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Underemployed Slav. Likes playing Factorio.

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User ID: 1042



1 follower   follows 7 users   joined 2022 September 08 22:22:12 UTC


Underemployed Slav. Likes playing Factorio.


User ID: 1042

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And are unlikely to be able to expand that much while under sanction.

Yes. Chinese are completely unable to build gas liquefaction machinery. It requires high tech industry such a backward country cannot possibly manage to build.

What changed in Western societies during the last century that lead to wide scale acceptance of non-white people?

It was imposed by law. You haven't seen photos of 101st Airborne escorting blacks into a white school ?

The US constitution was replaced by the Civil Rights Act, and over the next fifty years, activists were busily using state power to browbeat anyone opposed into compliance.

The government decided people can't segregate themselves by law, so they're now doing it financially. Federal government is disappointed, and has now resorted to mandating better loan conditions for people with worse credit scores.

I think these changes have been very positive on the whole

You think these changes have been very positive.

Ask whites in London or Paris how happy they're about these 'changes'.

The 'elites' in Europe are so braindead and so feckless in face of 'human rights activists' the continent is no doubt going to be taking in expected Bantu immigration waves by tens of millions, and within thirty years, the benefits of black bodies is going to be felt in every city from Madrid to Moscow.

I mean, the western news media are, in effect, controlled by CIA. Or rather, the US nomenklatura -the elite body. whose members are usually very highly placed. Consider ECFR's (the EU sister organisation)'s own inforgraphic.

Not overtly, there editors know what to run and what not, and if someone doesn't take the hint the resident nomenklatura representative takes the case on.. When the journalist strayed too far from the approved narrative on Douma, an 'editor' who was unlike other editors during curiously little day-to-day work according to their CMS, but had spent several years working for the US nomenklatura got on his case. Of course, it ended up with the foolish journalist leaving.

Internet though, isn't, as Putin who is no doubt well familiar with the extent of Russian cybercrime because it regularly causes international incidents knows.

Few things work in Europe. Let's name them: public order, generally okayish. Not too much serious crime. Infrastructure is mostly fine, iirc, with not much 'debt'. Businesses don't get stolen by corrupt officials too often.

But energy policies - the bulwark of prosperity, are absolute shambles. Shale gas is not exploited at all. Nuclear is barely supported.

Renewables are still pushed despite the abysmal track record.

Germany faces deindustrialisation; Americans are talking about inviting in German companies. I'm thinking nothing will come out of that, as the black-worshipping managerial classes are unlikely to start rubber stamping tens of thousands of green cards for German immigrants and families. Can you imagine the racial equity optics of that?

Educational policies are .. risible and a failure. Few now remember the 'Lisbon strategy' which was supposed to make EU the world's most competitive economy.

Youth unemployment is high in many places, particularly southern half.

EU, as a bloc, is mostly unable to deport criminal migrants with no right of being here. The consequence is worst hit places like Italy are leaning very much right.

I don't understand what ECB is doing, but a lot of people whom I follow and who made good predictions re: markets are outraged at the incompetence.

and we end up with a left-leaning community which gets along smoothly.

Left-leaning communities are also notorious for engaging in circular firing squads over being insufficiently pious.

They're also notorious for ham-fisted censorship drives over pet causes that cause mass exodus of users. Remember gamergate ? Well most of the people who were pissed with moderation re: the BPD slut who shall not be named weren't right-leaning. It was mostly random gamers, centrist or left leaning.

Really, they're well known for being very ban happy. Consider e.g. Resetera, one of the left-leaning gaming forums.

They (some e.g. former US commander of European provinces) claim they'd to start hitting them with conventional weapons everywhere and destroy all their units in Ukraine, that's counting Crimea too.

That is, a real war would start. I'm not sure about that. By most accounts Russians have killed at least fifty thousand Ukrainians troops so far, if they nuke several thousand would that change anything? Russia is not losing this war, the stakes are too high, so it's going to keep going on. They cannot afford to give up.

Americans must surely know this. We've seen America talk about red lines and then do nothing repeatedly, so what's crossing one more red line for a desperate state ?

US should also be aware that it's far less in american interest to fight a war over Ukraine than it is in Russia's interests. Completely lopsided importance.

And in any case, even a real air war and some cross-border raids by NATO would not be very impressive to the mayfly attention span of cosmopolitan consumers.

The strategic air defense network they have is expected to require weeks to months of reducing till bombing can proceed in earnest with conventional assets. Unconventional assets (stealth) are rather scarce and whether they're truly stealthy to a peer adversary is a rather open question..

Also, escalation wise,it's not clear at all whether China would let Russia lose; they have a very serious interest in not acquiring any more unfriendly nations on its borders, which would be the result of 'decolonising' of Russia.

Arms shipments by the world's biggest industrial power or even 'volunteer' units could make a lot of difference. After all, why should only Ukraine have large volunteer formations? There's a rather amusing precedent for China there.

Russians has a more attractive option of evening out the odds though - closing the skies, destroying all satellites by launching kinetic anti-satellite weapons at their own satellites or just releasing lots of crap in a reverse orbit. That'd prevent Americans from tattling to Ukrainians locations of objects of strategic interests, and make any subsequent war against the hegemony that much easier, as American military uses satellites more than anyone else.

Wouldn't kill a person, no pesky radiation, and will negate most of US advantages in this and the upcoming Taiwan war. Also it's going to make astronomers happy because it'd kill Starlink too and a decades long pause in space launches would mean they won't have to stop being lazy and start designing huge orbital telescopes.

So, the question I have is: where did all this come from, and why? Is it what some call "safetyism," the impulse to prevent harm at all costs and take no risks whatsoever? Relatedly, is it because legal liability is treated as a mortal risk, because lawsuits can be a punishment in themselves?

Simple, it's a consequence of the top man-made disaster ever, the 19th amendment of the United States constitution.

Less facetious reply:

Consequence of both the tend to 'therapeutic state' and legal liability. Female suffrage probably playing a fairly significant role here, I believe.

There's no biological imperative that men shouldn't be allowed to wear dresses, or makeup, or be considered submissive or cute.

Are you sure about that ? You think sexuality is entirely environmental, there are is no genetic component to it ?

That's bullshit.

The fundamental asymmetry between male and female genetic interests has been there essentially forever. Submissive men do exist, but they're more rare than the other way around.

And as to cute... ditto. Men aren't cute. You can try to 'consider' them cute, but that's the same level of as talking about feminine penises.

It probably wasn't Russians.

Looks like Americans, given that their naval assault ship was right on the spot this week.

However, just now Poland and supposedly also Bulgaria have asked all their citizens to leave Russia, so quite possibly it was done by Poles, who have capability. All you need is an unimpressive ROV and some explosives and timers.

As someone not enthusiastic by AI panopticon nonsense or humanity going extinct, I'm liking this new development as it makes it look like the great atomic cleansing is getting more likely. Given a good nuclear war, mankind may even survive the 21st century. Can't get replaced by AI and bots if your tech base is early 20th century.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs advises against all travel to the Russian Federation due to the war in Ukraine and the recognition of Poland by the Russian Federation authorities as an unfriendly state.

Attention is drawn to the suspension of direct flights between Poland and Russia and the very limited opportunities to travel to/from Poland, the lack of or extremely limited access to funds located in Poland (e.g., the inability to use Polish payment cards), as well as the actions of local services, such as arbitrary detentions, cell phone searches, and the potential impossibility of leaving Russia if one holds dual citizenship.

Due to the significantly reduced size of the Polish diplomatic and consular staff in Russia, the possibility of providing direct consular assistance to Polish citizens is very limited.

In the event of a drastic deterioration of the security situation, border closures or other unforeseen situations, evacuation may be significantly hampered or even impossible.

We recommend following the announcements on the Ministry's website and on the websites of Polish missions in Russia and reporting your stay in the "Odysseus" system.

We recommend Polish citizens remaining on the territory of the Russian Federation to leave its territory by available commercial and private means.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

The true extent of Chinese espionage in the US is only going to become apparent following the war.

If China doesn't have an extensive illegals program where it sent fake dissidents in the US to raise US born Chinese who could then get top secret clearances and get into the right places I'm a Mormon.

Obviously they do have it, and obviously US is not up to task to rooting this particular kind of spy out. Obviously even if they caught one it'd be kept quiet because no one wants a paranoid spy mania aimed at all the POC democrat voters and competent MIC personnel who thankfully aren't toxic white males.

I for one am very much happy to see the insufferable elitism of Europeans slowly being wiped off our collective smug faces. The uncouth and primitive barbarian across the ocean turned out to be smarter and harder-working all along.

The average European doesn't care or think about you at all. And rolls his eyes when told how much you lot work.

Which is good for you, if Europe understood America's role in its affairs, we'd get a few of our own bin Laden figures.

elitism coming from effete liberal Europeans laughing at obese, gun-toting and bible-thumpin' Americans

You ever heard about the yellow vests? How do you think they feel about their own 'elites', the people who tell them that instead of paying for gas they should buy an e-car ?

third world hellhole are convincing fewer by the day.

There are no places in Europe as dangerous as the heavily black US cities.

reddit-tier arguments

Your entire post is boo-outgroup, in this case railing against the type of European who has a Ukraine flag in bio and uses twitter.

They're largely not present here at all, hence I'm calling the target seletion for your screed into question.

That is, it is our world when all the bad things are solved - war, sickness, poverty, greed and so on.

War ? War is what created man and what created civilization.

We'd be nothing but bugs without war.

The suffering modern man experiences because he has been deprived of war and struggle is rather evident.

War destroys lies, reveals all the cards. It's truly horrible but like most others, we are a horrible species and pretending otherwise is useless in the face of historical record.

You can't even find insects that hunt cooperatively.

Ukraine isn't getting the most powerful stuff NATO has.

They're giving UA everything good it can possibly use.

Tanks and planes would just get wasted because Ukraine armed forces aren't really competent. According to some of the people fighting there, they're about as incompetent as Russia, with a few good formations but mostly it's bad.

Link is a talk where some Australian veteran who's fighting over there is almost succeeding in making the podcaster cry. Not sure why - it's mostly a honest look at Wagner (competent, well equipped ruthless bastards, apparently 'near peer' according to the Aus soldier), Ukraine army -apart from certain brigades, almost as bad as Russian but less well equipped, corrupt, prone to wasting lives by the hundred in senseless attacks by green formations, Ukrainian government (almost afghanistan tier corruption), western aid (given without regard to effectiveness).

The artillery given to UA is fairly good, especially HIMARs, which together with the spy satellite data was probably some of the most help Ukraine got.

But too little. It's really notable that America, once the world's most industrialised nation can't even scrape up a thousand good self-propelled howitzers for Ukraine, or enough spotting drones and ammunition.

In my view, 50/50 he has committed criminal sexual acts. He posted a lot of very edgy jokes on Twitter.

And logic dictates when you put someone somewhere to censor content, you want someone who will be easy to handle, hence, a guy whom you know to be a nonce is the logical choice.

Meanwhile, FBI has about 16 ex* employees working at Twitter in various senior positions.

*I'm not sure people ever 'leave' such agencies, same way as people never really leave the Mob without disappearing entirely.

Seriously- mass shootings are pretty much all young males with no male role to fill.

It's almost always narcissism and rage, not lack of a role.

People who don't know what to do just stagnate, they don't lash out and kill random people.

The most likely theory I've seen is the one that claims he is secretly part of a media initiative of a pro-Israeli influence group, supposedly the one connected to the Daily Wire.

That'd explain why he's so prominent and getting high profile guests despite lacking charisma and being very fake..

And a tool to bring identity to a wide swath of internet activity is a pretty nice weapon to leave around waiting for someone to be tempted by it.

A wide swath of internet activity we could really do without entirely without suffering any harmful effects whatsoever, in all likelihood.

People and teens especially had more sex when porn wasn't really available that much.

I just love these takes.

And I'm gonna love them even more when Chinese flip Canada and US annexes it and y'all are going to be like "Canada as a Chinese ally - that was a legitimate security concern of the United States" totally not like Ukraine which was brazen terrorism.

If you go by the blank slate HBD ignorant view, sure. EU beats Africa and those parts of the 3rd world that have inherently disadvantaged populations.

Does EU beat e.g. east Asian countries or other places with similarly capable human capital?

No. It doesn't.

I'm not watching the films until using generative AI someone fixes that. Fremen not being a single race after spending thousands of years isolated on a planet with no caste system of their own is ludicrous.

Also Zendaya has to go. It's not that she's half black, it's that she's actually ugly. Incomprehensible casting decision.

A choice imposed on Europe by USA. Not much of a choice, really.

No one cared about Ukraine in NATO in Europe. Every major EU country was against it. Americans pushed it through in 2008.

Yet here we are.

Getting ever chummier wiith a stupid decaying empire that is angling for a air/naval war with a country that has 230x the shipbuilding capability and many times the industrial production and actual industrial policies.

NATO was now supposed to be in Japan, too.. I can't see it as anything else but US conspiring to get Europe involved in a future war.


Here too, there is no dirigible trajectory mapped out ahead of time. Cultural values which valorize physical male violence and facilitate its coordination at scale will become the dominant paradigm purely as a result of the circumstances' ruthless logic. Any deviation from this set of values would lead your tribe towards extinction, which accidentally also meant your bards wouldn't be around to write songs and poems extolling the virtues of sex equality. At least not until there have been an extensive change in circumstance.

That is not accidental.

It naturally follows from biology. Not an accident, intrinsic to nature of terrestrial life, and probably most others too due to physical laws. Energy on a planetary scale always comes from the sun, which makes holding territory to harvest energy from it crucial, and you're back to unfashionable map-painting.

You could say it's "accidental" if you were sure the existence of this universe and its physical laws is accidental, but that's not an answerable question.

extolling the virtues of sex equality. At least not until there have been an extensive change in circumstance.

So far sex equality has resulted in a unsustainable birth rates in the parts of the population that reject it, so perhaps by "extensive change in circumstance" you also mean "changing innate human psychology" so that women are less likely to transfer their maternal impulses on cute animals and such.

Honestly, I'm a bit suspicious of you. No, morality isn't 'accidental', and painting it as such makes me guess the person saying "it's accidental" has their own untested, untried, pie-in-the-sky morality they'd like to impose on others.

He also apparently had a successful career as a ML researcher before that.

Did he? I'd check first, maybe check what ML people say on him. His MIT affiliation is .. suspect..

He doesn't have a degree from there. He teaches an unimpressive, low profile course there.

Much about the guy screams 'fraud'. Starting e.g. with his profile picture.

He's widely detested for being a huge bore, asking plain bad questions yet being inexplicably popular.

People (mostly RW, but also Greenwald) suspect he has some inexplicable algorithmic favor.

Maybe Lex, being a clever and driven status seeker figured how to do that. Beats being just another overworked techie with no status and more money than he has time to spend, I guess.

Or it could be that the reason algorithm smiles on him is that he's part of the 'containment'.

That's a theory I've mostly seen Neema Parvini push - that IDW and various seemingly dissident influencers / intellectuals like e.g. Peterson, Eric Weinstein, Bari Weiss cooperate with the less insane parts of the ruling regime. That is, they're part of a show, earning goodwill by standing up for common sense, goodwill they'd use to help smash any actual challenge to the system.

It's not that they're totally fake, or don't have things worth saying, just that they're deemed reliable enough. E.g. Peterson has a lot of interesting things to say, but he's quite shallow on history* and very much lives inside the Boomer moral universe.

Beattie on the IDW:

Here I describe the IDW two-step to Noor bin Laden. They earn your trust with “boys have penises girls have vaginas”… then when you’re hooked they shove establishment line on all else

*I don't remember what it was but I physically cringed listening to him explaing something about 20th century European history. Basically a an American schoolkid's version of it.

Electric cars might exists without him but he sped it up.

Electric cars are shit. They're bloody expensive, have shit range, are massive fire hazards and the infrastructure to transmit the enormous amounts of energy they use them doesn't bloody exist. Something like doubling grid transmission needed.

Meanwhile, the option for 'energy independence' for europoors was always there. Very simple, mine the fucking brown coal you have tons of, make synthetic gasoline out of it. Worked for the Wehrmacht, worked for Southern Africa, would have worked for Europe. Or if you want to be fancy, use nuclear reactors, get hydrogen through thermal decomposition of water and combine it with carbon from plastic waste and biomass.

Trying to 'save the planet' by crippling your own economy while India and China and anyone else who can is busy rolling out massive amounts of coal power stations while trying to shake you down for 'climate funds' is a mug's game. You could easily prepare for 'massive warming' by doing R&D and preparation for sulphates injection, and if India or China objects tell them to STFU and point meaningfully at their emissions.

Meanwhile, I suspect there's going to be retreat from electric cars because everyone is going to get poor, and the absolute deluded cucks who keep mandating them (in EU, the 'tards in Brussels) are going to get ran out of a town on a rail due to their manifold failures.