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I'm seeing a lot of rumblings in Catholic circles about the drag performance aping The Last Supper. A lot of "there's one religion in particular where they never would have engaged in this mockery."

Also for extra Culture War points they included a child.

I recently donated to Trump and the tone and quantity of their email and texts is concerning. If I were wishy-washy it might be enough to turn me off. I ended up unsubscribing. Here's the start of a recent email:





After I exposed Biden on the Debate stage, the Democrats ousted their own nominee. Replacing him with KAMALA who never received a SINGLE VOTE for President, disenfranchising millions of Americans.


I’m now facing a CRUCIAL FUNDRAISING GOAL at the end of this week & I have to keep CRUSHING those Deep State Numbers!

They send about six of these every day.

I'm truly surprised about Dan Ariely getting a TV show.

I think this was Trump's best moment at the debate, criticizing Biden for having fired not one person during his term.

Wild that a short while after the head of the Secret Service would be fired. Not for being the head of the organization that screwed the pooch and let Trump be shot, but for being a bad politician in the aftermath.

The Culture War adjacent threads always get spammed with people that probably saw the story in their feeds. But the moderation is great at swatting them down for fighting the culture war instead of commenting on the legal issues.

I guess the claim that Trump is 100% faithful to Melania is technically untrue since everyone now knows about the Stormy Daniels story but isn't Melania his 3rd marriage?

As far as I can tell Trump has always denied that anything happened between him and Stormy Daniels.

Her story sounds like one of the Harvey Weinstein accusers: she's invited to his room, goes to use the bathroom, comes out to find Trump undressed, he blocks the door when she tries to leave. The Weinstein story broke in 2017, Stormy's story went public in 2018. Here's the NYT liveblogging the trial:


Stormy Daniels says she came out of the bathroom and found that Trump was in the bedroom, waiting for her, in his boxer shorts and a T-shirt. She had been planning to go, she said. He was seated on the bed, between her and the exit. “What did I misread to get here,” she describes thinking. She says she tried to leave and he blocked her path, but not in a threatening manner.

Her prior recounting of the story in 2011 to In Touch Weekly doesn't contain such details:


I had to use the bathroom and I went to the restroom, which was in the bedroom. Like I said, it was a big suite. I could describe the suite perfectly. When I came out, he was sitting on the bed and he was like, “Come here.” And I was like, “Ugh, here we go.” And we started kissing. I actually don’t even know why I did it but I do remember while we were having sex, I was like, “Please don’t try to pay me.” And then I remember thinking, “But I bet if he did, it would be a lot.”

I think the point being made was that our ship-based artillery would be enough to neuter Houthi capabilities and make them reconsider the ROI of trying to rope the West into their local conflict.

And it would be relatively cheap. Though artillery rounds themselves are about $10,000 each, which at first I found shocking until realizing they’re about 100 pounds, and 100 pounds of HEI ammo would cost about that much as well.

Yeah, if they have good anti Kamala messaging they’re going to sit on it until her nomination is a done deal.

Let them revel in Kamala memes for a few weeks and then start the assault.

Otherwise they risk the Dems choosing someone better.

The anti-BLM position has never been that every police shooting is justified. I see anti-BLM as making two claims:

  1. Unjustified police killings are rare.
  2. That blacks are killed by police disproportinate to their population is a function of their being disproportionately likely to present themselves as a deadly threat, not police racism.

I find the "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus" to be menacing, not jokey as some others are saying. There's not a hint of sarcasm in her voice. And as the GIF shows, she was throwing the boiling water.

When I started watching I was reminded me of Charleena Lyles, who by all available evidence called in a fake theft with the intent of harming the police who arrived. Her case was much more clear cut, she pulled a knife on them. Even so local activists held her up as a case of police being murderers.

I wonder if we'll find out that the prowler was made up.

If Biden is dead then the Democrats don’t have a tie breaker vote in the Senate until a new VP is confirmed.

There’s reporting with confirmation from police sources on the motorcade detail in Las Vegas that Biden suffered a medical emergency on Wednesday: https://x.com/jenvanlaar/status/1815588805300084983

The cops got a radio callout that there was an emergency with the President and scrambled to clear the way to the hospital, but Biden ended up on Air Force One instead. The event he had for later in the day was canceled. Another source says he suffered a transient ischemic attack.

One additional detail from a reporter on Air Force One is that they made the trip from Vegas to Delaware in 3 hours 40 minutes, and said that the plane was going so fast it was shaking.

woman can’t do X

We saw people twist Damore’s words on overlapping distributions into this statement, and fired on the rationale that women couldn’t work around him.

It's mid-July. Likely an intern bypassing a safety check to try to get his project completed on time.

On Jan 6 when Trump wanted to go to the Capitol after he wrapped his speech, the Secret Service refused to drive him there. Trump ended up not going to the Capitol, even though he could have just walked, as many of the people who watched his speech did.

Had the Secret Service been more willing to accomodate Trump we might have never had rioters breaking into the Capitol.

I wonder if his experience then influenced his instincts to defy the Secret Service so that he could pause and raise a fist for the crowd.

I would be happy if we developed a norm that a person trying to get some private figure fired for saying a dumb thing was taken as a good reason for the person to be fired themselves.

Yeah, I don’t think Biden voters are willing to blame Trump if it also means blaming NIH and Fauci.

The sloped roof thing sounds like confabulation to me. In the moment she judged that “I don’t know” would be a terrible response and so had to come up with something plausible, but came up with something terribly implausible.

Either that or that’s what a subordinate told her and she’s easily fooled.

Have any of them ever seen anything be a bridge too far (to the left)?

Kathy Griffin faced consequences: https://people.com/tv/kathy-griffin-says-she-was-erased-not-canceled-after-trump-photo-scandal/

Fired from hosting a New Year's Eve show, theaters canceled her stand-up shows, and she claims to have been "erased."

Part of that was fueled by the assumption that the Speaker of the House's home would be secure, and thus this attacker inside the home must have been an invited guest.

Maybe we're just generally bad at protecting high profile people.

Read the book awhile back, my wife was interested so we watched the movie last night. I didn't remember him attempting to steal a TI-89 in the book, though there was a scene showing this in the movie. Checking just now there's no mention of attempted theft in the book, just that Mamaw made sure he had one.

Meanwhile, in my life, one of my delinquent friends helped me out by lifting a TI-89 from Wal-Mart.

AFAIK they didn't even show evidence that Trump was the person who categorized the expense.

Let alone the necessity that the mis-categorization had to be "in furtherance of another crime," and that crime remained unspecified, untried, and jurors instructed that they could meet this requirement with anything.

it's not hard at all for me to think that a white guy in his late 30s from the Midwest thinks the things Vance articulates.

My dad’s side of the family are West Virginia hill folk that moved to southwestern Ohio for factory work, and I spent the first half of my childhood in Ohio.

Hillbilly Elegy was the first book I read that sounded like stories I used to hear. There was the time the town got a cop car which was burned shortly after. There was the child molester that disappeared and for which it was strongly implied that an uncle had taken care of him. And then the relatives that had chaotic lives of drinking and drugs.

I bought into the “Muslim ban” framing, yes.

That resonates with me, I used to buy the media narratives on Trump as well.

“You used to say bad things about Trump” is going to be true for a lot of Trump voters in this election.