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BANNED USER: /comment/21314


Si vis pacem, fac bellum

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joined 2022 September 04 19:20:22 UTC

White, right-wing, male.


User ID: 101

Banned by: @ZorbaTHut

BANNED USER: /comment/21314


Si vis pacem, fac bellum

1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 19:20:22 UTC


White, right-wing, male.


User ID: 101

Banned by: @ZorbaTHut

This is the only insult I've ever gotten here that's stung.

I don't take your pearl clutching as legitimate worry. It's weaponized concern; no human is illegal, but also it's not generally your communities suffering the constant tide of human detritus.

If you want me, or people like me, to take this concern seriously, you need to put your money where your mouth is for a few generations. Spend the next thirty years getting shipped hundreds of thousands and tens of millions of these people, and then, at the end of it, still argue that you care and no human is illegal and strive to help them.

If you think this is unreasonable, then we're at an impasse, because we've already been lied to on the immigrant problem for decades. We've been betrayed by amnesty, by lax border security, by sanctuary cities and their advocates. The left mashed defect on this issue, and we're not going to hit cooperate until you give us a few wins.

The left sees the artistic class as fundamentally theirs, and AI disenfranchising them is a loss of social capital. That's all there is to it, and the appropriate response is to not care.

What is the steelman argument against vegetarianism/veganism?

I like meat.

The audacity of seeing a gay libertarian fail to attract women to an app for spergs and going "women hate conservatives".

Once you've learned enough about the world to realize how little you know and how easy it is for power to lie, everything collapses. If you're on the right side of our culture, you have seen, in real-time, how captured institutions propagate falsehoods and immediately sear them into public consciousness; 80 years from now, the official story of Gamergate will be what the journalists said, even though they lied constantly and it was called out constantly.

Now, Gamergate's not really a big deal. But once I realized every respected institution in the country -- if not the world -- was ideologically corrupted and willing to lie in unspoken cooperation, I realized I can't really trust what I know about the world and history. Epistemic learned helplessness is real, and conspiratorial thinking is one of the ways to cope; you can't tell when something is true or false, but you're pretty sure the people telling you are bad, so just assume they're lying.

I'm educated enough that I don't believe most of these things. But the older I get, the less I trust what I used to believe. Who knows. Talk to me again in ten years and maybe I'll have radicalized into a Holocaust denier insisting the Jews faked the moon landing to hide Bigfoot.

Glad to see you came to the new site, JB.

No woman wants an average or below average man to come up and talk with her. Yet, offline, women are approached by average guys plenty and always have been, and end up sleeping with them and forming relationships with them. Dating apps are not a real interaction, where personality, chemistry, confidence, or the vagaries of chance and a good mood can overcome a hyper-competitive low-effort meat market.

Don't use dating apps unless you're a genuine stud and can easily pull in NSA pussy. Then do whatever you want, king. But if you're a normal guy, dating apps are an unfriendly platform that emphasize your worst traits and minimize the best. You can overcome a lot by building a real rapport.

You speak at length about how kind the police are. It's a very moving picture! But amidst all that praise, I forgot something, asking you to clarify for me --

Were these people voting illegally?

"It's the Republican's fault they don't bribe the minority underclass enough" is a true statement, but I'd rather be rid of that particular underclass than held hostage by their vote.

What threshold do you suggest that leaves Alex Jones culpable but doesn't simultaneously make the DNC responsible for the BLM riots and their associated crime?

Replace "the DNC" with "significant figures of importance within the Democrats" if you prefer.

A family member of mine is a deeply committed QAnon type. I've heard about it and spoken with her about it extensively. My takeaway:

QAnon isn't a conspiracy theory, it's the conspiracy theory. Q is fully generalized skepticism of the intellectual, moral, and scientific consensus. It started out as something specific and more focused, but now all kooky stuff falls under its umbrella -- I've found myself dragged into conversations on Bigfoot, aliens, mind control, demons under the Vatican, Jesus being fake, child abduction, the inevitable ascendance of humanity to their spiritual forms as we pass through the North Gate (or was it East? I forget)...

Q has embraced all conspiracy theories. It is the platonic embodiment of Conspiracy Theory. And like all conspiracy theories, really, what it means is that the people have decided authority can't be trusted.

So Q's crazy, and wrong, but they're wrong in the right direction, usually. I find them pretty sympathetic.

Suppose you are a billionaire and want to decrease the amount of racism in the world; what decent options do you have?

I dedicate my wealth to the advancement of Whites, who have shown themselves now and historically to be the group with the smallest outgroup bias; I myself probably can't solve racism, but I know that if White people run the world eventually it'll happen, even if they destroy themselves in the process. Help Whites network, support White entrepreneurs, donate and campaign for pro-White Republicans, etc.

Suppose you are a CEO of a corporation, what policies do you put in place to ensure there is no discrimination based on skin color in hiring, promotion, etc?

In the short term, I embrace a racist outlook to correct for past mistakes -- I prioritize the hiring and advancement of Whites, who on average demonstrate significantly less racial bias than non-Whites, and I trust that in a few decades these White saviors will have significantly decreased the racial bias on display.

Recognizing your enemies are in fact your enemies, and not deluded, or too stupid to see the consequences of their actions, is charitable and clear. It would be an unrivaled act of arrogance to decide that the reason people work against you is because they're misguided, and simply don't understand simple truths.

You can make it work, but why would you want to? Date someone who aligns with you on core values. I don't bother letting leftists into my life, and it's better for everyone that way: I don't need to deal with them, and they don't need to deal with me.

I've been with my girl for the better part of a decade. We met early twenties, and now I'm a gray-bearded, prematurely-bald thirty-something. She was more leftist when we first met, but not left-wing. Had she been, I don't think we'd have ever moved past the initial idle flirtation stage. Strong political disagreements is such an immense obstacle and even if you can tolerate each other god forbid you try to start a family.

The alt-right as a movement died with Charlottesville and Richard Spencer; it was basically the right version of Occupy. Energy that went nowhere. These days, the group is much larger, but also less coherent. Others have pointed to MAGA, dissident right, etc., and these are all related, but not exactly direct children of the Alt-Right.

The common wisdom these days is that Clinton was a uniquely awful candidate so of course she lost; this is obviously wrong, Clinton was a very strong candidate, with access to immense funds, a social network of insiders at every level of politics and business, Clinton name recognition, and the full force of Girl Power and the media behind her. Similarly, the common wisdom now is that of course Biden won, he was a return to normalcy and proof that Trump was widely hated.

This ignores, of course, that Trump received the second largest number of votes of any candidate, ever, even if you accept the election was on the up and up, which I find to be a dubious proposition at best, and more than he did the first go around, and this was even with the media uniformly against him and the political machines of both parties loathing him with every fiber of their being.

The real takeaway is that the electorate is roughly but not perfectly split, and that elections come down to random fluctuations. Run Biden v. Trump again, and it's not at all unlikely Trump wins, especially if election laws are actually followed this time. Run Clinton v. Trump again, and it's entirely possible Clinton wins.

The nation is a house divided and it stands by inertia alone.

Amen. When someone tells you they hate you -- or themselves -- listen to them. When White progressives say something anti-White, they mean precisely that. Nihilistic self-loathing is the norm among them.

The idea cheating doesn't happen in solid Red/Blue areas is hilarious -- have people never once heard of Chicago?

I'm unsure why Zelensky fleecing the west, consolidating power, and eliminating domestic opposition is heroic. Sure, he could have fled the country, but why? It was perhaps brave in the war's beginning, but once it became clear Russia had drastically less competence than expected the calculus changes. Zelensky is setting himself up to be President for life and a heroic icon. Fleeing would be worse for him.

  • -12

A specific type of criminal from a specific time period, rather. Don't be dense.

"Just talk to her" is not dating app advice. It's advice for your life off the app.

There's a long strand of postwar Italian glorification of Mussolini by relatively 'mainstream' rightist politicians

Is this fundamentally any different from the mainstream glorification of someone like Marx or Guevara in the American Left? It seems pretty universal for groups to harken back to the icons of yesterday, regardless of affiliation; I'm not sure there's too much of interest there beyond a vague nostalgic appeal and a memory of older, more vigorous times.

And the second "White Patriarchy" is noticing that white men hold something like 65-70% of all US political offices, but constitute 30% of the population.

One of these is empiricism, one is insanity.

In the name of empiricism, I bid you take a deeper look. I think you'll find these positions are disproportionately held by an even smaller group than that!

But other than Jews ruling the world, this is just special pleading. There's no lack of ridiculous fringe left-wing beliefs, feminist and non-feminist; tarot, astrology, otherkin, are all as absurd as anything the worst of Q asserts, and feminism's mainstream belief is certainly more than Noticing the numbers.

Wait, hold on. We've done a verbal sleight of hand here: you went from "is anyone really dying out?" to "is anyone being genocided?". I don't blame you, that's the phrase IGI mistakenly used, but let's rewind.

Consensual or not, if all the Uyghurs have kids with Han, are the Uyghurs dying out?