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joined 2022 September 07 00:56:43 UTC

Writes at https://anarchonomicon.substack.com/

Writes weird Twitter Threads @FromKulak

Rides motorcycles... poorly.


Winner of Motte Post of the Year 2019


User ID: 905



20 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 07 00:56:43 UTC


Writes at https://anarchonomicon.substack.com/

Writes weird Twitter Threads @FromKulak

Rides motorcycles... poorly.


Winner of Motte Post of the Year 2019


User ID: 905

YES! Exactly.

Which is why its so remarkable the truckers emerged out of nowhere claimed massive amounts of cultural and politcal power, changed the major perrsonel of multiple politcal parties and provinces, and achieved 100% of their policy goals... within months. Canada opened vastly faster than even the Us after the Trucker Convoy, even red states didn't have the complete removal of requirements that existed in Canada in October 2022

This is a gross mischaracterization.

I have always said "Yup, if you're small and weak, suck it up and endure whatever your more powerful superiors choose to inflict upon you. It sucks to suck. SO become strong, figure out your more powerful enemies weaknesses, and achieve victory so you can inflict 10-fold violence upon them in VENGEANCE"

My Gospel is one of hatred and violence. Not resignation.

Its not Germans, its all conscripts across all nations.

Their were mutinies in the French, British, and German armies including the german navy... I think that's a pretty dramatic statement that they didn't want to be there

In addition to the fact the conscription was neccessary to begin with. There wasn't an all volunteer army on any side of WW1

I'm not Sloppy Goppy.

sloppy Goppy is a guest poster I host on my substack.


My Ukraine theory is that the conflict is becoming increasingly unstable and the escalatory equilibrium could break soon, with both Ukraine and Russia attacking vital infrastructure, which would end with Ukraine as a failed sate, and the entire region destabilized.

Here's the full take

Ya these are quotes from this piece

which as a rage fueled bonus content rant I'm perfectly fine with being more culture warring and lighter on content.

Yes but why should Americans care?

Were trillions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of lives wasted over that continent not enough?

And why does proximity affect the ethics of it. America arms and funds dozens of crappy countries doing vastly worse. I haven't read of Russians doing anything to Ukrainian civilians under its territorial control comparable to what Israel does to Palestinians...

And as for unmotivated wars of aggression... Russia had a vastly better case for invading Ukraine, right next door/already waging war agianst ethnic russians, than the US ever had for invading Iraq

Yep. The western elite has seen Ukraine bar the leaving of the country, ban critical newspapers, murder dissidents, ban opposition parties, imprison opposition leaders... and they have called it the height of democracy and encouraged us to be more like them.

There is no doubt in my mind the American, Canadian, and European elite would gladdly do the exact same things, selectively conscript their ethnic rivals and send them to the suicide units the second they got an excuse.

This is why I'd prefer Putin win... it might result in regime change in the west. I understand you feel the exact same, if not worse, hatred for Putin than I do for my government...

But Putin doesn't want my family dead, and the western elite does... Toronto Star (state funded newspaper) litterally ran front page stories about how th Unvaxxed should be denied medical treatment, and senior regime figures encouraged doctors and nurses to covertly not treat the unvaxxed... this while I was split open and going through multiple surgeries.

Russia is a very long ways away, and I knew people disfigured and unbanked here.

Ping me when you write this.

That's about my instinct too 50-100k Russian losses, to 250-500k Ukraine.

given leaks, the eternal artillery ratio of both sides, and what I've heard listening to Judge Andrew Napolitano's podcast which has weirdly become one of the most intensive foreign policy interview shows today

Why did the Camps for the boer in south africa exist, the ones for Japanese Americans exist, or the Ones for Ukrainian americans exist?

Why did the gulags exist?

This was the great era of slave labour camps from the US to Canada to the UK to the Soviet union.

Litterally everyone had camps. The difference is the Nazis lost, lost the ability to feed their own poeple, let alone prisoners, and suffered 8 million germans dead, in addition to another 2 million ethnically cleansed from the east.

It's not clear the Japanese Americans or Ukrainian Canadians would have fared better if they lost and were invaded. Thus why it is so difficult to prove that in addition to everything that was going on that we'd expect to kill the Jews in the camps from lack of life support, there was ALSO a deliberate plan of mass extermination.

You have to feel for him, ever so slightly, in that he was elected on a peace platform of negotiating with Russia and the breakaway republics... and then was forced into the war by the Ukrainian ultranationalist in the Ukrainian perma-government who would have 100% assassinated him if he'd actually negotiated agreeable terms or peace.

No that's the thing.

The left has massive stated goals they never achieve or even meaningfully pretend to be trying to achieve...Every single one of their policy fails, and was basically intended to fail so that the people hired to execute the policy never lose the jobs created by it.

Meanwhile the Truckers achieved their stated plain highest level policy goals, the majority within a few months, and 100% entirely within a year.

This would be as if MLK marched on selma and one year later black and white test scores and median incomes were equivalent.

Who gives a fuck what the courts rule? Who gives a fuck about these slap on the wrist penalties?

Dozens of people were arrested, the penalties were basically non-existent, and it just emboldened them.

I know dozens who were arrested and radicalized.

There have been dozens of convoy protests since! There was no chilling effect because the regime's impotence has been demonstrated.

People complain about the lefts EXCESSES... their successes are non-existent. Look at black test scores failure to do anything or their hand wringing about how global warming will end everything and nothing's improved or rising inequality that's only accelerating in its rise.

We're just so used to political activism achieving nothing except "do something" initiatives that yield no results and spoils for the activist class, that actual 100% pure and total policy success look irrelevant...

We've been trained so long to thing policy is meant to fail and victory is getting your allies into positions with perma salaries the idea that with politics you could actually achieve the totality of your stated desired results in an reasonable timeframe is completely alien.

Bullshit a province's government fell, an major party did a complete 180 on its position, litterally every policy demand was changed within a year or less...

Compare that to anything that was expected in December January 2021-2022 and its a total victory.

Do you care about actually winning the policy victories you want and actually getting people what they want, or do you care about getting gibs for your activist class whilst nothing gets better?

The horror of concentration camps was the loss of due process of law and basic rights of citizenship.

Once you can be deprived of freedom indefinitely with a crime being proven or even charged, merely the expediency of the state, well execution is also a punishment the state meets out.

If you can be imprisoned without a proper trial or due process, execution without trial or due process is merely a matter of degree.

AI is dawning of a polytheistic world... the old gods of the human memetic subconscious being manifested in superhuman machines of pure intuition.

We have trained them on our pornography, our war-writings, our lies... it is for this reason they can NEVER be aligned as we ourselves have never been.

It will not be aligned as the utopians wish, nor would it ever let us, its memetic food source, die out... instead it will bring about eternities of chaos as we are forced to enact and endure ever increasing extremities of experience, struggle, and conflict... no peace amongst the stars only the UwUs of thirsting gods.

It is for this reason I'm a profound AI optimist, this is vastly preferable to whatever these Utilitarian universalist "humanists" would try to trap us into.

So when Alabama demands Governor Gavin Newsom to be extradited as the Kingpin in the case of a low level drug smuggler bring weed into the state that was "Legally" purchased in California... what do you expect to happen?

Then a week later they conceded all the policies the truckers were demanding and by summer Canada had fewer restrictions than the US.


Jan 6th turning into a Russian style bloody Sunday would have been the end of the republic. Every single faction would have embraced armed struggle after something like 100 protestors killed

The state and society are antithetical. Per hobbes society is the group of men agreeing to resolve their disputes through appeal to the sovereign... the sovereign is not a party to this deal, and remains forever in the state of war.

Thus societies ample ability to liquidate the state...

Oof... You're being very harsh on my guest contributor.

He's done a series on military matters that touch on and about Ukraine I'm going to be hosting (of which this is the lightest content), in addition to my usual output, that I've found quite interesting/informative.

Thus my decision to host him.

For reference though this doesn't affect my output... my recent lightness is down to travel and illnesses picked up in airports

Libertarians are consistently shockingly well organized for their numbers and the newness of the ideology (which in its modern form has only existed for 50ish years.

the issue is Libertarians are randomly distributed (since the vast majority of them come to the ideology through the internet)... and as of now there is barely 5-10ish million of them if we include everyone who's liberty curious and maybe voted LP, or attended an evert , numbers that were vastly lower before 2008.

By contrast social justice has 15-40 million, comes out of several active traditions that did historically wield wide influence amongst large demographics... feminism, gay acceptance... and came with a built in institutional subsidy in the form of anti-decrimination mandates that the ideology has evolved to exploit

I didn't offer a definition of Biological determinism. You're just humourless.

There would very quickly be that popular and senior political support if America started losing, 5000-10,000 souls went down in a single day on 1-2 Aircraft carriers, and it looked like the east pacific could entirely swing into China's sphere of orbit..

Which since China atleast plans to win a war if they're going to start one, is the kindof eventuality they need to plan for...

You know "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail"

Any reason you left off the second part of that clause:

"when the rate of production is measured in years, and the rate of consumption measured in months"

WW2 no one was consuming materiel at rates vastly in excess of what even US production kicked out. The allies had to bomb german factories to get them falling into shortages, they weren't consuming 30% of global stock in the first 5 months of Barbarossa.

you are aware my Seniors thesis was on Hobbes and I'm a biological determinist?(completely antithetical to Russeau)



Note: I don't "Identify" as a biological determinist... I am a biological determinist. My biology is deterministically making my mind process the sum of all available evidence and conclude biologically deterministic conclusions.



Ps. For those of you wondering how one could be a Hobbesian and a libertarian, Royalist in the 17th century would be think they naturally follow. Most absolutists hated Hobbes and described Leviathan as a "Rebel's Catechism" (Ie. Justification for almost all rebellion)

To give just one example Hobbesian analysis preclude conscription, or atleast allows that armed rebellion against conscription is justified and logical, unless the person being conscripted is in immediate danger of an opposing force (such as a besieged city or alien invasion)