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User ID: 1936



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User ID: 1936

The contradictions around pregnancy/abortion in the Liberal mind are interesting for this.

I'd wager a plurality of Liberals would be against Hammon being asked to terminate her pregnancy for the sake of her contract/consider her right to get pregnant to be superior to her professional commitment. Yet if a random 'girlboss' was to abort a pregnancy due to prioritizing career it'd likely be seen as empowering.

I feel like the debate around gender identity and the debate around surgical/medical intervention are almost two different things.

I'm personally pretty comfy with people identifying how they want, but I feel that the current iteration of hormonal & surgical intervention has a horrific risk-reward where it's like lifelong issues in exchange for maybe if you are a bodytype that's already leaning towards your preferred gender, being able to pass from a distance at certain angles.

This is going to sound intentionally absurd, but I'd almost prefer a world in which people just got their preferred gender pronouns tattooed onto their forehead and then everybody hypothetically just went along with it, than the current state of corrective therapy.

I can sort of see the argument in the sense of 'it is more likely that the Asian diaspora will take over in the next few decades than it is that African descendants will cause an issue'. However, most people are concerned more about the stability of their day-to-day existence. BAME immigration might not imperil the 'macro' as much, but has more everyday living consequences in terms of violent crime and people subsisting on handouts.

The pushback to it was also highly disproportionally Jewish.

How much of it is the Jewish idpol card kinda sticking you in a state of quasi-whiteness that allows rallying back against intersectionalism without getting immediately cancelled yourself, though?

Thank you!

Yeah but if I've got a deck of 60 cards and I'm against a fast burn deck and I've got GAMEWINNER9000 (RRP $10,000) which instantly wins me the game if drawn in my deck, I haven't actually got that big a % of actually pulling that card in context of a single game.

Yes, incredibly. Religious/Conservative coded

Very aware of my privilege in this regard, my heart bleeds for friends who don't have the same combination of attributes and I feel kind of bad for not developing my romantic skillset earlier

NCAA is no longer the default pathway to the NBA with overseas professional leagues, G-League and 1-and-done college stints all becoming more prevalent in the last 5 years. Plus the internationalization of Basketball means there's way more overseas talents.

It's hard to cultivate star power in College Basketball as a consequence, and in the meantime a lot of the Blue Blood programs are struggling which increases volatility and decreases interest.

It's funny the WNBA can't capitalize on WNCAA interest when the latter is a feeder to the former (admittedly a lot of charismatic WNCAA players will go from being superstars in that arena to middling in the pro leagues, but still)

They have been out of the game so long that they don't realize that a 30+ woman, possibly with kids, is simply not going to command the same sort of attention, especially with newer models on the showroom floor.

I think you're overhyping this a bit. Many is the couple where the guy suggests an open relationship, not realizing that even their middle-aged wife/partner commands about 50,000x the desirability in the hookup market even if things have evened out a lot in the longterm partner market.

Yeah. I'd be looking about an hour out of KL where my partner's family is from, but I agree with this. Personally being located in Australia normally the distance to USA is something I just take as a given about life, and Malaysia actually improves most of my woes in terms of getting to Europe/USA becomes 15 hours instead of 24 hours.

Their own colorful ethnic issues seem to suppress issues with white foreigners, plus not really being a tourism defined as other similar countries.

Women's Tennis benefits from being a bit more volatile and a bit less serve-driven than the Men's game.

I remember reading a while back that China saw the divorce rate go down after requiring a mere thirty days cooling-off period before you could proceed.

This goes for prettymuch every major life decision, though. People are prone to inertia and frequently the straw that breaks the Camel's back only does so for a short while.

Fair enough. I feel like BJJ tends to trend incredibly that way, but I suppose the violence aspects make it a bit different.

Older guys have no reason to stop doing this, either, since younger women will keep expressing interest and the plight of younger males doesn't really factor into their decision.

Also frankly the older guys had to graduate through that younger period in order to become datable, so can't blame them for trying to reap something after getting through their twenties

Having been slowly co-opted into climbing over the last few months by some friends, and having spent a decade+ doing Brazilian Jiujitsu (which is similar, though not as gender-balanced but that has been changing) I do get where you're coming from.

At risk of being blunt, what's the lesbian rate of serious climbing women?

Exactly. Unless it's an immediate mortal peril, it's generally best to be physical conflict avoidant in modern society due to the consequences of civilization being potentially levied on you.

Yes but said married couples are more likely to have completed their courtship in earlier eras + I've got a lot more marital lifelines than I do career ones.

If you're in a niche field with limited employers, it feels like you're more likely to be nuked from orbit professionally if you make an unwise advance, no? Not that I don't think your wisdom holds, but generally holding back from workplace dating is more about avoiding the consequences than the specific benefits.

Housing Prices in most affluent Western countries have combined with the deterioration of the sexual marketplace and decline of employer-employee relations to cause this, though. I'd love it if my lifepath was getting an okay sinecure somewhere here, making 75th percentile wage for my country and buying a free-standing house and get some kids going.

Instead in order to achieve the unfathomable wealth required to buy a free-standing 3bedroom house somewhere within an hour's drive of my CBD I've had to do pretty well in the startup lottery and pick a fairly disreputable industry on top of that. The system no longer facilitates the normal path.

Very slim personal anecdote but I recently got pulled into a major event for a Young Conservative group over here in Australia. Black tie affair, lots of young people etc.

I found it pretty shocking to notice that of say 50ish young (Under 25) male attendees they only had about 2 female partners between them, and it's not like this was a Breitbart gathering. Reasonably attractive, suit-wearing, university & private school-educated young men of decent breeding and yet being a conservative makes you so staggeringly unable to compete in domestic dating circles these days. The very tiny smattering of girls who were there as members seemed to be dating 10+ years older and for either career progression or tapping developed finances.

I've seen the impact myself of having a Hinge profile set Conservative v Liberal (legitimately 99% decline in matches by indicating rightward leanings), though I've been off the market for a few months now due to finding a foreign-born girl who's a sane, reasonably-conservative slender woman.

Fairly high up in some interaction of gambling/crypto. It's not socially gainful but it is fairly lucrative.

Is that a function of the island or the socioeconomic class?

Yes but when you are a feudal peasant being ground into dirt in feudalism in 1915 and you have an untested idea, I can see why you'd take the leap.