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User ID: 1912



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User ID: 1912

Finally we can enjoy even more remakes and reboots!!!!

There is a reason why we have insanity defenses and the like, sometimes people are not responsible for their own actions

How could they not be responsible? Did someone forcibly take control of her body? Why should I care whether a mental illness was at work? A mental illness is part of you, it is inseparable from you. If her mental illness did it, she did it, there is no difference. If someone murders me and they were mentally ill, does it make me any less dead than if they were mentally healthy?

In some sense any murderer is self-evidently mentally unwell. Murder isn’t a normal response to anything (outside of things like self defense shich isn’t considered murder). So why does it matter if their particular form of mental abnormality has or doesn’t have a specific label? They are a danger to their fellow citizens all the same.

Yes, I believe that most claimed allergies are fake. Just based on personal experience, I know one person that claims an allergy to mushrooms which I guarantee is just an aversion to their taste/texture, I know another two that claim allergies to “artificial food coloring” which is surely just some form of chemophobia and I know another with vaguely defined “gluten sensitivity”. Tellingly none of them have strongly definite externally observable reactions to the allergen.

What is wrong with either of those things? Why would using familial DNA to solve theft be a bad thing? And what makes it a “fishing expedition” as opposed to just an “investigation”. Would canvassing an area for witnesses be considered a fishing expedition? If witnesses to a murder described the perpetrator as having a specific highly distinctive facial tattoo and then police tried to reference mugshots and ask around tattoo shops to find men with such a tattoo, would that be a fishing expedition? That just sounds like a typical investigative procedure to me, and surely a witness description of a specific tattoo is far more prone to false positives than familial DNA.

For everyone that had a problem with familial DNA, please tell me what kinds of investigative techniques you are okay with

You get plenty of reactions like this in the reddit comments:

But the problem originates from being way too hard on people. The US got more prisoners that any other country in the developed world. Why?

There is already a memetic response for this kind of thing. We let him out early and he committed more murders? Well we should have let him out even sooner and it would have surely fixed everything

So the near-complete eradication of childhood mortality is outweighed because…bosom contact is slightly more inconvenient? The vast increases in housework efficiency by microwaves, refrigerators, vacuums, laundry machines and dishwashers thereby giving you more time for your children is outweighed by…circadian rhythms? The complete elimination of starvation as a realistic threat/stress is outweighed by…?

Any slightly objective assessment would find the scales tipped dramatically towards the past having far more dramatic stressors, hardships and timesinks than the present. I don’t see how you can realistically just handwave away six children in a row dying of scarlet fever as less stressful than the present

Why do leftists seethe at the mere existence of a tiny irrelevant forum where people might be saying things they don’t like? We had to move off Reddit, eventually the userbase will dwindle and disappear and we have no larger cultural influence.

Trump voting hard red state pipe fitters, electricians, etc) to flip shit because they didn't want to be forced to have more kids than they already had or get trapped into child support, and they voted accordingly. Another who'd gone from lib to DeSantis fan over COVID lockdowns and anti-woke stuff swung back to the Democrats over it. I can't emphasize this enough; people I know who use the N word as an adjective on a daily basis for household objects and even bird species + believe in Q-anon stuff were incensed and pulled the lever to give the pro-choice side a landslide victory when abortion rights came up to a vote.

This is hard to believe that they would react so strongly to largely symbolic bans coming from a party that has been saying this is precisely what they want to do for decades. It would be like suddenly losing it and flipping republican because Democrats decide to give blacks some effectively symbolic reparations checks for $100 or something.

  1. Racially conscious whites generally are not asking for handouts, they are asking to be left alone and given an even playing field without a thumb on the scales.

  2. If it is wrong to point out how affirmative action (for example) is fucking us over, what do you want? You want us to never discuss how it’s fucking us over? Never vote for politicians that will act against it? What is the complaint here? It seems suspiciously convenient for leftists that your advice amounts to: never discuss how any policy hurts whites, never make advocate politically for putting an end to policies that hurt whites.

FiveHourMarathon seems to be giving the exact same advice to whites an anti-white leftist would: vote for policies that directly hurt you and if this bothers you, you are just a loser that needs to work harder. This honestly feels like the anti-white left’s dream response.

Up to this point any kind of race consciousness among whites has been completely taboo. So up till now we have been following your advice. Conservatives have let affirmative action come to rule every school in the country and the only advice you could give a white kid is “work harder”. If this approach hasn’t worked so far, why do you magically think this will work now?

Companies don’t do that in my experience. You want controversy? Just get the CEO to say nigger or something. Controversy is the easiest thing to generate in the world and companies mostly seem terrified of it. Also I have never worked at a company where they said “Let’s do something that will piss off all our customers to generate controversy”

Conversely, what effect does the absence of adequately many representations of self have on our own self-image & identity? Without a reflection in the black mirror with which to see ourselves or be seen by others, do digital vampires even exist in a world where the Web has supplanted the real?

Sorry to be annoying, but could you just make your point plainly without pretentious metaphors? What do you mean by digital vampires? What is the black mirror? Do you just mean people without a social media presence? If that’s what you mean then why not say it? If that’s not what you mean, then perhaps my confusion is a predictable outcome of this writing style. Does this post say more than just a link to /r/instagramreality? It’s hard to tell if you don’t say it clearly

You didn’t explain the actual harm of either of those things. Say it slips past theft to vandalism, why would solving vandalism with familial DNA be bad? You keep hinting without spelling out any actual harm.

The same goes for the “fishing” part. Why does it suddenly become bad if there are a million tattoo shops?What is the actual harm, and what evidence is better or less error-prone than familial DNA? Every critic here is dodging this question

Why do you need to disarm people to have a war on drugs? The US would seem to prove this false

when two or more candidates appear to be equally qualified, and one belongs to a historically marginalized group, that candidate should be chosen

Just like how euthanasia is only ever used for 95 year-olds with terminal brain cancer and Alzheimer’s, right? The reality is that black students get the equivalent of over 300 bonus points on the SAT last I checked.

but the part that continues to be absolutely bewildering to me is that dogged stubbornness only makes you look worse

Genuine question because of the paywall: are the people dishonestly pushing the debunked homophobia claim suffering any sort of consequences?

Wikipedia is incredibly ambiguous regarding the consensus on the authenticity of the shrunken heads and lampshades.

A human skin lampshade was reported to have been displayed by Buchenwald concentration camp commandant Karl-Otto Koch and his wife Ilse Koch, along with multiple other human skin artifacts.[2] Despite myths to the contrary, there were no systematic efforts by the Nazis to make human skin lampshades.[3]

This seems to leave their authenticity an open question (systematic doesn’t mean it never happened). Google’s top results also seem very evasive and weasely. Do you have anything more solid or unambiguous regarding current mainstream consensus?

This exchange is a lot like this classic meme. You are being extremely condescending and scornful, sneering that anyone that “ever opened a history book” would know better (but refusing to elaborate or engage), while FarNearEverywhere is saying he would break the nose of anyone questioning genocide.

On the other hand, @SecureSignals is providing numerous sources, links and actual arguments regarding the historiography of the Holocaust.

I understand there is the whole issue from Epistemic Learned Helplessness, that a crank with a hobby horse can be much more prepared than a mainstream normie. But you should understand, SecureSignals is coming across better here. In this exchange, the mainstream looks smug and dismissive, but simultaneously evasive and heavily reliant on emotional manipulation.

We already knew that Twitter censored the story and suspended The Post’s account. So before any of this info we had it narrowed down to three most likely possibilities: 1. Twitter censored it on their own initiative, 2. They censored it at the direct request of the Biden campaign, 3. They censored it at the behest of the federal gov’t (FBI, whatever)

Option 1, Twitter doing it on their own initiative seems by far the least explosive of those options. So these leaks just confirm it as the least interesting of the possibilities we had. I don’t see how any illusion of choice is relevant here, choice between what?

It’s the kids who were in high school asking for more homework, tattling on other kids, and sneering at anybody who liked sports. If that was you, then yeah you’re a theater kid

Uhh, I think theater kids are defined by their participation in theater. I don’t have any of these other associations. In fact generally theater kids were not the best students

As for the assertion that libertarian is far right, that kind of proves his point. Libertarians aren’t exactly known for close adherence to tradition, but rather drug experimentation and breaking social norms.

Does anyone else suspect that Scott grossly exaggerates his belief in Atlantis? I find it difficult to believe he was ever serious about it. And it seems to be a very useful story for him that he gets endless value out of

That's why the comparison to the George Floyd protests was reasonably successful

Was this actually successful? Democrats I know seem to have no problem treating one as saintly and the other as the worst thing since Hitler

  1. Why be fearful? What exactly is the fear?

  2. If you are fearful, how does invading Ukraine help? It only makes NATO stronger. Is Russia more secure now?

Once again, Florida teachers are free to have students read materials on both sides of the issues.

In practice how do you think this will turn out though? I have a hard time believing you are being honest with this act of “Who knows, all the teachers of AP Af Am Studies might just turn out to be David Duke, Chris Rufo and Charles Murray!”

You know damn well 99% of teachers for this course will either be true believers or willing to parrot the true believers in presenting this stuff as uncritically true

Who is Big Serge and has he predicted anything correctly?

Also having a child this year and I can say my opinion hasn’t moved at all. I personally would want access to abortion if my child had some sort of problem. That said, overturning Roe or various state level bans wouldn’t prevent me from getting an abortion in that situation, my wife could just take a trip if I happened to live in a state where it was illegal.

To me the handwringing about access to abortions reminds me of handwringing about people unable to get any form of ID in order to vote. I refuse to believe there is anyone so poor or stupid they’d be unable to get an abortion or an ID if they wanted. I only see it affecting extremely lazy, short-sighted people who simply hardly care one way or another.

So taken together, I would prefer abortion to be legal but I hardly care either way, it will always be readily available regardless of law