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BANNED USER: /comment/21314


Si vis pacem, fac bellum

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joined 2022 September 04 19:20:22 UTC

White, right-wing, male.


User ID: 101

Banned by: @ZorbaTHut

BANNED USER: /comment/21314


Si vis pacem, fac bellum

1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 19:20:22 UTC


White, right-wing, male.


User ID: 101

Banned by: @ZorbaTHut

I trust nothing said by US intelligence by default, sorry. I did not predict a quick toppling and I don't think anyone serious did, either. Ukraine isn't some goat-herding bunch of terrorists shaking AKs... and even the goat herders didn't go down quickly.

Assuming bad faith can result in you making mistakes, but more often it will result in you being correct.

Cracking down on employers would be an immoral action, anyway. That sort of thing shouldn't happen; the problem isn't "the illegals have a job", the problem is "the illegals exist". Frankly, employing them is likely helping them keep their ongoing criminality to a minimum.

The only people who should be punished for illegals are the illegals themselves and their advocates.

Any given migrant is fungible. Taking fifty from Florida will make absolutely no difference; taking fifty from anywhere will make no difference. The end goal is to affect sweeping social and political change. The individuals are irrelevant because the problem is the mass and the ideology behind it.

There is no gun that can shoot Cloudflare. There is no action that can be taken against Cloudflare now or in the future. Cloudflare wants them gone, and is committed to their existential termination. Bowing down to them is simply pathetic behavior that will not change the outcome. Groveling is always the wrong move, even if they can find no other refuge.

Cloudflare is not a charging bull. It's not a mindless animal. It's a collection of thinking, reasoned sadists, who want Kiwifarms gone but more than that want Kiwifarms humiliated and broken. Being removed is inevitable; giving Cloudflare more satisfaction is wholly unnecessary.

For obvious reasons I vigorously oppose the ongoing leftist censorship of the internet, and hope to see my side wield all social, legal, and economic weapons available to them in an effort to not only halt but reverse this control, so that we can silence leftists.

I predicted a war that would take three to five years to resolve. I also predicted this would go in Russia's favor, but the important thing is that it was never going to be fast. Anyone who thought it was was engaging in ridiculous wishful thinking -- nothing like this is fast. Savages in the hills last for decades, why would a modern state with a roughly modern if not amazing military not, especially with such significant backing?

Even now, I think Russia's eventual victory is more likely than not (though this changes bit by bit daily), but it will never be a quick victory. There will always be plenty of time for Zelensky to get out of Dodge if he really needs to, though I don't think he will -- even if Ukraine loses, I don't think the loss will be so total as to endanger him.

Bodies are a necessary component of a war effort, but not the primary one these days. The weapons and the intelligence dominate.

Jews wield blacks, feminism, and progressivism as tools against White power as part of an age-old tribal enmity and self-preservation instinct. All efforts at empowering women, promoting minorities, and generally furthering any progressive goal is accurately understood as an act of hostility toward Whites.

I am not necessarily advocating this view. I am explaining for Roco.

You misunderstand me. I'm not an edgelord; I am not thrilling in violating norms and being scandalous. I am rejecting the validity of those norms entirely. They are illegitimate norms. They come from a platform that is fundamentally hostile to what I know to be good and just and right.

I don't want you or anyone else to gasp in horror or think I'm some tough guy, online or offline. I would be quite delighted if the things I said were rightly taken as what they are: absolutely nothing special, eminently reasonable, and sympathetic.

If no-one employs them, the incentive to come is much reduced.

And no cheap, exploitable under-the-table labor, either. A slave caste is useful, I just don't want it entrenched and influencing society. I'm fundamentally okay with the idea of Hispanic Helots -- I'm just not okay with it in the current world because we have this ridiculous notion of birthright citizenship and endless welfare parasitism.

I would, for instance, agree to support open borders if it came with muscular guarantees that these populations would not ever have voting rights or access to the public's welfare bucks, and would be forcibly kept in appropriate enclaves so as not to spoil the areas the rest of us live in.

But it "proves too much" - if cloudflare was entirely anti-kiwifarms, they would've folded in 2017, surely?

It's fun to make your enemies squirm. It's fun to make them obey you. It's fun to gather them in one place as a harmless boogeyman you can point to to help conjure up public support and sympathy. Up until they stop being so harmless, and someone actually wants to send a message, at which point there is nothing that can be done.

there are literally multiple different people in cloudflare. Prince is the CEO and as such probably makes decisions, but he does so for reasons, needs to make his people happy, investors, customers, etc.

Agreed. Prince is the most public-facing of the tentacles, not the only one.

Actually killing keffals would ... uh ... not help stop progressives?

I am still unsure to what extent I can advocate political violence here. Suffice to say "if you kill your enemies they win" was silly when Trudeau said it, and it's silly when you say it. You would in fact stop progressivism in its tracks if being a degenerate strongly elevated your risk of death. See: why even the woke don't tend to touch Islam.

Does it make DeSantis look silly and buffoonish to his supporters, his detractors, the likely voters among them, the unlikely voters among them, the swing vote? Remember, every audience is seeing their own movie. It literally does not matter at all if a million people think this makes DeSantis look bad if they're not gonna vote for him anyway -- and it'd be worth earning all of their disapproval just to make 15,000 people on his side more likely to.. well, support him.

"But he might have alienated more independents than he did excite members of the base", you could argue. And maybe! The political calculations are certainly complex.. in theory.

In practice, though, I think everyone's collectively agreed that exciting the base beats infuriating the enemy, and these complex calculations aren't actually being worked out.

The bravery Zelensky shows is less than the bravery of every normal Russian and Ukrainian soldier. The nobility of Zelensky's actions is less than the nobility of their actions. The self-sacrificial aspect is wholly absent in Zelensky's case, but ample in the soldiers.

Now, you want bravery, we have Vladimir Putin bravely resisting the combined might of the western world rising in defense of an anti-democratic and highly corrupt government defying the will of no small portion of its people, despite the immense cost it's exacting on his people and the stability of his regime.

You want nobility, we have a man striving to recreate a golden empire of old, of striking down an anti-Semitic enemy of old, of reuniting a separated people. Such nobility!

All that applies doubly so for heroism -- what high purpose Putin seeks! All Zelensky wants to do, in comparison, is maintain the unimpressive sovereignty of the Ukraine.

Now, I don't think Putin is brave, noble, or a hero. I also don't think Zelensky is. I could be swayed on the average soldier. But I do insist we be fair and even in our evaluation -- if Zelensky is a hero, then by all measures Putin is.

Also don't be a prick and misquote me. I didn't say Zelensky did it for the pussy. I included that as a perk, but my actual claim is that Zelensky is capitalizing on a tragedy to consolidate political power, purge domestic rivals, and set himself up for a long and illustrious career as either honorary President-for-life or local hero coasting on speaking fees and global patronage.

I predicted that Russia would win but it would be slow, bloody, and unpleasant affair lasting a few years. I'm less confident in that prediction with how pathetic Russia's been, but I can't say for sure I was wrong until late 23 or so. I will say Russia's incompetence was surprising; I knew they'd declined, but the degree of that decline was above and beyond.

Also a juvenile preoccupation with aesthetics and going out in a blaze of glory as if everyone in the world should aspire to be a Shonen manga character like you do, as always.

How tragic and telling that your first revolted instinct concerning glory is "ew, anime". No appreciation for those who rage against the dying of the light? Nothing in you admires the bold Hound of Cullan, who tied himself to a stone that he might die on his feet?

I've seen you use "immature" as a slight toward others multiple times. Perhaps your inability to understand this facet of the human experience in adult terms shows that you still need to grow. It is not childish to value how you leave this world.

If the EA movement wants to tie itself to the Democrats, that seems fine to me -- as a Republican, I'll treat them like I treat everything else tied to the Democrats. The why seems unimportant, but I presume it's because EAs is white and urban.

That sounds like a problem for them, not me.

I'm not mad or trad, though.

The argument is that "the right to speak your mind without being punished" - i.e., that the Powers That Be should not be able to define what you are or are not allowed to say - is innately valuable.

How can speaking your mind be valuable if the speech itself is not? What about you, random person, is so incredible that the mere act of saying your shitty thoughts out loud transforms them into something worthwhile?

You say it's a strawman, I say it's a necessary component to free speech. The human soul is not an alchemic chalice transforming lead into gold, here.

Indeed, it's not only physical weakness contributing to that.

I can't vote.

Okay. I'll award you -1 bad point for not personally voting for this stuff, but +1 for each time you've advocated in its favor and helped push even one other person toward supporting it.

I can't vote so I'm not an activist is a really goofy take, my man.

I have less than zero interest in the legal ineptitude of Trump's legal team; Trump selects for loyalty, not competence, which is understandable but has predictable consequences. The various factors I've mentioned have long been confirmed, regardless of Team Trump's (in)ability to navigate hostile systems.

There was never a serious chance the west wasn't going to support Ukraine. We gleefully egged this entire war on.

I am claiming that the Ukraine military with western support is on par with the Russian military. Were Ukraine on its own, totally fucked, but they aren't on their own.