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joined 2022 November 28 03:47:21 UTC


User ID: 1936



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User ID: 1936

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Yeah but if I've got a deck of 60 cards and I'm against a fast burn deck and I've got GAMEWINNER9000 (RRP $10,000) which instantly wins me the game if drawn in my deck, I haven't actually got that big a % of actually pulling that card in context of a single game.

Yes, incredibly. Religious/Conservative coded

Very aware of my privilege in this regard, my heart bleeds for friends who don't have the same combination of attributes and I feel kind of bad for not developing my romantic skillset earlier

Yeah. I'd be looking about an hour out of KL where my partner's family is from, but I agree with this. Personally being located in Australia normally the distance to USA is something I just take as a given about life, and Malaysia actually improves most of my woes in terms of getting to Europe/USA becomes 15 hours instead of 24 hours.

Their own colorful ethnic issues seem to suppress issues with white foreigners, plus not really being a tourism defined as other similar countries.

Women's Tennis benefits from being a bit more volatile and a bit less serve-driven than the Men's game.

I remember reading a while back that China saw the divorce rate go down after requiring a mere thirty days cooling-off period before you could proceed.

This goes for prettymuch every major life decision, though. People are prone to inertia and frequently the straw that breaks the Camel's back only does so for a short while.

Fair enough. I feel like BJJ tends to trend incredibly that way, but I suppose the violence aspects make it a bit different.

Older guys have no reason to stop doing this, either, since younger women will keep expressing interest and the plight of younger males doesn't really factor into their decision.

Also frankly the older guys had to graduate through that younger period in order to become datable, so can't blame them for trying to reap something after getting through their twenties

Having been slowly co-opted into climbing over the last few months by some friends, and having spent a decade+ doing Brazilian Jiujitsu (which is similar, though not as gender-balanced but that has been changing) I do get where you're coming from.

At risk of being blunt, what's the lesbian rate of serious climbing women?

Exactly. Unless it's an immediate mortal peril, it's generally best to be physical conflict avoidant in modern society due to the consequences of civilization being potentially levied on you.

Yes but said married couples are more likely to have completed their courtship in earlier eras + I've got a lot more marital lifelines than I do career ones.

If you're in a niche field with limited employers, it feels like you're more likely to be nuked from orbit professionally if you make an unwise advance, no? Not that I don't think your wisdom holds, but generally holding back from workplace dating is more about avoiding the consequences than the specific benefits.

Is that a function of the island or the socioeconomic class?

Yes but when you are a feudal peasant being ground into dirt in feudalism in 1915 and you have an untested idea, I can see why you'd take the leap.

Which language to learn in some countries is a bit of a question. In my personal situation I'd be a lot better served improving my Mandarin than my Malay, since despite Malaysia's diversity it's in kind of an odd 'everybody lives in their little bubbles and deeply distrusts the other ethnics' kinda way.

I'm sure that a certain chunk of these businesses are free money, some are okay returns on capital and some are toxic cesspools that the original owner is exiting for a good reason.

Yeah, but the act of spending those coins would cause severe reverberations throughout the Crypto economy which is what makes it tricky.

Then again a sufficiently large Crypto entity could lend him money so he doesn't move the Bitcoins.

I agree with this, but the Aspergers diagnosis got banded about willy-nilly so it kind of had to be hauled back (plus the culture war tones, I guess)

Yeah. This bloc feels a lot bigger than 'fervent Democrat/Obama supporter who'd be lulled to the polls by a WOC with a big surname', especially since Clinton had relevant experience and Obama decidedly does not.

Honestly from having a close friend/old housemate who's very high caste Indian back in the motherland (Father a very high ranking Air Force figure, grandfather owned a ton of stuff), it was always hilarious listening to complaints about bias or stratified society in context of what their family had gotten up to.

Honestly in my experience of dating amidst the Upper Middle Class clique, at a certain point it also becomes what you do to make money instead of exactly how it's made.

I'm fortunate enough to be very well compensated, but it's in a field that some would consider unethical/unstable and I've had a few romantic entanglements peter out after 3-4 dates since I wasn't seen as being worthy of meshing with a lady Surgeon or whatever, despite being in a similar earning caliber.

I would strongly suggest that you don't pay for your date's food and drinks on the first few dates. It increases the costs of a bad date and can lead to bitterness and unreasonable expectations.

I'd suggest just paying for the food & drinks, but making sure to only escalate the date locations if/when there's a click. Atleast make the offer so the girl can choose to go dutch or whatever if they'd like. I've heard plenty from my female friends about how they find it a strong red flag if a guy doesn't pay on a first date (despite otherwise being independent women of strength), and like generally in this era of online dating you shouldn't be making any crazy plans for a first date due to the chances of immediate clunk when meeting face-to-face being pretty damned high even eliminating catfishes etc.

It's funny the WNBA can't capitalize on WNCAA interest when the latter is a feeder to the former (admittedly a lot of charismatic WNCAA players will go from being superstars in that arena to middling in the pro leagues, but still)

The higher fertility rate subpopulation thing does provide a chance of running out of productive workers, though. One of the killer hacks of avoiding the fertility decline associated with being a productive member of industrial civilization is to just call the bluff of the other members when it comes to willingness to let you starve.