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joined 2022 September 08 22:22:12 UTC

Underemployed Slav. Likes playing Factorio.

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User ID: 1042



1 follower   follows 7 users   joined 2022 September 08 22:22:12 UTC


Underemployed Slav. Likes playing Factorio.


User ID: 1042

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I mean, if you're east Asian and have dry earwax that apparently just falls out,maybe not.

Depending on the shape of your ear, even if you have wet ear wax, you might not have to clean it either. Especially if you swim a lot or wash it out with warm water at times, etc.

But it's possible for your ear wax to accumulate on your eardrum, which can cause infection and serious pain, or at the very least work as an earplug, so muffle sounds. The former happened to me, I think.

The pain basically disappeared after I put some oil in there into which the ear wax dissolved.

You twist a bit of toilet paper several times so it's something like a .. stick ? gently insert it inside and keep rotating it around in the ear. Bits of ear wax will stick to it, and there's little risk of injury because it's just toilet paper.

I don't think they'd bother tbh.

Canada has always been a 'fake' country of sorts, and after 1945 it has existed purely on US sufferance, as a place where Americans can do shady shit like illegal experiments on people and US courts have no jurisdiction.

They'd simply fix the Chinese influence problem and return things to how they were before.

while I guess it might be amusing to see him fire Rachel Levine (I don't think he will, actually)

You don't think he will ? A) They tried to have him shot. Even if he won't be able to go after the people who tried that, he's no doubt going to take out his rage on a whole range of soft targets, and Levine who is making US the punchline of a joke is very high on that list.

B) if you haven't noticed, this time it's not just Trump. Microsoft disbanded their DEI team, iirc. Google fired a bunch of activists even earlier. SV as a whole seems to be having second thoughts about the cultural revolution.

Then there's Musk who seems pretty irate and is probably in the world's top 1% of most single-minded people. With people like Rufo and Musk on board, odds are a Trump admin could change a lot of things. Unless, of course, he staffs his administration with neocons like the last one.

I honestly don't know but I'm slightly more positive than I was last time, because there's a lot more people invested into things changing. And also, yeah, a near-death experience and what they put him through re: the criminal prosecution etc probably changed a lot.

I do remember a whole bunch of executive orders that Biden rolled back on day 1. Anger that the destructive diversity grift was no longer allowed on taxpayer dime due to an EO..

Migration was lower despite state and cities being uncooperative on this, and this situation nowhere near as dire.

Now I don't believe Trump will, this time, get useful people into his admin, but at the very least someone who isn't 100% on board with importing more future democrat voters is going to be less likely to promote just that.

never doubted her intelligence or general political savvy

Victoria Nuland and her type are also 'intelligent' on the same level and look where their brilliant group think has gotten America. Into the enviable position of supporting a meatgrinder that has, so far, killed something like half a million people.

Ask yourself how you'd feel about the intelligence of Chinese politicians if they staged a coup in Canada, replaced the Canadian government with a pro-Chinese ones and then were surprised by US invading the place.

(For Trump to convince me to vote for him, he'd pretty much have to stop being Trump.)

You don't vote for a president, you vote for the set of people who're going to get there. True, it's not at all certain that Project 2025 is going to play a significant role and it's rumored people like Pompeo would be back because of course the would, however, the mere fact that it'd be a Trump admin would mean lower migration and probably less insane cultural policies.

I don't see how anyone can just ..stand aside and not vote, when the alternative is clean lunacy of more pointless migrants, more trans* related insanity, more cultural revolution.

Oh, I forget Americans drink weird,very alcoholic stuff. Here even 'strong' beer is lager, which is iirc never over 5% ABV. Most of the stuff drunk in Czech Republic is like 4.2-4.6% or so iirc.

Still, beer hits very hard because of the hops, which are a sedative. Honestly outside of a party/exercise type situation I'd be sleeping after more than 2-3 beers anyway.

I once was told by a doctor to use lager as a sleep aid. (it does work, moreso than other alcohol).

Yeah, drinking alone seems pretty odd, I mean, more than a tiny bit.

..Perforated eardrums..

Can any ear doctors or people with relevant knowledge can advise on how to test out whether a perforated eardrum has healed or not ?

I don't usually hear whistling sound while doing the valsalva maneuver (fancy speak for holding your nose and blowing air into the ears/nasal cavity).

Seeing as there was a very high pitched whistling sound while blowing air through nose into the ear cavity following a painful ear episode, and a whistling that stopped when ear was plugged, i'm dead certain it is a perforated eardrum.

As blowing more air in there is probably not a good idea, how can I find out it's healed so I can clean* it more thoroughly and all that?

*ear cleaning for people with wet wax isn't as simple, getting the stuff out manually risks that some might stick at the end and possibly get stuck to the eardrum and cause an infection. Okay, I admit that it took 30 years of cleaning them with paper to get here, but after they heal I'll be putting a bit of oil in there and then rinsing them out with warm water in the shower.

Having one beer with dinner is not 'drinking'.

Worrying about the 'heavy nights' -I get that, if I did that more than once a week socially, it'd start seeming excessive. Since drinking that much on friday is a habit that for me pretty much died after I left high school, nothing to worry about.

It's really kinda funny that you can apparently drop an octave in voice, without a serious sore throat or anything just by .. doing something with the vocal chords and throat.

Doesn't work with fast talking, and if you're smart and not antisocial usually you talk real fast.

  1. The more salient facts about her are: she can't keep staff, huge turnover, she apparently refuses to read her briefings and then lashes out at them for it.

  2. she's apparently so socially insecure she ended up rehearsing for a dinner at some donor or..


, among Asians, Indians in the West so often end up in leadership positions (especially in the corporate world), and East Asians don't?

Let me quote Kissinger on that

"They (Indians) are superb flatterers, Mr. President. They are masters at flattery. They are masters at subtle flattery. That's how they survived 600 years. They suck up...their great skill is to suck up to people in key positions."

As someone who much more prefers a yelling match or being told "this is crap" and "this will never work" and being blunt, I have a deep loathing for the Indian ethos of bending the truth or just straight out lying about things.

This is a constant. I hear it from my family who sometimes have the misfortune of dealing with Indians employed by their contractors, I see it on twitter where are few of the RWers I talk to are developers who have to deal with frequently lying Indian contractors.

There is no description of such an operation in any witness testimony. There's no documentary evidence at all, there is no evidence whatsoever of such an operation. What happened was the storytellers had to come up with an excuse for why their atrocity propaganda could not produce forensic evidence of bodies similar to the German investigation of the Katyn Forest massacre. So they made up a lie about digging up all the bodies and cremating them through open-air pyres, sifting through the ashes, etc. to avoid the question you say a million people were murdered here, where are all the bodies?

You haven't looked for it. Don't lie. You don't even speak Polish.

From every single one of these villages and hamlets one would have seen the glow of the flames from Treblinka for 122 days – how does it happen that there is no mention of this in any of the reports of the Polish resistance movement?

a) You mean the Polish resistance movement that was ruthlessly suppressed by the Stalinist government ? Gee, why weren't they writing more. Yet some of them did write down what happened after situation cooled off in Poland, as I already mentioned..

b) have you even checked? Because I checked. Within five minutes I found a TV interview of a woman who was a teenager then, lived cca 10 km away, who said her village was smelling smoke from the camp almost every day during the camp operation, and that the sky was partly obscured because of it due to a smoky haze.

c) you are, to me, just incredibly weird. How are you going to explain, for example, Lanzmann's film - which featured secret recordings of known perpetrators, guy who were tracked down, sentenced to prison, then went out - in which they admit what they've done ? Few of them were okay with being filmed during the interview, so he mostly lied and recorded them secretly.

He recorded more than 350 hours of footage, Israeli gov't told him to go to hell, that he's too slow, apparently it's all digitalized and has the original German in it. Surely as a fan you speak that language. You ever watched those secret recordings ?

Lanzmann was apparently even prosecuted by the notoriously privacy-minded German state for the secret recording when one guy discovered it and assaulted him.

If you are a critically-minded person, you ought to be able to detect the 'tell' in Jankel Wiernik's wildly absurd description for how they made this operation escape detection: "Whenever an airplane was sighted overhead, all work was stopped, the corpses were covered with foliage as camouflage against aerial observation."

As a 'critically minded person' I know that witness testimony can be often pretty bad. You cannot discount an entire event because some witnesses have weird memories or make weird claims for whatever reason. Wiernik was obviously deeply messed up. Suchomel, on the other hand worked at Treblinka, only got several years in prison over it - the only person to get life was the deputy commander- and was pretty lucid when interviewed and said nothing outlandish..

Lot of people (e.g. all the Treblinka survivors), and a whole bunch of perpetrators did say the camp existed and operated. That one of them - a carpenter, so probably a uniquely dim Jew, apparently very much traumatized did write some nonsense is supposed to completely invalidate the testimony of everyone else, the records that exist and all that ?

But there's one hiccup in the calculation here, anybody who has sourced their own wood knows there's a major difference between freshly cut green wood and seasoned wood. The former is at least 60% water and would require about twice as much, according to Mattogno's estimates:

Mattogno is not very bright , you know?

I had to look up wood energy content myself because we use it for heating at a property. You only need 15% more wood if you're using raw. Because nobody measures wood by weight, it's always measured by volume, usually as stacked cubic meters, sometimes loose cubic meters.

There are no sources that specify, but even the mainstream apologists admit this team was never bigger than 60 to 80 people, which is less than 10% of your supposition. Jewish "witness" Richard Glazar said there were 25 people on this team.

You're assuming several things here.

  1. whoever who did the research didn't fuck it up.

  2. I'm going to believe you, a person who believes millions of Jews would have just 'left' eastern Europe and moved to ..Stalin's Russia, in the middle of a war, using some unprecedented system of cross-frontline movements, are just not making shit up, wholesale.

The aerial photographs that Mattogno mentions were taken by the Luftwaffe in May 1944, after the supposed cremation operations were over and the aerial photographs prove that there was no major tree felling in the vicinity of the camp.

You're showing a picture of a very tiny portion of the area.


There is something like two dozen square kilometers of woods nearby. If you had trucks, you could easily get the equivalent of 2.7 square kilometers of clear-cut forest without even clearcutting anything. Furthermore, there's a railway line.

No contemporary reports or documentary evidence of this massive tree-felling and cremation operation whatsoever.

Funnily enough, the local railway was administered by an agent of the AK... who kept careful notes of the transports, AK forwarded them to London, and being the local boss, even apparently stole a part of the records to prove the cattle wagons that arrived full of Jews were returning empty.

No contemporary reports

Do you even speak Polish ?

According to the lore, they didn't use coal, they used freshly cut wood or harvested brushwood.

Only Treblinka is used open air pits and harvested wood. Open air pyres were, a feature of I believe one camp only. Other used specialised cremation furnaces into which bodies were continually pushed as soon as there was enough room. Lot of heat was retained in the furnace itself and so on.

ChatGPT estimates for its part that cremating 5,000 people would require burning 750 cords of wood, or about 1,500,000 kg as a daily requirement.

a) ChatGPT is a lobotomized moron.

b) human bodies, especially of older people who haven't been starved in a camp contains a fair amount of energy. You don't need to spend 300 kg of wood to burn a person, especially not if done in bulk meaning the from the burning doesn't escape as would be the case in a large pile of stacked bodies interspread with wood. With a body fat content of 20%, each 50 kg corpse in essence contains the energy of 10 kg of coke.

Crematoria were made out of heat resistant bricks and accumulated heat in themselves.

Heat of vaporization of water is 2.3 MJ/kg. For a 50 kg body containing 35 kg of water, that's about 81 MJ. Meanwhile body fat of 20% for the same gives you 10 kilograms of fat tissue, which has an energy content of 380 MJ. Heating up the 35 kg of water 70˘C is 10 MJ (4.2 kJ/kg*K). So, there's plenty of energy in a corpse to heat up and water evaporate all its water. In fact, in a non-malnourished person there's several times more heat.

c) burning of corpses using firewood under the open sky was only a feature of one camp, Treblinka, which had a workforce of 1.5-2000 people. Let's say you've got 1k people working on that, each day, 12 hours a day. Even with just hand saws, one person can cut down and strip of branches maybe 6-8 solidly sized (~500 kg) trees without difficulty in that time, probably far more. We're up to 3000 tons of wood this way. Not difficult at all to cremate people with that much wood, they probably only needed a fraction of that because like I said, even slender corpses contain a fair amount of energy.

The quantity of coal mined across the entire German industry doesn't solve the problem of how this small camp cremated 5,000 people per day on crude open-air pyres with nobody noticing and with no shipments of fuel.

With an essentially infinite workforce and large woods adjacent to the camps, that's not a real issue.

with nobody noticing

Pretty sure people noticed the burnt corpse smell, as the nearest village was only 4 km away and according to the few survivors it was so bad that if it was blowing on the sorting camp, work had to cease, but what could the villagers do ? What use do you think it'd be to complain Germans about a bad smell ?

Yeah, danger does work like that for some people. I'm the calmest, most concentrated and least-panicky in a potentionally violent situation and for several minutes afterwards. I start shaking, sometimes uncontrollably some minutes after.

IRL, I'm pretty absent minded and really not someone who can concentrate well, however, risk of immediate violence does make me concentrate amazingly well for a short while.

Instead, you get stuff like NRx that collapses into a JD Vance "Vote Republican, support Israel"

What.. even ? To a person who think a nation that mines 200-300,000 tons of coal daily but couldn't spare enough to burn ten thousand corpses , yes, the entirety of the NRx collapses into 'Vote Republican'.

Pay no attention that most NRx guys are not very hot on Israel, or that any politician who'd even wish to do anything about the Israeli lobby would have to spend years pretending he's okay with them.

They didn't have spotters due to staffing issues.

Apparently the shooter wasn't as amateurish as originally believed and he stashed the gun near the shooting spot.

Otoh, again, closest possible shooting spot, and they overlooked it.

It's entirely irrelevant. There's always some loner who hates people and would like to kill.

What's interesting is how it is, at all, possible that he was observed, photographed, looked for and yet ended up on a prime firing position, taking shots at the candidate without being stopped by security.

Or why his social media are not all over the place. Is the trans angle real or just someone playing around with genAI ? etc.

They planned for Trump to be dead, and their cover stories reflect that.

If Trump were dead, the issue of how the fuck the kid was allowed to be on that roof would be absolutely, red-hot critical and way more than it is now. That there isn't a good cover story indicates that they're either incredibly, unbelievably stupid or that this was really unplanned.

Brienne of Tarth is like 99.995th percentile in size when it comes to women. Absolutely not a demographic you can rely on for security agents unless you start cloning them or shoot up preteen girls with hormones so they grow up taller.

Yes, 'right twitter' is every random guy even if his bio gives zero indication of being right wing. List of the followers on that guy is absolutely not 'right twitter' either, it's 3 guys who are RW and the rest are various randos.

Most of the comments on twitter on the stocks issue are braindead and notice how I referenced not a single one except the guy who posted the terminal who isn't that bad.

It looks like though the date on the original filing was 6/30.