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BANNED USER: /comment/21314


Si vis pacem, fac bellum

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joined 2022 September 04 19:20:22 UTC

White, right-wing, male.


User ID: 101

Banned by: @ZorbaTHut

BANNED USER: /comment/21314


Si vis pacem, fac bellum

1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 19:20:22 UTC


White, right-wing, male.


User ID: 101

Banned by: @ZorbaTHut

Before blacks were a criminal underclass, they were the sort of people inclined to become a criminal underclass; Whites historically disliked them, and Jim Crow laws were in fact designed to disenfranchise them. Given how the black bloc consistently votes these days, I miss ol' Jim Crow.

  • -18

I'm unsure why Zelensky fleecing the west, consolidating power, and eliminating domestic opposition is heroic. Sure, he could have fled the country, but why? It was perhaps brave in the war's beginning, but once it became clear Russia had drastically less competence than expected the calculus changes. Zelensky is setting himself up to be President for life and a heroic icon. Fleeing would be worse for him.

  • -12

You speak at length about how kind the police are. It's a very moving picture! But amidst all that praise, I forgot something, asking you to clarify for me --

Were these people voting illegally?

"It's the Republican's fault they don't bribe the minority underclass enough" is a true statement, but I'd rather be rid of that particular underclass than held hostage by their vote.

Suppose you are a billionaire and want to decrease the amount of racism in the world; what decent options do you have?

I dedicate my wealth to the advancement of Whites, who have shown themselves now and historically to be the group with the smallest outgroup bias; I myself probably can't solve racism, but I know that if White people run the world eventually it'll happen, even if they destroy themselves in the process. Help Whites network, support White entrepreneurs, donate and campaign for pro-White Republicans, etc.

Suppose you are a CEO of a corporation, what policies do you put in place to ensure there is no discrimination based on skin color in hiring, promotion, etc?

In the short term, I embrace a racist outlook to correct for past mistakes -- I prioritize the hiring and advancement of Whites, who on average demonstrate significantly less racial bias than non-Whites, and I trust that in a few decades these White saviors will have significantly decreased the racial bias on display.

Why flee to be a leader in exile when you can stick around, outlaw your political rivals, and establish a cult of personality? The idea Zelensky is standing against an oncoming tide, a bereft underdog, utterly fails to recognize the absolute deluge of nonstop western support propping the country up, and has to acknowledge Russia's own humiliating underperformance significantly reducing any serious risk to Zelensky's health.

The only risk Zelensky's taking is that he might end up sore from the entire fucking world jerking him off.

  • -10

What does this mean? Have never heard this term before.

You're acting like a hall monitor. You're carrying water for authority despite authority not caring about you. You are licking the boot. You are kissing the ass.

It's all the same thing with different phrasings. He is accusing you of being a groupie and intrinsically low status.

  • -10

They're not the only source. This has been debated for two years now, and the information is available; I'm genuinely not going to bother rearguing it with you here.

I'm not going to pretend he's too dumb to know what he was doing.

I addressed this in my first two links.

I know you did. I asked the question to move the topic away from the irrelevant behavior of the police back to the important part: the criminality or lack thereof.

Apologetic police don't have any bearing on guilt.

Why do you care what SneerClub thinks? They can't get you Reddit banned anymore, Jiro. We're not on Reddit. It's time to let the fear go. Let the trauma heal.

I am not a troll. I am sincerely a racist, and I am and always have been comfortable admitting that. A black person can be great, but I genuinely hate black people -- their community is rife with crime, abuse, poverty, single motherhood, intellectual oblivion. It sincerely infuriates me to know how much time, money, and effort is wasted on trying to make blacks be something else, a repeated experiment that's been failing for longer than any of us have been alive in bringing the Promethean flame of civilization to something feral. And every time it fails, my people are blamed, even though we had literally nothing to do with it.

But I'm kind. I don't need vengeance. I will settle for my country putting the shovel down. It's time to stop digging the hole.

I'm not going to take back what I said. If that means you have to ban me, go ahead. It's more of a headache for you than me.

I am as racist and White supremacist as any can be, and I don't want any of the terrible things people think racist White supremacists want. I don't want to lynch them. I don't want to fly them to Africa. I don't want to put them in camps.

I just want society to stop catering to its lowest element. I want us to stop burning wealth and social capital on trying to uplift the black race out of a hole they dug themselves in. I want to shatter the mass cultural delusion that White people are responsible for black underperformance, that it's us keeping them down instead of them holding us back -- I just want them to fuck off and do their own thing, and I don't care if that thing succeeds or fails, so long as I don't have to pay for it or live in it.

There is no fix. The White race are not messiahs or babysitters. It's up to them to fix their problems, and the best thing we can do is go completely hands-off while they do it.

A specific type of criminal from a specific time period, rather. Don't be dense.

As a Republican, I agree that keeping criminals out of elections will disproportionately help my side.

You are, flatly, wrong.

No, I am correct. What you quoted supports me: "The Outfit", "1950's Chicago gangsters", "black Chicago mobsters".

It's not ambiguous. If you thought it was, that is a failure on your end, not OP's.

Not in evidence. Your projections.

If you want to play judge, put on your red hat and practice. Lord knows you could use it.

You make it all worthwhile.

Wish I could say the same, but the mods have always been the worst part of the community.

Had the contest ever been "Russia, at max powerlevel, against Ukraine", sure. But Russia has been obviously not as powerful as its loudest detractors say for a long time, and the western world united to support Ukraine in every way. I agree, on paper, the first one suggests Russia will steamroll.

I don't think that first one was ever on the table, though, and people who said so were off base. The war was always going to be Ukrainians supported by the US and its friends against a larger but more sclerotic foe. While Russia's since embarrassed itself, anyone predicting a steamroll was engaging in wishful thinking -- the more reasonable expectation was always a long, drawn-out grind that Russia's got an advantage in, but not an uncontestable one.

I've never much been swayed by the argument that my enemies aren't evil, they're just stupid. But you gave it a real effort, so bravo.

And what would you say to people like me, who have enough experience with the woke that we've concluded progressives are not coming from that position? I absolutely refuse to lie for your feelings. If that means that you're less likely to participate, that is unfortunate but not really a problem; I'm not vulnerable to threats of taking your toys and going home.

There are certain tonal requirements per the rules, sure. But 'polite' does not demand deference to woke's self-image in contradiction of its actions.


Reality is that which does not go away when you stop believing in it. In that light, racial differences, racial in-group biases, and racial spoils are unambiguously real. I didn't make the game, but I'm willing to play by its rules.

“Catering to its lowest element,” as you put it, applies to welfare claimed by whites, to special-needs programs, to any infrastructure sullied by the huddled masses. Throwing out black people will not change that.

Time, money, status, and effort are all zero-sum. The more of anything we waste on blacks, the less we necessarily have for others.

Racial segregation is stupid and wasteful. If all you really care about is raising average intelligence, then you’d be better off advocating general selection coupled with race blindness. But then you wouldn’t get to draw a clean dividing line, and you wouldn’t get to cash in on the easy tribalism.

I don't care at all about average intelligence. If blacks were dumb but harmless I'd covet their multiplication.

This, of course, is assuming that intelligence is all we should care about! The founding principles of human success include the ability to extend charity to those less fortunate. You are careless to discard that skill, and foolish to do so on the basis of race.

I'm very charitable toward my people. I have no need to extend charity to outgroups.

I also object to the claim that hundreds of years of chattel slavery, followed by 100+ of abuse in a time of relatively limited mobility, counts as “digging themselves in” a hole. But I suppose that’s a moot point if you don’t actually care about culpability. As LBJ put it,

History is full of genocide, slavery, persecution. We threw the Chinamen in concentration camps after breaking their backs on the railroads. The western world has collectively tried to wipe the Jews out for centuries. Worse, even blacks in their own countries do poorly.

I reject your attempt to render agency the sole domain of the White race, as flattering as it is.

A paper saying it's arguing against the consensus view that there wasn't a meaningful black presence in the mafia. Perhaps it's even correct! I'm skeptical, but I don't know. I also don't care -- I just wanted you to stop being dense, and not deliberately conflate "black criminality" with "black mafioso" as if they weren't obviously very different things.

Would wearing a MAGA hat mark you out as a sperg?

No, but asking this as a serious question does. It's a fucking hat. Just put it on and be fun to talk to.

This doesn't make sense given the way cloudflare acted

Hard disagree. It makes perfect sense as I've argued elsewhere, which is how I was able to accurately predict Cloudflare's actions and was not caught off guard, unlike many who thought differently. Cloudflare is a tentacle of Left, Inc., and its facade of libertarian attitude is a relic of Old Internet mores which no longer exist and are no longer believed in. The progressive leviathan will continue to crush, oppress, and destroy, and there is nothing anyone can do to change it from the inside. No matter how much you beg your masters to take pity on you, they will not. They do not have it in their hearts.

The only path to success, long-term, is a total rejection of the progressive beast. Gather state power and martial power; accumulate resources; take both legal and extra-legal means to inflict harm on the corporations and the people that comprise them.

You know what won't stop Keffals? Fedposting bomb threats. You know what would stop Keffals? Actually doing it. You know what won't sway Prince? Apologizing, groveling, sniveling, accommodating. You know what would? Imposing costs on him as a person.

This is something the progressives have learned much, much better than non-progressives, for whatever reason. Progressives have a total war mentality. It works.

Groveling is a very useful move for people, organizations, even nations, and has saved many from death - which is why it exists. And "temporarily banning certain words in the thread" (and - not even telling anyone you're doing that) is not groveling in any obvious sense.

It's absolutely groveling in an obvious sense. It's the same thing Zorba did with AEO on Reddit for ages, with the end result being we're all here, anyway. Sucking off your betters so that they can enjoy the sadistic thrill of watching you squirm unhappily might buy you some time, but it will never actually lead to a good outcome for you. Just bite it.

Indeed, it's perfectly natural that after various poll watchers in key areas were removed, Biden had a surge of unfalsifiable support coincidentally in tandem with a startling drop in ballot rejection rates. This was indeed heavily predicted.

Well, if Florida's mass-arresting people it doesn't have a reasonable suspicion broke the law, then all the leadership involved should duly suffer.