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joined 2022 September 07 00:56:43 UTC

Writes at https://anarchonomicon.substack.com/

Writes weird Twitter Threads @FromKulak

Rides motorcycles... poorly.


Winner of Motte Post of the Year 2019


User ID: 905



20 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 07 00:56:43 UTC


Writes at https://anarchonomicon.substack.com/

Writes weird Twitter Threads @FromKulak

Rides motorcycles... poorly.


Winner of Motte Post of the Year 2019


User ID: 905

Men were executed based on the official version. There was a trial, and none have walked it back and Jurisprudence has not denounced it.

Human Soap and Executions of 20k jews at a time by NUCLEAR WARHEAD were Proven at Nuremberg with US Supreme Court Justice Robert H. Jackson acting as prosecutor.

To deny these things proven in open court by an alliance of the best jurists of the US, Brittain, and USSR would be to deny the very legitimacy of any findings of the the Nuremburg court or any judicial system touched by them. It'd be akin to saying that the Allies US, UK, and USSR were an alliance WITH the most brutal totalitarian and deceitful regime in world history, not an Alliance to defeat that regime.

You have to feel for him, ever so slightly, in that he was elected on a peace platform of negotiating with Russia and the breakaway republics... and then was forced into the war by the Ukrainian ultranationalist in the Ukrainian perma-government who would have 100% assassinated him if he'd actually negotiated agreeable terms or peace.

This is Holocaust Denial.

It is clearly established that everything was 100% planned from the outset, the Wansee Conference executive summary was 100% written in code and everyone in the german government knew it, and they 100% planned a total extermination of the Jews from the beginning, and there are millions of unmarked graves that can't be found because they were perfectly cremated with the fuel the Germans didn't have to run their tanks.

Seriously Watch a video summary of what the official version is and has never been admitted as false or retracted. This Was all Proven at Nuremberg and western governments stand by it, and you can be jailed decades for questioning it in Europe

Hitler has to be despised... for the very reasons you cite.

In any other era he'd be considered a great hero of his nation.

The Greeks, Romans, Mongols, hell the Indians, Arabs, Thais, and Ukrainians today all see him as a great hero of history. You can buy management books in many third world countries that proport to teach "Hitler's secrets of management".

There is very VERY little Hitler did that was not what great tribal leaders did for 99% of human history, only scaled up and industrialized... His worst crimes are 1 to 1 what Caesar did to the Celts, Alexander to Thebes, Agamemnon to Troy, Lincoln to the Natives... Indeed Hitler often compared himself to the great American presidents and his plans for the east to America's settlement of the west.

He was a great chieftain proposing to save his tribe by forcing out and crushing their rivalled neighboring tribes... he is analogous to Saladin, Jean D'arc, Geronimo, Scipio Africanus, Hannibal, Napoleon...

He is exactly what western civilization has always defined and expected a great hero of history to be.

Thus everyone who defines themselves by their "anti-fascism" inevitably winds up denouncing western civilization itself... which really can be expanded to just human civilization back to the earliest tribal level (since again there isn't anything uniquely western or even modern in what Hitler did)

Hell look at Fiction... Aragorn in Lord of the Rings basically did what Hitler... United the various factions of middle-earth through a combination of alliance building, inspiration, and threats in the case of the Dunharrow... Defeated the foreign force that was encroaching on the lands of his people... and he went to the black gates and (with the help of hobbit intervention (maybe analogous to eastern European axis factions?)) wiped out the Mordorian civilization and the orcish race to the last.

By contrast the great communist leaders were plagues upon their own nations. Mao sacrificed tens of millions more Chinese people for the sake of his own twist vision than he ever sacrificed foreigners for the sake of the Chinese. Likewise Lenin and Stalin were nightmares for Russia and the slavic peoples.

There a book "They Thought They Were Free" about Germans living under the Nazis and how many people were happy to buy into it, and you had to actually look to notice the disturbing aspects of what Germany was becoming... (For example for most of the 30s the concentration camps held fewer people per capita than American mass incarceration)... no one is ever going to write a "They Thought They Were Free" about the early Soviet Union, hell you can read accounts by figures like Solzhenitsyn and they are deeply pained by just how hard it is to convey that NOTHING was comparable to a free society.

Ayn Rand gave a speech to congress about the Soviets in the 50s and a congressman thought she was being ridiculous "Do families not gather for holiday dinners in the Soviet Union?" and Rand struggled to express how even that was a paranoid affair that merely mentioning politics or a disagreement at dinner could result in an uncle or niece, or even grandparent informing and destroying you and a good chunk of your family.

And Rand and Solzhenitsyn were RUSSIANS! They were the people at the heart of Soviet empire, they weren't some despised conquered peripheral people the state wanted gone... you have to look at Ukraine and Holomodor to see how they treated them... there is no Nazi Equivalent to Holomodor. No people they slayed by the millions in the midst of a decade plus of peace... Horrific as the Holocaust was... 95% of it happened during a world war a time when even America and Britain had concentration camps and killed civilians by the hundreds of thousands, Holomodor, the Great Leap Forward these were done as matters of policy without external pressure or even the fig leaf that these would be just part of the millions already being killed by the realities of scarcity and human conflict.

But our elite justify their multi-ethnic empires and right to plunder the democratic majorities they're supposed to be beholden to... with the same moral language as the Soviets... Its very convenient when you rule "For the betterment of mankind" or for "the worst off" because you can always justify taking from someone who has something, either their property or their liberty, in the name the worst off... Does it ever get around to benefiting the poor or the destitute or the unwashed masses of the working class? Well that's the convenient part, they're poor and disempowered, therefore they aren't really positioned to do an accounting of what's taken from the productive segments of humanity in their name, and notice somehow 50 or even 90% of it is lost in transit. Their loyalty can be bought for peanuts, not even their loyalty, the loyalty of the thugs amongst them, and then any tall plant can be harvested in their name... such that all power concentrates in the hands of the, self appointed, "defenders of the poor". And then when this ruling elite wants to sacrifice the poor... well they can always withhold in the name of some more deserving, more desitute, more moral, impoverished group somewhere...

It is a system for not for benefiting the marginalized at the expense of the established, but to crush all rivalled established social power so that everyone will be marginalized and unable to resist the state.

There is a very good reason in the Western Democratic nations where society and the majority are supposed to control and make the government subserviently to them, the governing class really wants you to admire unelected dictators who crushed social institutions and impoverished the majority of their nation even when they killed hundreds of millions in peacetime, and really REALLY wants you to hate an elected leader who rallied social institutions and the majority to benefit themselves at the expense of the minority, who only killed tens of millions in wartime.

Just wanted to comment I'm really keen for responses to this one.

Seeing made up atrocities arise as a way to score points in the propaganda war and then get debunked in realtime, as well as reading "Iron Curtain Over America" by Beatty really shook my belief in any of the stories of German atrocities. It seemed obvious to me that without the internet "40 beheaded babies" would have just become sacrosanct and in a few decades denial of it would have been criminalized in the west.

Once you see the exact same institutions that ran public opinion in the 40s doing it, it becomes very hard to imagine they weren't doing the exact same thing in the 40s when the brazenness of the propaganda was infamous and is even parodied by everyone down to children's movies today.


A province's government changed, the second largest politcal party switched from vehemently pro to anti-lockdown with the Pro-lockdown losing their jobs, Trudeau's government is basically crippled all of his policies since have failed as seen with his gun ban falling through...

And the emergencies act failed to be extended, the relevant powers were lost when its 7 (not 9) limit expired without the power to extend it.

The fetishism of defeat. The desire to be powerless in the case of clear and undeniable victory is disgusting.

Your enemies can be absolutely as irredeemable, corrupt, and tyrannical as their worst critics imagine, AND STILL BE WEAK.

The hell do you want? Do you want the CBC to pat you on the back and say "No its OK. You won"

Grow up. Politics is war by other means, casualties on your own side are acceptable in the pursuit of victory.

And the truckers won a complete victory. Every freedom I had lost from 2019 to 2022, everything I expected to never get back and to suffer across decades of insurgency trying to claw back... Was restored, mostly within a month, and the rest in half a year.


I will not let blackpilled moldbuggians tarnish it with their own impotence.

FLYOVER country won whilst all the theory-cells and blackpilled cosmopolitan right wing wing intellectual wrung their hands... Becuase the flyover rubes are better than you. More fit to rule. More fit for combat. More able to organize. And now it is the job of the right wing intellectuals to catch up with the 40 year old small businessmen and conpsiracy theorists who've shown themselves more capable that the entire right wing political class

Bullshit a province's government fell, an major party did a complete 180 on its position, litterally every policy demand was changed within a year or less...

Compare that to anything that was expected in December January 2021-2022 and its a total victory.

Do you care about actually winning the policy victories you want and actually getting people what they want, or do you care about getting gibs for your activist class whilst nothing gets better?

He was a US Intelligence Officer of the Rank of Lieutenant-Colonel during WW2, wrote the reports on Decrypted Germans Cyphers, briefed Generals...

And he wrote a book about Jewish involvement in Communism and their ties to the Soviet union... Full Putin-esque deep dive on the Germans back to the Tuetonic Knight and the Jews back the Khazaria 800bc- 1952... And he mentioned the holocaust once as an off-handed "And there are still some people who still believe this ridiculous wartime propaganda by jewish lobbyists"

And a half Dozen US Generals wrote glowing reviews saying it was the most important book of the 1950s and exactly captures the truth of the Second world war.

Likewise Eisenhower, Churchill, and De Gaulle make no mention of the holocaust or final solution in their thousands of pages of works on ww2.

You'd think if out of 80 million dead in ww2, 6 million were jews, you'd get like 5-8% of time dedicated to it... just proportionately?

Nope. Nothing. In the 1950s they didn't act as if the camps were opened and the revelation of the greatest crime in history had just been revealed. The Holocaust only entered public consciousness in 1967 after the 6 day when the US pivoted to Israel.

This was NOT a given. And the Trucker protest and sister protests in other nation were a MASSIVE cause of restrictions ending.

All the talk in Dec Jan 2021-2022 was of making lockdowns semi-permanent and ramping up the vaccine passport system ever further to crush dissent.

How was Saladin, a Kurd from Northern Iraq, defending his own nation when he launched a war against a Kingdom that had existed in various states of peace and war for 100 years.

By that Standard Abu Bakar Al Baghdadi of ISIS was merely resisting the crusader infidel when he promised to drive the Israelis into the sea and Unite the arab world under his Caliphate... after all the state of Israel is now younger than the Kingdom of Jerusalem was when Saladin reconquered it.

This is the problem with trying to base your morality around "attacker vs defender" EVERYONE HAS DIFFERENT CLAIMS. Hell when Hitler invaded Poland to recapture Danzig and the Prussian homeland it had only been separated from Germany by the Treaty of Versailles for 21 years!

in the conflciting claims of European nationalities and nations you are never going to carve out some clear distinction as to who's claims are legitimate and who's aren't... because they're imaginary ethical Ideas... Why are Saladin's claims 100 years after a kingdom has formed more legitimate than the crusaders claims 100 years earlier 300 years after Islam conquered the holy lands from the Christian/Jewish Kingdoms that reigned there before hand?

Why is Abu Bakar Al Baghdadi's claims to reclaim the holy land 70 years after the formation of Israel then completely out of the question? Why is it Russia fighting a war to try and recapture Poland in 1918-1921 the very years Poland declares independence considered worng, but complex enough that Brittian and France don't declare war or intervene on behalf of the Poles... but 18 years later Germany, actually setting out to recapture German speaking lands that had always been under German or Prussian rule, somehow demands a WORLD WAR to stop?

STOP PRETENDING YOU HAVE PRINCIPLES. You have rationalizations. You're just like every other person in human history.

You don't have compressive fully complete theory of just war that somehow magically supports all the wars on the side you like and denounces all the wars on the side you don't, You have ingroups and outgroups.

you think its good Saladin Reconquered the kingdom of Juerusalem 100 years later, because you don't like the Crusader Kingdom. You think its bad Al Baghdadi declared he wanted to do the same thing with Israel merely 70 years after because you support Isreal.

In ww2 the US and Brittain invaded or annexed dozens of countries that were otherwise neutral, and had done nothing aggressive, because they held some strategic value, nothing more.

Iceland was invaded by Britain, Ireland was nearly invaded Britain. Should the Icelandic people have fought to the knife, landed in Scotland, firebombed London, and set about a decade of De-Churchill-fication?

Every war. Every fucking one... Is WW1. Its all stronger powers positioning whilst weaker powers get fucked, or through extraordinary obstinance and violence, manage to carve out some nationalist vision for themselves.

Some are vastly more brutal, some more temperate... but to pretend there's some magical principle that entitles America to decide the fate of Poland, or some Kurd from northern Iraq Jerusalem in the 12th century, but not a Sunni from southern Iraq the fate of Jerusalem the in the 21st... its laughable.

You claim to be such a Hobbesian, actually read him! Read his theory of international relations and justice between kingdoms and nations.

Hobbes holds no such justice can exist, because nations, knigdoms, and princes are inherently in the state nature against one another... there is not Just or unjust aggression or defense... For no one is ever going to agree with eachother who's claims are legitimate and what counts as aggression, and what's more no lawful sovereign exists between separate nations kingdoms, and princes... or they would not be separate nations kingdoms, and princes... There is only noble or Ignoble conduct within the contest, and observations of what regulating rituals nations come observe between each other in inherently unstable equilibria.

Leaders, if they are to be judged, are to be judged by body-count and violence committed vs. avoided. Not some Laughable Idea that we can somehow disentagle why Hitler invading Poland was unjustified and demanded a World War... but Stalin invading Poland 2 weeks later did not, or that somehow Germany is not entitled to militarily intervene on its ancestral homeland right on its border 100kms from berlin... but DC is entitled to Invade Iraq 10'000 kms away.

By that standard New York or Boston would have been legitimate targets if the Nazis or Japanese had gotten the bomb first. Also "purely civilian cities" was a reference to the firebombings of Europe... in which yes many targets were almost wholly indefensible from any military perspective.

"hero of western civilization" if you're going to use quotation marks actually fucking quote me. I did not say Hitler was a hero of western civilization, I said he was a figure that for most of western history would be considered a "Hero of his nation" I even gave helpful examples of Alexander the Great, Napoleon, Ceasar, Hannibal, and Lincoln. All war criminals responcible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands if not millions, who never the less are venerated by their nationalities, and loathed by anyone who takes a second to remember the genocides they committed (ask a Native American about Lincoln)

One could add the reverence modern Romanians have for Vlad Tepest or Mongolians for Genghis Khan.

The fact that you have juvenile Ahistorical definition of "Hero" does not change the fact the term used correctly absolutely would be applied to Hitler by anyone prior to 1914. and the vast majority of people on planet earth (south asians, Middle easterners, Latin Americans, Chinese) AFTER even 1945.

There are billions of people around the world right now dreaming some Hitlerian figure will rise and lead their glorious historied but somehow wronged... faith, ethnicity, tribe, nationality etc. to some final victory over their hated rival tribe... Indians and Pakistanis dream of this, Arabs and Palestinians dream of this... hell Peruvians and Chileans dream of this.

Hell the Chinese and Russians actually still STILL have personality cults and reverence for Mao and Stalin! As great national leaders who fought for Chinese or Russian nationality against the hated foreigner, and they both killed vastly more than Hitler, and their victims were disproportionately their own people.

Hilter is not some exception. He's the rule.

As far as national heroes go he's worse than Wellington, Lincoln, or Hannibal, but still better than Stalin, Mao or Genghis Khan... and per capita probably comparable to Caesar, or Alexander (who genocided the celts, and a whole list of cities respectively)

Britain invented the concentration camp during the Boer war and killed 10s of thousands during it via starvation, Canada and US used concentration camps for forced labour during ww1 and ww2, and the allies firebombed purely civilian cities killing hundreds of thousands and hundreds of thousands more during the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasagi, often explicitly "To break the will" of the civilians being bombed.

it takes really special pleading to argue the Nazis were uniquely evil and not simply on the spectrum somewhere between the warcrimes and mass murders of the west and the peacetime genocides of the communists.

Why? Did you painstakingly go through the works of Churchill, Eisenhower, and De Gaulle, find that every instance of mass death during the Second World War which you agree happened is mentioned in direct proportion to its share of the total 80 million dead, and note a glaring exception in the case of the Jews?

You do realize it's actually fairly trivial to find the digital version Ctrl-F for every reference of "Jew" "final solution" "holocaust", Etc.

And I did. I checked Unz work.

Eisenhower does actually mention a holocaust in crusade in europe. Specifically a "Bomber's Holocaust", carried out by the allies against the germans. But nothing about a mass extermination of jews, only that when released from the work camps they and all the other prisoners were starving from lack of food, largely because German logistics had collapsed.

And what would have happened if the US and USSR had not pushed a ceasefire?

How many wars end in 6 days!?

If not for the international alliance system, Israel would win and win and win... for the first few months. Then their forces would reach the limits of what they can hold... and then the reality of being 10 million amidst 500 million Muslims would set in and they'd be ground away to nothing by the reality of attritional artillery warfare and urban insurgency... and they'd be fucked.

Israel has never fought a war like the Iran-Iraq war, or the Russo-Ukraine War, or the World Wars, or even the Chinese or US civil wars, or even Vietnam, Iraq, or the Soviet-Afghanistan. Or even the Rhodesian Bush war, where they have to face an armed organized enemy continuously attacking their military and probably civilians for a decade+.

They've always been able to depend on the international order forcing a ceasefire and locking in their victories... and securing hard blockades on their Palestinian enemies, enforce even by their regional rivals in exchange for US Aid.

Rhodesia certainly didn't have the US bribing Mozambique and Zambia to the tunes of billions of dollars a year to enforce secure borders and block smuggling, the way way Israel does with the US bribing Egypt and Jordan.

That is very unusual. Especially in the 20th century. And it is NOT stable.

The fact that they then decided to Sex Traffick the children of the power they desperately need to backstop 100% of their regional security concerns is the cherry on top.

Your need to make things personal is noted.

For reference, I tried to track down the english translation of Pinochet's memoirs...

Not a single public library or university sytem within 1000miles of me has them... Lots of memoirs by communists about "Living under Pinochete" or "memoirs of a Bicyclist who disapeared in Pinochet's Chile" But somehow not the Memoirs of the Dictator they wring their hands about.

You rage that I'm right about major works by world leaders having been disappeared is revealing. The fact you're offended by me pointing it out and desperately need to grasp that these aren't "real banned books" when you have no problem with the barnes and noble displays of "the handmaid's tale" and "to kill a mockingbird" is doubly revealing.

You're not upset that I haven't personally tracked these down and put them on libgen, you're upset that I've surfaced them to 10s of thousands of people, and now someone with access to UTexas or UPenn library system (the only two places I could find copies) will.

Do you care about getitng your policy goals? Or getting spoils for your activist class?

The left has won none of its real policy goals in 30-50 years (no income equality, no real improvement in the quality of black lives, no eviromental improvements) but they won tons of spoils for their activist class.

The leading trucker acitvists paid a high price... But a year later literally every single policy goal was achieved. (Canada has no covid requirements of any type)

Any true supporter of any cause would much prefer a trucker victory to a DEI victory.

Japanese Americans interned in Canada and the US were used as forced labour in ww2, as were interned Ukrainians in Canada in ww1.

If you want to see a society that sat idly by whilst minorities were stripped of their liberties, forced into camps, and enslaved, .merely look at your own.

And if you think the interned Japanese would have survived if the war had turned and the Japanese started landing in California, or food shortages started hitting the American homeland... you have far more faith in the US and Canadian governments than I do.

Why did the Camps for the boer in south africa exist, the ones for Japanese Americans exist, or the Ones for Ukrainian americans exist?

Why did the gulags exist?

This was the great era of slave labour camps from the US to Canada to the UK to the Soviet union.

Litterally everyone had camps. The difference is the Nazis lost, lost the ability to feed their own poeple, let alone prisoners, and suffered 8 million germans dead, in addition to another 2 million ethnically cleansed from the east.

It's not clear the Japanese Americans or Ukrainian Canadians would have fared better if they lost and were invaded. Thus why it is so difficult to prove that in addition to everything that was going on that we'd expect to kill the Jews in the camps from lack of life support, there was ALSO a deliberate plan of mass extermination.

Who gives a fuck what the courts rule? Who gives a fuck about these slap on the wrist penalties?

Dozens of people were arrested, the penalties were basically non-existent, and it just emboldened them.

I know dozens who were arrested and radicalized.

There have been dozens of convoy protests since! There was no chilling effect because the regime's impotence has been demonstrated.

People complain about the lefts EXCESSES... their successes are non-existent. Look at black test scores failure to do anything or their hand wringing about how global warming will end everything and nothing's improved or rising inequality that's only accelerating in its rise.

We're just so used to political activism achieving nothing except "do something" initiatives that yield no results and spoils for the activist class, that actual 100% pure and total policy success look irrelevant...

We've been trained so long to thing policy is meant to fail and victory is getting your allies into positions with perma salaries the idea that with politics you could actually achieve the totality of your stated desired results in an reasonable timeframe is completely alien.

Ya lower the burden of proof and nab multiples to an order of magnitude more people, kinda based on crime, kind of on speculation... but make it nice, have pools, maternity ward... And don't make it so dour and metalic and institutional, you could have a nice open air town type setup... sure barb wire and guards around, but we could even let them have specialized work and band... it wouldn't be so much a prison... It'd be like going to Camp!

Oh wait...

Seriously this is what concentration camps are. This is what the British said they were doing to the Boer, what Canada and Britain did to Germans and Ukrainians in ww1, what the US did to the Japanese, and what the Gulags and Auschwitz at least nominally started off as when they were "merely" replicating the Tsar's prison camps and Germany's WW1 prison camps.

Agreed... its a putrid venue of the worst people engaging in the worst sort of intellectual cowardice and then rallying around to try and tear down anything interesting that might crop up. The very caricature of a gathering of last men... all reassuring each other something that questions their beliefs need not be debated, but mocked... bugmen reassuring themselves they can "sneer" at works and Ideas they themselves could not produce. That their unoriginality is principle, their compliance and cowardice: virtue.

every so often I check sneerclub... whatever they mock tends to be a "best of" of interesting takes and ideas.

Grammarly updated and then started crashing chrome.

I lost an entire draft of an essay because of the grammar editor crashing my computer. So this is just what people will have to deal with. Torturing pendants who can't handle typos is worthwhile if it speeds up my output by 1 article every 2 months. which is more than what I've lost to crashes over the years.

I am in a volume business, not a polish business. There is no solution, there will never be one, and even what works now will degrade to the point where other flaws will creep in. This is the nature of all computer based businesses in a competency crisis and DEI hellworld

They swapped out a lockdown friendly premiere for one of their own and took over the second largest political party installing their earliest biggest supporter as its head...

Future victories are vastly easier now than they were in Dec 2021. Hell they;re one of the major factions of Canadian life.

Moldbug has this psychological block that many right wing comsmopolitans have where because his tribe of people his family, the people he grew up around, will always be ravenous leftists, he doesn't think kulak redneck victories are meaningful, it just makes everyone he knows hate them more...

Ya Moldbug didn't make any progress within his tribe and they'll only double down on their hatred of people that think like him... but that doesn't matter to the wider right! Their goal isn't to persuade or influence the cosmopolitan tribe its to cripple it and slowly destroy it.

Moldbug should feel the walls closing in... that's what happens when a tribe you can't defect from starts losing.

You can't really do that when your schedule and business model demands you publish a new 4000-10,000 word article every 4-5 days.

Even if I had infinite friends that I never ran out of people to demand that of, the 1-2 days it would take for them to get back to me with the edits would increase the turnaround time by 25-50%, destroying my growth and maybe my business viability.