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joined 2022 September 04 18:10:59 UTC


User ID: 58



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User ID: 58

You’re completely right.

It’s not a coup, it’s a restoration.

The irony is that it’s what normiecons have been dreaming about for generations but they’re by and large too cowardly and squeamish to actually go through with what’s needed to achieve it.

Even if it’s not true, believing in that seems needed as a psychological base to be an overman / man of destiny.

I saw someone on X suggest Erik Prince, of blackwater fame.

Honestly? Seems like an amazing choice. Cesare Borgia, eat your motherfucking heart out.

I mean, he certainly isn’t able to do it.

I think it’s possible that you are underestimating how utterly shameless these people are.

As someone on quipped; “If you hate these people, chances are you don’t hate them nearly enough.”

Most people on social media who are white supremecist coded / adjacent seem to be adopting “I just hope both sides have fun 🥰” as the default attitude.

Thanks, big dog.

I’m a committed atheist, it’s incredibly obvious that this space is many times more secular than a typical space, especially on a global scale.

Although there does seem to be a bit of a teapot in a tempest purity spiral going on in the dissident right now about Vitalists vs Christians, although it has a whiff of fakery / enemy action to me.

From my perspective, the bloodthirsty hatred is well earned. I’ve been meaning to write about this for a long time, I feel the siren song of a genuine FedPoasttm calling me.

I know a lot of digital ink has been spilled in this place accusing large amounts of people using civil war coded language as “LARPing”, or puffing their chest as keyboard warriors, but it seems to me something really has turned.

For me personally, I find myself relishing in the suffering of those who hold me and people like me in genuine disdain and act maliciously toward us. This is new, and it’s not just the product of some tweaked algorithm or exotic status game; I’ve never truly felt like this before, it feels true and I really gain nothing from it, in fact I’d be deeply penalized if I broadcast it widely.

Something interesting has happened in the few times I’ve expressed my genuine, undiluted desire for serious misfortune to befall members of the PMC that I blame for our current decadent state; at first, people are slightly alarmed. Then, utter relief that they aren’t crazy and someone else feels the same way as them.

rly makes u think

Yes, we’ve been in the unceasing trench warfare phase of the culture war for at least a couple years now. I think COVID / George Floyd was the last straw for a critical mass of people and the whole thing just became absolutely calcified.

2012-2016 was a war of maneuver, 2017-2020 was a war of position, now it’s just an endless knife fight. I’m not complaining, as I consider myself a part time culture warrior. That’s just how it shook out, and those still interested in the culture war like myself find it more useful to just knife our opponents in between the ribs, rhetorically speaking of course.

I’ve never felt the culture war is more important than now, but it’s also more boring than ever.

While not specific to this, “eating the seed corn” seems rather apt.

I think somewhere on substackistan someone termed it “fracking the fan base”.

Either turn of phrase seems to work.

That’s my assumption as well, as in the past, even as recently as 15-20 years ago, the T was by far the least important part of that whole equation and the whole thing has completely flip flopped.

If you ask people about the constituent parts of the activist alliance individually I wouldn’t be surprised if support for LGB issues isn’t as strong as ever, but the T has just required a whole set of things that most people find too arduous or absurd.

Yeah, although The Hock was comically extreme, he wasn’t wrong about the core idea about physical struggle being important to male character development and having a strong effect on how attractive a man is.

Yeah, apparently his Reddit account is still active. He went on some big mountain climbing trip instead, which is less funny but clearly more sensible.

In regards to specifically hylnka, whose legendary status is one of the only posters who I think requires special merit, I wish to formally put forward “a motte-ist proposal”;

Hylnka should be unbanned if he provides real, incontrovertible evidence that he has successfully completed “The Hock.”.

I’m not kidding. It’s the ultimate combination of absurd trial by ordeal married with impossibly niche internet humor. It would be the greatest internet happening in a very long time.

That doesn’t surprise me even a little that they would say that, but I think it’s telling that National Review has never been less important or influential than it is now.

Like Rolling Stone magazine for the conservative movement. How the mighty have fallen.

That’s because the type of republican that would theoretically have their mind changed by this barely exist anymore, and are almost entirely artificially signal boosted by anti-trump democrats and their supporters.

People keep bringing up Ted Stevens, but that was 15 years ago, and he was and a very long 15 years. With all that’s happened between then and now the political scene is almost unrecognizable.

I think there’s a blind spot of some of the old guard rightists, on this board, “establishment” republicans have been almost completely gutted by both trump and a vote base that shifted underneath their feet. A lot of people are either too blackpilled or too hidebound to see it, even years after Trump left office.

I’ll only say this; That was a very long time ago, in a very different time politically for the US. Not only is the GOP different now to the point of almost being unrecognizable, so are independent voters and what they want.

I live in a deep blue area, but I know a ton of red tribers, mostly undercover like me. My experience is largely the same; this Los being perceived as lawfare even amongst less politically engaged independents, and has only strengthened support for trump as the anti-establishment force that he is perceived as being. Which is almost entirely a positive; red tribe “establishment” types have been almost entirely hollowed out and might as well be democrats at this point.

I’ve heard his voice before on the podcasts, he’s clearly a spergy man (like most of us here.).

Yes. Obviously.

Europeans massacred each other endlessly due to those irreconcilable differences for 120+ years, huge proportions of the Europe perished in the wars of religion. A fucking third of Germany died during the thirty years war, a conflict wholly centered around these irreconcilable religious differences.

They just got tired of killing each other and in a fit of exhaustion threw together a kludge called “liberalism” which has gone from being thrown together slapdashedly to being a relatively solid institutional social technology and is now currently being held together by duct tape and saliva.

Who’s that behind him? Is that… Candlejack? Man I haven’t heard of him in a long t

To paraphrase the red scare girls; “Don’t kill yourself, because then you won’t get to see the next retarded thing that happens.”

Sage advice.

Really the food analogy is spot on.

Feeling hungry - no shame

Eating a bit of junk food - no shame, everyone does it.

Overindulging on occasion - understandable, forgivable, but not to be lionized.

Eating 15 double cheeseburgers a day for six months and gain 100lbs - commit seppuku immediately, kys to rid your family from shame.