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joined 2022 September 08 22:22:12 UTC

Underemployed Slav. Likes playing Factorio.

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User ID: 1042



1 follower   follows 7 users   joined 2022 September 08 22:22:12 UTC


Underemployed Slav. Likes playing Factorio.


User ID: 1042

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The true extent of Chinese espionage in the US is only going to become apparent following the war.

If China doesn't have an extensive illegals program where it sent fake dissidents in the US to raise US born Chinese who could then get top secret clearances and get into the right places I'm a Mormon.

Obviously they do have it, and obviously US is not up to task to rooting this particular kind of spy out. Obviously even if they caught one it'd be kept quiet because no one wants a paranoid spy mania aimed at all the POC democrat voters and competent MIC personnel who thankfully aren't toxic white males.

I for one am very much happy to see the insufferable elitism of Europeans slowly being wiped off our collective smug faces. The uncouth and primitive barbarian across the ocean turned out to be smarter and harder-working all along.

The average European doesn't care or think about you at all. And rolls his eyes when told how much you lot work.

Which is good for you, if Europe understood America's role in its affairs, we'd get a few of our own bin Laden figures.

elitism coming from effete liberal Europeans laughing at obese, gun-toting and bible-thumpin' Americans

You ever heard about the yellow vests? How do you think they feel about their own 'elites', the people who tell them that instead of paying for gas they should buy an e-car ?

third world hellhole are convincing fewer by the day.

There are no places in Europe as dangerous as the heavily black US cities.

reddit-tier arguments

Your entire post is boo-outgroup, in this case railing against the type of European who has a Ukraine flag in bio and uses twitter.

They're largely not present here at all, hence I'm calling the target seletion for your screed into question.

That is, it is our world when all the bad things are solved - war, sickness, poverty, greed and so on.

War ? War is what created man and what created civilization.

We'd be nothing but bugs without war.

The suffering modern man experiences because he has been deprived of war and struggle is rather evident.

War destroys lies, reveals all the cards. It's truly horrible but like most others, we are a horrible species and pretending otherwise is useless in the face of historical record.

You can't even find insects that hunt cooperatively.

I'm not watching the films until using generative AI someone fixes that. Fremen not being a single race after spending thousands of years isolated on a planet with no caste system of their own is ludicrous.

Also Zendaya has to go. It's not that she's half black, it's that she's actually ugly. Incomprehensible casting decision.

A choice imposed on Europe by USA. Not much of a choice, really.

No one cared about Ukraine in NATO in Europe. Every major EU country was against it. Americans pushed it through in 2008.

Yet here we are.

Getting ever chummier wiith a stupid decaying empire that is angling for a air/naval war with a country that has 230x the shipbuilding capability and many times the industrial production and actual industrial policies.

NATO was now supposed to be in Japan, too.. I can't see it as anything else but US conspiring to get Europe involved in a future war.


Here too, there is no dirigible trajectory mapped out ahead of time. Cultural values which valorize physical male violence and facilitate its coordination at scale will become the dominant paradigm purely as a result of the circumstances' ruthless logic. Any deviation from this set of values would lead your tribe towards extinction, which accidentally also meant your bards wouldn't be around to write songs and poems extolling the virtues of sex equality. At least not until there have been an extensive change in circumstance.

That is not accidental.

It naturally follows from biology. Not an accident, intrinsic to nature of terrestrial life, and probably most others too due to physical laws. Energy on a planetary scale always comes from the sun, which makes holding territory to harvest energy from it crucial, and you're back to unfashionable map-painting.

You could say it's "accidental" if you were sure the existence of this universe and its physical laws is accidental, but that's not an answerable question.

extolling the virtues of sex equality. At least not until there have been an extensive change in circumstance.

So far sex equality has resulted in a unsustainable birth rates in the parts of the population that reject it, so perhaps by "extensive change in circumstance" you also mean "changing innate human psychology" so that women are less likely to transfer their maternal impulses on cute animals and such.

Honestly, I'm a bit suspicious of you. No, morality isn't 'accidental', and painting it as such makes me guess the person saying "it's accidental" has their own untested, untried, pie-in-the-sky morality they'd like to impose on others.

Cheap food, cheap hookers, what's not to love?

The climate ? That it's populated by brown people who see you as a bipedal wallet ? That it's full of obnoxious tourists ?

There's a solution, but you wouldn't like it.

Create a movement that wishes to see the world dangerous again.

Create a doctrine that attracts people and abhors the managerial regime. Patiently disrupt services through least legally risky forms of sabotage.

Once things come tumbling down, actual serious hardship is real, there's anarchy, people will form communities. Or die, bit the survival drive of most people is strong.

There's no reason for community if what the omnipresent state can't give you isn't something the market can either sell you directly or provide you with an inferior substitute of.

as a child I happily consumed plenty of "age-inappropriate" material with absolutely no negative ramifications,

Well, count yourself lucky. (that is, if you know you can count yourself lucky. Do you wake up with morning erections regularly, like you should at your age ? No problems having sex ? No problems with anhedonia, lack of motivation, flat emotions ?)

Tens of millions of people aren't.

Well, consider me blackpilled and my motivation to learn Russian increasing by 20%. Most of it is identification, which is pathetic.

What are the numbers on homosexual behavior in Europe?

Really hard to find, google scholar is absolutely swamped with STI cases when I try to search for it. Found this but it's not very helpful with absurd ranges etc.


HIV is lower though, apart from Russia where it spreads a lot among addicts.


They say the Jews are smart:

The offer was first made by British Colonial Secretary Joseph Chamberlain to Theodore Herzl's Zionist group in 1903. He offered 5,000 square miles (13,000 km2) of the Mau Escarpment in what is today Kenya. The offer was a response to pogroms in the Russian Empire, and it was hoped the area could be a refuge from persecution for the Jewish people.

Its high elevation gave it a temperate climate, making it suitable for European settlement. However, the observers found a dangerous land filled with lions and other creatures. Moreover, it was populated by a large number of Maasai people, who did not seem at all amenable to an influx of people coming from Europe.

It's inexplicable what happened, and to me it seems it must have been deliberate negligence on party of Israeli military and security services.

Damn. I guess it's good there are gay people doing good work. Makes me tolerate them more. Now I have one more to appreciate. BAP's pretty good and Gaider has done truly excellent work in gaming and game modding too. (iirc a lot of these mods were by him).

There's also a War Thunder playing gay furry who's both an excellent player and not .. weird. E.g. if he didn't have a fox pfp and people hadn't wheedled a statement out of him, you'd not know he's one.

People really need to keep their sexuality private. No clue why they don't.

There, I said it. America isn't perfect, but it is the best in the world.

If you define best by combination of 'business opportunity/ materiál riches', yes, America is best in the world. If you're a smart, canny person who wants to make a huge pile of money, you're better off in US.

If you went by say, life outcomes for the median person, developed places in Europe or East Asia are far better.

You guys have had a million die from drug overdoses in the last decade. You have crazy crime rates, life expectancy declining, people afraid to be in public.

Your fatal OD rate is 20x EU.


We know the IQ pretty much varies with white admixture.

So, it's not environmental.

The best thing the US could do with such a spy is hire them into a top secret program designed specifically to feed bullshit to the Chinese.

a) something like that has never happened. Disinfo was usually fed through agents who were turned. You can pass disinfo onto an unwitting agent, but no way you could have an entire program.

b) US spooks just aren't very good at the moment, so, unlikely.

Also, I do not find the link between Ashkenazi intelligence and antisemitism all that plausible. The traditional antisemitic trope of Jews is them being shrewd manipulators, which is not exactly the same as being smart.

There's a long running tradition of certain anti-semitic right-wing types trying to discredit Ashkenazi IQ scores. (Vox Day, more recently some youtuber. No idea what neonazis do, but probably the same.

Most recently, the otherwise pretty good Neema Parvini jumped onto that bandwagon and claims the studies that show it are all invalid because low sample size, yada yada. I'm guessing it must be strategic on his part, Parvini is a very widely read scholar.

How to other perennial problems disappear when a threshold of technology makes something possible, how does this solve energy problems, global warming? Is it just luxury, lifestyle practices akin to luxury beliefs?

Global warming isn't a 'real' problem. It's a grift by climatologists, aiding a bigger grift by money that seeks to use the hammer of environmental laws to get even more money. There's no risk of people dying out or giant environmental catastrophes. Whatever changes may occur absolutely pale in comparison with e.g. ice ages and such. In fact, we're overdue an ice age, it'd be rather funny if we eventually found out we must do some warming to prevent a new one.

And yes, most problems would disappear if people were smarter. Nuclear power, for example, could get us 100x of our current energy production at zero carbon use. And if the median IQ was 150, running all those reactors wouldn't really be a problem.

No favorite holiday. I do not care for any of them.

I feel a bit sad that I'm almost entirely isolated from 'society' on this. The only thing I have in common with plurality of population is that I appreciate law & order and being polite. I deeply value groups and friendships, but I have no tribal feelings, it's like that instinctual part of humanity is missing from me entirely.

As I love fireworks, close-hitting thunder and artillery fire. Holidays don't feature these. I consider every great storm directly overhead a minor holiday and always enjoy listening to it.

So I care for no holidays, I have no religion, I feel little kinship with my fellow Slovaks, even less for Czechs among whom I hide, there are no communities I could work to join. Were I to get a stroke and find God I'd probably end up in some serious orthodox church as I'm in a 95% agreement with them on behavioral norms. Very much enjoyed talking to a priest from such a group while signing a petition against the Istanbul treaty. He seemed a lot like me. Mindful of the gravity of the problem, serious yet also had a sense of humor. But, Christians aren't my people. God doesn't know me, I don't know God. ....

There is no God but Evolution and she cares nothing at all for us and ťhat is how it is and probably must be for our own good, for we are imperfect rationalising, not rational animals and can't function without getting periodically brutalised by reality. I know I can't, I observe empires can't do, companies can't manage either. Seems like a law of nature, no?

We always fight against the cold cruelty of nature and every victory of ours leaves us weaker and worse off. Few seem to understand this at the meta level, so in modernity we go from blunder to blunder and become ever more cringe with each generation.

What holidays could someone like me appreciate?

I've examined my soul and found out I'd not care at all had Germans won the war and replaced Slovak with German, or had Hungarians succeeded in extirpating Slovak language. Why should I feel anything there? Tribal identity is an essentially meaningless marker here, the cultural differences between Germans, Hungarians and Slovaks are rather small. Would the world be worse off for missing one tiny slavic language 90% of whose speakers were usually alcoholic, frequently wife-beating and typically petty subsistence farmers ?

Do you think any of these protests was attended by more than a few hundred people ?

Well..schizophrenics are not particularly violent.

An average white schizophrenic is about 10x* as likely to harm another person than a random white person.

Whether in blacks this is multiplied with their basic 10x homicidal propensity is unknown to me..

*According to data on a Finnish sample of 1500 homicides of which 90 were committed by schizophrenics..

Season 2 wasn't mediocre.

I'd argue the reason it wasn't appreciated was that following the plot was mildly taxing on me, and I'm somewhere in the upper 10% of whites cognitively. Repeatedly had to stop and explain the plot to my dad, who has the equivalent of a PhD. But is face blind and not that young. The story is just too complex for a normal person, and they get confused. I really liked it. Really makes you appreciate your own life too.

Season 3 was good but not great. I guessed at the trajectory the show would take with a black protagonist and then ending.

Critics were calling it the best season of True Detective since season 1; some were even saying it was better than season 1. With these very lofty expectations, I watched the show as it was released, week by week.

Were you being sarcastic or have you truly not noticed they're going to rate bad shows highly if the politics are right? This has been going on for years by now. At least 5, maybe 7.

Who would stop them?

You think Hezbollah could stage a successful land invasion against Israel?

Or that Egypt would give it one more go despite knowing that even if they succeeded in breaking through, they'd just get their victorious troops neutron bombed?

Most parroting the 115 IQ myth.

Oh, you're in the camp that the 70 odd Jewish kids in the absolutely random Wisconsin study of 6000 school kids were carefully selected so their polygenic risk scores would 'bolster' the 'myth' of Jews being somewhat smarter on average ?

Good luck. At some point, we're going to get bigger studies, and what then ?

The war in Ukraine is strong evidence that manpower will continue to matter in war.

People underestimate the ease with which large manufacturers like e.g. e-car makers could turn out million-strong robot armies once there's a good design.

Let's not get into what absolute craziness it'd be if you had bomb-chucking autonomous drones that'd fly to a supply truck, take a small bomb, swap battery, fly back & toss bomb accurately at a target and repeat.

Once you take out air defense cannons, which by necessity are >500kg and more and need engines, the enemy is extremely dead.