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joined 2022 September 07 00:56:43 UTC

Writes at https://anarchonomicon.substack.com/

Writes weird Twitter Threads @FromKulak

Rides motorcycles... poorly.


Winner of Motte Post of the Year 2019


User ID: 905



20 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 07 00:56:43 UTC


Writes at https://anarchonomicon.substack.com/

Writes weird Twitter Threads @FromKulak

Rides motorcycles... poorly.


Winner of Motte Post of the Year 2019


User ID: 905

What are you talking about? Battle of Vercellae 101 bc.

I even Cite Plutarch's Life of Marius. There's an extensive block quote.


Ya I overreacted. This discussion is coming at me from 3-4 platforms, and I attributed to @Eetan alot of my frustration from lower effort, more bad faith posters elsewhere.

Apologies for that.

He made it personal first, and implied that if I didn't drive 5000 kms to one of the 5 universities (I've looked into this at great effort) that had copies without credentials of my own and then illegally digitized a book I'd have to break in to access, that I don't believe what I say. (as if that's an optimal use of limited time for illegal activity)

That's personal.

He knows damned well that what he said was an absurd personal attack and escalation. And I'm not going to play the game where I pretend to not notice I've been insulted.

I remained vastly more civil resisting the temptation to swear or level insults as he did. But I'm not going to pretend we're having an abstract 3rd person discussion of Ideas when my interlocutor has already insulted me, imputed disingenuity, and already made it personal and second person.

Why did the Camps for the boer in south africa exist, the ones for Japanese Americans exist, or the Ones for Ukrainian americans exist?

Why did the gulags exist?

This was the great era of slave labour camps from the US to Canada to the UK to the Soviet union.

Litterally everyone had camps. The difference is the Nazis lost, lost the ability to feed their own poeple, let alone prisoners, and suffered 8 million germans dead, in addition to another 2 million ethnically cleansed from the east.

It's not clear the Japanese Americans or Ukrainian Canadians would have fared better if they lost and were invaded. Thus why it is so difficult to prove that in addition to everything that was going on that we'd expect to kill the Jews in the camps from lack of life support, there was ALSO a deliberate plan of mass extermination.

It was actually banned, by the current regime, as opposed to "The Handmaid's Tale" and "To kill a Mockingbird" which populates "Banned books" displays around the country and the regime has been desperate to get people to read.

I'm fascinated by the Issolated demand for rigour. The Regime labels every piece of their propaganda "banned" and narry a quibble... I come up with a counter list of works the regime has actively sought to suppress at various points, and suddenly if it doesn't burn your eyes out of your socket or provoke preemptive strikes, it has never been "Really" banned

Your need to make things personal is noted.

For reference, I tried to track down the english translation of Pinochet's memoirs...

Not a single public library or university sytem within 1000miles of me has them... Lots of memoirs by communists about "Living under Pinochete" or "memoirs of a Bicyclist who disapeared in Pinochet's Chile" But somehow not the Memoirs of the Dictator they wring their hands about.

You rage that I'm right about major works by world leaders having been disappeared is revealing. The fact you're offended by me pointing it out and desperately need to grasp that these aren't "real banned books" when you have no problem with the barnes and noble displays of "the handmaid's tale" and "to kill a mockingbird" is doubly revealing.

You're not upset that I haven't personally tracked these down and put them on libgen, you're upset that I've surfaced them to 10s of thousands of people, and now someone with access to UTexas or UPenn library system (the only two places I could find copies) will.

Every single American has read noted civil rights propoganda "To Kill a Mockingbird" in school, as well as King's "Letter from Birmingham Jail"

Hell I'm not American and both were assigned texts multiple times in the course of my "Education"

Here is the wikipedia page of Augusto Pinochet, a world-historic head of state, it is quite extensive

Please tell me the title of His memoirs from them. Or any of the dozens of works he published.

there have been persistent campaigns to remove Irvings works from libraries and the pressure on used books stores especially is intense (I've spoken with multiple used booksellers who say this)

This was my experience TIME AFTER TIME researching this list. Notably every regime-friendly author had an uncontroversial "Works" section. but as soon as you get into people prominent for holocaust denial, or alleged war crimes... suddenly Wikipedia's very reticent to direct you to further reading... Which is unsurprising given I remember all the campaigns and hand-wringing by "experts on radicalization" that Youtube, Google, and Wikipedia were leading people down rabbit holes of hate... as opposed to what they did after trump won which was scrub all right wing material such that history teachers were complaining, (You struggle to find a single complete speech from Hitler on youtube anymore, let alone revisionist documentaries)

This happened on Amazon at the peak of the trump and post j6 years with Scores of books being pulled from Amazon and removed from kindle, i found a list of such works and included many in my list.

I also I note you don't mention the works later on... which Carry criminal sentences. (Read the piece and skip down to "How-To Guides of Horror"

You see it's like the Iceberg meme it has layers.

One is just "Oh Risque" I'd never heard of that, weird it's somehow buried in all discussion of the matter, and another has gotten people decades in prison in the UK for merely having a pdf

What is your age?

anyone over 35 doesn't get this.

All I hear from young white men is that they 100% WANT things to go hot mixed with fedposting that if it doesn't kick off they'll make it happen... AI Researchers, Corporate figures, Military Officers, 7 figure Engineering wunderkinds... the last repositories of talent in America... they're just waiting for the very last of the aging leadership to leave and things to start really failing

Every white boy who went through DEI and feminist consent lectures as a child... all the exceptional ones who landed on their feet... they swore bloody vengeance.

All the talented white kids who experienced wokeness in high school or university ( lived through the struggle sessions complete with threats to destroy their lives when they objected) now feels their ethnicity as keenly as the most apocalyptic nationalists in the early 20th century.

The moderates i speak to don't worry there won't be an explosion... they're terrified of how far it will go.

Natural law only applies to men of honour who will kill for that honour and glory.

Hobbes, locke, and the founding fathers assumed they lived in a world where men would look a man in the eye and murder him rituallistically as his friends watched, because the man had insulted him, and that that man would sooner stare down a pistol and "Recieve fire" than reveal himself a coward.

Unless you're willing to die and kill for your personal pride and pride alone you are not a free man with natural rights but a slave.

We are doomed to be slowly conquered by the cartels, they will slowly take over and slaughter all who oppose them and we'll deserve it and the gods will howl in rage that they show us any mercy.

If compliance had been higher they very easily could have pressed the mandates to being a permanent fixture of life, certainly in europe and the non-american west.

It took a major rebellion to end mandates in canada

Why would it do that?

HBD's big revelation is that the problem with black people IS black people...

Why would it result in stronger affirmative action instead of a return to Pre-Civil Rights segregation like every single liberal insists it would, and pre-civil rights Americans concluded was necessary back when they believed in a folk-version of HBD?

Most likely outcome of HBD being widely believed by white americans would be a hot ethnic conflict which whites would win followed by the same solution they settled upon after reconstruction... if not something more punitive for making them fight the ethnic conflict.

It's literally the text of the second Amendment, "keep and bear arms"

If you don't think the constitution should restrain state governments your problem isn't with the Conservatives or even the Second Amendment... Your problem is with the 14th Amendment and the Entire idea the constitution restrains states internal self-governance and regulation...

In which case I sort of agree, the federal government had no constitutional authority to end Jim Crow, or invade the south and end slavery... And every single Founding Father would be horrified by the prospect of either.

But Unless you're will to go that far and say the Constitution does not and should not restrain states with regards to anti-discrimination or any other federal right (which there is a good case 14th wasn't properly ratified)

Then the Second Amendment is going to apply at the most core level. The right to keep and bear firearms is a more central constitutional right than the right to vote. If you want to make 2A a matter of state's discretion, then Amendments 3-27 have to go first.

Will look into both.

This is one of those things where everyone says "You should look into this" But no one says they have a recommendation.

Part of the reason South Africa is so prominent on the full list (the image file) is lots of white Africans are very keen to recommend stuff

Yes the question is whether they did that or not, or whether the facilities could support a mass execution via gassing campaign.

Every prison and concentration camp the US ever ran did some form of delousing. The import of a delousing agent doesn't prove anything on its own aside from the fact that they deloused their prisoners

Not taking aside on the Revisionist claim, aside to state I think it's inherently plausible...

40 million people died in the east, and 8 million Germans died in the war, many of starvation... Mass Deaths of Jews are an overdetermined event, we'd expect them to die in vast numbers as prisoners in a regime that can't keep it's elite and upper-middle class alive.

Proving the holocaust is actually a difficult proposition. You're going into a ship that lost life support and where everyone turned on each other and trying to argue that "No No No... Aside from the catastrophic unsurvivable war in which millions died and the ship itself losing the ability to feed or sustain life... the people in charge of the ship also ran a methodical machinelike campaign of organized perfectly run extermination BEFORE they lost power and everything went to hell and millions died anyway"

That's inherently hard to prove... It's like proving a mass shooting happened on 9/11 on floor 50 of Tower Two between the time when the first plane hit and the time the tower fell... no one was paying attention, and it'd be a heroic effort to disentangle the bodies.

The full list is the image file I link to whenever I reference "THE FULL LIST"

And it Includes maybe 30+ Pieces of revisionist literature

The 10,000 word Article you just read is the Cursory survey of the list, when I go through 10% of the list just to talk about the different type of banned books

If I covered all 200+ banned books in the article format, It'd be a book in itself

THe Full list is the Image file.

And it includes EXTENSIVE Holocaust revisionist literature

Anything to do with communism winds up being heavily censored whenever it comes to mentions of Jewish representation in the party.

Solzhenitsyn was maybe the most important Russian writer of the 20th century... And his 200 Years Together (on the list) is not translated despite considerable demand you have to track down samizdat fan translations.

On War was prominently banned during Denazification.

I wouldn't have included it, but researching the period I encountered multiple quotes from American censors GLOATING that the Germans wouldn't be reading Clausewitz anymore.

Actually I might edit in a comment on that.

They also banned tons of Little Red Riding Hood stuff... Allegedly the Nazis often depicted the wolf as a jew, so the allies destroyed countless rare and beautiful Pre-war Collectors illustrated editions...

It is very likely some printings and original art for Clausewitz and little Red Riding hood and thousands of others are now lost forever.

I tried not to include "This was once banned in a foreign country 80 years ago" type stuff... But when it was the American army doing the banning, that warrants inclusion.

Good catch!

Sorry you're right that one they only have the borrow option for

Those links I've added to the piece Thankyou so much!

I'm touched.

There is so much Quebec could have been and could have built instead of being a land of government subsidy its unreal.

Allegedly Quebec has massive amounts of resources that just sit barren because developing them and revitalizing the communities near them would result in equalization clawbacks

Now compare and contrast Zimbabwe, Rwanda, Israel post 48...

That it sucked to be an Eastern or Central european post-communist seems to me the unique factor in those examples

I encourage you all to compare and contrast Racing Drone Footage.

You have a satellite relay and a setup with better optimized battery capacity, and it doesn't seem like any of this is beyond a nation state actor with billion dollar budgets for spy tech

Western Canada is HEAVILY covservative, and the most immediate impact would be all the Blue canadians move to blue state for bureaucracy jobs and tons of Red Americans move north for Resource extraction jobs

Competent tecnocrats create problems that can't be solved so more technocrats need to be hired so that tey can get promoted to managing all the new technocrats creating new problems.

There is no difference between a technocrat and bureaucrat. It is the same jobs.

Technocrat is just the polite euphemism that's already taking on the tarnish that bureaucrat took on after being a euphemism for clerk.

(though clerk has more esteem now, being only used to refer to shopkeepers for so long