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User ID: 1912



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User ID: 1912

Even so, Eva Kor, an Auschwitz survivor, did it. And in a sense, so did World War II veteran Kurt Vonnegut in The Sirens of Titan

Talk is cheap. Hitler is dead so there are no stakes to saying “I forgive him.” You put Eva Kor in a room with living Hitler and the power to kill him and we would see if he was really forgiven. Outside of that this is just virtue signaling

Oh don’t be cute, you know exactly what makes him a freak. Any reasonable definition of freak would include this guy. He is undeniably an extreme, bleeding edge outlier on the spectrum of gender/sex weirdness. You may love that, but it doesn’t change his outlierness. Just be honest please

but given that these situations are very rare, I don't think it really matters that much

Well, given that these perfectly equivalent candidates are so vanishingly rare that any effects of such decisions are trivial, how about we just not do any affirmative action? It’s so rare it doesn’t really matter after all, right?

That's why the comparison to the George Floyd protests was reasonably successful

Was this actually successful? Democrats I know seem to have no problem treating one as saintly and the other as the worst thing since Hitler

Yes, I believe that most claimed allergies are fake. Just based on personal experience, I know one person that claims an allergy to mushrooms which I guarantee is just an aversion to their taste/texture, I know another two that claim allergies to “artificial food coloring” which is surely just some form of chemophobia and I know another with vaguely defined “gluten sensitivity”. Tellingly none of them have strongly definite externally observable reactions to the allergen.

thoughts and prayers for those wireheaded by the kafkaesque stochastic egregore

Quoting that Kipling poem is the Motte equivalent of saying your favorite book is Catcher in the Rye

but the part that continues to be absolutely bewildering to me is that dogged stubbornness only makes you look worse

Genuine question because of the paywall: are the people dishonestly pushing the debunked homophobia claim suffering any sort of consequences?

Ooops, better not share that pic you took out in public for 24 hours. It might reveal someone's live location.

It is clearly not going to be used to ban people posting recent photos, unless you happen to be a stalker. Stop it with these goofy histrionics.

Basic elements of reality also include your internet search history, your penis length, your medical history, your number of sexual partners and recordings of you sleeping. If I can’t see all of that The Internet Is Officially Over.

You could say murdering all the drag performers would be “just an extreme form of no-platforming”. I think it would be wrong to be so needlessly reductive, it just collapses actual meaningful differences in harm and violence in order to “both sides” or “what about” the situation

Sounds to me like you are falling for the unjust world fallacy. The mistaken belief that every misfortune is the result of undeserved oppression and victimization.

I don’t see why only one side should get to unilaterally create a “fallacy” to diagnose their opposition with.

It’s the kids who were in high school asking for more homework, tattling on other kids, and sneering at anybody who liked sports. If that was you, then yeah you’re a theater kid

Uhh, I think theater kids are defined by their participation in theater. I don’t have any of these other associations. In fact generally theater kids were not the best students

As for the assertion that libertarian is far right, that kind of proves his point. Libertarians aren’t exactly known for close adherence to tradition, but rather drug experimentation and breaking social norms.

Reddit would love this but fail to see obvious parallels to transgenderism

I’m not saying Republicans would be any better if they had similarly ironclad control of every university in the country. But they don’t, and even if Republicans won every election for the next 20 years they still wouldn’t. But if these HN contrarians are not actually willing to defect, then how is the pendulum shifting at all? They can say all day “Gee these woke universities sure are crazy!” but as long as they continue to donate to them, attend them, vote Democrat and dutifully rename master branches to main, what good is it?

motherhood today is very stressful

It has literally never been easier

Your comments repeatedly imply that he is just a normal privacy-minded person like you or me, but the dastardly media went snooping around his private life to out him. Like here, you are telling him to justify the government digging up his private sex life as if he isn’t shouting it from the rooftops and making it absolutely front and center of his presentation and public image. Nobody has to do any snooping here. This is like that huge breasted Canadian trans teacher.

If I publicly made age-play and daddy-daughter roleplay central to my public image, and tweeted on my public, professional twitter about my sex-with-daughter roleplay I wouldn’t be surprised if HR paid me a visit.

Also having a child this year and I can say my opinion hasn’t moved at all. I personally would want access to abortion if my child had some sort of problem. That said, overturning Roe or various state level bans wouldn’t prevent me from getting an abortion in that situation, my wife could just take a trip if I happened to live in a state where it was illegal.

To me the handwringing about access to abortions reminds me of handwringing about people unable to get any form of ID in order to vote. I refuse to believe there is anyone so poor or stupid they’d be unable to get an abortion or an ID if they wanted. I only see it affecting extremely lazy, short-sighted people who simply hardly care one way or another.

So taken together, I would prefer abortion to be legal but I hardly care either way, it will always be readily available regardless of law

There is a reason why we have insanity defenses and the like, sometimes people are not responsible for their own actions

How could they not be responsible? Did someone forcibly take control of her body? Why should I care whether a mental illness was at work? A mental illness is part of you, it is inseparable from you. If her mental illness did it, she did it, there is no difference. If someone murders me and they were mentally ill, does it make me any less dead than if they were mentally healthy?

In some sense any murderer is self-evidently mentally unwell. Murder isn’t a normal response to anything (outside of things like self defense shich isn’t considered murder). So why does it matter if their particular form of mental abnormality has or doesn’t have a specific label? They are a danger to their fellow citizens all the same.

Beginning a few years ago it started to be actively suppressed by the mods and sneered at by the “cooler” users on TheMotte. I think it sort of coincided with Julius Branson. I noticed that every post mentioning HBD that wasn’t by a 5 year+ veteran was treated as “Probable sneerclub troll baiting to get the sub banned”, and at least downvoted if not banned by the mods.

Were the discussions repetitive and boring after a point? Sure, but so is everything we talk about. How many times have people discussed tech censorship of online communities? How often do we talk about overproduction of elites and wokeness as intra elite competition? It’s the same topics every week for years, barring a few new events. HBD was definitely excised from the community pretty deliberately, perhaps most here still believe it but have gotten the message that talking about it is deeply uncool and liable to get you banned.

Just look at how BorfRebus talks about “HBD autists” upthread, we don’t talk about “libertarian autists” or “classical liberal autists” or “anti censorship autists” with such casual mockery

Why shouldn’t they? You have to accept that on an individual level which is the level that really matters. I care if Terence Tao beats me on the job application, but I have to accept that just the same

These are always boring semantic debates. If I set out to beat you until you love me, and after an hour of beating I give up because you still hate me, leaving you a bloody unconscious mess on the ground while I’ve scraped my knuckles who has lost? Who won? I failed to achieve my goal, it’s true. But I was hardly scratched while you are near death. Even harder to say I lost and you won. Perhaps my goal and plan to achieve it was foolish and impossible, but at the same time I demonstrated my ability to beat the shit out of you without even breaking a sweat. Win and lose in situations like this are just silly labels like we are keeping score.

Point being, people doing this are sufficiently abnormal that trying to predict their future behavior and saying “She would never do this again” seems really really unwise.. There is no way you can convince me that Bayes doesn’t say she has a far higher risk of murdering again than an average woman. She has done a couple lifetimes worth of damage already, what is the benefit of keeping her free? Just lock her up, throw away the key and we never have to worry about her again

So the near-complete eradication of childhood mortality is outweighed because…bosom contact is slightly more inconvenient? The vast increases in housework efficiency by microwaves, refrigerators, vacuums, laundry machines and dishwashers thereby giving you more time for your children is outweighed by…circadian rhythms? The complete elimination of starvation as a realistic threat/stress is outweighed by…?

Any slightly objective assessment would find the scales tipped dramatically towards the past having far more dramatic stressors, hardships and timesinks than the present. I don’t see how you can realistically just handwave away six children in a row dying of scarlet fever as less stressful than the present

We already knew that Twitter censored the story and suspended The Post’s account. So before any of this info we had it narrowed down to three most likely possibilities: 1. Twitter censored it on their own initiative, 2. They censored it at the direct request of the Biden campaign, 3. They censored it at the behest of the federal gov’t (FBI, whatever)

Option 1, Twitter doing it on their own initiative seems by far the least explosive of those options. So these leaks just confirm it as the least interesting of the possibilities we had. I don’t see how any illusion of choice is relevant here, choice between what?

People always propose explanations like this without considering if they have any predictive power. So going by this, I should be able to look up the countries with the lowest rates of home ownership and highest youth unrmployment and find the wokest population, right? Do you think that will be true?