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the optimal amount of victim blaming is non-zero

I agree with you in many things and disagree in some.


? sorry I am not native speaker and I don't understood what you mean.

there’s no language to describe sexual bad behavior other than ‘unconsensual’

This is just a wordplay. All depends on your definition of "sexual bad behavior".

vulnerable woman when she’s a bit drunk

Moran also talks about "needy or unhappy" or "damaged", please don't build a weakman.

Very interesting link, thanks

Possibly yes, but Fact 3 tells me these risks are not too high and/or already managed.

ok, thanks

I admit that I am not an expert on Google Scholar but I was struggling to find anything useful in those papers. However the Swedish paper you found is super relevant and it is on the first result page so I apparently was not looking hard enough :)

As for your argument that studying the LEGG is difficult, I have my doubts. I am in no way a statistician or sociologist, but I was able to do a decent analysis in my spare time in Excel. A team of trained professionals, who know where to look for existing datasets and what statistical tools to use should be able to crack the problem "in no time".

I think you are right.

Ok, you are right. That being said, I don't think your extreme example brings much value to the discussion.

What does Scott Alexander mean by "if from racism school dot tumblr dot com" in https://slatestarcodex.com/2014/07/07/social-justice-and-words-words-words/ ?

It works for me right now (shrug emoji)

I didn't say that "not taking an action to reduce your personal risk" makes what happened to you "more deserved or justified.

Correct, you did not say that. You steel-manned your argument, I steel-manned mine. That does not mean my argument represents a direct refutation of your argument.

Calling my argument BS with no explanation is simply not a convincing reply to anyone who doesn't already agree with you.

You are right. Your argument that not every false accusation is completely false is partly appeal to ignorance and partly middle ground fallacy. Better?

I never said this

Again, you you steel-manned your argument, I steel-manned mine. That does not mean my argument represents a direct refutation of your argument.

So we have a tradeoff here

I think this is a false dichotomy. Moran could have easily used different words to both give a good advice to young men while not victim blaming falsely accused.

You could equally steelman the argument of those who oppose "victim blaming":

  • Not taking an action to reduce your personal risk does not make what happened to you (being raped or falsely accused) more deserved or justified. Victim blaming creates an atmosphere where the crime is slightly more acceptable thus slightly more likely to happen.
  • Not every consensual sex is 100% consensual (to be honest this is BS and your corresponding argument is BS too).
  • Even if you are doing something illegal or wrong it does not mean rape or false accusation is justified. Just because you are full of coke and dancing topless it does not mean your rape is somehow deserved or justified. Even if you are deliberately banging a psycho chick that you don't really like, because you don't want to be a virgin any more, it does not mean that her falsely accusing you is somehow deserved or justified.

Hopefully this meme will not catch on with other feminists, we'll have to see.

Whether other feminists emulate her is one thing. The question is why is no one protesting such formulations in The New York Times? How come she is not "cancelled"?

Different interventions [...] being in captivity

This suggest the LEGG mechanism is not biological

Human eunuchs live longer than regular men of same class.

My guess would be eunuchs have way fewer accidents than men with testosterone? :)

Then a bit about how you can't separate biology/society

That is of course true

with more egalitarian (in the class sense) societies tending to have much smaller gaps.

Source? I think it depends on what you mean by egalitarian, but I don't think this is correct.

which makes it sadly much harder to fix.

Does it? What evidence makes you think so?

I like your reasoning. The question is, where are the studies? At minimum, we should be able to compare non-drinking vegans from the same background working the same job.

How do I send a message to the mods? I have a question and I don't know how/where to ask.

Namely, my post https://www.themotte.org/post/681/how-un-manipulates-the-gender-development is not visible when I am logged out and it says "deleted by user", which is misleading statement. What is going on?

Also, the New post guide in the sidebar says "A submission statement is highly appreciated", but I have no idea how/where to send this submission statement.

You have two groups: one is oppressor and the other one is oppressed. Oppressors have control over some special property and they use their power to deny oppressed people access to this property. They then create a system that perpetuates and entrenches this dynamic into the future keeping the oppressed people where they are.

This is perverse logic. I am not a group just because I happened to be born with a penis. Is this what they call identity politics?

See my PS. I consider that type of argument to be in bad fait.

a) that is incorrect, see Note 2.3

b) if men suffer 53% of burden of disease then whatever the current level of male centric is not enough.

Why am I getting a comment on a non-published draft?

In Moran's example the woman was "damaged" or "disturbed or needy or unhappy" and "an upset, needy person". By shifting the argument to "drunkeness/mental illness" you are making a weakman version of it which brings little value to the discussion.

Except in practice it is recognise that a hookup is bad only for the woman an only she can not give true consent.

I disagree with the second part of your comment. There really is a social mechanism by which blaming the dress encourages the perpetrator.

Any chance you could remember what was in your eaten content?

What do you mean by maladaptive traits? lifestyle choices?

And thanks for the sci hub reference, I found it!

Not for pensions.