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User ID: 1936



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User ID: 1936

My understanding of reproductive stats is that they tend to be skewed by those who are struggling to conceive tending to meticulously document every attempt, whilst those who are fecund it just happens.

I've got a 5 month old daughter and I know it happened within about 2-3 sessions without protection with my partner, but that's never entering the medical record whilst somebody in their 40s who's exhaustively logging and trying supplementation will be reflected in the research body

Surely the emergence of significant oil deposits across the Middle East which were largely unexplored during the second World War have to had played a part in how the region was handled.

for the most part, the politicians who allowed mass immigration into the US didn’t think it would change much at all, and in many cases significantly underestimated the demographic transformation that would follow.

Exactly. Whole thing looked good on a spreadsheet when you assume absolute fungibility of human stock but any consideration of second order effects or where more recent immigrants are coming from...

Exactly. Few people are denying that there was Holocausting present, but in a historical period in which random historical revisionism runs rampant it seems insane that there is only one singular line in the sand allowed for by the culture that is untouchable. Aztec apologia flies, but not this case.

Yeah. Just since the points of measure are arbitrary it's still an absolute distance that is being communicated whether you do so in Meters or Feet.

Still likely a correlation between being the feeblest and not surviving childhood, versus these days in which serious conditions are extended ad infinitum for no particular benefit to society.

Appealing to random niche cultural sex-worker and/or designated eunuch roles to establish historical precedent seems to be the most common.

Honestly surprising nobody's tried to recast the Catholic Priesthood as a third gender.

True but there's been plenty of opportunity to spend up if we'd wanted to buy first-hand.

Walk around your average baby store and it's amazing how much you can drop on a stroller and a bed.

Yeah I'm 6 months into fatherhood (and whilst there's a bunch of schooling etc. fees that I'm obviously not paying yet). My partner and I are reasonably frugal/happy to procure second-hand things from marketplace and I'd be surprised if my daughter has cost us more than a thousand or two so far. We've probably come out far ahead considering savings on stuff we'd normally be spending.

I don't think this is the entire picture, since there's also an incentive on the part of a man who 'knows how to play the game' to pose as a viable longterm prospect and then dip and/or incompatibilities are found during the trial period and it's donezo. I've seen in my friendgroup both men and women in their late twenties join dating apps with 0 meaningful relationship experience prior.

For most men the immediate response is crickets and zero interest (assuming introverted nerdy type) which then requires considerable personal development to grind through. For the women, the result tends to be getting played a few times and then pivoting hard to PVP mode or just opting out.

I feel like a lot of the benefits of this philosophy could be achieved by just pursuing less rigorous medical interventionism as opposed to out and out euthanasia. The issue with modern medicine is that, now that the pandora's box of super aggressive end of life care has been opened, it has proven difficult for medical systems to draw the line on what's a sensible amount of sunk cost to go into.

Not like he's going to meaningfully change his technique much at that age, especially when maximumweight Greco Roman isn't exactly the most sophisticated sport in the world (As somebody of similar size who does wrestle/grapple).

It is crazy how across the West that in the last decade or two it's just become increasingly normalized to have RPG Random Encounters with the insane/drugged.

Wasn't Xi Jingping's father purged by Mao? Somehow he weaseled back.

he’s currently claiming that Harris isn’t actually black.

If you actually watch the interview Trump's claim was 'Harris chooses whether to emphasize her Indian heritage or African heritage depending on however the IdPol winds are blowing' not that she's literally not Black.

Some culture war issues like abortion still pivot around ethnicity/religiosity even if they're nominally Democrat voters.

Isn't this the forever-issue with importing votes as a left-wing party. Essentially everywhere outside the anglosphere is built on identity politics and culture that is far right compared to the prevailing Western Democracy. Any successful immigrant project will tend to pivot over time from 'I vote Democrat since they facilitate my immigration' to 'Got mine, now I'm culturally conservative'

I'd agree in one sense, but BAME is a grouping for a reason. Recent African immigrants might not all be Islamic, but it's still confusing what real utility they're offering when most of the UK's indigenous stock have their own grievances with the status quo.

It seems like nobody was aware of her being XY until the genetic test took place. I'd be very surprised if Algeria was just cool with her having gone through their entire womens' sport pathway if she'd been packing masculine equipment the entire time.

She undoubtedly gets a bit of an advantage from her hormonal profile compared to 'average woman', but practically everybody in the Olympics is going to have some degree of that going on. She's had a good-but-not-great amateur boxing career to this point with years in the ring, and the Italian woman quitting instantly to a woman with a 11% KO rate just doesn't seem at all logical unless there's literal hysteria going around here. I agree that trans athletes shouldn't be able to compete with women, but in this case I believe she's largely unaware of her own intersex status and the contest seems reasonably fair.

Bear Necessities is Jungle Book not Song of the South.

Yeah. Hasn't really been a ton to discuss lately beyond the absurdity of the matter.

I'll be surprised if the Enhanced Games meaningfully outdo the normal games in performance. Inherently only people outside the top echelons of their respective sport will sign up to something that'll likely lead to their banishment from normal athletic events for life, and the actual Olympians are already using reasonable amounts of doping based on how often caught drug cheats aren't exactly romping the competition.

Yeah but Golf in like a corporate/social content is likely to be towards the fucking around end of the spectrum.

Also something I've come to appreciate about Golf and Bouldering lately is that they function well in a social sport context for being remarkably self-handicapping. A group of 4 people can all go casually and have a reasonably stimulating experience.

If I were going to debut a new advance in ad blocking workarounds I'd probably try and debut it a month or two before the election in order to maximally benefit from the proverbial firehoses of money that are going to be coursing through, personally.

I think a reasonable assumption of the presence of firearms in every encounter, due to the US being the US, means there's inherently higher tension and more reasonable cops get deterred from the career.