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BANNED USER: waging culture war repeatedly after multiple bans and warnings




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joined 2022 October 10 07:47:02 UTC


User ID: 1547

Banned by: @Amadan

BANNED USER: waging culture war repeatedly after multiple bans and warnings



2 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 October 10 07:47:02 UTC


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User ID: 1547

Banned by: @Amadan

there are fewer woke-related cancellation events, fewer research papers are published related to woke ideology, newspapers are writing less often about race/racism/racists...

This is like saying communism must be winding down, because I'm not hearing about as many shootings of kulaks and imperialist agents. No Shit. Who the fuck is left to cancel? This is what complete victory looks like. You don't need to hit people over the head because everyone agrees with you they just want you to shut up about it already. Yes, communism might be entirely antithetical to human nature and party officials, together with everyone else might cynically use the black market on the side, but no one will openly question government ownership of everything and everyone will claim to hate the capitalist parasites.

And this time around there is no Western World for dissidents to point to and say, this is a better way to live, or BBC radio to tell them about it.

and companies--including media companies--are not only pushing back more strongly against the demands of social justice warriors, but also closing their purses and defunding both internal DEI departments...

The tech layoffs, outside of twitter, didn't disproportionately target DEI departments. There is some pushback against the complete destruction of liberals who joke about or reservedly oppose trans people getting exactly the privileges of women. Nearly all criticism of wokeness on both sides of the political spectrum must punch near exclusively at white woke liberals/white woke liberal women, white being the understood ecumenical slur that makes someone a legitimate target.

if today's teenagers feel a similar sort of anger and distrust of righty and lefty moralists,

Every bloody media company in the country spent the 90s aggressively telling the free spirited teenagers you are talking about; "Hey aren't your parents and elders boring, repressive shits..." Who, is telling them that now? Matt Walsh and Ben Shapiro?

I can rest easy--the world will not end, at least not for another decade or two.

Yes, worlds rarely end, things can go on and get eternally worse forever - Do "rest easy"!

I find the the world's most bizzare phenomenon to be the existence of fundamentalists who can't understand the idea of religious-like devotion. All the moral commitments of their enemies must be cynical ploys or trivial aspects of their character; they could never be a driving force stronger than material concerns.

I wonder how long this has been the case. It's fascinating to realize that the descendants of crusaders were brutally crushed in an openly atheistic revolt back in 1790s France, then in 1917 Russia. Then when the threat of depravity (See Weimar's trans-mania) and communism threatened the 1930s German petit-Burgeois, these immediately understood that their only hope was not in the church but in viking Larpers who it turns out were not larping at all. Now the most ostensibly religious country in the West is the exporter of woke culture to ostensibly irreligious Europe, having previously broken records in unrestricted abortion, appalling divorce and child custody policies...

At some point, you've got to wonder what it says about Christians that the the morbidly obese gender-fluid idols of the left inspire in their followers, a greater will to power, than the rock of ages.

Ever wonder how the world's bluest person starts engaging with reactionary thought and HBD honestly? It's the power of (strike)rationality(strike) volunteering in Haiti and seeing every western institution replicated in cargo cult form.



"It has proven hard for me to appreciate exactly how confused the Haitians are about some things. Gail, our program director, explained that she has a lot of trouble with her Haitian office staff because they don't understand the concept of sorting numerically. Not just "they don't want to do it" or "it never occurred to them", but after months and months of attempted explanation they don't understand that sorting alphabetically or numerically is even a thing. Not only has this messed up her office work, but it makes dealing with the Haitian bureaucracy - harrowing at the best of times - positively unbearable."

According to the abstract, another study shows Bedouin children with no mirror access having basically the same recognition rate as Israeli children with mirror access.

Since Orwell is totally not overused, I'll submit the following quote.

"It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy.”

Even in the rare world of college educated young right wing women that this might attract; you are more likely to run into a Q-Anon Trumpist or a "How dare you suggest my 95 year old crippled gramma who spends every day screaming in pain should have the option of euthanasia" fundamentalist type. Women have always relied exclusively on their alliance with the social consensus to extract the resources and protection offered by others. This means that by definition there are not enough matches to go around for the loosing side. Now maybe men have overcompensated in their coyness about their political beliefs; leaving an avenue to be exploited, but most non-crazy right wing men are by definition going to loose.

Ok, I got the Cohen part wrong and this counts as a big dent on my credibility, and my argument. Sincere thanks! It's pretty blatant too, so I don't exactly have much to say for myself. I'll edit the post to include a partial retraction.

For interested readers: https://www.supremecourt.gov/pdfs/transcripts/1970/70-124_12-14-1970.pdf

I'll also check out the Bakke case, and post on it shortly.

Thanks. And please do take a hammer to any of my posts at any time.

This only works if you have an operation that can put the farce to an end one day. Otherwise, the absurdity is just a raw display of total power; the emperor jerking off in front of your kids while he asks you what you think about his new robe. And who, would rally in the name of someone so pathetic and weak as to tolerate this?

Anti-Semitism: A few random counter-points

It's become a common 'noticing' game in alt-right spaces, to go to the early life section of the anti-white and/or pro-degeneracy figure de jour; and role the mental dice on what feels like a 50% chance of a Jewish family popping up. Kushner's allegedly subversive role in the Trump administration is thought of similarly. At the same time, I keep noticing that a similar pattern seems to have been developing for a while on the other side. Take the following data-points:

Strongest Anti-Immigration Trump Official: Steven Miller (He's now running the only Republican Super-PAC I can remember specifically attacking anti-white discrimination)

Most influential social media right-winger: Libs of Tiktok

Most radical far-right academic: Amy Wax (who invited Jared Taylor to dine with her Law school students)

Also worth mentioning: Roy Unz, Paul Gottfried, David Cole, Darren J Beattie, Amanda Milius.

It seems that the small contingent of genuinely pro-western Jews do some pretty heavy lifting. It would be interesting to look into whether there are any salient factors seperating them from the sea of their left-wing or open-borders libertarian counterparts. Amanda Milius I believe posted something about the dividing line being whether they had been settlers vs immigrants but a cursory look doesn't exactly confirm this thesis.

You have to read the full post to get the effect. It goes step by step to point out asian distinctiveness, demolish the idea of a shared culture (admittedly I think he exaggerates this part) and then goes:


Granted, stereotype threat as a way to understand the East Asian package has certain difficulties. It would need to explain how stereotypes operate globally, across cultural, linguistic, and political barriers. Somehow, a Korean in Los Angeles and a descendent of Japanese immigrants in Brazil must both know that Westerners expect them to have a certain collection of traits. This influence of stereotype even penetrates foreign countries, including China, despite the best efforts of the government to keep its population culturally isolated from the outside world. Of course, Xi Jinping is no match for the power of global stereotype threat, given that it even made North Koreans good at math. Kendism may also need stereotypes to travel back in time to work since East Asians somehow were already wealthy in the US decades ago, despite China being associated with crushing poverty throughout most of American history. But these are small details for Kendism, an ideology so convincing and scientifically well-established that universities produce glossaries to teach its core tenets. "

Kendism might also need stereotypes to travel back in time to work... but these are small details for Kendism

is really not impenetrably straussian.

I'm sure interactions between your run of the mill Tutsi and Hutus were pretty ok too. And then, to paraphrase one survivor, my neighbourhood friend showed up one day; this time we weren't going out to play, this time I was going to die under his machete.

Why, in response to getting a negative reaction, is she intent on spreading it even further? That’s the opposite of what she should be doing.

Really? She's deciding on what may be her final companion for the rest of her life, can cast the net as far as she wants and she's supposed to restrain herself because a few ****'s don't like it?

Everyone who would be compatible with her has already seen it.

How is this obvious to you. Are there not viral trends even within rationalist circles that you sometimes miss entirely?

I'm not exactly above calling out women's failure modes, but I really don't get the negativity of comments about it. Seems like i've underestimated the the prevalence of sheer gratuitous cruelty in the rat-adjacent scene.

You might be the first person on the planet to suggest that Asians are too concerned with not copying Hitler.

Here are the only two ads Bush ran on the issue as far as I'm aware.

Willie Horton ad


Revolving door ad


Note how in the second one, the campaign goes out of it's way to find white criminals for it's footage.

This is a strong argument but it's not exactly consistent with the behaviour of Christians before the enlightenment. I think the defining shift happened when God died in the souls of the tiny proportion of people who are capable of embracing an idea fully, and going to war for it. These, then went for other ideas that could still capture them, and everyone else was at most a trivial inconvenience in their way.

"or is unfair to whites" - Mainstream and even supposedly radical MAGA GOP figures will almost never say this. Instead they'll talk about how it's unfair to asians, or latinos, or how it's bad because it implies negative stereotypes about Blacks. Rufo had to put it all Leftist policies within the label neo-marxist critical race theory so that he could defend whites without actually mentioning them.

The Munich speaking event deplatforming a few years ago. When Munich EA cancelled his invitation in response to threatened protests, mainstream EA was pretty unambiguously disturbed by it.

I'll be damned. EA might just be the one left-leaning space that will survive wokeness in perpetuity. The response to the Hanson deplatforming was inspiring, and support for Bostrom actually seems pretty strong at the forum. This might even be a good thing for them. As they get tarred as a den of reactionaries, woke sympathetic people will become less interested in engaging with them, and the entry of future enemies into their ranks might decrease.


The truth (cognitive and criminality differences) is in fact soft-racist using any non-perverted form of human morality.

The woke understand this (not it's truth value, but the logical conclusion if it were true) but their primary loyalty is to the black race so they'd rather enshrine it and it's vices as holy than see racism return. This shared moral assesment is why there was so little resistance from classical liberals to the woke takeover.

Rationalists (the top ones) are too smart to deny HBD (scientific racism), but being [insult against ingroup removed], they see nothing wrong with hurting good people who like them to help bad people (and their asociates) who hate them as long as total utilons increase. They are in fact offended that the woke would think they'd consider doing anything else. We've reached C.S Lewis reductio ad absurdum of total moral relativism, a previously implausible country in which "a man feels proud of double-crossing all the people who had been kindest to him". Conservatives are... irrelevant. They conserve whatever morality they are handed down, no matter how perverse and anti-racism as the raison d'etre of America was established long ago. Now they can't resist it, except by reifing it "Democrats are the real racists"!

Great, I just realised someone’s gonna deepfake a band performance by all the school shooters one day.

You’ve got to admit, out of the thousand versions of the post one might have predicted, one containing a segway into celebrating polish redneckism is genuinely unexpected. I for one enjoyed the counterpoint to dead internet theory.

Committed leftists tend to use a reasoning process which finds the at very least plausible, logical extrapolation of a particular position and see if it violates any well established sacred values. They then declare it illegitimate if it does, and by extension declare illegitimate anyone who might raise it. Ex: If X is claiming blacks are unequal, and he's not claiming that this is the result of white actions --> there must be something fundamentally flawed with black people. People claiming there are fundamental flaws with black people, and by extension that race is a useful proxy for eliminating flawed traits must be racists. There are obvious discrepancies in outcomes. QED: Conservatives are racists. QED: Conservatives are evil and not legitimate critics, they are racists.

It's the Emperor's new clothes, if no one was allowed to mention the nakedness of the emperor and some people had convinced themselves they weren't alluding to it even when they obviously were. Apologies for the spelling errors, I'm drunk.

Oh come on:

'Let's sterilize degenerates, criminals and idiots to improve our human capital' is a very different position from 'let's promote childlesness among the educated and talented because children remind us of those icky rednecks'.

'Let's lynch accused rapists, murderers and looters in defense of society' is a very different position from 'let's burn down society in a sacred ritual to commemorate a degenerate criminal (who was unfairly killed)'.

That said, I agree with the rest of your post - once you have rolled the dice you might as well play to win, and there are probably a decent number of motters who would be compatible with her who wouldn't know she existed if not for the op.

Oh, yeah I was refering to other posts, should've made that clearer.

The early ACLU was a support organization for communist revolution in America. They may have dropped this once the Soviets shook hands with the Nazis, but they seem to have had few qualms about the whole mass murder part. Then again, I'm not sure how Jewish it was back then, so Jews might have actually improved it. This article mentions mainly gentiles.


Charles Murray, and the based NPC question

The romantic view of a dissident involves a person who is simply temperamentally repulsed by the kind of bullshit others peddle, and courageously commits himself to it's refutation. But there is another less romantic, if still mildly endearing version. It's of the person who is fully programmed by what is said explicitly, but somehow deficient enough socially to completely miss the modifiers; the soviet diplomat who hears "Stalin values all legitimate criticism" and is oblivious to the meaning of "legitimate" so he writes him a letter on how communism must end. Hardly a Yudina.

This brings me to Charles Murray. Two days ago, Hanania published his magnus opus on Asian overperformance where he suggested that given the absence of a shared culture; asian overperformance must come from elsewhere. He then intuited that the cause must be a global Kendiist stereotype threat; powerful enough to penetrate North Korea, and maybe even the space time continuum to transform the Chinese before they were stereotyped.

Charles Murray reads the post and responds:

"I was so dumbfounded by this that I read it again to make sure that he really doesn’t mention genes. I’m still not absolutely sure that it isn’t an elaborate put-on. But if he’s serious…wow." Luckily, Ross Douthat was there to clarify things, replying "It's an elaborate put-on". Now think of how bizzare it is that literally the top player in the HBD sphere, is only mildly suspicious that a person positing psychological timetravel with chinese characteristics (admittedly as a potential detraction), might be speaking in jest.

Now you can imagine this guy hearing about freedom of speech from the moment of his birth, genuinely believing that everyone is on his side, and then publishing the bell curve without the slighest idea that it would be controversial. Now, kind of going in another direction - What if similar social deficiencies are present throughout the social science world, and much of what we think of as obvious woke censorship is actually complete social illiteracy?

This of course would complicate my understanding of the issues raised in my prior post. Maybe Henrich upon hearing that 6 year old Kenyan kids don't seem to recognize themselves in the mirror; consciously decides to not dig any further to avoid the gaze of the cathedral. Or maybe, he just doesn't understand that six year olds can answer questions. https://www.themotte.org/post/421/culture-war-roundup-for-the-week/78627?context=8#context