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User ID: 1936



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User ID: 1936

The vast majority of writers put in a room are producing quality a lot closer to 14 year old fanfic than they are to Succession.

A chief issue with the amendment has been that the Voice proposal is so overwhelmingly vague.

It's essentially running for permission for the government to then go forth and create a body for the Indigenous, instead of actually providing clarity around the function, makeup, responsibilities etcetera

There's just minimal differentiation of socioeconomic tier through tech, as well.

I remember during the COVID remote working era, being on an all-hands meeting at the company I was working for at the time, and it was pretty striking how essentially everybody between entry-level & the executive suite had more-or-less identical tech setups on camera.

I kind of care that Germans are painted as remorseless monsters that murder for sport in mainstream Holocaust propaganda. I find it kind of gross to see a people dehumanized in such a way. When the 'Bear Jew' is depicted as smashing a German soldiers skull in, and his actions are seen as righteous and jovial, I kind of get sick in my stomach.

Yeah. Assumed the Bear Jew scene was intended as intentionally lampooning the audience for denying the humanity of the aged German officer, but from what I know of Tarantino it seems far more 'lul Nazi died' geared.

I feel like the debate around gender identity and the debate around surgical/medical intervention are almost two different things.

I'm personally pretty comfy with people identifying how they want, but I feel that the current iteration of hormonal & surgical intervention has a horrific risk-reward where it's like lifelong issues in exchange for maybe if you are a bodytype that's already leaning towards your preferred gender, being able to pass from a distance at certain angles.

This is going to sound intentionally absurd, but I'd almost prefer a world in which people just got their preferred gender pronouns tattooed onto their forehead and then everybody hypothetically just went along with it, than the current state of corrective therapy.

Honestly I've never seen the hype on them. Meat's not great, they're annoyingly fiddly to eat and there's no real taste advantage.

Do recommend Chicken Hearts, though.

Fairly sure that's gonna be Viral Marketing for something that's not the Enhanced Games. Professional sprinters use enough PEDs that some dude is not beating Usain Bolt through using likely less, inferior dosages to him with a sufficiently worse frame and underlying athleticism for the sport.

The majority of athletes who've run a top 20 time in the 100m have been flagged for doping at some point in their careers.

On top of that, women tend to rely on immutable traits i.e. beauty

Honestly from having done a bunch of dating in the modern era, the rise of obesity means that unless a girl is like... bottom 10th percentile genetically she's got scope to get to 6/10 simply by being in shape. I feel like a lot of the takes around the immutability of beauty made more sense before 30-40% of the population enthusiastically nuked themselves in the foot and modern cosmetics.

Nope. Actually having jobs for the low-skilled immigrants seems uncorrelated with the desire to bring them in.

Does your theory predict collapse in immigration once AI-powered automation makes this (already net budget negative over lifetime, in many cases) addition clearly counterproductive?

Shifts in technology has already made huge reams of low-skilled immigration almost completely unproductive and a net drain. Western countries no longer have unskilled labor roles to stuff Refugees into, which exacerbates issues with assimilation and engaging with the new culture. I've got a lot of friends who are 1st/2nd-generation Australian-born Asian-descent, and the jobs their parents did upon arrival largely either do not exist any more in Australian Metros or are gated behind Bachelors degrees & English proficiency.

Especially now the classic Unskilled jobs have gone from requiring literal manual labor and little else, to increasingly being low-skilled service jobs which require a bunch of language skills and cultural awareness that make them difficult for fresh immigrants.

I've worked in Sports betting marketing, and it's very much a similar thing. Women, largely, do not punt on sports. That is essentially an unalterable physical law of the universe, and yet I've seen a series of hare-brained schemes to 'double the market'

All porn can be used as cuckold porn if the viewer imagines themselves to have a particular relationship to the performers but that doesn't mean all porn inherently is cuckold porn. You could make the same argument about basically all forms of entertainment, that watching/listening/reading about other people achieving great things must lead the audience to either delusionally imagine themselves in such a situation or spiral into inferiority and take masochistic pleasure in that inferiority.

Honestly wonder if the recent surge in cuckold porn has something to do with how it injects a ton of taboo/shock value to a scene, without requiring a ton more budget or extremism to actually film. I know a guy who's a mid-grade porn producer, and he's told me that the whole 'stepcest' trend is also an example of this. Since you can turn a vanilla scene into a stepcest scene with literally 10 words added to the script and not having to pay the talent for doing anything especially physically arduous.

Fair enough. I feel like BJJ tends to trend incredibly that way, but I suppose the violence aspects make it a bit different.

Yes, incredibly. Religious/Conservative coded

Older guys have no reason to stop doing this, either, since younger women will keep expressing interest and the plight of younger males doesn't really factor into their decision.

Also frankly the older guys had to graduate through that younger period in order to become datable, so can't blame them for trying to reap something after getting through their twenties

I'm in what'd probably be considered the most Left-Leaning major Australian city, but even chatting to the guys it's pretty staggering how difficult it seemed to be to get a date. It was a Young Monarchists (I owed a close friend a favor, no particular personal royal inclinations) event so kind of a okay milquetoast career builder for conservative political aspirants.

My suspicion is that young conservative women are acutely aware of the ratios involved + a lot more willing & able to date up in terms of age and success, which produces a hollowing effect for young conservatives where the ratio's already 90:10 and that 10 are largely monopolized by middle-aged conservatives.

Having been slowly co-opted into climbing over the last few months by some friends, and having spent a decade+ doing Brazilian Jiujitsu (which is similar, though not as gender-balanced but that has been changing) I do get where you're coming from.

At risk of being blunt, what's the lesbian rate of serious climbing women?

The cruises aren't so much the issue, though. It's more the advent of modern healthcare means that an essentially limitless amount of cash can be consumed to extend a life at 0.01 QOL an extra 3 years, something that didn't exist in prior eras to anywhere near the extent.

its very obvious that much fewer children are born by chance today than in the past

I'd argue that's got a lot more to do with birth control than just pure impregnatory anatomy.

I've noticed/remarked on a bunch of my friends who are in their late 20's/early-30s that now gearing up to have children is actually a conscious choice, a lot of people don't feel confident in actually swapping gears and trying for a baby. Compared to ye olden days where there was a far higher rate of passive conception, which IMO stopped a lot of the multi-year go-nowhere situationships that you see these days.

Very slim personal anecdote but I recently got pulled into a major event for a Young Conservative group over here in Australia. Black tie affair, lots of young people etc.

I found it pretty shocking to notice that of say 50ish young (Under 25) male attendees they only had about 2 female partners between them, and it's not like this was a Breitbart gathering. Reasonably attractive, suit-wearing, university & private school-educated young men of decent breeding and yet being a conservative makes you so staggeringly unable to compete in domestic dating circles these days. The very tiny smattering of girls who were there as members seemed to be dating 10+ years older and for either career progression or tapping developed finances.

I've seen the impact myself of having a Hinge profile set Conservative v Liberal (legitimately 99% decline in matches by indicating rightward leanings), though I've been off the market for a few months now due to finding a foreign-born girl who's a sane, reasonably-conservative slender woman.

Also frankly a lot of attractive 30+ men aren't going to be dating women their own age as a preference, which further muddies the water.

Exactly. Unless it's an immediate mortal peril, it's generally best to be physical conflict avoidant in modern society due to the consequences of civilization being potentially levied on you.

reminds me of those headlines from 2013-2014 about Tesla accidents, or in 2010-2012 about problems with Uber accidents or deregulation. Any large company that is the hot, trendy thing will get considerable media scrutiny, especially when it errors.

Have either of those companies really improved on the errors in question, though? Like Tesla Autopilot is better than it was but it's hardly like it's made gigantic leaps and Uber is still a weird legal arbitrage more than a reinvention of travel.

I've been catfished and that's been an immediate ending to an in-person first date, but also I feel like sometimes it's just vibe/energy mismatch even if the texting is good and nothing's been misleading perse.

Honestly in my experience of dating amidst the Upper Middle Class clique, at a certain point it also becomes what you do to make money instead of exactly how it's made.

I'm fortunate enough to be very well compensated, but it's in a field that some would consider unethical/unstable and I've had a few romantic entanglements peter out after 3-4 dates since I wasn't seen as being worthy of meshing with a lady Surgeon or whatever, despite being in a similar earning caliber.