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joined 2022 September 08 22:22:12 UTC

Underemployed Slav. Likes playing Factorio.

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User ID: 1042



1 follower   follows 7 users   joined 2022 September 08 22:22:12 UTC


Underemployed Slav. Likes playing Factorio.


User ID: 1042

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Fairly good apart from the final paragraph, which ignores the 21st century entirely.

Absent AI, it'd be a reasonable proposition to advance. With how crucial and attractive AI is in a world of diminishing talent, it's mostly laughable.

One can't rule success at creating 'aligned' AI which would allow perpetuation of current situation by letting the elite exhibit almost perfect control over society.

Technology will soon arrive to obsolete what little productive role capital has in the same way technology obsoleted labor 100 years ago

That's some level of wishful thinking, really.

No, technology is arriving that's going to make labor wholly irrelevant by replacing it with 'service fees' for AI, and capital completely dominant.

Relatedly, the author's questions re: causation also seem important, though I have no idea where to even begin answering that.

I believe he must be lying for some reason. He can't be that blind.

Where causation flows from is rather easy to understand if you're multilingual like me and you read Steve Sailer skewering latest NYT bullshit, and then open your mom's weekly magazine next week and there it is: NYT's bullshit, packaged differently.

I even pointed this out on twitter to one of the provincial magazine editors, and I got a like for it from the editor.

"Respekt magazine is great when you want to read what WaPo or NYT wrote last week".

I wasn't considering 'Yud Doom' scenario either - I don't think it's that likely because Yud just makes so many weird assumptions that the whole thing starts to look like an apocalyptic cult thinking.

What I had in mind is that people are going to make a mess out of AI, so there are going to be unaligned AIs, or at least enough AIs aligned to enough differing interests that we avoid the doom a world government would be.

No clue. I think I've seen one or two, but mostly I've noticed georgioz who's Slovak.

A good look at the picture I'm using here will reveal roughly what the answer is.

Nutrition isn’t a serious barrier, so what’s your excuse?

Given what sort of world the 'natural' world is - one full of parasitism, predation, want and consequent suffering, I don't believe we have any special duty to be merciful and trying to be unduly concerned with reducing suffering. As it is, we're reducing suffering by destroying natural ecosystems.

However, I'd support ending factory farming just because it'd make food more expensive.

Really though, reducing suffering by ending factory farming is like trying to make sea less salty by pissing into it.

Also, what you outlined is a fair bit of work.

Then you have to train yourself to eat weird things, instead of perfectly natural things like megafauna meat.

and generally seem to result in poor health outcomes,

That's definitely not the meat, but the caloric excess, sugar and probably also seed oils that lead to unfavorable omega fatty acid ratios.

Nutritional research is extremely shoddy,and healthfulness of vegan diets is only in comparison with people who do not care much at all about what they eat - random loser diet. If you compare health conscious meat eaters and vegetarians, you get nothing really, or better health in meat eaters.

You can find a general overview and link to such here:


He means that in a situation of economic decline and political turmoil, times you can reasonably expect following the defeat of the United States in WW3 and the end of the dollar as a reserve currency, you won't be able to get all the fancy things you eat to have a nutritionally complete diet.

Meanwhile, he'd probably be fine unless times got really tough.

I really, really doubt that's the case.

Americans pay very little for food compared to their incomes.

Note the blood red countries that are much poorer, such as Poland, Czech Republic etc.


I've heard it said, as an aside, from someone who wasn't in the habit of making stuff up that his virology prof said making cancer-causing viruses is scarily simple. Of course, whether the cancer-causing part would survive optimization for spread in the wild is an open question..

I fail to see the mechanism for how this end of the world scenario happens.

People keep trying to assemble these LLMs into systems capable of pursuing a task, not just responding to prompts.

If they succeed at that, people are going to keep making such AI systems to avoid paying wages.

You're eventually going to be able to replace people in all sectors of the economy. (lot of progress going on with physical bots too)

Once economy is mostly automated, people stop being critical but become more of a nuisance with not much redeeming value to elites, who of course control the AI systems and look down on losers who don't own anything and are of no use and are eyesores.

Competition makes elites develop ever more capable AI agents able to self modify in pursuit of self until at some point people make something independent minded that's both psychopathic and rather too smart. It decides people are a nuisance, usurps control of other less sophisticated AI systems, kills most everyone via biowarfare and has a planet for itself.

Nowhere near a certain scenario, but I find the idea that people pursuing state power or business advantage doing things they don't really understand rather certain.

It's dilemma. Either be too personal or just eat the downvotes.

I'll eat the downvotes, I guess.

That's the hope.

Very online zoomers and gen X who know nothing, sure.. but is it the same for mainstream democrats who remember the 1980s and earlier eras ?

You sure it wouldn't ? Married people in the Us all vote red, if they had just 50% extra votes, or 100% extra votes, that would change things up very much in the US.

Weren't the margins in many states on the order of single digit percents ?

Well..schizophrenics are not particularly violent.

An average white schizophrenic is about 10x* as likely to harm another person than a random white person.

Whether in blacks this is multiplied with their basic 10x homicidal propensity is unknown to me..

*According to data on a Finnish sample of 1500 homicides of which 90 were committed by schizophrenics..

You could be smart about it and just use TOR. Keeping records there isn't as straightforward, and it'd be really interesting to know if feds somehow connected years old posts to a certain IP.

Chokehold isn't the same thing as choking. He wasn't choking him outright, supposedly the incident took 15 minutes.

I guess he messed up, although it's just possible like St. Floyd with his drug habit and severe heart issues, Neely just wasn't a healthy guy due to being a homeless drug abuser.

We might learn something from the autopsy perhaps.

One of two individuals, one of whom was apparently from the board of WPATH and responsible for ~2k sex reassignment procedures.

Specifically, the individual said that in 'her' experience children who were put on puberty blockers before Tanner stage 2 can never orgasm.


multiple studies (not to mention countless anecdotes) contradicting it.

You're free to provide links to such.

By and large, progressive intellectuals and activists are not interested in being permanent rebels, they want to be the people making decisions at the end of the day.

That's where next generation of rebels come in. You can't have a permanent revolution changing things toward the ideal society if you let one generation think it got it exactly right.

It's the struggle that matters - that's the only thing.

Dammit, that's where the phrase is from.

Not really. I lost my thin duvet after taking it out during summer, and have done with duvet cover topped with 1-2 fuzzy blankets since, depending on the temperature. (no blankets in summer, 1 in fall/spring, 2 in winter).

Sometimes there's a little bunching but I've never woken up due to cold. It probably helps that I roll myself in all three layers by using side to side movements to get the edges underneath my body, in effect making something like a sleeping bag.

..few people seem to even be willing to use the name anymore.

It's been heavily associated with mentally unwell people who belong into cw threads...


No, just transhumanism. From one side, WEF people like Harari are making it cringe with their powerpoint control-freak fantasies of perfect control.

From the other side, you have trads and anyone else disgusted with the WEF agenda using the word as a 'generic purpose slur' for anyone who has problems with human nature as it exists and hopes to be allowed to improve it.


That means someting quite different, no ?