ketostix to track whether your ketones are behaving correctly on the high protein before you try it.

Personally I capped my protein around 66g a day for that reason, but people vary.

High protein just... isn't keto. Better to call it low carb.

I'm not sure if anyone shared this last week. Ryan Murphy (youtuber that discusses military things) broke down/translated some military orders found on a Hamas soldier showing the extent of the planning of the attack. I watched it on his substack because he said the youtube version was edited for monetization. https://ryanmcbeth.substack.com/p/inside-the-hamas-operations-order This is for a group that attacked one of the kibbutzim. The most interesting stuff to me was that they carried no water, med kits, and the plan is missing the parts of the operation manual that usually detail medical evacuation procedures (saying this was unsurprisingly considered to be a one way trip, hostage takers returning to gaza aside). I was also surprised at the detail they had on the directions and timings of possible defense forces to arrive. He also has some shorts where he looks at a couple of propaganda videos and says why he thinks they are fake.

I too used to feel bad for intersex athletes but at the end of the day the existence of extremely rare intersex individuals is not an argument to let men compete with women based on their desire to do so.

Mike is small and unthreatening. No one looks to "clock" a transman because he's not winning Man of the Year Awards, male olympic medals, or scaring anyone with his genitals in a bathroom. It's not that somehow Mike just is a man, its mostly that people don't care because his identity doesn't revolve around forcing other people to acknowledge and validate his fetish.

Until it is, and then people are just as angry at Mike as Dylan. When Mike yells at gay men on twitter or tries to cancel them because they say no to vaginas, or where Mike's family finds the idea of calling their daughter "he" ridiculous, the screeching is just as loud.

and result in more deaths

?? The estimates I've seen were something like an extra 1600 homicides per year across certain cities. You think that is more deaths than we are going to see out of this war?

Do any of the dating apps still let you filter by race?

Female perspective. Profile pics are the most important thing for most of those platforms.

You need:

Proof of teeth,

Proof of hair (one way or the other),

Proof of friends,

Proof of hobby/activity (all selfies isn't getting this done). One of these photos should show that you have a body as well.

It would great if you were wearing something nicer than a tshirt in at least one of the photos. If you don't have the latter two types of photos go to some meetups. Lack of friends/activities is very unattractive.

As for the height issue, it is obviously important, but don't know what to tell you. I'm personally fine dating down to my own height 5'6 but everyone under 5'10 on all of these sites seems to be lying so I usually keep that in mind.

Final tip that nothing in your profile should be negative and about things you don't want.

I find the idea of women's sports chuckle-worthy, about the same tier of interest as the Little Leagues. Aww, you poor things, incapable of standing up in absolute terms, let's make a nice carveout for you so that you can say you tried.

Antagonistic, uncharitable and unkind.

Clarification: In this metaphor is a woman having your child the chef and you are the... eater of the baby?

Survival of the Prettiest, the Science of Beauty (book) talks about the different features we find attractive (primarily in women). The reasons we like paleness, certain body ratios, symmetry, etc. Mostly it boils down to neoteny, health, and sexual dimorphism.

It also talks about how you can exaggerate those features and end up with Jessica Rabbit, who technically looks ridiculous, but she still seems sexy. I guess all of anime bears out those tendencies as well.

Children are also much more likely to die by accident in the care of a step-parent. Not sure of the number offhand, eight times, I think.

Do you have any hard numbers to back that claim?

If the best concrete argument you have for attacking the idea of transgenderism is that it has the potential to create unfair disparities in women's sports,

It's the one that is most obvious but the implications are much broader. We have protections for women's spaces in our society for very real reasons and allowing males into those spaces because they want in has real harms. Prisons are another concrete example but people care more about athletes than criminals so this is a better wedge issue.

No, 40 CFR 120.2 defines "waters of the United States" to include wetlands, and "wetlands" to mean "those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions." And according to the Court's decision, that definition dates to the early 1980s.

That helps clarify part of what I saw about the case (the Reason video from six months ago) where the EPA also demanded they plant wetland plants on the land where none such plants grew. Ridiculous.

Last week on twitter I went to a website with a huge list of scientific studies that had failed to replicate or had mixed results. Annoyingly, googling "list of studies that failed to replicate" mostly gives me news articles with "5, 10 or 15 studies that failed to replicate!" Did anyone else see this and know what I'm talking about? I just want to bookmark it for future use.

I found this extremely refreshing. The central example of rape is "woman was minding her own business when someone broke into her house and forced her". It is incredible how little of what gets called "rape" actually fits that category, and can be better described as "woman cruising for a dicking regrets the dicking come next morning". It is the worst argument in the world, enshrined into our legal code.

I find this a deeply icky way to generalize date rape involving intoxicants or sex with young teenagers.

Lacking experience is a pretty big lacking. I would add lacking experience AND JUDGEMENT, though (see anyone that takes on 6 figures of debt for an art history degree). The real question is was it easier for a 16 year old to be an adult in previous centuries because mostly you were able to learn all the things growing up in your village that you needed to know as an adult then? Is it only modern complex society that requires more time to learn enough to not fuck up?

but feminists have historically rejected those. I think both views are defensible, but you can't have it both ways: if a woman who wears jeans and doesn't shave her legs isn't any less of a woman, why would a man who wears a skirt and shaves his legs become less of a man

The word "but" confused me here. The feminist perspective is that he isn't a woman no matter how many skirts and shaves. I think Dylan had a crisis last week and decided to be a "they" but I'm on a twitter fast so I can't confirm.

Local bay area coding jobs are seeing 150-650 applications. I'm not even looking at remote jobs at this point.

It's more that there are men who don't smile broadly in any of their pictures. Probably serial killers.

Have you read the body knows the score?