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joined 2022 September 04 18:10:59 UTC


User ID: 58



0 followers   follows 2 users   joined 2022 September 04 18:10:59 UTC


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User ID: 58

Yeah I’ve long felt the whole “What’s the matter with Kansas?” Hypothesis is incredibly brain dead and even downright insulting.

Sure, but woke / pink corporatism is absolutely in the PMC’s class interest, which now seems to be the core class supporting the Democratic Party.

Yeah this was a good suggestion. They like it already.

I too know the autistic pull of making huge playlists.

I’m trying to introduce them to discrete bodies of work as I feel that’s a mode of listening that’s falling out of fashion but shouldn’t.

I’ll take those album recommendations to heart, though.

Case in point, I ate a permanent ban from Reddit for “hate speech” by posting copypasta which contained no hate speech whatsoever on an sub completely dedicated to shitposting. A copy pasta I had posted several times without so much as a warning.

After a few suspensions for essentially hurting people’s feelings I was clearly on the chopping block and all I had to do was annoy one person enough to have them report a comment and then it was over, no appeals.

I deleted the app shortly after my appeal was denied.

1.) Become worthy

2.) Accept (P) ower / ussy

Simple & difficult, and the only way forward.

Brother, have you never met an ugly and/or fat dude who can talk to women because they are funny or charming or rich or smart or have a huge dick or usually some combination of the above?

I’ll add my voice to the chorus and say it’s extremely unlikely your case is as extreme and dramatic as you’re making it out to be, and that extreme self disgust you project is probably doing most of the damage.

It really seems like a self fulfilling prophecy with you.

Yeah, that about sums it up.

On a related note I rewatched “Chicken Run” and felt strangely like that movie came back into my life at an opportune moment.

One could argue that was “the good ending” as the memes go and it’s the situation I hope and pray for.

Every day I feel more and more like that’s the endgame worth striving for and the most realistic victory condition for me and mine.

Worst case scenario is as you laid it out.

Best case scenario, the world of my dreams, is a whole-ass fedpost. Another day, perhaps.

“Would it not be easier

In that case for the government

To dissolve the people

And elect another?”

The Leftovers, without a doubt.

A very complex exploration of mystery, faith, loss & grief. Immaculately acted, very unpredictable. Exactly the right length, three seasons.

As perfect an ending as I’ve ever seen. Watching it was literally life changing for me.

I really love Rome but I think it was really hobbled by it being canceled. One more season to flesh out the pacing would have made it a masterpiece.

Dosage makes the poison.

Take 2 Tylenol, you’ll feel better and negative symptoms will subside.

Take 4 Tylenol, and negative symptoms will be eliminated but you’ll strain your liver.

Take 40 Tylenol and you’re fucked.

“As American as Cream Pie” 🦅 🇺🇸

I had two small children with special education needs entering the education system right as the lockdowns started, and I’m more or less working class without the resources for private education and therapy, so naturally as the lockdowns went on I was filled with white hot nuclear rage at those responsible for them.

You ever seen a toddler do speech therapy with a mask on with masked adults?

Trust me when I say it’s one of the most frustrating, pointless exercises you could witness. Especially when it’s your kid.

That and the fact that my industry was completely devastated by the lockdowns as it was all in person work.

And I live in a heavily blue state.

So me and mine were absolutely the type of people sacrificed at the altar so that overweight, CNN addicted middle age office workers could have the perception of safety.

Amusing aside but I remember reading about pre-revolution Russia and the anti-Czar fever pitch leading up to his deposing.

At one point it was so extreme that during a medical conference, the presiding doctors came to the conclusion that the Czar was directly responsible for the outbreak of syphillis and that the panel’s primary recommendation for responding to the public health crisis is getting rid of the Czar.

Look how well that turned out for them.

Kind of reminds me of BLM in 2020. Rly makes u think.

underwater hockey

I gotta be real, I was the DM of my DND group in college and this somehow seems nerdier.

Medium and long term HRT use can cause permanent sexual dysfunction and sterility.

Although no cutting or crushing is involved I’d still classify it as “mutilation” in the sense that you are purposefully permanently damaging healthy tissue to the point of dysfunction.

For example, if you purposely induced a fever in a baby for long enough to cause brain damage, you’ve certainly “mutilated” that child although no scalpels came out.

Hyup. That’s pretty standard from the US legacy media.

Good news is that these types of outlets are absolutely getting their lunch eaten by alternatives and will likely die out as the boomers die out.

Sex isn’t everything.

Not having it is.

Yeah but then you’d have to increase wages and benefits until those on the margins of the labor market return to a state of employment.

Which is exactly what was happening pre-pandemic under trump with that ultra tight labor market.

But firms don’t want to pay for that so they just pay people to call you a racist if you point this out.

Wouldn’t therapeutics to simply cure gender Dysphoria or any underlying conditions be the straighter line from A to B from a technological point of view?

The idea of an “anti-Dysphoria” vaccine makes more sense than a totally lossless surgical gender swap.

I swear, bringing this up in the debate makes TRAs and their ilk more incensed than anything than anything I’ve ever written. I’ve gotten banned and sent viscous DMs for even suggesting it.

But in this theoretical, transhumanist future with shiny happy people is it not simpler and more likely that no one feels the need to transition at all due to high quality therapeutics than the 24/7 all you can eat Barbie doll body part swap meet that the medicalists seem to assume is going to pass?

I think that’s rather dramatic, do you feel the same way about depressed people taking SSRIs? Adult ADHD sufferers taking adderal?

Focusing on the “identity” aspect as opposed to the clear suffering of a painful & debilitating mental condition is a mindkilled framing from my perspective.

It’s one of the most bizarre and dysfunctional aspects of (post)modern society.

I think the “identity bits” is where, from my perspective, an alien morality gets smuggled in.

No one suggests that if you give someone suffering from eczema a lotion that they are committing “genocide” against the “eczema community”. But wave the magic identity wand around and everything becomes moralized.

If we could make gender Dysphoria disappear tomorrow, from the perspective of alleviating real suffering the answer should be a no brainer. The fact that answering this question causes any consternation is indicative of a bait and switch.

I’ve suffered and continue to suffer mental illness in my life, if I could make it go away and restore my brain to full function I wouldn’t hesitate. I’m not part of a “community”, I just have a condition. The fact that people build a wall called “identity” around their maladies is at best an understandable cope, at worse adding fuel to the fire.

I think the primary mission of medicine should be the restoration of natural function of a person. Much like “Free Speech” has a strict legal definition but also heavily implies a cultural attitude, same with the Hippocratic Oath; “First, do no harm.”

Helping people take care, love and accept their bodies should take complete priority over modifying a healthy, functioning body. If you have to modify, do so only with the goal to restore healthy, natural function.

To me that’s the expansive vision of the Hippocratic oath as regards to body modification, and I find it goes into direct conflict with the transhumanist / cyborg vision of (un?)humanity that to my mind, includes transgenderism.

Someone out there coined the term “trad-humanism” and that more or less seems accurate to describe my view on this.