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joined 2022 September 04 18:10:59 UTC


User ID: 58



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User ID: 58

I dunno, man.

All I’m saying that outside a handful of situations, having a very limited variety of clothing is highly unusual.

Not something I thought would be particularly controversial, but there you have it.

If you met someone who got about half their calories from chicken nuggets, you’d think it’s weird too and you wouldn’t be wrong to feel that way. The situations are not entirely analogous but while they aren’t in the same ballpark they are definitely in the same sport.

Sure, if you have only one or two types of socks it makes sense, but having only one or two types of socks is actually kind of a compounding signal.

I’m not exactly a fashionista but I have several types of athletic socks alone; short & thin athletic socks, long & thin athletic socks, long & thick athletic socks, socks with threading, black ones, white ones, multicolored ones.

Not to even mention the different styles and colors of dress socks I have. Which if you are matching to different colors and styles of business casual or formal wear is a necessity.

Even at my poorest I didn’t have that little variety of clothing. Besides, on this forum I sort of doubt it’s a poverty issue, I remember the poll we did back in the old place and people here are mega wealthy, I think I was literally one of the poorest people on the forum. Half my shoes I’ve bought second hand or on clearance.

If I walked into someone’s home and I was pretty sure they weren’t poor or a cultist or a religious fanatic, and for some reason I looked into their drawers and closets and saw one type of underwear of the same color, two types of socks, a closet with only T-shirts and jeans, only one pair of athletic shoes, and so forth, I’d certainly feel some sort of way about it.

And I’m a heterosexual man.

Yeah, that about sums it up.

On a related note I rewatched “Chicken Run” and felt strangely like that movie came back into my life at an opportune moment.

One could argue that was “the good ending” as the memes go and it’s the situation I hope and pray for.

Every day I feel more and more like that’s the endgame worth striving for and the most realistic victory condition for me and mine.

Worst case scenario is as you laid it out.

Best case scenario, the world of my dreams, is a whole-ass fedpost. Another day, perhaps.

Early and often, that’s the real solution.

I wasn’t on PEDs although I understand why that would be an assumption, anyone I’ve ever talked to with a background in this straight up told me I’m a weird outlier in terms of bone density, including my childhood doctors.

Took me a better part of two years to achieve that training 3-4 times a week.

I was also pretty laser focused on getting my deadlift as high as possible, and started off my powerlifting journey with high lower body strength as I had formerly trained as a cross country runner, and was an avid cyclist and amateur martial artist (kickboxing).

It’s really amazing what you can achieve when you’re consistent and keep your goals very narrow.

I too know the autistic pull of making huge playlists.

I’m trying to introduce them to discrete bodies of work as I feel that’s a mode of listening that’s falling out of fashion but shouldn’t.

I’ll take those album recommendations to heart, though.

I think you mean an awesomely autistic hobby..

I’m not on the spectrum at all but when my kids were little in leu of giving them tablets I’d just give them my phone and open google earth. It gave me a needed break from my own phone and they absolutely loved it.

Oh yeah I’m very aware, my wife loves the movie too.

underwater hockey

I gotta be real, I was the DM of my DND group in college and this somehow seems nerdier.

1.) Become worthy

2.) Accept (P) ower / ussy

Simple & difficult, and the only way forward.

Yeah this was a good suggestion. They like it already.

For myself, I own 3 suits plus a handful of dress shirts / pants / jackets that are not paired together, just mixed items.

I also own a handful of Guyaberas which I use as business wear during the warmest months.

I wear these basically every work day, sometimes on the weekends if I have a party, and I wear a jacket during the cool months and if the occasion requires.

Socks aren’t underwear, you can see them in the course of a normal day.

You can wear Superman undies for all I care, the only people who see your actual underwear are the people you’re fucking. Or your roommate if you are particularly bohemian and/or have boundary issues.

I feel like the last Zelda game I got excited for was Hyper Light Drifter

I’m only being semi ironic, that game was incredible and very clearly inspired by “A Link to the Past”, which is the best game in the series that I’ve played.

Might be old hat at this point Starting Strength is a classic for a reason.

It’s very practical. Took me from an utter rookie to being able to do 500lb deadlifts regularly in about 2.5 years.

Between that, learning Muay Thai, regularly practicing meditation, and a handful of genetic gifts, I don’t think it’s even a slight exaggeration to say I’m probably physically capable of defending myself against 99.9% of people I’ve ever met or will meet.

Who’s that behind him? Is that… Candlejack? Man I haven’t heard of him in a long t

Well, if you define the success state of simply being a better doctor than this won’t help directly.

But it sounds from the OP that they are suffering from more general spiritual/psychological malaise, and I know from personal experience that strong & consistent physical training in pursuit of a series of difficult yet achievable goals does wonders to keep the mind sharp and the darkness at bay.

Really the point is that I’ve found the greatest counterbalance to depression is feeling goal oriented and physically empowered, and learning and practicing an aggressive combat sport is just one of the most extreme yet mundane examples of that.

Plus with ADHD brain, the sedentary modern world is a double enemy as we’re akin to hunters in a world made for farmers.

A physical discipline that requires full mind-body activation for extended periods of time acts as a powerful tonic to lift the spirits. Doesn’t have to be fighting, it’s just the thing that is the most direct path from A to B.

Downhill skiing, mountain biking, trail running, Olympic wrestling, judo, mountain climbing, are all activities that could possibly scratch the same itch.

There’s a reason it’s a known archetype for high powered businessmen or other such high achievers under a ton of stress to lean into stuff like this (or the yin to the yang, meditation.) It works and really takes the edge off.

No, shortly after I hit my max deadlift of my life I got married, spent a lot more time working and started a family. I had a lot less time to train, so I just hit the gym as much as needed to stay reasonably strong and have a good QOL.

I feel like we have opposite proportions, as even at my strongest o could barely do more than my body weight on the bench. I always preferred shoulder presses but it’s quite a bit harder to press heavy. I had a decent squat but nothing to write home about. Clearly, I was born to deadlift.

Nowadays I mostly just do novice level Mountain biking and keep my Muay Thai skills alive, go on the occasional long hike or bike ride. I’m still decently strong for someone approaching middle age with a desk job, and I go on a lifting tear once or twice a year for a month or two just to keep the fire alive.

I have the feeling I’ll get back to it when my kids are grown.

235 at 20% body fat is not obese, I had a ton of musculature and a tiny belly. I looked like a gorilla. I was doing 10 mile runs in the mountains on the regular and could deadlift almost three times my body weight.

If I had bird bones I’d be obese but I’ve never had a problem with getting enough calcium or putting enough eustress on my body.

150lbs at 6 feet tall you’d look like you just been interrupted halfway through your stay at Auschwitz.

I know it’s totally anecdata but it’s significant to me that I’ve never, ever met a vegan who is healthier than me.

Because of my social and professional circles I’d bet a mint that I’ve met and interacted regularly with a lot more vegans than the modal person. So it’s not a sample size issue.

I’m not the perfect picture of health but I’m certainly “robust” in more than one way. I have a lifetime of on again off again strength training, extreme sports, endurance sports, outdoorsmanship, martial arts and manual labor . But I’m too poor and too busy to be a consistent athlete, and probably too undisciplined to boot.

But still, every vegan I’ve ever met I could almost literally break them into pieces.

To wit, I believe the poster in question said he was six feet tall and 150lbs, which to me even if you are endurance athlete is not “healthy”. I’m the same height and in my best shape I had almost a hundred pounds on him, even with literally zero body fat I’d weigh more.

I know it’s a joke on the whole ‘sigma grindset’ to say “If you can’t physically overpower me I don’t have to listen to you” but when it comes to diet & excercise, I’ll say “This but unironically.”.

First season is the weakest although I still love it. The most common criticism of the show is how hardcore its tone is, but in the second half of the first season it finds a much more harmonious emotional tenor. It’s still very intense.

The second and third seasons are basically flawless as far as I’m concerned. And it ends at the right time, it’s only three seasons long and each season is very distinct.

Thank you! I knew someone here would either know the answer or be able to figure it out quickly.

That also explains why they are fairly popular as well despite not being easily searchable. Four Tet is huge and it seems like Erased Tapes was a big project that got a ton of buzz.

Doesn’t hurt that the music is good.

Employers already have minimal ability, inclination and interest in dictating how their employees vote or use their private property, why would that suddenly change?

Not only that, it’s often illegal and/or incredibly taboo to do so.

Most people aren’t using using their voting privileges on a consistent basis already, thus artificially inflating the importance of the people who do vote. Once again, disproportionately the middle class and wealthy.

If anything, this would have the opposite effect of lessening disenfranchisement by making it easier to actually use your voting privileges by introducing a proxy mechanism.

It’s not some utopian vision though, some constant of people will never be interested or can’t be bothered to vote, or even transfer their voting power to someone else.

“As American as Cream Pie” 🦅 🇺🇸