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joined 2022 September 04 18:10:59 UTC


User ID: 58



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User ID: 58

No, shortly after I hit my max deadlift of my life I got married, spent a lot more time working and started a family. I had a lot less time to train, so I just hit the gym as much as needed to stay reasonably strong and have a good QOL.

I feel like we have opposite proportions, as even at my strongest o could barely do more than my body weight on the bench. I always preferred shoulder presses but it’s quite a bit harder to press heavy. I had a decent squat but nothing to write home about. Clearly, I was born to deadlift.

Nowadays I mostly just do novice level Mountain biking and keep my Muay Thai skills alive, go on the occasional long hike or bike ride. I’m still decently strong for someone approaching middle age with a desk job, and I go on a lifting tear once or twice a year for a month or two just to keep the fire alive.

I have the feeling I’ll get back to it when my kids are grown.

I wasn’t on PEDs although I understand why that would be an assumption, anyone I’ve ever talked to with a background in this straight up told me I’m a weird outlier in terms of bone density, including my childhood doctors.

Took me a better part of two years to achieve that training 3-4 times a week.

I was also pretty laser focused on getting my deadlift as high as possible, and started off my powerlifting journey with high lower body strength as I had formerly trained as a cross country runner, and was an avid cyclist and amateur martial artist (kickboxing).

It’s really amazing what you can achieve when you’re consistent and keep your goals very narrow.

A plurality of the vegans I’ve known were skinny-fat, one who is straight up fat, and the rest were pretty emaciated. In general they seemed malnourished.

I’ve known one vegan in decent shape who was into yoga, she was decently strong and vigorous but she also semi frequently had moderate to severe health issues. I assumed they were related or exasperated by her lifestyle choice as she was generally pretty healthy. She was eating constantly.

Then you’d be effectively saying that it would be better for domesticated pigs to have never existed at all, which is a whole other can of worms. Comparing not existing in the first place to existing is largely a fool’s game.

But it also belies almost a closed system of philosophical belief. Barring extreme and probably impossible human action, animals will exist. Their existence will consist of some amount of suffering. So the question isn’t “will animals suffer?” it’s “how much, and for what purpose?”

I understand if you, personally, don’t wish to participate in any action that causes animals to suffer. That has been a relatively common personal and religious choice throughout history. But the idea of systematically lessening animal suffering through collective human action is more than a little farcical.

As compared to human suffering, which while it waxes and wanes throughout the ages and will likely never be eliminated, we are able and have been able to really dull the edge of the lovecraftian horror that is the state of nature.

Veganism always reminds me of anarchism for this reason, an utopian vision of erasing a somewhat tragic aspect of the universe by radically decontextualizing it, then arguing it can be eliminated by ignoring all context.

235 at 20% body fat is not obese, I had a ton of musculature and a tiny belly. I looked like a gorilla. I was doing 10 mile runs in the mountains on the regular and could deadlift almost three times my body weight.

If I had bird bones I’d be obese but I’ve never had a problem with getting enough calcium or putting enough eustress on my body.

150lbs at 6 feet tall you’d look like you just been interrupted halfway through your stay at Auschwitz.

I honestly think we can blame Disney for a huge portion of this problem.

Antromorphism is a hell of a drug.

I feel exactly the same, by disposition I’m not inclined to be a car person. Hell, I’ve put my money where my mouth is and I commuted by bicycle for years while it was feasible.

I don’t have a neurotic aversion to driving but I don’t move it either and I’d much rather do almost anything else.

But your average urbanist is also the average person who cried, pissed and shit himself when fentanyl Floyd punched his ticket and is quick on the trigger to defend or excuse every lowlife degenerate who makes urban life functionally impossible for families with young children and no trust fund to thrive.

So, rolling coal it is.

Until the public transit people and the law and order people get together I’m basically obligated to be like “fuck you I’ve got mine.”

So it goes.

I know it’s totally anecdata but it’s significant to me that I’ve never, ever met a vegan who is healthier than me.

Because of my social and professional circles I’d bet a mint that I’ve met and interacted regularly with a lot more vegans than the modal person. So it’s not a sample size issue.

I’m not the perfect picture of health but I’m certainly “robust” in more than one way. I have a lifetime of on again off again strength training, extreme sports, endurance sports, outdoorsmanship, martial arts and manual labor . But I’m too poor and too busy to be a consistent athlete, and probably too undisciplined to boot.

But still, every vegan I’ve ever met I could almost literally break them into pieces.

To wit, I believe the poster in question said he was six feet tall and 150lbs, which to me even if you are endurance athlete is not “healthy”. I’m the same height and in my best shape I had almost a hundred pounds on him, even with literally zero body fat I’d weigh more.

I know it’s a joke on the whole ‘sigma grindset’ to say “If you can’t physically overpower me I don’t have to listen to you” but when it comes to diet & excercise, I’ll say “This but unironically.”.

To me this gives away the whole game. When someone says “This is cruel and inhumane!” The natural follow up question for someone interested in actually understanding the truth of the matter is “Compared to what?”

For actions between humans it’s incredibly easy to find alternative contexts and thus possible to make judgements about what’s moral and what is not.

But the life of animals, with or without human intervention, is just one rolling atrocity after another, forever and ever, without end.

I think it’s no accident this ideology only came into being after it became possible for people to live lives so alienated from wild nature that their only real experience of it is through a Disney-fied, highly sanitized lens.

Moloch, to be more precise.

I guess they called for a culture war, and no one showed up.

A… pink slate?

”Man is born gay, and yet everywhere they are marrying their beards.”

I saw this and wondered how common it was.

It’s… good to know that’s normal? I guess?

I don’t know much about Canadian politics but as an outsider, I think I came to that realization with that viral video clip of the two MPs going at it a while back.

One, a conservative, asked a very simple question; “How much does the average house in the Ottowa area cost?”.

The other, a liberal I assume, simply replied with a random accomplishment of the liberal government, completely ignoring the line of questioning.

The conservative asked the same question, and the liberal breathlessly did it again, just blurting out some non-sequitor factoid about the supposed accomplishments of the liberal government.

This went on and on for maybe like ten minutes straight, like literally 25 times.

It was so incredibly baldly dishonest I almost admired it.

Edit: Found it.

This thread is super funny to me because I got a 1460 and went to community college and then a decent state school from which I went right into the workforce and never graduated.

I was a decent student, 3.5 GPA, took no sat prep.

I got a perfect score on the Verbal portion which does give me a twinge of pride.

Depending on the IQ scale I’m in or around the 99th percentile, but I had a bunch of other issues which hobbled my academic performance.

Learning not to mix up my sense of self worth with my academic performance or intellectual ability was an important aspect of reaching maturity in my young adulthood, and I’m now very happily living a working class-ish lifestyle far away from the influence of the PMC peer group I had in university.

Although my high intelligence is usually the most obvious attribute people notice upon meeting me, I don’t even think it’s near the top of my best qualities.

I’m not even sure it’s all that important in isolation anymore, only as a support to other good qualities a person can have.

In general, it seems apparent that leftists typically believe whole swathes of all possible political ideologies are either overt fascists, crypto-fascists, fascists in training or fascists in denial.

Understanding this explains a tremendous amount of their behavior & speech.

It’s also additionally amusing because these same people make fun of their republican uncle for saying something like “single payer is communist.” They do the same thing except even worse because it’s even less accurate.

The idea that a beltway libertarian or classical liberal is a fascist but just doesn’t know it yet is so absurd on its face that’s it’s laughable. But it’s a common belief on the hard left.

Extramarital affairs are super common there apparently, also up until the last 10-15 years Turkey was extremely secular.

I wouldn’t be surprised if that numbers come down in the intervening years, both because in general people are having less sex and more particularly Turkey is noticeably more social conservative now.

A long, long time ago (2012? 2010?)

I read a rather robust study comparing a lifetime sexual partners of the average person divided by country.

If I recall correctly, Turkey was number one and a big outlier at ~12 per person.

India was the lowest at around 1.8 per person.

A lot of thing made sense to me after that.

Oh yeah I’m very aware, my wife loves the movie too.

It did at first but but honestly Miles Morales is actually a pretty interesting character, very distinct from Peter Parker on multiple levels apart from the obvious skin tone.

Going in I suspected it would be another insipid, brainless race/gender swap to stick it to the legacy fandom, but I feel I was proven wrong. Despite the obvious and very cynical dei-style calculus at work, the character was interesting and somewhat inspired. At least compared to the vast majority of marvel-dom.

Honestly it’s nice to be proven wrong once in a while.

From my own perspective, as someone rabidly anti woke and very ready to criticize “cape-shit” and every opportunity, it’s definitely not that.

Because all that being said, I absolutely adored the last two animated Sony Spider-Man movies, “Into the Spider-Verse” and “Across the Spider-Verse”.

We’re they “woke”? Oh absolutely, noticeably so.

But they were extremely high quality, clearly made with passion and drive, absolutely gorgeous, creative almost to a fault, stylish, full of interesting characters with tons of personality, compelling, and often hilarious.

I watched them both with my kids multiple times. No regrets.

Master and Commander is so effortlessly high quality it makes me weep remembering it was basically an “average” excellent movie that we simply took for granted that we would be treated to up to a dozen times a year for like basically 15 years between 1993 - 2008.

It’s also, hilariously, completely bereft of female dialogue. I find it to be a very funny coincidence but frog twitter and their world see it as a sign akin to a burning bush.

It’s fucking rad, A+ would recommend.

I train in martial arts for self defense, specifically Muay Thai, and while I focus on all good fundamentals as you should, I add a lot of additional focus on shots to the body for more or less this reason.

While it goes without saying that you shouldn’t fight unless absolutely necessary and you are unable to successfully run away, I’m trying to stop the fight as fast as possible and also not catch a case.

So I’m talking shin kicks to the liver or floating ribs, knees to the solar plexus, punches to the liver, downward elbows to the collarbone, leg kicks, and stuff like that.

Most of these blows are extremely painful to the point of being debilitating if landed with power and expertise, will sap someone’s will & ability to fight, and with enough practice you can bruise or crack ribs, fold peoples legs, rupture livers, knock the wind out of someone in an instant. Since most street altercations are initiated by drunk and/or high morons with no training and little to no defense, a fight can be ended pretty quickly by working the body or cracking their legs with your shin.

And most importantly; compared to blows to the head you’re much less likely to kill or cripple someone, break your hand or foot against someone’s skull or jaw, and/or catch a murder or manslaughter rap.

I’ve lived in the gulf for several years of my life and knew a lot of wealthy, well educated Arabs.

They really, really hate Jews. Do you know how I knew? They told me! Completely unprompted, multiples times. Apparently they did 9/11 and are the cause of basically every ill in the Arab world.

All this fancy talk about “settler colonialism” blah blah blah never really convinced me because I saw and heard a ton of direct evidence of really intense Jew hate with my own eyes & ears for an extended period of time.