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20 followers   follows 1 user  
joined 2022 September 07 00:56:43 UTC

Writes at https://anarchonomicon.substack.com/

Writes weird Twitter Threads @FromKulak

Rides motorcycles... poorly.


Winner of Motte Post of the Year 2019


User ID: 905



20 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 07 00:56:43 UTC


Writes at https://anarchonomicon.substack.com/

Writes weird Twitter Threads @FromKulak

Rides motorcycles... poorly.


Winner of Motte Post of the Year 2019


User ID: 905

On War was prominently banned during Denazification.

I wouldn't have included it, but researching the period I encountered multiple quotes from American censors GLOATING that the Germans wouldn't be reading Clausewitz anymore.

Actually I might edit in a comment on that.

They also banned tons of Little Red Riding Hood stuff... Allegedly the Nazis often depicted the wolf as a jew, so the allies destroyed countless rare and beautiful Pre-war Collectors illustrated editions...

It is very likely some printings and original art for Clausewitz and little Red Riding hood and thousands of others are now lost forever.

I tried not to include "This was once banned in a foreign country 80 years ago" type stuff... But when it was the American army doing the banning, that warrants inclusion.

I remain deeply ammused that not only is "Social Contract Theory" bunk, but its official court doctrine that its bunk.

The state is under no obligation to protect you. You pay taxes and obey it because you are its slave. There is no exchange of of any good or service for you're obedience... you're just a coward who obeys because you're afraid

Maybe 1/3 of the crypto space is actually meaningfully tackling the problem of censorship and institutional control/blacklisting, and the remaining 2/3rds is just ponzi schemes and speculative bubbles driven by fed money.

so much of the space is just hoping that central bankers will pick their unsecure totalitarian surveillance system to be the social credit system of the future, and provide not even convivence value. A shocking amount of the space is openly hostile to the original libertarian vision of the first crypto projects and actively trying to co-opt it into the surveillance state...

The problem is: the Fed isn't interested in it. Powell and every fed official is dreaming of the day they'll leave the fed, go to work on wall street and make their billions. They have zero loyalty to central banking total state, and absolute loyalty to the jank and intermediation that keeps the current financial titan profitable and in position.

There will be no great reset, there will be social credit system... there's even shockingly little inflation and the fed seems shockingly commited to protectng the dollar... because Wall Street is the only one that can make Powell richer, and Wall street isn't giving up the intermediation that generates its fees.


So ya expect every crypto project that doesn't actively enable drug dealing or dissent to get torpedoed by rising interest rates and the drying up of fed money

There's a "Drunken Boxer" Style that works very well for prominent businessmen and celebrities... Think Trump, Kanye, and Elon...

Th "Drunken Boxer" either isn't drunk, or is a martial artist who's vastly less drunk than he looks, but he feigns drunkenness to the point of almost falling over to get his opponents to lower their guard, or taunt, and create openings...

You have and/or feign instability, have a crack team backing you up, and then you wind up coming out of situations with way more than you should have ever been able to realistically negotiate out of it... because none of your adversaries could actually gauge what your intentions where, couldn't assess what were the points where they should have pushed or played hardball... and then you get insane openings where none of the republican frontrunners will challenge Trump (the main frontrunner) because they all assume its a publicity stunt and won't waste ammunitition on a guy who won't be there in a month, or Hillary directing all her media allies to pump him because she thinks he's a joke and is worried she might have to debate Rand Paul on policy.

Insane openings no other businessman or candidate would get, but that is just handed to him because he's both thought a fool, and those smart enough to realize he's not a complete fool still have no idea what he actually wants and whether or not they should be trying to deny it to him.


Now of course you can attribute too much 4d chess to this... how much is trump just being boisterous and good at playing the media + dumb luck... might Kanye actually just be bipolar... etc. But these people have teams behind them who aren't insane even if the front man might be, and you'll get this dynamic just out of that...

Elon is by far the most likely of these figures to do it consciously. He's the most successful businessman of them, has been a successful businessman for decades, and pours tons into his media game, despite being the one with the least need for media presence... he isn't a politician or celebrity. He's a tech/car CEO. Can you even name the CEO of Toyota from memory? How about Salesforce or Raytheon?

And yet he's out their playing crazy on TV when he could be relaxing with his money and taking a break from the office.


You notice you don't know if he even wants to own twitter? None of us do. That's a very powerful negotiating position.

The way I see it there's 2 -3 possibilities.

Elon put himself in this position with billions of his dollars on the line, that's a calculated move... all of this was almost certainly gone over by teams of people before he announced and was likewise poured over for weeks and months before even the preliminary stuff was signed.

So there's 3 possibilities:

A) He wants Twitter and is trying to avoid having the purchase blocked. B) He doesn't want twitter but wanted to create a "mask off" political story where he could play victim of censorship and institutional corruption C) Either outcome is agreeable to him, and he's oscillating back and forth to see how much damage/profit he can get out of it.

Whenever he gets close to getting twitter suddenly a major institution Twitter itself, the media, SEC, Biden security state make an announcement to try and block it... but when he signals he doesn't want twitter all those same institutions try to force the sale out of anger/recognition of an enemy, to try and punish him/extract resources out of him... Well if he's had his ducks in a row from the start and they're just being reactive, (which is likely since he's initiated the whole affair and had the best lawyers looking at it the whole time (whereas the people discussing a security review, or the twitter team are at most reacting within weeks)

Then its very likely every time he 180s and all these institutions shift 180 as well to try to make him pay, punish him, set an example... There's a very good chance his negotiating power increases on both ends.

For example the security review would probably give him an off-ramp if the market shifts and he doesn't want to buy, but doesn't want to pay the 1 billion damages he didn't back out, state department blocked him (how scandalous) or every legal trick the twitter team uses to try and hurt him in the trial for backing out ... '"Your honour we're even willing to assist him with the loan a 500 million value we don't have to"' Oh really!?

Its very likely his negotiating position is improving every twist this takes if he's done it right and planned it out well... which given he and his lawyers initiated it and his budget exceeds almost every other actor... probably.

Uh... your second sentence contradicts your first.

Teens carry knives in Canada. its normal at a highschool party "Hey anyone got a knife" and whole host of pocket knives come out.

The idea that you think there are categories of people you can deny an invention that's two million years old... even if they're with their friends and out of doors... that's incomprehensible to North Americans.

My solution is the same one that has worked throughout all of history in every institution that's been functional:

The person with the power is the person with the responsibility.

If women are to be empowered to abort whenever they like, surrender to adoption or the state whenever they like, and generally have full control... THEN THEY SOULD BARE FULL AND TOTAL FINANCIAL RESPONCIBILITY.

These are the conditions that produced the sexual norms conservatives were so fond of In the 19th century and before if a man got a woman pregnant out of wedlock, that was a her problem. Full stop.

Even if a community thought they could try to force the responsibility on him, he could just disapear a few towns over.

This is what created the intense emphasis on chastity, and the sense of ruin that accompanied fallen women.


And not a single conservative will just full mouthed endorse a return to how things worked in 1890, instead they gesture at some version of a welfare state that never existed and lament sexual morality is collapsing whilst they use the violence of the state to prop up that immorality

I'm not justifying any state action. Indeed I haven't even endorsed withdrawing assisted suicide as an option.

Only stated that we should have a revulsion at it, and regardless of one's opinion on suicide, feel disgust at those who flee into the bosom of the state even as they reject life itself.

It is a death optimized for ugliness, helplessness, and lack of dignity... if I were riddled with cancer and barely able to move I feel revulsion at inviting some infantilizing nurse to be the one who killed me...

Having spent the last year in and out of surgery, and witnessed my grandfather go through the hospice cycle... I cannot think of a more indignant mockery of any life one might have lived or hoped to live...

Say what you will about downing a bottle of pills in the bathtub... at least its a vibe.

Its more complex that it appears... there's both the "Women are a meme aspect" which is rude, but also taboo, ergo funny...

But there's also the deeper psychological insight that women are consistently vastly more psychologically vulnerable to memes than men... mass hysterias have been disproportionately female since the Devils of Loudon and Salem, women are vastly more vulnerable to social contagion diseases (Anorexia, Cutting, gender dysphoria)...and generally accept socially acceptable memes, even if they're absurd, vastly more readily than men.

Which is all what we'd expect given one of the most heavily gender loaded traits is trait agreeableness.

Not even being Pendantic.

The CDC still requires a full vacination regime ofr covid to enter the US, and every unvaxed Canadian or anyone else risks being turned around for their personal medical decision when they try to enter the US. Has happened to my neighbor trying to drive home to Mexico. No sign this is ending.

Canada's Digital vaccine passport regime only ended start of october, so your sept timeline is accurate as well.


A whole lot of people are going to try to downplay the fact they forced vast segments of the population into medical appartheid over the next few years, and it should never be allowed to be forgotten. Who you are at the moment of crisis is who your are always. If you were an Auswitz guard in 45 you never got to stop being that, and we should never let the COVID authoritarians take off the mark of Kane either.

Thankyou so much for your contribution.

It can often feel like the world just wants us to shut up, go away and die, and it means so much to see people value this sort of thing.

Here is the wikipedia page of Augusto Pinochet, a world-historic head of state, it is quite extensive

Please tell me the title of His memoirs from them. Or any of the dozens of works he published.

there have been persistent campaigns to remove Irvings works from libraries and the pressure on used books stores especially is intense (I've spoken with multiple used booksellers who say this)

This was my experience TIME AFTER TIME researching this list. Notably every regime-friendly author had an uncontroversial "Works" section. but as soon as you get into people prominent for holocaust denial, or alleged war crimes... suddenly Wikipedia's very reticent to direct you to further reading... Which is unsurprising given I remember all the campaigns and hand-wringing by "experts on radicalization" that Youtube, Google, and Wikipedia were leading people down rabbit holes of hate... as opposed to what they did after trump won which was scrub all right wing material such that history teachers were complaining, (You struggle to find a single complete speech from Hitler on youtube anymore, let alone revisionist documentaries)

This happened on Amazon at the peak of the trump and post j6 years with Scores of books being pulled from Amazon and removed from kindle, i found a list of such works and included many in my list.

I also I note you don't mention the works later on... which Carry criminal sentences. (Read the piece and skip down to "How-To Guides of Horror"

You see it's like the Iceberg meme it has layers.

One is just "Oh Risque" I'd never heard of that, weird it's somehow buried in all discussion of the matter, and another has gotten people decades in prison in the UK for merely having a pdf

Competent tecnocrats create problems that can't be solved so more technocrats need to be hired so that tey can get promoted to managing all the new technocrats creating new problems.

There is no difference between a technocrat and bureaucrat. It is the same jobs.

Technocrat is just the polite euphemism that's already taking on the tarnish that bureaucrat took on after being a euphemism for clerk.

(though clerk has more esteem now, being only used to refer to shopkeepers for so long

Have you read the homicide rates?

Baltimore has a murder rate of 80 per 100,000, comparable with El Salvador.

the fact that American black homicide rates, and all other crimes are WORSE than the very worst of the third world is the single most important fact of Ameircan life.

Literally nothing about America makes sense unless you understand how horrifyingly understated even the very worst racial stereotypes are. Take it from a Canadian who niavely believed all the equality stuff, never once had to interact with any of it, and patted themselves on the back for being so egalitarian and making easy friends with Asian, Indian, and Nigerian immigrants in their school... as soon as anyone who hasn't built their life around denying what's right before there eyes observes the black and white REALITY of what's happened and continues to happen in the US, everything clicks.

I feel awful for all the times I felt myself supperior to blue collar rust belt Americans complaining about blacks... "I'm so much better than them I'm not racist" I thought about people who were being ethnically cleansed.

Every single future employer will google her and either not hire her or hold her back for fear t will be used as an aggrevating factor in a discrimination suite. "Not only did they not promote me, negotiated me down, blah, blah, blah... they also employ noted racist [bike lady]"

The very legal system is set up to ensure this will be a black mark, forever.

The president ordering in the National Guard is increasingly looking like it'd just devolve into its own lawfare.

Individual states are getting really close to passing "Defend the Guard" laws which would stop state national guards from being used without a governors approval or declaration of war by congress. This is a huge movement amongst the 10th amendment center and Mises Caucus of the libertarian party, allegedly individual state senators in out of the way states will get 1000s of calls to their office from local libertarian activists on the days leading up til votes... and its getting really close to the first state tipping over and passing the bill.

America will probably go down the path of the Holy Roman Empire, where the legal complexity and rivalled centers of power create defacto independent polities and overlapping unnavigable sovereignty

You can just say you believe in exterminationist revolutionary terror against your class enemies and enemy ethnicities...

You don't have to pretend this somehow has something to do with the ideology of John Stuart Mill.

You can just say "Indifferent universe I've seen what you've done for Mao and the Khmer Rouge, and I want that for America."


Like what parts of liberalism do you even think you believe in? Clearly not freedom of concience, association, speech, contract, travel... nor the right to life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness.

What is the BAP quote... something like "Men of strength courage and will have always been outnumbered... so far its never been a problem"


It seems to me The inevitable result of great replacement type stuff, especially if the inherent equality and interchangeability of people turns out to not be true... is the vast majority of whites coalescing into their own dominant political ethnic faction much like south Africa or Rhodesia... and its not as if the US or EU are going to sanction themselves into geostrategic failure (though it seems Germany is trying).

My concern is far less whites being replaced... there are two types of immigrant communities, those that economically integrate and do well (in part because of selection effects from hard immigration processes) whose daughters inevitably wind up mating into thethe middle class of the west, and whose disadvataged sons ussually wind up returning to the old country to marry/lord it over the locals.... Thus either becoming "White" culturally, genetically, and politically... or emigrating in turn...

An example of this is east Asians becoming the harshest critics of affirmative action.


And then there are those who don't integrate and form a new crime prone underclass, usually the result of immigration policies that are too humanitarian, or enforcement not selecting for the highest quality of criminals...

It places where that happens and those groups are replacing the native populace... I could see the locals forming armed radical factions and potential ethnic cleansing or mass expulsions if the trends don't abate. (which is why mass population movements are so concerning, they dramatically increase the risks of the worse kinds of violence)

Think of how different politics are in 2022 from 2012... and imagine that extreme shift not just repeating twice between now and 2042, but shifting at an accelerating rate... Political change happens really damn fast as soon real problems are on the table. France went through a dozen systems of government in as many years in the 1790s, and politics still happened at the speed of a rider with a letter back then.


Simply put not wanting to have kids because of the politics is foolish... the politics changes so quickly and violently throughout most of human history that by the time your kids are 18 nothing will resemble the current moment. Hell 9/11 hadn't happened when my parents had me, every western country was in a budget surplus, and Canada still looked like it wouldn't exist another decade

When Jews stop being 20% of Harvard grads they can stop being 20% of the conversation.

It's absurd to think that a group of people that over-represented in elite circles and receiving more foreign aid than any other country on earth would not be a major point of discussion.

Every single American has read noted civil rights propoganda "To Kill a Mockingbird" in school, as well as King's "Letter from Birmingham Jail"

Hell I'm not American and both were assigned texts multiple times in the course of my "Education"

China's economy was on the rocks before COVID hit, then they destroyed their supply system, and now they're seriously looking at fuel, fertilizer, and food shortages in the coming year(s) due to Ukraine... major ones.

And all this right as their demographics were set to completely implode, and their housing market (the largest market of any asset in the world) had already started to collapse.

China was always attempting a long takeoff on a short runway given how poor they started and how bad the one child policy fucked them, there has been talk for decades "Will China get old before it gets rich?" (and ergo not be able to afford to care for its elderly, crashing its economy)

Seriously in 2012 at the peak of "China will replace us" hysteria, Niall Ferguson, the Harvard historian, was making documentaries about how China had so little runway and risked plummeting off the abyss if it didn't do everything exactly right, Peter Theil has also spoken extensively on this, ditto Peter Zeihan

And now we know both their engines just exploded before they could take off.


This is has been an understood thing amongst the Chinese elite for decades... Get your money out, get your kids to western schools and then residency permits... Who knows if it could all come falling down. There's a reason they were buying millions worth of real estate in western cities they let sit empty , they wanted their money the hell out of China.

And now you can't leave.

Beijing has choked off all new permits to leave the country, has restricted removing capital even further, has some of the harshest travel restrictions that have ever existed outside orthodox communist states...

And well you either had really good plans in place and boxes checked before things went belly up, or now you're screwed.


The CCP for the longest time acted as if its legitimacy depended on high growth rates, above 10% ideally, above 5% for sure, down to maybe 1 or 0 in an emergency... But THREE years negative!? And under those conditions, the worst years China has had since Tiananmen or probably Moa, that's when Xi Jinping just declared himself ruler for life...

There's a hell of a lot of turmoil everyone expects to Erupt in China right now... like the memes and clickbait are "China's going to collapse this month/week/hour/minute", but for decades very respected experts have been saying "You know china looks strong but it could get nasty real fast if even a fairly routine economic or geostrategic crisis hits it, they don't have a lot of wiggle room" and we've just seen the equivalent of 5 of 6 hard scenario crises hit them in rapid succession.


Think of how scared people got with US politics in 2020 how high the temperature rose, lockdown protests, the summer of Floyd, the election, Jan 6th... Think of how many times it was "Wow that could have death spiraled really quickly"...

And then think the US is a wealthy country, that didn't lockdown that hard, could afford to just pay people not to work, the government didn't respond to protests with the need to assert their authority in the most violent way, and even the politicians openly calling each other traitors all pretty much knew they'd all of them retire with their millions.

In China politicians were being executed for partisan corruption charges well before 2019... there's basically no safety net, people die in their homes from lockdown (lack of medicine, food)... Every second there and for the past 2 years has been at a higher defcon level than those first nights of Floyd, or Jan 6 or the first week of lockdown.

Hell we don't know if one the biggest geostrategic events in history has occured, which factions are in charge of Xi, if they've already had lesser coups against eachother that were hushed up...

And that probably the main reason China's doubling down of Zero Covid, sure there's the face saving, and punishing less loyal regions, etc...

But with that much inherent instability in the air it gives the central government an excuse to already have the security state forward deployed incredibly aggressively, already be expanding the camps, already be dragging undesirables out of their homes...

Because if Xi isn't moving against lots of people and moving fast... the obvious question is who's going to move against Xi.

TFR is directly driven by rural VS Urban and cost of living.

Those who live in rural areas have more kids.

Forcing Urbanization by importing immigrants who settle in cities rapidly increases both urbanization AND the cost of living, cascading TFR downwards.

You're making the problem worse and forcing the children produced by the native rural population to support a bunch of aliens when their old age comes in 20 years (you don't get to be the kind of skilled immigrant slected for in your 20s or even early 30s)

Ethnic Expulsions would be the best thing for birth rates.

Lowered cost of living and rapidly increased perception of risk correlates heavily with higher TFR. There's a reason over 50% of Gaza is under 18

Very True.

I think this is why Die Hard has such a lasting impact (just watched it last night).

Hans Gruber and his Gang could be the protagonists minus a few brutal scenes, indeed the entire film is very compelling heist without John McClain, and there's enough characterization that you can see the entire backstory of Gruber's disillusionment with the radical German left ("nice suit. John Phillips of London. Rumor has it Arafat buys his there") and why he chose the Nakatomi corporation (construction in Indonesia? And they just have 500 million in bearer bonds?) that he and his crew become compelling tragic figures instead of just mooks.

You know the French had an interesting solution to nautical NGOs messing with their geostrategic interests...

Ever heard of the Rainbow Warrior?

If only there was a voter role system that was actually kept up to date, such that these cases would be resolved weeks in advance, and any questionable points dealt with before the election... some kind of registry to vote, such as parties and most nations have...

But one party systematically refuses to allow either voter ID laws, or any securing of the voter registry... leaving effectively an honor system for voting in America. Well if you're going to leave it unsecure enough we're trusting felons' word as to whether or not they're entitled to vote, then there has to be consequences for being wrong.

You could have secure elections where none of these people would be able to vote at all unless it was explicitly signed off by an authority that they had cleared their felony restriction... instead you're taking them at their word, now its just down to whether there are consequences when you prove their word is wrong.


I worked elections in Canada in another life... there was no way for anything like the regular "Mistakes" that happen in the American system because of all the ID and paperwork you are required to show and clerks required to document.

One wonders how many of the great crimes in history have occured from the efforts of "Team players"

How one does one thing is how one does all things and With the first link the chain is forged.

This is OPs opportunity to either show their students that yes they can insist on being honest to the themselves and others, or no they must constantly lie to both and lead a life of shame.

I'd say OP is \obliged, for the sake of their own virtue, to live honestly EVEN IF IT WOULD COST THEM THEIR JOB.

Life is not a dress rehearsal.

Who you are right now is who you are choosing to be in your brief moment on the stage and who you will be for the rest of eternity as your actions echo down the endless halls of time.

You have a brief 80 years out of millions to make your change to the world... are you really going to spend that one chance you've got speaking another's words, doing another's work, living another's dream?