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joined 2022 September 07 00:56:43 UTC

Writes at https://anarchonomicon.substack.com/

Writes weird Twitter Threads @FromKulak

Rides motorcycles... poorly.


Winner of Motte Post of the Year 2019


User ID: 905



20 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 07 00:56:43 UTC


Writes at https://anarchonomicon.substack.com/

Writes weird Twitter Threads @FromKulak

Rides motorcycles... poorly.


Winner of Motte Post of the Year 2019


User ID: 905

Do you care about getitng your policy goals? Or getting spoils for your activist class?

The left has won none of its real policy goals in 30-50 years (no income equality, no real improvement in the quality of black lives, no eviromental improvements) but they won tons of spoils for their activist class.

The leading trucker acitvists paid a high price... But a year later literally every single policy goal was achieved. (Canada has no covid requirements of any type)

Any true supporter of any cause would much prefer a trucker victory to a DEI victory.

Japanese Americans interned in Canada and the US were used as forced labour in ww2, as were interned Ukrainians in Canada in ww1.

If you want to see a society that sat idly by whilst minorities were stripped of their liberties, forced into camps, and enslaved, .merely look at your own.

And if you think the interned Japanese would have survived if the war had turned and the Japanese started landing in California, or food shortages started hitting the American homeland... you have far more faith in the US and Canadian governments than I do.

I've given you 3 types of evidence:

Contemporary accounts from 400 years of history 1500-1900 (Dickens, Tolstoy, Hardy, and many others wrote extensively on this in the 19th).

Historical records of the Lancet Medical journal from the 19th century ...

And the Historical records of the catholic church from the 12th century.

and the historical GDP which shows this is very much in line with what we find in modern poor societies at these GDP levels like El Salvador, Haiti, and Somalia...

There is no scarcity of women, lower gdp figures don't limit how much is available like iron or timber. or food ...GDP just determines the price of their labour and the poverty that will push them to trade that labour.

and your response amounts to: "Nuh Ugh"

Seriously every single piece of evidence we have says that 1100-1900 a single digit percentage of women were employed in prostitution and maybe a very low double digit percentage had engaged in it at some point in their lives. (And yes how people manage to feed themselves and keep themselves alive absolutely seems like the kind of matter of material necessity than can be extrapolated backwards)

We have bawdy authors from the 16th century painting this picture, senitmental authors from the 17th, moral reformer authors form the 19th, quite impressive records from all these eras including very early records from the 11th century...

and what I consistently find is people just deny it because they don't want to believe it.

Suspending basic freedom of assembly, bodily autonomy, and travel for 2 years is the biggest things western governments have all done since conscriptions, mass internments, and human experimentations (look up what they did to conscientious objectors) that characterized the world wars.

We SHOULD hate each other over this. This SHOULD poison our every attempt at discussion. This SHOULD divide us so thoroughly our grandkids look at each other as subhuman, the way the grandkids of the various factions in the 60s look at each other today.

And here's the Axios story if you don't trust RT citations:


Reading comprehension is important.

I provided two sources with the exact same data


This Zelensky Aide puts it at 200 dead and 500 more injured.

RT cites one of Zelenksy's main negotiators as putting it at the 200-500 mark:


And here's the Axios story if you don't trust RT citations:


And here's the video of Ukrainian forces conscripting people off the streets at gunpoint:


The Palestinians have one government that controls them... Israel yet they are denied citizenship, a vote, and are forced into ghettos where the "pallestinian leadership" which Israel can and does murder at any moment, predates upon them.

Israel is one state, it has been for decades now since Israel has defeated all Palestinian resistance... yet Israel maintains the fiction that there is or ever can be two states because then it doesn't have to grant the pallestinians, who have been born and lived entirely under israelli control, a vote of their own.

There should be a one state solution. One person. one vote. Full Stop.


As is its as if America denied the native American's any rights as citizens, claiming the reservations were seperate countries, but "invaded" them near weekly to enforce its authority.

Its textbook apartheid. Denying full citizenship to those born within a country on the basis of their heritage.

I'd be more sympathetic to the "Liberal democratic order" if it wasn't directly funding and propping up genocide and apartheid in Yemen and Palestine.

Or if the US and UK had vastly more egregiously invaded a country 8000km away who had offered no aggression to them over lies not 20 years ago, causing close to a million deaths and geostrategic instability that probably killed a million more... And then done it all again in Libya in 2012.

I've been keeping score. The modern Russian state is vastly less threatening to the human race in terms of body count than this "Liberal international order"... Which is neither liberal, nor providing order to anyone outside a very select club.

Not really... Russia was positioned to become a US ally as late as 2008-2012, partner in the global war on terror stuff... another nuclear armed, economically dependent, ethically suspect appendage of American empire like Israel or Pakistan... Not really democratic, but good at keeping the locals in line...

Then the woke stuff hit, Putin was a white man who was anti-gay and the democrats went from mocking republicans for treating them as a geopolitical rival ("The 1980s called they want their foreign policy back" said Obama to Romney) to hating any republicans agreed with the take Obama had in 2012...

Its all Trump and Gay Marriage.

That's why Ukraine was treated as a major geopolitical happening in 2014 when Russia-Georgia was completely ignored, or how we're going defcon 1 with sanctions now... but didn't when Putin was propping up Assad in Syria back in 2015.

There can't be a white country that isn't woke. and Russia's the only Asia regional power Americans consider white... So when Turkey wages war on the Democratic and freedom loving Kurds, who have been America's allies for 30 years... no one gives a shit. But when Russia wages war against an ultranationalist not really democratic country that's been commiting warcrimes for 8 years... defcon 1.

Trump, Gay Marriage, white skin. Those are the driving forces of US foreign policy on this. Those are the only things that separate Russia from Turkey or Pakistan or Egypt... or any other Faux democratic, kinda belligerent regional power with dozens of different border disputes.

Well that's terrifying if that's the trendline and the anti-war movement was that strong recently... certainly ups the odds of a world war if that's the case.

Why did the Camps for the boer in south africa exist, the ones for Japanese Americans exist, or the Ones for Ukrainian americans exist?

Why did the gulags exist?

This was the great era of slave labour camps from the US to Canada to the UK to the Soviet union.

Litterally everyone had camps. The difference is the Nazis lost, lost the ability to feed their own poeple, let alone prisoners, and suffered 8 million germans dead, in addition to another 2 million ethnically cleansed from the east.

It's not clear the Japanese Americans or Ukrainian Canadians would have fared better if they lost and were invaded. Thus why it is so difficult to prove that in addition to everything that was going on that we'd expect to kill the Jews in the camps from lack of life support, there was ALSO a deliberate plan of mass extermination.

Who gives a fuck what the courts rule? Who gives a fuck about these slap on the wrist penalties?

Dozens of people were arrested, the penalties were basically non-existent, and it just emboldened them.

I know dozens who were arrested and radicalized.

There have been dozens of convoy protests since! There was no chilling effect because the regime's impotence has been demonstrated.

People complain about the lefts EXCESSES... their successes are non-existent. Look at black test scores failure to do anything or their hand wringing about how global warming will end everything and nothing's improved or rising inequality that's only accelerating in its rise.

We're just so used to political activism achieving nothing except "do something" initiatives that yield no results and spoils for the activist class, that actual 100% pure and total policy success look irrelevant...

We've been trained so long to thing policy is meant to fail and victory is getting your allies into positions with perma salaries the idea that with politics you could actually achieve the totality of your stated desired results in an reasonable timeframe is completely alien.

Ya lower the burden of proof and nab multiples to an order of magnitude more people, kinda based on crime, kind of on speculation... but make it nice, have pools, maternity ward... And don't make it so dour and metalic and institutional, you could have a nice open air town type setup... sure barb wire and guards around, but we could even let them have specialized work and band... it wouldn't be so much a prison... It'd be like going to Camp!

Oh wait...

Seriously this is what concentration camps are. This is what the British said they were doing to the Boer, what Canada and Britain did to Germans and Ukrainians in ww1, what the US did to the Japanese, and what the Gulags and Auschwitz at least nominally started off as when they were "merely" replicating the Tsar's prison camps and Germany's WW1 prison camps.

Agreed... its a putrid venue of the worst people engaging in the worst sort of intellectual cowardice and then rallying around to try and tear down anything interesting that might crop up. The very caricature of a gathering of last men... all reassuring each other something that questions their beliefs need not be debated, but mocked... bugmen reassuring themselves they can "sneer" at works and Ideas they themselves could not produce. That their unoriginality is principle, their compliance and cowardice: virtue.

every so often I check sneerclub... whatever they mock tends to be a "best of" of interesting takes and ideas.

3% of the victorian population, 6% of the female population, were employed as prostitutes in 1887... in London. One of the most industrialized cities of the day and one that actually had factory work for women.

This was when GDP of the Uk was close to 3000-4000 per person, or poorer than modern Ukraine... this was post industrial revolution after London had entered what we'd now say is middle income status...

In the Medieval period when real GDP was $300-600 per person per year it would have been vastly worse and the poverty vastly more pressing.

Historical GDP source

Hell the Catholic church owned the brothels in many areas because it was just seen as a fact of life and they were trusted to morally absolve and oversee the "sinner"

Seriously. the catholic church was running brothels with ~1000 prostitutes in London in the 1100s... when London's total population was 18,000-40,000... and that was just the one Burough where they owned the brothels... there were plenty of private brothels, speak-easy brothels, and women not affiliated with a brothel working as prostitutes as well.


Edit: sorry to pick on you but there's this revisionism I got everywhere I've posted this essay that somehow prostitution wasn't common, people weren't poor in the past, and everything that was expansively written about by contemporaries in early modern novels was just fiction and obviously Feilding, Defoe, Richardson, John Ford, Thomas Middleton, and every other writer about the lower classes from 1500-1900 ever wrote about was just sensationalist fiction to be completely ignored.

Most cultures have semi-mythical ceremonial figurheads chosen through randomness to fulfill some role and say exactly what they're supposed to with little to no personality of their own.

In Nepal they have those pre-pubescent girls whose feet never touch the ground, in Sweden they have Greta, In America they have pageant girls and child celebrities, and in the UK they have the royals.

Grammarly updated and then started crashing chrome.

I lost an entire draft of an essay because of the grammar editor crashing my computer. So this is just what people will have to deal with. Torturing pendants who can't handle typos is worthwhile if it speeds up my output by 1 article every 2 months. which is more than what I've lost to crashes over the years.

I am in a volume business, not a polish business. There is no solution, there will never be one, and even what works now will degrade to the point where other flaws will creep in. This is the nature of all computer based businesses in a competency crisis and DEI hellworld

They swapped out a lockdown friendly premiere for one of their own and took over the second largest political party installing their earliest biggest supporter as its head...

Future victories are vastly easier now than they were in Dec 2021. Hell they;re one of the major factions of Canadian life.

Moldbug has this psychological block that many right wing comsmopolitans have where because his tribe of people his family, the people he grew up around, will always be ravenous leftists, he doesn't think kulak redneck victories are meaningful, it just makes everyone he knows hate them more...

Ya Moldbug didn't make any progress within his tribe and they'll only double down on their hatred of people that think like him... but that doesn't matter to the wider right! Their goal isn't to persuade or influence the cosmopolitan tribe its to cripple it and slowly destroy it.

Moldbug should feel the walls closing in... that's what happens when a tribe you can't defect from starts losing.

Please keep the commentary to the piece linked from my guest author... not an unlinked piece from me.

for those curious this is the piece he's discussing


not discussing the linked piece is actually ironic because the Air Defence piece is the exact kind of technical, non-culture waring, moving the discussion forward cerebral work that my rage fueled rant is criticized for not being.

you are aware my Seniors thesis was on Hobbes and I'm a biological determinist?(completely antithetical to Russeau)



Note: I don't "Identify" as a biological determinist... I am a biological determinist. My biology is deterministically making my mind process the sum of all available evidence and conclude biologically deterministic conclusions.



Ps. For those of you wondering how one could be a Hobbesian and a libertarian, Royalist in the 17th century would be think they naturally follow. Most absolutists hated Hobbes and described Leviathan as a "Rebel's Catechism" (Ie. Justification for almost all rebellion)

To give just one example Hobbesian analysis preclude conscription, or atleast allows that armed rebellion against conscription is justified and logical, unless the person being conscripted is in immediate danger of an opposing force (such as a besieged city or alien invasion)

No putin larpers wouldn't win. The enemies of the regime would win.

You're acting as if a socialist would want the Tzarist forces to lose the Russo-Japanese war because they want Shintoism to take over russia... No they want the Tsarist regime humiliated so the revolution of 1905 could happen (though they wouldn't like that that revolution failed).

Likewise Putinism to the extent its an ideology is already prettymuch failed and dying... I want the Liberal Globalist order to lose to that failing and dying ideology not to prop up putinism but to humiliate and ruin the Liberal international order so that the homegrown ideologies already taking off in the west can have their revolutions as detached from putinism as Liberal Constitutionalism and Socialist revolutionaries were from Shinto-Imperialism.

distant enemies of my enemy can be quite useful.

Universal mobilization means you are now an element of the war machine, and leaving is desertion. It has happened everywhere at different times for different reasons, and exists as an option for all developed nations in the world as we speak.

A principled stand for freedom here is worthwhile, but probably only if your particular set of borders has a bunch of nukes/is part of a nuclear alliance.

I have written about concription several times on the motte... In every instance I've argued it demanded lethal violence against thos administering it. Up to ands including killing the volunteer members of the draft boards

You can't really do that when your schedule and business model demands you publish a new 4000-10,000 word article every 4-5 days.

Even if I had infinite friends that I never ran out of people to demand that of, the 1-2 days it would take for them to get back to me with the edits would increase the turnaround time by 25-50%, destroying my growth and maybe my business viability.

Starvation and "beatings" prove nothing.

Those are the conditions that existed in the Gulags in peace time, the conditions that existed in the british concentration camps for the Boer, and the conditions that would have existed in the concentration camps for Japanese Americans if America had lost the war and had its supply chains and rail networks destroyed by bombing.

The Claim of "the holocaust" is that the Germans uniquely set out to kill every jew in Europe, did so on an industrialized scale and with an efficiency never seen before in human, history, and that it is in a category of horror beyond any other genocide to ever exist including the Great Leap forward, Hoomodor, the Killing Fields of Cambodia, and CERTAINLY worse than the Soviet mass killing and expulsion of the German Diaspora post 1945.

Nothing in "Crusade in Europe", Churchhill's "Second World War", or De Gualle's "Memoires De Guerre" suggest anything of the sort.

Indeed all of them portray the Camps as workcamps for enemy aliens (like the camps for Japanese-Americans) that collapsed and lost life support function during the onslaught of war.