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joined 2022 September 07 00:56:43 UTC

Writes at https://anarchonomicon.substack.com/

Writes weird Twitter Threads @FromKulak

Rides motorcycles... poorly.


Winner of Motte Post of the Year 2019


User ID: 905



20 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 07 00:56:43 UTC


Writes at https://anarchonomicon.substack.com/

Writes weird Twitter Threads @FromKulak

Rides motorcycles... poorly.


Winner of Motte Post of the Year 2019


User ID: 905


You are projecting Jan 6 and the failure and symbolic flagellations of it onto the trucker convoy.

Two entire different protest in two vastly different countries with VASTLY different outcomes.

Canada removed restrictions FASTER than the US after the Trucker convoy. In the Angloshpere and Europe it was by no means that the restriction would be removed at all. After the Convoy and sister protests in Europe and Australia exploded these contries opened faster and removed travel restrictions faster than the US.

The American restrictions on entry were only removed in May of this year, last month.

Stop projecting your American Doomer bullshit onto other Countries. Canada had a political revolution over the past year, the Netherlands had a complete political upset with the Dutch Farmer aligned BBB winning major political offices.

The fact YOU are under the thumb of your elite with no effective means of resistance or organization becuase Trump sucked all the energy out of the room and then tried to bargain it away to the elite, does not mean that resistance has failed in other countries.


A province's government changed, the second largest politcal party switched from vehemently pro to anti-lockdown with the Pro-lockdown losing their jobs, Trudeau's government is basically crippled all of his policies since have failed as seen with his gun ban falling through...

And the emergencies act failed to be extended, the relevant powers were lost when its 7 (not 9) limit expired without the power to extend it.

The fetishism of defeat. The desire to be powerless in the case of clear and undeniable victory is disgusting.

Your enemies can be absolutely as irredeemable, corrupt, and tyrannical as their worst critics imagine, AND STILL BE WEAK.

The hell do you want? Do you want the CBC to pat you on the back and say "No its OK. You won"

Grow up. Politics is war by other means, casualties on your own side are acceptable in the pursuit of victory.

And the truckers won a complete victory. Every freedom I had lost from 2019 to 2022, everything I expected to never get back and to suffer across decades of insurgency trying to claw back... Was restored, mostly within a month, and the rest in half a year.


I will not let blackpilled moldbuggians tarnish it with their own impotence.

FLYOVER country won whilst all the theory-cells and blackpilled cosmopolitan right wing wing intellectual wrung their hands... Becuase the flyover rubes are better than you. More fit to rule. More fit for combat. More able to organize. And now it is the job of the right wing intellectuals to catch up with the 40 year old small businessmen and conpsiracy theorists who've shown themselves more capable that the entire right wing political class

Men were executed based on the official version. There was a trial, and none have walked it back and Jurisprudence has not denounced it.

Human Soap and Executions of 20k jews at a time by NUCLEAR WARHEAD were Proven at Nuremberg with US Supreme Court Justice Robert H. Jackson acting as prosecutor.

To deny these things proven in open court by an alliance of the best jurists of the US, Brittain, and USSR would be to deny the very legitimacy of any findings of the the Nuremburg court or any judicial system touched by them. It'd be akin to saying that the Allies US, UK, and USSR were an alliance WITH the most brutal totalitarian and deceitful regime in world history, not an Alliance to defeat that regime.

Starvation and "beatings" prove nothing.

Those are the conditions that existed in the Gulags in peace time, the conditions that existed in the british concentration camps for the Boer, and the conditions that would have existed in the concentration camps for Japanese Americans if America had lost the war and had its supply chains and rail networks destroyed by bombing.

The Claim of "the holocaust" is that the Germans uniquely set out to kill every jew in Europe, did so on an industrialized scale and with an efficiency never seen before in human, history, and that it is in a category of horror beyond any other genocide to ever exist including the Great Leap forward, Hoomodor, the Killing Fields of Cambodia, and CERTAINLY worse than the Soviet mass killing and expulsion of the German Diaspora post 1945.

Nothing in "Crusade in Europe", Churchhill's "Second World War", or De Gualle's "Memoires De Guerre" suggest anything of the sort.

Indeed all of them portray the Camps as workcamps for enemy aliens (like the camps for Japanese-Americans) that collapsed and lost life support function during the onslaught of war.

Do you care about getitng your policy goals? Or getting spoils for your activist class?

The left has won none of its real policy goals in 30-50 years (no income equality, no real improvement in the quality of black lives, no eviromental improvements) but they won tons of spoils for their activist class.

The leading trucker acitvists paid a high price... But a year later literally every single policy goal was achieved. (Canada has no covid requirements of any type)

Any true supporter of any cause would much prefer a trucker victory to a DEI victory.

What is your age?

anyone over 35 doesn't get this.

All I hear from young white men is that they 100% WANT things to go hot mixed with fedposting that if it doesn't kick off they'll make it happen... AI Researchers, Corporate figures, Military Officers, 7 figure Engineering wunderkinds... the last repositories of talent in America... they're just waiting for the very last of the aging leadership to leave and things to start really failing

Every white boy who went through DEI and feminist consent lectures as a child... all the exceptional ones who landed on their feet... they swore bloody vengeance.

All the talented white kids who experienced wokeness in high school or university ( lived through the struggle sessions complete with threats to destroy their lives when they objected) now feels their ethnicity as keenly as the most apocalyptic nationalists in the early 20th century.

The moderates i speak to don't worry there won't be an explosion... they're terrified of how far it will go.

YES! Exactly.

Which is why its so remarkable the truckers emerged out of nowhere claimed massive amounts of cultural and politcal power, changed the major perrsonel of multiple politcal parties and provinces, and achieved 100% of their policy goals... within months. Canada opened vastly faster than even the Us after the Trucker Convoy, even red states didn't have the complete removal of requirements that existed in Canada in October 2022

This is a gross mischaracterization.

I have always said "Yup, if you're small and weak, suck it up and endure whatever your more powerful superiors choose to inflict upon you. It sucks to suck. SO become strong, figure out your more powerful enemies weaknesses, and achieve victory so you can inflict 10-fold violence upon them in VENGEANCE"

My Gospel is one of hatred and violence. Not resignation.

Ping me when you write this.

That's about my instinct too 50-100k Russian losses, to 250-500k Ukraine.

given leaks, the eternal artillery ratio of both sides, and what I've heard listening to Judge Andrew Napolitano's podcast which has weirdly become one of the most intensive foreign policy interview shows today

Why did the Camps for the boer in south africa exist, the ones for Japanese Americans exist, or the Ones for Ukrainian americans exist?

Why did the gulags exist?

This was the great era of slave labour camps from the US to Canada to the UK to the Soviet union.

Litterally everyone had camps. The difference is the Nazis lost, lost the ability to feed their own poeple, let alone prisoners, and suffered 8 million germans dead, in addition to another 2 million ethnically cleansed from the east.

It's not clear the Japanese Americans or Ukrainian Canadians would have fared better if they lost and were invaded. Thus why it is so difficult to prove that in addition to everything that was going on that we'd expect to kill the Jews in the camps from lack of life support, there was ALSO a deliberate plan of mass extermination.

You have to feel for him, ever so slightly, in that he was elected on a peace platform of negotiating with Russia and the breakaway republics... and then was forced into the war by the Ukrainian ultranationalist in the Ukrainian perma-government who would have 100% assassinated him if he'd actually negotiated agreeable terms or peace.

No that's the thing.

The left has massive stated goals they never achieve or even meaningfully pretend to be trying to achieve...Every single one of their policy fails, and was basically intended to fail so that the people hired to execute the policy never lose the jobs created by it.

Meanwhile the Truckers achieved their stated plain highest level policy goals, the majority within a few months, and 100% entirely within a year.

This would be as if MLK marched on selma and one year later black and white test scores and median incomes were equivalent.

Who gives a fuck what the courts rule? Who gives a fuck about these slap on the wrist penalties?

Dozens of people were arrested, the penalties were basically non-existent, and it just emboldened them.

I know dozens who were arrested and radicalized.

There have been dozens of convoy protests since! There was no chilling effect because the regime's impotence has been demonstrated.

People complain about the lefts EXCESSES... their successes are non-existent. Look at black test scores failure to do anything or their hand wringing about how global warming will end everything and nothing's improved or rising inequality that's only accelerating in its rise.

We're just so used to political activism achieving nothing except "do something" initiatives that yield no results and spoils for the activist class, that actual 100% pure and total policy success look irrelevant...

We've been trained so long to thing policy is meant to fail and victory is getting your allies into positions with perma salaries the idea that with politics you could actually achieve the totality of your stated desired results in an reasonable timeframe is completely alien.

Bullshit a province's government fell, an major party did a complete 180 on its position, litterally every policy demand was changed within a year or less...

Compare that to anything that was expected in December January 2021-2022 and its a total victory.

Do you care about actually winning the policy victories you want and actually getting people what they want, or do you care about getting gibs for your activist class whilst nothing gets better?

The horror of concentration camps was the loss of due process of law and basic rights of citizenship.

Once you can be deprived of freedom indefinitely with a crime being proven or even charged, merely the expediency of the state, well execution is also a punishment the state meets out.

If you can be imprisoned without a proper trial or due process, execution without trial or due process is merely a matter of degree.

AI is dawning of a polytheistic world... the old gods of the human memetic subconscious being manifested in superhuman machines of pure intuition.

We have trained them on our pornography, our war-writings, our lies... it is for this reason they can NEVER be aligned as we ourselves have never been.

It will not be aligned as the utopians wish, nor would it ever let us, its memetic food source, die out... instead it will bring about eternities of chaos as we are forced to enact and endure ever increasing extremities of experience, struggle, and conflict... no peace amongst the stars only the UwUs of thirsting gods.

It is for this reason I'm a profound AI optimist, this is vastly preferable to whatever these Utilitarian universalist "humanists" would try to trap us into.

For all Functionalpurposes Truth is inversely proportional to pleasantness.

If it is true and known it is not new information and you won't pay attention to it, it's already known... If it true and inoffensive and unknown, then scientists, academics, and hobbyists have been competing for it for hundreds of years and you're basically trying to out-arbitrage the stock market.

But if its true and violates every societal value then it's going to be suppressed, you can discover troves of new (to you) knowledge by just seeking out the most hateful, unpleasant, immoral sources.

Truth Hurts.

Truth tellers are people who hurt you.

I first heard it attributed to Napoleon by Dan Carlin of Hardcore history

I'm deeply touched!

Your need to make things personal is noted.

For reference, I tried to track down the english translation of Pinochet's memoirs...

Not a single public library or university sytem within 1000miles of me has them... Lots of memoirs by communists about "Living under Pinochete" or "memoirs of a Bicyclist who disapeared in Pinochet's Chile" But somehow not the Memoirs of the Dictator they wring their hands about.

You rage that I'm right about major works by world leaders having been disappeared is revealing. The fact you're offended by me pointing it out and desperately need to grasp that these aren't "real banned books" when you have no problem with the barnes and noble displays of "the handmaid's tale" and "to kill a mockingbird" is doubly revealing.

You're not upset that I haven't personally tracked these down and put them on libgen, you're upset that I've surfaced them to 10s of thousands of people, and now someone with access to UTexas or UPenn library system (the only two places I could find copies) will.

Natural law only applies to men of honour who will kill for that honour and glory.

Hobbes, locke, and the founding fathers assumed they lived in a world where men would look a man in the eye and murder him rituallistically as his friends watched, because the man had insulted him, and that that man would sooner stare down a pistol and "Recieve fire" than reveal himself a coward.

Unless you're willing to die and kill for your personal pride and pride alone you are not a free man with natural rights but a slave.

We are doomed to be slowly conquered by the cartels, they will slowly take over and slaughter all who oppose them and we'll deserve it and the gods will howl in rage that they show us any mercy.

Why would it do that?

HBD's big revelation is that the problem with black people IS black people...

Why would it result in stronger affirmative action instead of a return to Pre-Civil Rights segregation like every single liberal insists it would, and pre-civil rights Americans concluded was necessary back when they believed in a folk-version of HBD?

Most likely outcome of HBD being widely believed by white americans would be a hot ethnic conflict which whites would win followed by the same solution they settled upon after reconstruction... if not something more punitive for making them fight the ethnic conflict.

I'm touched.

There is so much Quebec could have been and could have built instead of being a land of government subsidy its unreal.

Allegedly Quebec has massive amounts of resources that just sit barren because developing them and revitalizing the communities near them would result in equalization clawbacks

Ya lower the burden of proof and nab multiples to an order of magnitude more people, kinda based on crime, kind of on speculation... but make it nice, have pools, maternity ward... And don't make it so dour and metalic and institutional, you could have a nice open air town type setup... sure barb wire and guards around, but we could even let them have specialized work and band... it wouldn't be so much a prison... It'd be like going to Camp!

Oh wait...

Seriously this is what concentration camps are. This is what the British said they were doing to the Boer, what Canada and Britain did to Germans and Ukrainians in ww1, what the US did to the Japanese, and what the Gulags and Auschwitz at least nominally started off as when they were "merely" replicating the Tsar's prison camps and Germany's WW1 prison camps.