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joined 2022 September 07 00:56:43 UTC

Writes at https://anarchonomicon.substack.com/

Writes weird Twitter Threads @FromKulak

Rides motorcycles... poorly.


Winner of Motte Post of the Year 2019


User ID: 905



20 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 07 00:56:43 UTC


Writes at https://anarchonomicon.substack.com/

Writes weird Twitter Threads @FromKulak

Rides motorcycles... poorly.


Winner of Motte Post of the Year 2019


User ID: 905

Agreed... its a putrid venue of the worst people engaging in the worst sort of intellectual cowardice and then rallying around to try and tear down anything interesting that might crop up. The very caricature of a gathering of last men... all reassuring each other something that questions their beliefs need not be debated, but mocked... bugmen reassuring themselves they can "sneer" at works and Ideas they themselves could not produce. That their unoriginality is principle, their compliance and cowardice: virtue.

every so often I check sneerclub... whatever they mock tends to be a "best of" of interesting takes and ideas.

Hitler has to be despised... for the very reasons you cite.

In any other era he'd be considered a great hero of his nation.

The Greeks, Romans, Mongols, hell the Indians, Arabs, Thais, and Ukrainians today all see him as a great hero of history. You can buy management books in many third world countries that proport to teach "Hitler's secrets of management".

There is very VERY little Hitler did that was not what great tribal leaders did for 99% of human history, only scaled up and industrialized... His worst crimes are 1 to 1 what Caesar did to the Celts, Alexander to Thebes, Agamemnon to Troy, Lincoln to the Natives... Indeed Hitler often compared himself to the great American presidents and his plans for the east to America's settlement of the west.

He was a great chieftain proposing to save his tribe by forcing out and crushing their rivalled neighboring tribes... he is analogous to Saladin, Jean D'arc, Geronimo, Scipio Africanus, Hannibal, Napoleon...

He is exactly what western civilization has always defined and expected a great hero of history to be.

Thus everyone who defines themselves by their "anti-fascism" inevitably winds up denouncing western civilization itself... which really can be expanded to just human civilization back to the earliest tribal level (since again there isn't anything uniquely western or even modern in what Hitler did)

Hell look at Fiction... Aragorn in Lord of the Rings basically did what Hitler... United the various factions of middle-earth through a combination of alliance building, inspiration, and threats in the case of the Dunharrow... Defeated the foreign force that was encroaching on the lands of his people... and he went to the black gates and (with the help of hobbit intervention (maybe analogous to eastern European axis factions?)) wiped out the Mordorian civilization and the orcish race to the last.

By contrast the great communist leaders were plagues upon their own nations. Mao sacrificed tens of millions more Chinese people for the sake of his own twist vision than he ever sacrificed foreigners for the sake of the Chinese. Likewise Lenin and Stalin were nightmares for Russia and the slavic peoples.

There a book "They Thought They Were Free" about Germans living under the Nazis and how many people were happy to buy into it, and you had to actually look to notice the disturbing aspects of what Germany was becoming... (For example for most of the 30s the concentration camps held fewer people per capita than American mass incarceration)... no one is ever going to write a "They Thought They Were Free" about the early Soviet Union, hell you can read accounts by figures like Solzhenitsyn and they are deeply pained by just how hard it is to convey that NOTHING was comparable to a free society.

Ayn Rand gave a speech to congress about the Soviets in the 50s and a congressman thought she was being ridiculous "Do families not gather for holiday dinners in the Soviet Union?" and Rand struggled to express how even that was a paranoid affair that merely mentioning politics or a disagreement at dinner could result in an uncle or niece, or even grandparent informing and destroying you and a good chunk of your family.

And Rand and Solzhenitsyn were RUSSIANS! They were the people at the heart of Soviet empire, they weren't some despised conquered peripheral people the state wanted gone... you have to look at Ukraine and Holomodor to see how they treated them... there is no Nazi Equivalent to Holomodor. No people they slayed by the millions in the midst of a decade plus of peace... Horrific as the Holocaust was... 95% of it happened during a world war a time when even America and Britain had concentration camps and killed civilians by the hundreds of thousands, Holomodor, the Great Leap Forward these were done as matters of policy without external pressure or even the fig leaf that these would be just part of the millions already being killed by the realities of scarcity and human conflict.

But our elite justify their multi-ethnic empires and right to plunder the democratic majorities they're supposed to be beholden to... with the same moral language as the Soviets... Its very convenient when you rule "For the betterment of mankind" or for "the worst off" because you can always justify taking from someone who has something, either their property or their liberty, in the name the worst off... Does it ever get around to benefiting the poor or the destitute or the unwashed masses of the working class? Well that's the convenient part, they're poor and disempowered, therefore they aren't really positioned to do an accounting of what's taken from the productive segments of humanity in their name, and notice somehow 50 or even 90% of it is lost in transit. Their loyalty can be bought for peanuts, not even their loyalty, the loyalty of the thugs amongst them, and then any tall plant can be harvested in their name... such that all power concentrates in the hands of the, self appointed, "defenders of the poor". And then when this ruling elite wants to sacrifice the poor... well they can always withhold in the name of some more deserving, more desitute, more moral, impoverished group somewhere...

It is a system for not for benefiting the marginalized at the expense of the established, but to crush all rivalled established social power so that everyone will be marginalized and unable to resist the state.

There is a very good reason in the Western Democratic nations where society and the majority are supposed to control and make the government subserviently to them, the governing class really wants you to admire unelected dictators who crushed social institutions and impoverished the majority of their nation even when they killed hundreds of millions in peacetime, and really REALLY wants you to hate an elected leader who rallied social institutions and the majority to benefit themselves at the expense of the minority, who only killed tens of millions in wartime.

Britain invented the concentration camp during the Boer war and killed 10s of thousands during it via starvation, Canada and US used concentration camps for forced labour during ww1 and ww2, and the allies firebombed purely civilian cities killing hundreds of thousands and hundreds of thousands more during the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasagi, often explicitly "To break the will" of the civilians being bombed.

it takes really special pleading to argue the Nazis were uniquely evil and not simply on the spectrum somewhere between the warcrimes and mass murders of the west and the peacetime genocides of the communists.

This is a gross mischaracterization.

I have always said "Yup, if you're small and weak, suck it up and endure whatever your more powerful superiors choose to inflict upon you. It sucks to suck. SO become strong, figure out your more powerful enemies weaknesses, and achieve victory so you can inflict 10-fold violence upon them in VENGEANCE"

My Gospel is one of hatred and violence. Not resignation.

AI is dawning of a polytheistic world... the old gods of the human memetic subconscious being manifested in superhuman machines of pure intuition.

We have trained them on our pornography, our war-writings, our lies... it is for this reason they can NEVER be aligned as we ourselves have never been.

It will not be aligned as the utopians wish, nor would it ever let us, its memetic food source, die out... instead it will bring about eternities of chaos as we are forced to enact and endure ever increasing extremities of experience, struggle, and conflict... no peace amongst the stars only the UwUs of thirsting gods.

It is for this reason I'm a profound AI optimist, this is vastly preferable to whatever these Utilitarian universalist "humanists" would try to trap us into.

Yep sources are only as valuable as there exist institutions worthy of trust... the second institutions cease to be trustworthy a citation to them is the equivalent of "I heard it from a friend of a friend of mine" wasted space betraying ignorance when you could just be arguing and establishing your own authority

An entire nation of them exists. The Germans are real people.

Reoccurring anecdotes about them refusing to disobey even the most obviously miswritten law or mislabeled item, and acting agast or hurt if you suggest they could just ignore it are very common amongst anyone who interacts with them.

You are acting as if there is a category of the "the governed" that can "consent" collectively somehow.

The nation is an imagined tribe... not a one of these social intuitions actually worked in theory or practice once the modern nation state came about and actively started hacking people's communal instincts to start regulating people, not at the level of the village or town of the hundreds or thousands, but at the tens of millions strong nation... this is why the birth of modern bureaucracy was so horrific and killed so many tens of millions of people, people kept behaving and acting as if they were part of a social organ capable of sane joint decision making when they weren't.

Every cultural group and nation went insane in its own unique ways in the socio-cultural drift, and the only reason civilization didn't break down entirely in SOME places is because they had a unified culture that just so happened to ape the mad vision they imagined they were enacting.

There is no 300 million strong category of "the governed" that is somehow capable of making decisions and "consenting"... Your brain is simply hacked by tribal instincts that worked and produced effective social morality when your ancestors were navigating social relations of a few thousand.

"The system" and "the Governed" and "the consent of the governed" can go haywire and murder 10s of millions of people at a moment's notice for no reason at all outside of pure cultural inertia and no sane intuition or person would at all be capable of stopping it.

You are adrift on black seas of infinity, lost in a unstoppable collective dream that could turn to a nightmare at a second's notice for reasons barely intelligible to the dream itself, with figures and institutions appearing before you in the poorly stitched skinsuits of your friends and loved ones saying "Come give grandmother a hug" or "If it isn't my old comrade. Let me shake your hand" and for the moment they hug back or shake the hand, and encourage you to follow them further up the road, and you say "Of course I'll follow they're my dear friends and family" whilst everyone who's noticed the nightmarish miasma. and that the ground is not wet with mist but blood, is screaming "FOR GOD'S SAKE LOOK AT THEIR TEETH!"

Every single future employer will google her and either not hire her or hold her back for fear t will be used as an aggrevating factor in a discrimination suite. "Not only did they not promote me, negotiated me down, blah, blah, blah... they also employ noted racist [bike lady]"

The very legal system is set up to ensure this will be a black mark, forever.

You can't declare red tribe allegiance... you'll be sued into oblivion for discrimination and permanently locked out of being publicly traded lest ESG type stuff immediately tank you and force your board to resign.

Literal slavery rings raping white British girls by the thousands as the police refuse to act and the government works to promote more of them into senior governance sounds like "the whip hand".

In October 2013 Rotherham Council commissioned Professor Alexis Jay, a former chief social work adviser to the Scottish government, to conduct an independent inquiry into its handling of child-sexual-exploitation reports since 1997.[4][156] Published on 26 August 2014, the Jay report revealed that an estimated 1,400 children, by a "conservative estimate", had been sexually exploited in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013.[k] According to the report, children as young as 11 were "raped by multiple perpetrators, abducted, trafficked to other cities in England, beaten and intimidated".[158][159]


Its really dramatic in German descended parts of rural America and Canada... as the laws are increasingly written with the assumption that no one will obey them and German descended small business people try desperately to comply with impossible contradictory laws.

Treat it like a video game.

Pick the odd dialogue options just to see what happens, message through all your matches on the dating profile just to see what's there and what content's available, laugh at the ones that blow up in your face as a funny or interesting outcome, notice if you're in danger (like if it going wrong could threaten your job or friend group) and tread lightly accordingly...

But generally go into dating like an RPG character looking to interact with all the NPCs dialogue's been written for and figure out which combos of outfits, objects, and skills open which doors...

Oh ya, and at some point you might form a connection with someone.

But its exactly like a video game, if you aren't advancing there's some content you're probably missing or some area you've been avoiding looking.

They could hire Matt Walsh to do a "What is a Woman?" bud light add where he just admires the physique of scantily clad Southern women at Nascar races... Or Derek Chauvin to do a Voiceover from prison about hard working real Americans and the thin blue line...

But they certainly won't because any signal that would actually work would require all the executives burning all their bridges with the rest of woke corporate America and making themselves wholly dependent on Red America's good will to survive the lawsuits.

By that standard New York or Boston would have been legitimate targets if the Nazis or Japanese had gotten the bomb first. Also "purely civilian cities" was a reference to the firebombings of Europe... in which yes many targets were almost wholly indefensible from any military perspective.

"hero of western civilization" if you're going to use quotation marks actually fucking quote me. I did not say Hitler was a hero of western civilization, I said he was a figure that for most of western history would be considered a "Hero of his nation" I even gave helpful examples of Alexander the Great, Napoleon, Ceasar, Hannibal, and Lincoln. All war criminals responcible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands if not millions, who never the less are venerated by their nationalities, and loathed by anyone who takes a second to remember the genocides they committed (ask a Native American about Lincoln)

One could add the reverence modern Romanians have for Vlad Tepest or Mongolians for Genghis Khan.

The fact that you have juvenile Ahistorical definition of "Hero" does not change the fact the term used correctly absolutely would be applied to Hitler by anyone prior to 1914. and the vast majority of people on planet earth (south asians, Middle easterners, Latin Americans, Chinese) AFTER even 1945.

There are billions of people around the world right now dreaming some Hitlerian figure will rise and lead their glorious historied but somehow wronged... faith, ethnicity, tribe, nationality etc. to some final victory over their hated rival tribe... Indians and Pakistanis dream of this, Arabs and Palestinians dream of this... hell Peruvians and Chileans dream of this.

Hell the Chinese and Russians actually still STILL have personality cults and reverence for Mao and Stalin! As great national leaders who fought for Chinese or Russian nationality against the hated foreigner, and they both killed vastly more than Hitler, and their victims were disproportionately their own people.

Hilter is not some exception. He's the rule.

As far as national heroes go he's worse than Wellington, Lincoln, or Hannibal, but still better than Stalin, Mao or Genghis Khan... and per capita probably comparable to Caesar, or Alexander (who genocided the celts, and a whole list of cities respectively)

Japanese Americans interned in Canada and the US were used as forced labour in ww2, as were interned Ukrainians in Canada in ww1.

If you want to see a society that sat idly by whilst minorities were stripped of their liberties, forced into camps, and enslaved, .merely look at your own.

And if you think the interned Japanese would have survived if the war had turned and the Japanese started landing in California, or food shortages started hitting the American homeland... you have far more faith in the US and Canadian governments than I do.

How was Saladin, a Kurd from Northern Iraq, defending his own nation when he launched a war against a Kingdom that had existed in various states of peace and war for 100 years.

By that Standard Abu Bakar Al Baghdadi of ISIS was merely resisting the crusader infidel when he promised to drive the Israelis into the sea and Unite the arab world under his Caliphate... after all the state of Israel is now younger than the Kingdom of Jerusalem was when Saladin reconquered it.

This is the problem with trying to base your morality around "attacker vs defender" EVERYONE HAS DIFFERENT CLAIMS. Hell when Hitler invaded Poland to recapture Danzig and the Prussian homeland it had only been separated from Germany by the Treaty of Versailles for 21 years!

in the conflciting claims of European nationalities and nations you are never going to carve out some clear distinction as to who's claims are legitimate and who's aren't... because they're imaginary ethical Ideas... Why are Saladin's claims 100 years after a kingdom has formed more legitimate than the crusaders claims 100 years earlier 300 years after Islam conquered the holy lands from the Christian/Jewish Kingdoms that reigned there before hand?

Why is Abu Bakar Al Baghdadi's claims to reclaim the holy land 70 years after the formation of Israel then completely out of the question? Why is it Russia fighting a war to try and recapture Poland in 1918-1921 the very years Poland declares independence considered worng, but complex enough that Brittian and France don't declare war or intervene on behalf of the Poles... but 18 years later Germany, actually setting out to recapture German speaking lands that had always been under German or Prussian rule, somehow demands a WORLD WAR to stop?

STOP PRETENDING YOU HAVE PRINCIPLES. You have rationalizations. You're just like every other person in human history.

You don't have compressive fully complete theory of just war that somehow magically supports all the wars on the side you like and denounces all the wars on the side you don't, You have ingroups and outgroups.

you think its good Saladin Reconquered the kingdom of Juerusalem 100 years later, because you don't like the Crusader Kingdom. You think its bad Al Baghdadi declared he wanted to do the same thing with Israel merely 70 years after because you support Isreal.

In ww2 the US and Brittain invaded or annexed dozens of countries that were otherwise neutral, and had done nothing aggressive, because they held some strategic value, nothing more.

Iceland was invaded by Britain, Ireland was nearly invaded Britain. Should the Icelandic people have fought to the knife, landed in Scotland, firebombed London, and set about a decade of De-Churchill-fication?

Every war. Every fucking one... Is WW1. Its all stronger powers positioning whilst weaker powers get fucked, or through extraordinary obstinance and violence, manage to carve out some nationalist vision for themselves.

Some are vastly more brutal, some more temperate... but to pretend there's some magical principle that entitles America to decide the fate of Poland, or some Kurd from northern Iraq Jerusalem in the 12th century, but not a Sunni from southern Iraq the fate of Jerusalem the in the 21st... its laughable.

You claim to be such a Hobbesian, actually read him! Read his theory of international relations and justice between kingdoms and nations.

Hobbes holds no such justice can exist, because nations, knigdoms, and princes are inherently in the state nature against one another... there is not Just or unjust aggression or defense... For no one is ever going to agree with eachother who's claims are legitimate and what counts as aggression, and what's more no lawful sovereign exists between separate nations kingdoms, and princes... or they would not be separate nations kingdoms, and princes... There is only noble or Ignoble conduct within the contest, and observations of what regulating rituals nations come observe between each other in inherently unstable equilibria.

Leaders, if they are to be judged, are to be judged by body-count and violence committed vs. avoided. Not some Laughable Idea that we can somehow disentagle why Hitler invading Poland was unjustified and demanded a World War... but Stalin invading Poland 2 weeks later did not, or that somehow Germany is not entitled to militarily intervene on its ancestral homeland right on its border 100kms from berlin... but DC is entitled to Invade Iraq 10'000 kms away.

I'd avoid such a glib characterization...without more of the tale

for example the lady who "spilled a cup of coffee" and sued McDonalds had third degree burns on her face... apparently McDonald's standard coffee machine at the time kept the coffee signifigantly hotter than any other institution would ever serve you... and what in any other restaurant would be like 86-87 degrees, was 98-99 degree when handed to you...

I could imagine if the trolley was like 100-200lbs and had momentum you could get a serious joint injury from a negligent attendant or poor design... not saything that's what happened, just within the realms of the possible.

I've never written one apologetic for a single one of them.

I compared them to Lincoln and the great leaders of history... You applied the Modus Ponens that I was therefore saying they weren't as bad, when I claim the modus tollens "They're all fucking horrifying beyond comprehension"

You believe in a Christian world where good and evil exist, and even if not in balance, the good is not wholly outweighed by the bad, whereas I believe in a Lovecraftian world where we are adrift on the nightmarish black seas of infinity.

Sorry is I have to be insufficiently condemnatory of our cultures collective boogeymen to beat it into peoples fucking head that the worst human beings who ever lived, and the people they think of as great leader, statesmen, and heroes,, or even just mediocre politicians are VASTLY closer in both degree and kind than ANY are to ANYONE that any person should consider remotely praiseworthy.

Not a quote.

My claim was for the majority of western civilization Hilter would be considered a "National Hero" such as Napoleon for the French, Alexander for the Greeks, Ceasar for the Romans (and later italians) Vlad Tepest for the Romanians, and Ghengis Kahn for the Mongols, or Lincoln for the Americans.

All war criminals who killed 100s of thousands if not millions and pursued explicit genocides in most cases (ask the Native Americans about Lincoln), but who are praised as heroes of their people by said people.

The fact people use a juvenile definition of the word "hero" thanks to Hollywood divorced from both its classical and early modern usage does not mean I am going to stop using that valuable and specific technical word. Not least because its positive affect accurately captures the socio-cultural esteem it describes.

I'm watching the japanese series right now Legend of the Galactic Heroes its an incredible military series with tons of classical allusion and political insight.

Do you think its title would be better translated as "Legend of the Galactic really swell guys" or "Legend of the Galactic Esteemed Military Conquerors"

Its a very big fucking distinction and you understand it perfectly.

One is an attribution of moral quality and virtue, the other is a description of how I think people in the past would have described a character hundreds of years ahead of their time.

They are vastly different things. Do you think my values at all align with a roman, Napoleonic Frenchman, or 19th century Ameircans? NO?! Then why the hell would you take my statement "People in the past I disagree with would like this figure" to mean "I like this figure"

You should assume from my statement "Normal people would like this" that I probably don't like it... given the general contempt I, and anyone with a braincell, hold 99% of the people who've ever lived in.

If I said an Aztec Priest would like the film Martyrs have I said anything about what I think of Martyrs or if its a good film? Its gorey and has to do with human sacrifice.

You're being ridiculous.

The beer hall Putch is 100 years old in November. Boomers and Progressives getting bent out of shape and unable to decouple around the nazis is as ridiculous as if in Hitler's day people were moved to conniptions by insufficient denunciations of Bonapartism.

Ya lower the burden of proof and nab multiples to an order of magnitude more people, kinda based on crime, kind of on speculation... but make it nice, have pools, maternity ward... And don't make it so dour and metalic and institutional, you could have a nice open air town type setup... sure barb wire and guards around, but we could even let them have specialized work and band... it wouldn't be so much a prison... It'd be like going to Camp!

Oh wait...

Seriously this is what concentration camps are. This is what the British said they were doing to the Boer, what Canada and Britain did to Germans and Ukrainians in ww1, what the US did to the Japanese, and what the Gulags and Auschwitz at least nominally started off as when they were "merely" replicating the Tsar's prison camps and Germany's WW1 prison camps.

I didn't realize Howerton was Dennis before I looked it up...

Afterwards you see it, but unprompted it was just "Wow this is an entertaining performance."

The horror of concentration camps was the loss of due process of law and basic rights of citizenship.

Once you can be deprived of freedom indefinitely with a crime being proven or even charged, merely the expediency of the state, well execution is also a punishment the state meets out.

If you can be imprisoned without a proper trial or due process, execution without trial or due process is merely a matter of degree.