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User ID: 1936



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User ID: 1936

Betting markets are keen on Michelle to jump in there, but that seems especially insane to me.

The problem I have in the modern era is that the 65~ retirement age is being preserved for the boomers as a legacy of an age where you worked with your hands and died 5-10 years after retiring. Without generating anywhere near the amount of expense and medical drama that somebody in the last few years can and will these days.

USA is hardly a pure ethnostate of the most productive demographics. Cut 2 or 3 geographic regions or 2 or 3 ethnicities and it'd be similarly buoyed.

Honestly from having a close friend/old housemate who's very high caste Indian back in the motherland (Father a very high ranking Air Force figure, grandfather owned a ton of stuff), it was always hilarious listening to complaints about bias or stratified society in context of what their family had gotten up to.

The only reason this isn't particularly obvious is that there are very few other "races" in India, it's mostly Indians of different ethnicities with the odd African student going to college.

I thought it was due to the scheduled caste/affirmative action in India being so very strong that the majority of Indians who end up in the West have a bone to pick with the concept of it.

I remember reading a while back that China saw the divorce rate go down after requiring a mere thirty days cooling-off period before you could proceed.

This goes for prettymuch every major life decision, though. People are prone to inertia and frequently the straw that breaks the Camel's back only does so for a short while.

They have been out of the game so long that they don't realize that a 30+ woman, possibly with kids, is simply not going to command the same sort of attention, especially with newer models on the showroom floor.

I think you're overhyping this a bit. Many is the couple where the guy suggests an open relationship, not realizing that even their middle-aged wife/partner commands about 50,000x the desirability in the hookup market even if things have evened out a lot in the longterm partner market.

I can sort of see the argument in the sense of 'it is more likely that the Asian diaspora will take over in the next few decades than it is that African descendants will cause an issue'. However, most people are concerned more about the stability of their day-to-day existence. BAME immigration might not imperil the 'macro' as much, but has more everyday living consequences in terms of violent crime and people subsisting on handouts.

The survey reports that 60% of teenagers report using a condom during their last sexual encounter. Is that not kinda low given teenage pregnancy rates?

Hormonal birth control and access to abortion probably explain a bit of that.

It happens a lot with these Alexander/Caesar/Hitler/Gustavus Adolphus/Tom Brady figures. They win so much and so hard they see themselves as infallible and end up embarrassing themselves on a low-odds gamble, like playing football at 45 or invading Russia.

A lot of the entrepreneurial types are just built like that. Tendency to continually go all-in since it's all they know, until it eventually falls in a heap. I'm reminded of a small business I used to contract for that was run by a guy who'd gone from millionaire-to-bankrupt about 4 times in his life, and was still plugging away in his late 70's. He wasn't super intelligent, but he had weasel cunning and just kept headbutting brick walls until either he or they broke. Especially since he was aware that if he wasn't pushing himself in business he'd inevitably drink and/or gamble and/or whore away all his money, anyway. Kinda inspiring in its own way.

I'm fairly sure Napoleon's health had started to fail him by the point of the hundred days, which could also be part of why his planning trended less elaborate and brilliant. Especially considering the logistics and communications barriers of the time.

A completely unified Muslim entity would likely be capable, but the chances of such a thing ever happening are essentially nil since people treat them as overly monolithic instead of rife with their own pile of issues and divisions.

The pushback to it was also highly disproportionally Jewish.

How much of it is the Jewish idpol card kinda sticking you in a state of quasi-whiteness that allows rallying back against intersectionalism without getting immediately cancelled yourself, though?

Does all this intense hobbyist stuff make them especially useful as combatants or an ad hoc militia, though?

I've honestly always wanted to see a proper, unbiased longitudinal study of the Stolen Generation to establish what the life outcomes of the 'stolen' were versus those who remained remote. I suspect the results would shock the common narrative.

Having read Dark Emu I found it kind of incoherent where a lot of the case for Aboriginal statehood is essentially 'they were unsophisticated to the point that there was not a conventional state to be made war on and/or a concept of territory, therefore the conquest is illegitimate as they never surrendered' then Dark Emu tries to argue that they were notably more sophisticated than the basic understanding which... legitimizes European conquest?

Honestly something that struck me on doing very basic research into other countries' Indigeous persons was that the Australian Aboriginal's life expectancy gap with the median was about the same size as it is for the Maoris and First Nations people. Despite the latter two having the 'benefits' of deeper recognition in their countries.

The sheer nebulousness of the Yes case made it hard to directly misinform, too. So many of the 'X is misinformation' articles I saw were of the 'The No campaign's speculative rebuttal of a potential aspect of the Voice is inaccurate since we've yet to establish what the Voice actually is/does'

Even more ironic that Shaq was principally in town to be a gambling spokesperson for Pointsbet when he did so

Honestly something that amused/amazed me on the life outcome gap between Indigenous & Median Australians is that it's about the same size as other countries with their Indigenous populations, regardless of treaty, reconciliation, privileges etc.

Maoris have about the same gap

Life expectancy is slightly above world average.

Is that a product of affluency beyond avoiding starvation, though? North Korea doesn't have the issues with random stateless violence, Civil War, HIV and tropical diseases that I'd imagine define the very low life expectancies of a lot of countries.

Doesn't all of this apply equivalently to non-Jewish White Democrat voters, though? Jewish group identity might be stronger than general White Americans, but... the exact same things written from a broad White POV would take on some pretty heavy censure.

I think from a Western orientated POV it feels like a rather absurd situation in which our position of power is being couched in almost absurd levels of coddling for people from certain cultures, compared to historical norms (and what they'd do to us if in a similar position of supremacy) and that the whole thing feels like increasingly there's no coherent reason to be so utterly indulgent aside from pure bleeding-heart sympathy.

Yeah but if I've got a deck of 60 cards and I'm against a fast burn deck and I've got GAMEWINNER9000 (RRP $10,000) which instantly wins me the game if drawn in my deck, I haven't actually got that big a % of actually pulling that card in context of a single game.

I'd love some sort of study/analysis of whether you, in terms of current affluence in American society, are better off as the descendant of a member of the top fifth percentile in wealth of 1700's Colonial America or as a first/second-generation immigrant who is the descendant of somebody who was similarly affluent in their country of origin.