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BANNED USER: waging culture war repeatedly after multiple bans and warnings




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joined 2022 October 10 07:47:02 UTC


User ID: 1547

Banned by: @Amadan

BANNED USER: waging culture war repeatedly after multiple bans and warnings



2 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 October 10 07:47:02 UTC


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User ID: 1547

Banned by: @Amadan

Might someone introduce a kind of pre-publication censorship feature? I'd appreciate the opportunity to submit a post to a mod for pre-approval rather than to risk getting permanently nuked from orbit.

Near universal participation in an activity amongst the upper classes in an activity is by definition not equivalent to selective posting regarding cardiologists. You can claim that it doesn't imply what I think it implies, but pretending it's selective is just open rank dishonesty.

A single instance of mass participation in an activity (mass cannibalism in the absence of famine) engaged in by no other modern society; is also entirely fair, in the same way it would be fair to suggest a deeper biological roblem if America was the only country where people had ever raped children.

As for the Yang Yue case or it's many counterparts, The Chinese themselves don't deny that they have a major crisis of callous indifference, they just blame it on modernity or if outside the CCP's jurisdiction, communism. Am I not allowed to interpret it differently in light of evidence of longlasting cruel tendencies?

Regardless of whether you agree that there is a meaningful link between cruelty to one's children and callousness to strangers', it's fundamentally against the spirit of this forum for you to threaten to ban me for it.

China really is not so different from the West. For some reason the US has a practice of commonly mutilating the penis of babies. This doesn't cause so much harm as foot-binding yet it's bizarre and hostile.

Damn it random-ranger, here I was preparing the theory that adherence to non-racism makes Europeans into a moral mutants capable of suppressing their most basic moral instincts, and now I'm gonna have to add anti-semitism to the list. Seriously, I share a revulsion towards circumcision but let's compare the acts shall we.


Brutal painful act lasting a few minutes, with additional suffering during recovery period

carried out against a creature who will not remember or know the difference,

reducing sexual fitness by (I'll just guess) 20%,

carried out by medical professionals beyond the sight of Non-Jewish parents.


Several rounds of brutal painful acts distributed over several years, with additional extreme pain in between them,

carried out against a creature who will remember every moment of it, and is fully aware of the difference (she used to have fully functional feet),

permanent partial crippling into this disgusting... (I'll omit any words, you either feel it or you don't)

Carried out by the parents themselves with full knowledge and awareness of their actions as their daughter screams, over and over and over again.


Not op, but children mining cobalt are not an existential threat to the west. Concern for them is purely charitable, and while I’d have no objections to a plan to re-colonise Africa, sterilise a good chunk of the adult population and take the kids out of the mines and put them in glorious well fed summer camps; in the current world boycotting mining companies… is pointless.

Committed leftists tend to use a reasoning process which finds the at very least plausible, logical extrapolation of a particular position and see if it violates any well established sacred values. They then declare it illegitimate if it does, and by extension declare illegitimate anyone who might raise it. Ex: If X is claiming blacks are unequal, and he's not claiming that this is the result of white actions --> there must be something fundamentally flawed with black people. People claiming there are fundamental flaws with black people, and by extension that race is a useful proxy for eliminating flawed traits must be racists. There are obvious discrepancies in outcomes. QED: Conservatives are racists. QED: Conservatives are evil and not legitimate critics, they are racists.

It's the Emperor's new clothes, if no one was allowed to mention the nakedness of the emperor and some people had convinced themselves they weren't alluding to it even when they obviously were. Apologies for the spelling errors, I'm drunk.

The Indigenous populations of the Americans came primarily from Asian populations around 18K years ago who underwent one hell of a trek. Funnily enough, 2 day old Navajo and Japanese babies show similar responses on the cloth over nose cognitive test (near complete docility) which would be extremely abnormal in caucasians. The separation between Africans and every other group is over 50K years. Given the standard theory that we all came out of Africa, it makes intuitive sense for the least cognitively capable members of our species to be the ones that didn't make it elsewhere. The Saharan desert is not exactly tolerant of the unintelligent.

Evidence for the horribly run nature of African societies, or malnutritution and parasite load doesn't exactly counter the validity of the genetic hypothesis. All of these are highly indiscriminate, killing the smart at similar rates to the stupid. You need particular conditions for selection pressures to favour intelligence over the simpler traits they might favour (speed, muscle, and high testosterone for example). Note that these are all areas where Africans excel, with African infants showing greater muscle control at birth than caucasians or asians (but not aboriginals).

''' And some clear defenses of Bostrom are downvoted to hell – including your ones. '''

Yeah, for a brief moment I was shocked to see that I had actually reached +7 and +10 on what were hardly diplomatic comments but I guess the Bostrom people were temporarily out in full force. I'm now DEEPLY in the negatives as I had previously expected.

Nonetheless, I 'd be shocked to find a single community with any contingent of Lefties outside of Less Wrong with a stronger pro-Bostrom faction. I haven't given up hope entirely yet. I'll consider this a win if Bostrom doesn't grovel (at least not again) and appears in any major community events within the next year.

And yes, women's tears are once again conquering the marketplace of ideas.


They are and I don't entirely blame them. Liberalism contains most of the smart and capable people in the white race, while conservatism contains many of the dumbest. People are failing because they are being discriminated against by evil people/systems at least makes some sense. Conservatives' "blacks are natural conservatives, but are kept degenerate because liberals give them too much shit" borders on the most batshit take imaginable. It's hard to blame someone for choosing a consistent ideology that's blatantly wrong on the facts, when any moment that they look around to get the other side, they get insane ramblings and a reification of those blatantly wrong facts.

This might be meta, but why are all my posts getting delayed by several hours? @Amadan

"but he/she/they/it/xe" - I rarely feel insulted by an internet comment but this kind of hurts my feelings.

" Donald Trump on abortion - from pro-choice to pro-prison": This was one of Trump's finest moments. Notice how the willingness to say the obvious seems anti-correlated with personal Christianity. It's not Fundies leading the fight against woke depravity, but de-facto pagans who'd have been libertarians (or communists) in a different world.

Anecdote request on racial differences in innoculation response

For the doctors here. I'm wondering whether any of you have observed racial differences in infant responses to universal treatment experiences. I'm particularly interested in whether you've observed differences in crying rates between different race infants in response to innoculations, administered before cultural effects might be expected to take hold.

Rate estimates would of course be appreciated.

  • -20

That said, I agree with the rest of your post - once you have rolled the dice you might as well play to win, and there are probably a decent number of motters who would be compatible with her who wouldn't know she existed if not for the op.

Oh, yeah I was refering to other posts, should've made that clearer.

Move over @HlynckaCG, It seems I am a natural Republican after all!

Just to clarify you mean that they are to Blacks what Jews and Asians are to whites; not that they are otherwise are not comparable to Jews or Asians? I would agree.

How is it pathetic to crush your enemies; till their own wives admit with horror that they too are 'bland white men.., while you steal their wealth to put up monuments to insulting them. Please, fucking explain to me how this is pathetic. Given your insistence that it is cynical (which it blatantly isn't) please explain to me how it's being cynical makes it more, instead of less pathetic to worship the least capable group of hominids that exist on the planet.

I have no mouth, and I must scream:

"THEY BELIEVE IT PEOPLE!" THEY BELIEVE IT, SO THEY DO IT! They say what they believe, they then do what they believe, not to advance something they say they don't believe in, but to advance what they say they do believe in, because they do believe it. It's not electorally popular, it's not particularly enriching, It's not just some cynical conspiracy to get something else; they have appalling principles, this happens sometimes believe it or not.

Ok, that that's my perspective on American progressives, I'm not as sure about your Australian types given the pictures i've seen of perfectly white 'aboriginals' being celebrated for getting into college.

You have to read the full post to get the effect. It goes step by step to point out asian distinctiveness, demolish the idea of a shared culture (admittedly I think he exaggerates this part) and then goes:


Granted, stereotype threat as a way to understand the East Asian package has certain difficulties. It would need to explain how stereotypes operate globally, across cultural, linguistic, and political barriers. Somehow, a Korean in Los Angeles and a descendent of Japanese immigrants in Brazil must both know that Westerners expect them to have a certain collection of traits. This influence of stereotype even penetrates foreign countries, including China, despite the best efforts of the government to keep its population culturally isolated from the outside world. Of course, Xi Jinping is no match for the power of global stereotype threat, given that it even made North Koreans good at math. Kendism may also need stereotypes to travel back in time to work since East Asians somehow were already wealthy in the US decades ago, despite China being associated with crushing poverty throughout most of American history. But these are small details for Kendism, an ideology so convincing and scientifically well-established that universities produce glossaries to teach its core tenets. "

Kendism might also need stereotypes to travel back in time to work... but these are small details for Kendism

is really not impenetrably straussian.

What was the nature of the forum audience and when was this (If you can be slightly specific without doxxing yourself of course, if not be as vague as you need to be or PM me)?

Yes, but his behaviour and that of the general scientific community towards the issue; is to put it least aggressively, remarkably incurious in a way that suggests censorship either direct, or of the cathedral kind. I have a pretty low opinion of Academics, but even I don't think they are incapable of realizing that even dumb 5 - 6 year olds can understand basic questions. And I don't think they are nearly incurious enough to simply drop research into something as salient as mirror self recognition.

There's something big here.

Hallelujah! His prior follower count was leaving me deeply pessimistic about the virality of good writing. Glad to see, he's finally getting a fraction of the audience he deserves.

They're not particularly combative or expansionist. Historical record suggests they'll leave you alone if you'll show then some respect and maybe tribute.

Being racist and aware their system depends on their own racial characteristics, they don't seem keen to foist it on other people, unlike liberal imperalists. Whether their communist legacy will override this insular, non-missionary tendency once they're the unquestionably the most powerful country and recognized as such - I don't know.

The Vietnamese, Koreans, Tibetans (I actually think China is the good guy here), and Cambodians would beg to disagree. Everyone else has been historically protected by even greater natural barriers. We have absolutely no reason to believe that a powerful China will be non-intrusive.

Isn't this without the slant, the relationship between a walmart greeter / janitor and a well paid lawyer or software dev? The former are much poorer and less-well-regarded than the latter - much moreso than the difference between a 'median black' and 'median white' - but they 'accept' that, whether by skill or maybe social class, their place is lower. At least in the same sense a black student's is."

Black children in families making 200K have the same SAT scores as those born in families making 20K. A child born in the top 1% who is Black (a very rare thing), has the same criminality rate as a 40 percentile who is white. The bottom 50% of Blacks have the same criminality rate as the bottom 1% of Whites by income (again using global not intra-race percentiles). With this in mind let's address your following question.

How does it (accepting the existence of inequality) harm a poor black person much moreso than it does a poor white person?

In an entirely fair society, it is concievable that a poor white janitor or his children might one day have the potential to become something more. The same cannot be said for a black Janitor, and in fact his job might actually merit taking by a black secretary or nurse.

This is a strong argument but it's not exactly consistent with the behaviour of Christians before the enlightenment. I think the defining shift happened when God died in the souls of the tiny proportion of people who are capable of embracing an idea fully, and going to war for it. These, then went for other ideas that could still capture them, and everyone else was at most a trivial inconvenience in their way.

What about counter-currents or Amren?